Cabernet . bright orange . Peugeot . intense . obscenely overpaid . Germans . benzodiazepine . EXPLETIVE . Freddie Mercury . ;) (a smiley)
Example. For this example, look only at "Related by context", not at "Related by string". Click on Cabernet and you'll see red wines, but also (as the 10th word) "chardonnay". The list for chardonnay contains many white wines, but also "sparkling wine". Go on to sparkling wine and you'll find "champagnes" and "Prosecco".
Example: "Alcatraz". Click on <A>, then on <Al>, then on <Alc>, then on <Alca>, then on <Alcat>. You are now on the page "Words starting with <Alcat>" and the fifth word from the bottom is Alcatraz.
Here are the most important one-character prefixes. The rest is at the bottom of this page.
. <#> . <$> . <%> . <&> . <'> . <*> . <+> . <,> . <-> . <.> . </> . <0> . <1> . <2> . <3> . <4> . <5> . <6> . <7> . <8> . <9> . <:> . <;> . <=> . <@> . <A> . <B> . <C> . <D> . <E> . <F> . <G> . <H> . <I> . <J> . <K> . <L> . <M> . <N> . <O> . <P> . <Q> . <R> . <S> . <T> . <U> . <V> . <W> . <X> . <Y> . <Z> . <^> . <`> . <a> . <b> . <c> . <d> . <e> . <f> . <g> . <h> . <i> . <j> . <k> . <l> . <m> . <n> . <o> . <p> . <q> . <r> . <s> . <t> . <u> . <v> . <w> . <x> . <y> . <z> . <~>
In the first part of the page, after "Related by string", you will find words that have similar substrings, e.g., words that contain similar constituent words.
Example. Go to Snow Leopard, the Apple operating system. In the "Related by string" section, there are links to the big cat snow leopard, to constitutent words of the phrase "Snow Leopard" such as snow and to phrases that "Snow Leopard" is a constituent of like Snow Leopard compatibility.
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@misc{schutze17nena, author = {Hinrich Sch{\"u}tze}, year = 2017, title = {({Google}) {News} {Embedding} {NAvigator} ({NENA})}, howpublished = {}, }