Billy Tauzin R

Related by string. * Billys . billy . BILLY : MY ANSWER BILLY GRAHAM . Billy Goat Curse . Billy Goat curse . Billy Talent . GM Billy Beane . Billy Butler / : WJ Billy Tauzin . Rep. WJ Tauzin . Representative Billy Tauzin . Billy Tauzin III . Rep. Billy Tauzin . Congressman Billy Tauzin / red . Rs . R. . Rd . ring : Rs #.# [005] . Bill Frist R Tenn . R Ind . RED FLAG WARNING WHICH . MS RD * Billy Tauzin R-La. *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 72 Mary Landrieu D 68 Rep. Billy Tauzin 60 Darrell Issa R 60 R-La. 60 Zoe Lofgren D Calif 58 Doc Hastings R 58 Barbara Boxer D Calif 58 Fred Upton R-Mich. 58 Herb Kohl D Wis 57 Tauzin 57 Henry Waxman D Calif 56 Henry Waxman D-Calif. 56 Kit Bond R 55 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 55 Baca D Calif 55 Tom Lantos D Calif 55 Lucas R Okla 55 Bart Stupak D Mich 54 Rep. Jim McCrery 54 Silvestre Reyes 53 Chairman Henry Waxman 53 Rep. Charles Boustany 53 D Napoleonville 53 Howard Berman D-Calif. 53 Oversight Subcommittee 52 Oprah Maria Shriver 52 Waxman D Calif 52 Ken Salazar D Colo 52 Blanche Lincoln D 52 Chairman Bob Filner 52 Mike Michot 52 Pete Domenici RN.M. 52 L. Landrieu 52 Saxby Chambliss R 52 John Dingell D-Mich. 51 Billy Tauzin 51 Chairwoman Barbara Boxer 51 Barbara Mikulski D Md 51 Orrin G. 51 Ron Wyden D 51 Carper D 51 John Hainkel 51 Jeff Flake R Ariz 51 Steve Scalise 51 Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee 51 Reps. Henry Waxman 50 Rep. Henry Waxman 50 By Marni Pyke 50 Sen. Mary Landrieu 50 Russ Feingold D Wis 50 Claire McCaskill D 50 Juan Hinojosa 50 AP Showbiz Minute 50 Rep. Charlie Melancon 50 Johnny Isakson R 50 Jeff Bingaman DN.M. 50 Charles Boustany 50 By Marty Maciaszek 49 By Bob Susnjara 49 Chairman Bennie Thompson 49 6th Dist 49 Carl Levin D Mich 49 Jim Bunning R Ky 49 Corey Boles Of 49 Terry R Neb 49 David Vitter 49 BY STEVE KORTE 49 Rep. Rick Gallot 49 Elton Gallegly 49 Bob Filner 49 Christopher Shays R 48 BY ELIZABETH DONALD 48 Jeff Bingaman 48 Sens. Mary Landrieu 48 BY DEAN CRIDDLE 48 By Christopher Rocchio 48 Manuel Balce Ceneta File 48 Ed Markey D-Mass. 48 Jon Kyl R Ariz 48 A. Waxman D-Calif. 48 Jr. D-Mich. 48 By Marc Meneaud 48 Harry Hamburg 48 Mike Enzi R Wyo 48 Edward Markey D-Mass. 48 Clemens Chuck Knoblauch 48 Kyl R Ariz 47 BY SCOTT WUERZ 47 Investigations Subcommittee 47 Thad Cochran R 47 By Nigel Kerton 47 Sen. Jay Dardenne 47 Dianne Feinstein D Calif 47 Minority Whip Roy Blunt 47 By Alexandra Barham 47 editor 47 Norm Coleman R 47 BY MARIA BARAN 47 Mike Walsworth 47 By Manisha Mistry 47 Shelby R Ala

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