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Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 74 Buoyed 67 boosted 65 buoyed 61 bolstered 59 Backed 58 Helped 54 underpinned 52 Driven 52 spurred 51 fueled 50 Supported 49 Led 49 Inspired 47 boosts 46 aided 46 propelled 45 augmented 44 Boosts 44 Amid 43 thanks 43 boost 43 partly offset 43 Powered 42 Boost 42 boosting 42 overshadowed 42 complemented 41 evidenced 41 coupled 41 Amidst 40 Following 40 sparked 40 benefited 40 Increased 40 Coupled 39 dampened 39 Improved 38 Thanks 38 Funded 38 spurring 38 capped 37 Contributing 37 Facing 37 Steady 37 Surging 37 Headed 37 parlayed 37 bolstering 37 Continued 37 driven 36 Including 36 +#.# % [003] 36 unfazed 36 dwarfed 36 outstripped 36 bolsters 36 outpacing 36 benefiting 36 greeted 36 Hopes 36 Huge 36 Surrounded 36 With 36 triggered 36 Improving 36 surged 36 Ahead 36 stoked 36 Despite 35 Announced 35 sapped 35 Combined 35 Strong 35 Expects 35 Judging 35 soared 35 benefitted 35 tempered 35 Increasing 35 Impressive 35 reinvigorated 35 outpaced 35 punctuated 35 Widespread 35 RTT Staff Writer 35 eclipsed 35 offset 34 Highlights 34 bolster 34 partially offset 34 Combining 34 spurs 34 Add 34 Guided 34 supplemented 34 catapulted 34 capitalizing 34 Alongside 33 followed 33 Hit 33 propelling

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