Related by string. * * *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 55 Abstinence Education 55 Senate 54 federally funded 53 abstinence 52 Recreational Trails Program 51 levy equalization 51 Teacher Incentive 51 Disability Lifeline 51 State Fiscal Stabilization 51 CSBG 51 Block Grants 50 Federally funded 50 DSH payments 50 Omnibus Appropriations Bill 49 Career Ladder 49 Gaining Early 49 EECBG 49 ARKids First 49 RTTT 48 CalWorks 48 Opportunity Scholarships 48 Teen Pregnancy Prevention 48 KidsCare 48 funding 48 ATTAIN 48 NCCAM 48 TS Mills Faraudo 48 Parental Involvement 48 CalWORKs 48 TO COMMENT 47 NJ FamilyCare 47 MEDICAID 47 TANF 47 SAVE AND 47 Prekindergarten 47 SAMHSA 47 HB1 47 Matching Grant 47 FMAP 47 maximum Pell Grant 47 fitball courses 47 Early Head Start 47 Services IMLS 46 TANF recipients 46 Voucher Program 46 Block Grant 46 NBPTS 46 CoverKids 46 unobligated 46 PEPFAR 46 CDBG 46 Crist vetoed 46 Continuing Resolution 46 ENROLLMENT 46 Ecolab delivers 46 grants 46 Golden LEAF Foundation 46 Pell Grants 46 Consolidated Appropriations 45 Head Start 45 Block Grant CDBG 45 Healthy Families 45 Improvement Grants 45 Pell grants 45 McGovern Dole 45 extramural research 45 Stipend 45 legislatively mandated 45 Offering Pilates 45 Proposition 1E 45 YouCut 45 Supplemental Educational 45 Stimulate Competitive Research 45 Biomass Crop Assistance Program 45 SIECUS 45 SCHIP 45 #st Century Scholars 45 House 45 MAEP 45 Pell Grant 45 Supportive Services 44 SUBSIDIES 44 #-# biennium [001] 44 Tuition Assistance Program 44 #GB FireWire Ext 44 #-# biennium [002] 44 Safe Schools 44 Q Comp 44 Dickey Wicker Amendment 44 Congestion Mitigation 44 biennium 44 Proposition 1D 44 HIV prevention 44 Program EQIP 44 QTDP 44 Healthy Marriage 44 LCHIP 44 CVCS 44 BTOP 44 Opportunity Scholarship 44 VAWA

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