
Related by string. * * failure averse Carafano . James Carafano . James Jay Carafano . James Carafano homeland *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 53 Michael O'Hanlon 51 Cordesman 49 Stephen Biddle 47 Scheuer 47 Chertoff 45 Zinni 44 Anthony Cordesman 43 Rumsfeld 43 Bruce Riedel 42 pre-#/# 42 Podhoretz 42 Loren Thompson 42 Abizaid 42 Bacevich 42 DOD 42 Schoomaker 41 Nagl 41 counterterrorism 41 Petraeus 41 Homeland Security 41 Aftergood 41 Feith 41 homeland security 40 Mica R Fla 40 Trippler 40 RUMSFELD 40 Pentagon 40 Gen. Petraeus 39 Helmke 39 Charles Krauthammer 39 Odierno 39 Korb 39 Panetta 39 Gen Petraeus 39 Paller 39 post-#/# [001] 39 DoD 38 Holtz Eakin 38 counterintelligence 38 Bipartisan Policy Center 38 Renuart 38 Castelveter 38 Brzezinski 38 Budgetary Assessments 38 counterinsurgency 38 Riedel 38 irregular warfare 38 Michael Osterholm 38 bioterror 38 Osterholm 38 Brookings Institution 38 Navy Lt. Cmdr 37 Beinart 37 insurgencies 37 Marburger 37 Bleier 37 Barry McCaffrey 37 warfighting 37 Knocke 37 Talat Masood 37 Logsdon 37 Spencer Ackerman 37 RUSSERT 37 McConnell R Ky 37 DNI 37 Homeland Security Secretary 37 Di Rita 37 D Del 36 Teal Group 36 Murtha 36 Aboulafia 36 RAY SUAREZ 36 Cloonan 36 36 neoconservatives 36 Mustafa Alani 36 Arkin 36 McClellan 36 Strock 36 GAO 36 Winkenwerder 36 Concord Coalition 36 CBO 36 Barno 36 congressionally mandated 36 Donald Rumsfeld 36 Allawi 36 Heritage Foundation 36 counter terrorism 36 RS.C. 36 CIA 36 Michael Chertoff 35 Haass 35 Michael Scheuer 35 THE VICE PRESIDENT 35 Warner R Va 35 GWOT 35 Hagel 35 Fineman 35 COLMES 35 Leiter

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