Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 74 cash equivalents 72 marketable securities totaled 69 Marketable Securities 67 Cash Equivalents 64 Stockholders equity 63 Restricted Cash 63 marketable securities 63 Earning assets 63 Current Assets Cash 61 Trade accounts receivable 61 Merchandise inventories 60 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 60 Assets Cash 60 Interest Earning Assets 60 Shareholders equity 59 CASH EQUIVALENTS 59 Current Assets 59 Trade receivables 59 Other Current Assets 58 Balance Sheet Data 58 Selected Balance Sheet 58 - Total assets [003] 58 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 58 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash 58 SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE 57 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 57 - Total assets [001] 57 STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 57 - Net [029] 57 Accounts receivable 57 ASSETS Cash 56 - Cash [005] 56 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 56 loans receivable 56 Shareholders Equity Current liabilities 56 Accounts receivable net 56 Loans receivable 56 Interest expense decreased 56 Capital expenditures 56 Receivables net 56 - Cash [018] 56 #,# = LIABILITIES [005] 56 Marketable securities 56 - Cash [021] 55 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Current liabilities 55 - Cash [006] 55 - Cash [009] 55 Total Deposits 55 - Cash [022] 55 - Net [008] 55 Interest Bearing Liabilities 55 OTHER ASSETS 55 Consolidated Balance Sheet 55 - Net [007] 55 Total nonperforming assets 55 Total Assets 55 Funds Sold 55 Current Portion 55 Assets Current Assets 54 Nonperforming loans 54 Shareholders Equity 54 AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY Current 54 NET INTEREST INCOME 54 Assets Current assets 54 Intangibles net 54 Tangible equity 54 AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current 54 - Cash [011] 54 ASSETS Current assets 54 Cash Flows From 54 INTEREST EXPENSE 54 Stockholders Equity 54 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS 53 unfunded commitments 53 - - [025] 53 Loans Held 53 - - Total [010] 53 - Net [028] 53 Maturities 53 LONG TERM DEBT 53 -manager Peter Chiarelli 53 #,#,# Accounts receivable [002] 53 Current Liabilities 53 SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 53 amortized cost 53 -Marystown 53 RMB1 #.# 53 Deposits #,#,# #,#,# [003] 53 EQUITY Current liabilities 53 - Net [030] 53 Loans receivable net 52 - Net [036] 52 Interest Expense Net 52 - Cash [001] 52 Restricted cash 52 Current Liabilities Accounts payable 52 -filthy lucre 52 BALANCE SHEET 52 THE PERIOD 52 Total stockholders 52 - Net [038]