Detained Immigrants

Related by string. * detains . Detains . detainer . detaining . detained : detain illegal immigrants . detain enemy combatants . detaining asylum seekers . YANGON Myanmar Detained . unlawful detainer / IMMIGRANTS . IMMIGRANT . immigrants . immi grants : transporting illegal immigrants . jailing illegal immigrants . liken pregnant illegal immigrants . Ecuadorean immigrant Marcelo Lucero * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 75 Accused Rapist 75 Confessed Killer 74 Temporary Halt 74 Convicted Child Molester 74 Windshield Death 73 Mentally Ill Inmates 73 Lethal Injections 73 Teen Murder Suspect 73 Law Unconstitutional 72 Wrongly Convicted Man 72 Convicted Cop Killer 72 Accused Child Molester 72 Murder Victim Family 72 Abortion Notification 72 Interracial Couple 72 Affirmative Action Ban 72 Bryant Accuser 72 Accused Murderer 72 Serious Flaws 72 Jobless Benefits Extension 72 Enemy Combatant Case 72 Patriot Act Renewal 72 Immigrant Smuggling 72 Spears Conservatorship 72 Accused Cop Killer 72 Schiavo Feeding Tube 72 Accused Molester 72 Convicted Rapist 71 Condemned Killer 71 Alleged Rape Victim 71 Bush Commutes Libby 71 Inmate Convicted 71 Guantánamo Detainees 71 Pregnant Woman Death 71 Child Abuse Cases 71 Minimum Wage Increase 71 Gitmo Trials 71 Cigarette Tax Hike 71 Teen Sexting 71 Gunshot Victim 71 Gas Price Gouging 71 Schiavo Autopsy 71 Renews Debate 71 Law Ruled Unconstitutional 71 Accused Serial Killer 71 Racial Disparities 71 Extend Unemployment Benefits 71 Homeless Dumping 71 Tougher Penalties 71 Prison Overcrowding 71 Zeta Jones Stalker 71 Hulk Hogan Son 71 CIA Leak Probe 71 Mukasey Nomination 71 Gitmo Prisoners 71 Self Described Pedophile 71 Statewide Smoking Ban 71 Immigration Overhaul 71 Indoor Smoking Ban 71 Violated Rules 71 Stimulus Funded 71 Base Closings 71 Dismiss Charges 70 Death Row Inmates 70 Gay Marriage Decision 70 Rape Conviction 70 Alleged Murder Plot 70 Sniper Suspect Trial 70 Brain Damaged Woman 70 Anthrax Hoax 70 Child Porn Suspect 70 Is Unconstitutional 70 Welfare Recipients 70 Override Veto 70 Candidates Spar Over 70 Ruled Unconstitutional 70 Threatening Letter 70 Renewed Effort 70 Jobless Aid 70 Alito Hearings 70 Accused Kidnapper 70 Mad Cow Testing 70 Abortion Foes 70 Brain Scans 70 Increased Scrutiny 70 Feds Urge 70 TB Patient 70 Ex Convicts 70 Smuggling Deaths 70 Withdraw Guilty Plea 70 Sniper Suspect 70 Accused Shooter 70 Sentence Reduced 70 Kagan Nomination 70 Stricter Rules 70 Malpractice Suit 70 Alleged Abduction 70 Undocumented Immigrants 70 Same Sex Couple 70 Jackson Accuser Mom 70 Smallpox Vaccinations 70 Chertoff Defends 70 Britney Spears Conservatorship 70 Reputed Mobster 70 Detainee Legislation 70 Face Transplant Patient 70 Feeding Tubes 69 Legalizing Pot 69 Gay Marriage Case 69 Raping Daughter 69 Veto Override 69 Concealed Gun 69 Same Sex Marriage Licenses 69 Flu Vaccine Shortage 69 Kidney Donation 69 Embezzlement Charges 69 Drunken Drivers 69 Hearings Scheduled 69 Comatose Woman 69 Closing Arguments Set 69 Kobe Accuser 69 Rapist Murderer 69 Court Hears Arguments 69 Extend Jobless Benefits 69 Ex Convict 69 Polygamist Sect Kids 69 Convicted Molester 69 Law Upheld 69 Age Bias 69 Guantanamo Prisoners 69 Suspected Serial Killer 69 Accused Deserter 69 Abu Ghraib Abuse 69 Bipartisan Effort 69 Tax Filing Deadline 69 Cigarette Makers 69 Gay Marriage Amendment 69 Wrongful Arrest 69 Ephedra Ban 69 Budget Shortfalls 69 Gas Gouging 69 Gitmo Inmates 69 Offshore Drilling Ban 69 Tobacco Tax Hike 69 Ex Felons 69 Hearing Rescheduled 69 Suspect Faces 69 Death Penalty Cases 69 Medical Malpractice Reform 69 Hate Crime Charge 69 Animal Cruelty Case 69 Alito Filibuster 69 Alleged Shooter 69 Justices Weigh 69 Lethal Injection Case 69 Tougher Laws 69 Whooping Cough Vaccine 69 Discrimination Claims 69 Animal Cruelty Laws 69 Spector Murder Trial 69 Quadruple Murder 69 Iraq Rape Slaying 69 Stimulus Checks 69 Crack Sentencing 69 Knife Wielding Man 69 Tighter Controls 69 To Hear Arguments 69 Alleged Molestation 69 Malpractice Reform 69 Anthrax Probe 69 Plead Insanity 69 Banning Gay Marriage 69 Hazmat Incident 69 Racially Charged 69 Supreme Court Hears Arguments 69 Gay Marriage Licenses 69 RI Nightclub 69 Budget Vetoes 69 Record Voter Turnout 69 Yates Retrial 69 Justices Skeptical 69 Polygamous Sect 69 Sexual Harassment Claims 69 Death Penalty Case 69 Sotomayor Nomination 69 Declared Unconstitutional 69 Fatal Bus Crash 69 Balloon Boy Parents 69 Elizabeth Smart Kidnapper 69 Imported Drugs 69 Transplant Recipient 69 Domestic Spying Program 69 Fort Hood Shooting Suspect 69 Warrantless Wiretapping 69 Panel Hears 69 Child Sex Crimes 69 Flu Shot Shortage 69 Child Sex Assault 69 Reduced Sentence 69 Panel Considers 69 Worker Shortage 69 Kidnapping Suspect 69 Acne Drug 69 Accused Arsonist 69 Taking Bribe 69 Alleged Robber 69 Improve Patient Safety 68 Duke Lacrosse Accuser 68 Panel Faults 68 Caged Kids 68 Fatal Carjacking 68 Warrantless Surveillance 68 Stem Cell Patents 68 Suspected Murderer 68 Inmate Death 68 Suspected Child Molester 68 Abandoned Newborn 68 Shaken Baby Case 68 Convicted Sex Offender 68 Jury Weighs 68 Cuts Threaten 68 Panel Mulls 68 Minimum Wage Hike 68 Nurse Shortage 68 SCHIP Veto 68 Arson Suspects 68 Parental Notification Law 68 Mental Exam 68 Inmate Accused 68 Stiffer Penalties 68 Abuse Claim 68 Convicted Murderer 68 Wrongful Imprisonment 68 Suspected Arsonist 68 Insanity Plea 68 Suspicious Powder 68 Pot Dispensary 68 Injuries Suffered 68 Khodorkovsky Verdict 68 Death Penalty Debate 68 Smart Kidnapper 68 Allegedly Trying 68 WTC Rebuilding 68 Patient Deaths 68 Child Pornography Case 68 Warrantless Wiretaps 68 Threatening Letters 68 Lesbian Custody 68 Text Message Leads 68 Phil Spector Murder Trial 68 Supreme Court Overturns 68 Terror Detainee 68 Emotional Testimony 68 Impersonating Cop 68 Inmate Sentenced 68 Motorcycle Crashes 68 Admitted Killer 68 Fertility Treatments 68 Same Sex Benefits 68 Hear Arguments 68 Alito Nomination 68 CIA Tapes 68 Curb Illegal Immigration 68 Gay Marriage Trial 68 Nurse Pleads Guilty 68 Deplorable Conditions 68 Fort Hood Shootings 68 Unlicensed Drivers 68 Amy Winehouse Husband 68 Hears Arguments 68 Sex Assault Trial 68 Protect Yourself Against 68 Fraud Cases 68 Polygamist Leader 68 Whistleblower Suit 68 Astronaut Charged 68 Airport Body Scanners 68 Attempted Murder Case 68 Deadly Wreck 68 Polygamist Sect 68 Hiring Illegal Immigrants 68 Satellite Shootdown 68 Boating Accidents 68 Closer Scrutiny 68 Underage Drinkers 68 Noriega Extradition 68 Domestic Abuse Victims 68 Charges Tossed 68 Erika Lathon 68 Feds Propose 68 Fee Hikes 68 Double Murder Trial 68 Death Row Inmate 68 Dismemberment Case 68 Of Killing Wife 68 Accused Drunk Driver 68 DC Handgun Ban 68 Gay Marriage Ruling 68 Teen Slaying 68 Cut Greenhouse Gases 68 Mother Pleads 68 Animal Neglect 68 Overturn Conviction 68 Patriot Act Provisions 68 Impersonating Officer 68 Suit Challenging 68 Exposed Himself 68 Wounded GIs 68 Suspect Waives 68 Worker Furloughs 68 Homeless Vets 68 Gay Marriage Opponents 68 Against Gay Marriage 68 Hotly Debated 68 Suspected Illegal Immigrants 68 Sales Tax Hike 68 Provisional Ballots 68 Ruled Competent 68 Suit Filed Over 68 Judge Overturns 68 Same Sex Weddings 68 Formerly Conjoined Twins 68 Fort Dix Plot 68 Racial Disparity 68 Haditha Killings 68 BTK Serial Killer 68 Same Sex Divorce 68 Stun Gun Use 68 Ease Burden 68 BTK Suspect 68 Opinions Differ 68 Gas Tax Hike 68 NSA Eavesdropping 68 Suit Tossed 68 Alito Confirmation 68 Cloture Vote 68 Rite Aid Exec 68 Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings 68 Girl Disappearance 68 Vaccine Makers 68 Libby Prison Sentence 68 Reverses Stance 68 Breast Cancer Genes 68 Fatal Motorcycle Crash 68 Overrules 68 Law Takes Effect 68 What Constitutes 68 Rell Vetoes 68 Importing Drugs 67 Not Guilty Verdict 67 Baby Sitter Charged 67 Gay Marriage Debate 67 Hears Testimony 67 Abortion Procedure 67 Hurricane Evacuee 67 Controversy Surrounds 67 AWOL Soldier 67 Child Porn Charge 67 Yellowstone Snowmobile 67 Dems Seek 67 Convicted Sex Offenders 67 Carbon Monoxide Deaths 67 Court Reverses Ruling 67 Cancer Screenings 67 Jackson Accuser 67 Deadly Motorcycle Crash 67 Drunken Boating 67 Troop Withdrawl 67 Sirius XM Merger 67 Drug Trafficking Charges 67 Terminally Ill Patients 67 Manslaughter Case 67 Whooping Cough Epidemic 67 Assisted Suicide Law 67 Rate Freeze 67 Strip Searches 67 Gossip Lindsay Lohan 67 Oj Simpson 67 Teen Births 67 Halt Execution 67 Misconduct Charges 67 Jobless Benefits 67 Bid Rigging Case 67 Rejects Request 67 Alleged Cop Killer 67 Stabbing Boyfriend 67 Undocumented Workers 67 Suspected Cop Killer 67 Jury Mulls 67 Hearing Begins 67 Hostage Suspect 67 Physician Owned 67 THE PILOT LIGHT 67 Parole Denied 67 Tainted Spinach 67 Budget Cuts Could 67 Sotomayor Hearings 67 Helps Determine 67 Double Slaying 67 NH Tax Evaders 67 Tax Rebate Checks 67 Stranded Passengers 67 Raping Child 67 Pregnant Smokers 67 Autistic Boy 67 Suit Challenges 67 Mountaintop Mining 67 Recess Appointments 67 Federally Funded 67 #B Bailout 67 Biotech Crops 67 Murder Convictions 67 Judge Halts 67 Not Guilty Pleas 67 Haiti Cholera Outbreak 67 Warrantless Searches 67 Making Bomb Threat 67 Sexual Assault Cases 67 Excessive Sweating 67 Videotaped Beating 67 Mercury Fillings 67 GeoMet Announces 67 Remain Vigilant 67 Inmate Freed 67 Taped Beating 67 Competency Hearing 67 Drunken Driving Deaths 67 Killing Toddler 67 Abortion Restrictions 67 Sago Mine Survivor 67 Burn Bans 67 Suspected Burglar 67 Cancer Recurrence 67 Appears Unlikely 67 Passport Requirement 67 Ethanol Subsidies 67 Input Sought 67 Killing Husband 67 Jail Overcrowding 67 NWA Flight Attendants 67 Prison Inmate 67 Eminent Domain Ruling 67 Inmate Pleads Guilty 67 Colo. Dragging Death 67 Suspected Gunman 67 CO Poisoning 67 Condemned Inmate 67 Cause Concern 67 Sewer Rate Hike 67 Prosecutor Firings 67 Legal Limbo 67 Porch Collapse 67 Criminal Background Checks 67 Prompts Changes 67 Holds Hearings 67 Sodomy Case 67 Satellite Radio Merger 67 House Panel Approves 67 Silicone Breast Implants 67 Cell Phone Jamming 67 Panel Weighs 67 Obese Teens 67 Execution Delayed 67 Randy Quaid Wife 67 Wardrobe Malfunction Fine 67 Doctor Shortage 67 Inmate Execution 67 Transplant Patient 67 Extending Unemployment Benefits 67 Anti Illegal Immigrant 67 Defrocked Priest 67 Crack Sentences 67 TribBlog 67 Statin Drugs 67 Downloading Child Porn 67 Attempted Murder Charges 67 Moderate Drinking 67 Shingles Vaccine 67 Hurricane Evacuees 67 Puts Strain 67 Suspend Enrichment 67 Phone Jamming 67 ER Visits 67 Accidentally Released 67 Few Clues 67 Automaker Bailout 67 Proposed Budget Cuts 67 Prisoner Abuse Case 67 Commandments Monument 67 Verdict Upheld 67 Reverse Discrimination 67 Felony Charge 67 Legislation Introduced 67 Heat Related Illnesses 67 Bone Marrow Cells 67 Court Upholds Sentence 67 Sentence Overturned 67 Budget Stalemate 67 Opening Arguments 67 Flag Desecration 67 Abortion Foe 67 Teen Pregnancies 67 Seeks Delay 67 Double Murder Suspect 67 Appliance Rebates 67 Drunken Driving Death 67 Budget Cuts Threaten 67 Reduce Deficit 67 Prompts Questions 67 Producing Child Porn 67 Airline Delays 67 Inmate Gets 67 Ex Tyco Execs 67 Iraqi Prisoner Abuse 67 Closely Linked 67 Considers Extending 67 War Objector 67 Machete Attack 67 Reconsider Ruling 67 JonBenet Suspect 67 Lottery Winnings 67 Contempt Charge 67 Oiled Birds 67 Inmate Escape 67 XM Sirius Merger 67 Child Porn Possession 67 Bipartisan Support 67 Starving Horses 67 Gonzales Aide 67 Seek Delay 67 Immigration Raids 67 Lawmakers React 67 Moussaoui Death Penalty 67 Sex Offender Pleads Guilty 67 Senate Panel Approves 66 Alleged Terrorist 66 Foiled Terror Plot 66 Jobless Benefit 66 Judge Dismisses Suit 66 Drowning Death 66 Abduction Suspect 66 Bond Denied 66 Wife Sentenced 66 Charges Dismissed 66 Gay Marriage Issue 66 Manslaughter Charge 66 Income Tax Hike 66 Vacant Homes 66 Considers Options 66 Suspected Shooter 66 Murder Victim Mother 66 Rise Dramatically 66 Suspected Serial Rapist 66 Fraud Crackdown 66 Possible Budget Cuts 66 Gun Smuggling 66 Mall Shooting Suspect 66 Necklace Theft 66 Hate Crime Legislation 66 Pair Sentenced 66 Withdraw Plea 66 Possible Abduction 66 Stalking Conan O'Brien 66 Wrongful Death Lawsuit 66 Terrorism Suspects 66 Heal Wounds 66 Rape Suspects 66 Suspects Appear 66 Holds Hearing 66 Serial Rape Suspect 66 Alleged Torture 66 Bill Clears Hurdle 66 Doctor Testifies 66 Deputy Involved Shooting 66 Execution Method 66 Dismiss Lawsuit 66 Kidnapping Suspects 66 Wants Tighter 66 Guantanamo Bay Detainee 66 Court Overturns Conviction 66 CO Detectors 66 Abolish Death Penalty 66 Woman Tried 66 Fiery Plane Crash 66 Extended Unemployment Benefits 66 Doctor Sentenced 66 Gay Marriage Ban 66 Alleged Abductor 66 Ex Rep 66 Mideast Truce 66 Petition Seeks 66 Indefinite Detention 66 Côte D' ivoire 66 Seasonal Flu Shots 66 Cites Lack 66 Cop Impersonator 66 Duquesne Shootings 66 Premature Births 66 CIA Interrogations 66 Painkiller Abuse 66 Stopgap Spending Bill 66 Track Sex Offenders 66 Burning Apartment 66 Slayings Suspect 66 Newspaper Endorsements 66 Suspected Killer 66 Petting Zoos 66 Sex Assault Charge 66 Pesticide Exposure 66 Alleged Beating 66 Mental Exam Ordered 66 Recovering Addicts 66 Inmate Escapes From 66 Ex Ill 66 Miley Cyrus Stalker 66 Molesting Boys 66 Dementia Patients 66 Child Pornography Charges 66 Crematory Operator 66 ACLU Files Lawsuit 66 Silicone Implants 66 Illegal Abortions 66 Donda West Death 66 Lacks Votes 66 Lesser Charges 66 Faces Scrutiny 66 Pregnant Woman Case 66 Lawyers Argue 66 Hefty Fines 66 Transplant Patients 66 Lawsuit Involving 66 Alleged Kidnapper 66 Phone Scam 66 Sotomayor Confirmation 66 Foreclosure Moratorium 66 Mother Speaks Out 66 Back Behind Bars 66 Nigeria FCTA 66 Suggests Ways 66 Recount Begins 66 Earmark Ban 66 Witness Intimidation 66 Child Porn Conviction 66 Gitmo Inmate 66 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 66 Hearings Begin 66 Terror Detainees 66 Child Molestation Charges 66 Helps Smokers Quit 66 Prostitution Case 66 Soldier Convicted 66 Kickback Case 66 Conviction Overturned 66 Meth Lab Explosion 66 Deadline Arrives 66 Gets Mixed Reaction 66 Vick Dogfighting 66 Smallpox Shots 66 Lethal Injection Drug 66 Convicted Murderers 66 Alleged Robbery 66 Tax Filers 66 Unpaid Overtime 66 Estranged Husband 66 Being Counted 66 Ballot Initiatives 66 Booster Seat Law 66 Suspected Drunk Driver 66 Suspected Burglars 66 Fruits Veggies 66 Foreclosure Scams 66 Rates Decline 66 Death Raises Questions 66 FOIA Requests 66 Child Rapist 66 Impotence Drugs 66 Ten Commandments Displays 66 Woman Pleads Innocent 66 NSA Wiretapping 66 Bali Bombing Suspect 66 Quadruple Homicide 66 Fatal Motorcycle Accident 66 Ovary Removal 66 Negative Ads 66 Foreclosure Freeze 66 Jury Returns 66 Overdose Deaths 66 Murderer Gets 66 Rape Kidnapping 66 Delinquent Taxpayers 66 Smuggle Drugs 66 Legalize Pot 66 Drug Combo 66 Split Verdict 66 Less Invasive 66 Showdown Looms Over 66 Child Rape Suspect 66 Car Trunk 66 Wrongful Death Case 66 Probes Into 66 Sniper Case 66 Wage Freeze 66 Chickenpox Vaccine 66 Tax Refund Loans 66 Certain Cancers 66 Face Transplants 66 Highlight Importance 66 Increased Patrols 66 Victim Remembered 66 Clerical Error 66 Hearing Underway 66 Convicted Killer 66 Veto Threat 66 Drug Coated Stents 66 Prevent Foreclosures 66 Stretched Thin 66 Burglary Arrests 66 Roadside Memorials 66 Migraine Sufferers 66 Home Invasion Suspects 66 Killing Ex Girlfriend 66 Misconduct Allegations 66 Suspect Found Dead 66 Trans Fat Ban 66 Pair Accused 66 TALK BACKS 66 Panel Endorses 66 Tossed Out 66 Hold Hearings 66 Curb Emissions 66 Residency Requirements 66 Murdering Girlfriend 66 Mistakenly Released 66 Proposes Cuts 66 Violating Probation 66 Iraqi Civilian Deaths 66 Parking Lot Shooting 66 Gay Marriage Fight 66 Wiretapping Case 66 Metal Thefts 66 Guantanamo Bay Detainees 66 CBS4 Investigates 66 Zsa Zsa Gabor Hospitalized 66 Eye Fungus 66 Rumsfeld Resignation 66 Could Weaken 66 Swine Flu Vaccines 66 Possessing Child Porn 66 Helicopter Crash Victims 66 Gonzales Resignation 66 Get Flu Shots 66 Overdose Death 66 Suspected Rapist 66 Wreck Involving 66 Gov'T 66 Workers Comp Fraud 66 Less Painful 66 Self Imposed 66 Missing Pregnant Woman 66 Awaits Ruling 66 Flu Vaccinations 66 Weapons Charge 66 Burglary Attempt 66 Drug Reimportation 66 Lawsuit Challenging 66 Terror Warnings 66 Sex Offender Sought 66 Lawsuit Blames 66 Respiratory Problems 66 Couple Slaying 66 Adoption Scam 66 Raise Minimum Wage 66 Take Step Toward 66 1St Ld 66 Voluntary Evacuations 66 Asthma Sufferers 66 Gay Marriage Bans 66 Sniper Trial 66 Accused Serial Rapist 66 Ailing Economy 66 Tyco Execs 66 Fort Dix Suspects 66 Abduction Rape 66 Mammogram Guidelines 66 Alleged Accomplice 66 Filibuster Showdown 66 Gitmo Detainees 66 Tighter Rules 66 Repeal Effort 66 Asthma Attacks 66 Questions Arise 66 Destroyed Evidence 66 Submerged Car 66 Tainted Peanut Butter 66 H#N# Flu Cases 66 Slain Soldier 66 Hear Gay Marriage 66 Erectile Dysfunction Drugs 66 Of Killing Girlfriend 66 Approves Settlement 65 Accusations Fly 65 Mental Decline 65 Sentence Handed Down 65 Prostitution Charges 65 Durable Goods Rise 65 Deer Baiting 65 Beating Suspects 65 Japan Nuke Plant 65 Accused Killer 65 Killing Daughter 65 Letterman Extortionist 65 Robbery Kidnapping 65 Molestation Case 65 Significant Reduction 65 Manslaughter Charges 65 Wrongly Imprisoned Man 65 Kidnapping Daughter 65 Deficit Cutting 65 Debate Rages Over 65 Sex Offender Found 65 Lawsuit Dismissal 65 Wrongfully Convicted Man 65 Radical Overhaul 65 Robbery Charges 65 Panhandling Ban 65 GOP Presidential Hopefuls 65 Ethnic Slur 65 Lawsuit Challenges 65 Alleged Threat 65 Million Shortfall 65 Abortion Pill 65 Waiver Request 65 Gag Order Issued 65 Kidnapped Journalist 65 Grandmother Charged 65 Foreclosure Mess 65 Doctor Assisted Suicide 65 Polygamist Retreat 65 Alleged Hate Crime 65 Slaying Victim 65 Prosecution Rests Case 65 Minimum Wage Increases 65 Conviction Tossed 65 Panel Advises 65 Salary Freeze 65 Child Pornographer 65 Meth Ingredients 65 Copper Theft 65 Issues Gag Order 65 Foreclosure Filings Up 65 Lawsuit Dismissed 65 Pregnancy Complications 65 Years Behind Bars 65 Shoveling Snow 65 Feds Seek 65 Overtime Pay 65 Suspected Robber 65 Case Thrown Out 65 After Pleading Guilty 65 Detainee Deaths 65 Vaccine Autism 65 Alleged Rapist 65 Escape Attempt 65 Slain Toddler 65 Whooping Cough Outbreak 65 Payday Lender 65 Could Hinder 65 Who Faked 65 Stimulus Dollars 65 Pregnancy Complication 65 Kidnap Suspect 65 Hearing Delayed 65 Shooting Justified 65 Pot Growing 65 Emphasizes Need 65 Flu Pandemic Could 65 Starvation Death 65 Suspect Tried 65 Long Term Survival 65 Child Endangering 65 Kennel Owner 65 EPA Proposes 65 Sexually Assaulting Child 65 Neglected Horses 65 Judicial Nominee 65 Cervical Cancer Vaccine 65 Redistricting Map 65 Clot Risk 65 Judge Denies Request 65 Date Pushed Back 65 Phone Scams 65 Lax Oversight 65 Suit Seeks 65 Antipsychotic Drug 65 Unwanted Horses 65 Dropped Against 65 Bribery Charge 65 Pharmacy Robbery 65 Dragging Death 65 Bigger Problem 65 Locals React 65 Stock Option Expensing 65 Ruled Incompetent 65 Get Mixed Reviews 65 Ozone Pollution 65 Aiding Terrorists 65 Money Laundering Charges 65 Fort Dix Terror Plot 65 Plane Crash Victim 65 Abortion Debate 65 Malpractice Lawsuit 65 Judge Hears Arguments 65 Scandal Plagued 65 Unlikely Allies 65 Residency Requirement 65 Prompts Calls 65 Missing Toddler 65 Millage Increase 65 Asbestos Related 65 Compromise Reached 65 Filibuster Reform 65 Alleged Killer 65 Contractor Sentenced 65 Asks Forgiveness 65 Reelection Bid 65 Lawsuit Settlement 65 Petition Signers 65 Flesh Eating Bacteria 65 Ban Gay Marriage 65 Sniper Execution 65 Legalize Gay Marriage 65 Chimp Attack Victim 65 Lung Cancer Surgery 65 Malpractice Insurance 65 Child Abuse Charges 65 Arbitration Agreements 65 Scams Targeting 65 Domestic Dispute Leads 65 Unanimous Vote 65 Concealed Guns 65 Texting Ban 65 Deepwater Drilling Moratorium 65 Child Rapists 65 Changes Needed 65 Hospitalization Rates 65 Epilepsy Drug 65 Sentence Reduction 65 Animal Abuser 65 Varies Widely 65 Suit Filed 65 Interrogation Memos 65 Violated Probation 65 Panel Votes 65 Soldier Found Guilty 65 Sexual Abuse Charges 65 Racially Motivated 65 Doctor Pleads Guilty 65 Ex Lawmaker 65 Congo Kinshasa Monuc 65 Cop Shooter 65 Gay Marriage Vote 65 Alleged Molester 65 Falsifying Records 65 Face Transplant Recipient 65 Represent Himself 65 Minimum Wage Boost 65 Violates Probation 65 Proposed Smoking Ban 65 Seek Tougher 65 Costs Skyrocket 65 Killing Roommate 65 Issue Heats Up 65 Rape Slaying 65 Pleads Insanity 65 Drastically Cut 65 Fundamentally Flawed 65 Gustav Evacuees 65 Trial Halted 65 Home Invader 65 SocGen Trader 65 Stabbing Incident 65 Spending Freeze 65 Childhood Vaccines 65 Seat Belt Usage 65 Vary Widely 65 Gets Prison Sentence 65 Concerns Arise 65 Misdemeanor Charge 65 Fetal Homicide 65 Octuplets Mom 65 Ovary Transplant 65 Jonesboro Shooter 65 Convicted Killers 65 Deadly Intersection 65 Italian Tenor Pavarotti 65 Steroid Probe 65 Fibromyalgia Pain 65 Attempted Murder Suicide 65

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