
Related by string. expenditures * * Capital expenditures . capital expenditure . Personal Consumption Expenditures . capital expenditures . wasteful expenditure . consumption expenditures PCE . consumption expenditures deflator . capital expenditure CAPEX . consumption expenditure deflator . capital expenditure capex . Incremental Capital Expenditures . recurrent expenditure *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 67 expenditures 61 Expenditure 58 Capital expenditures 57 Spending 56 outlays 55 expenditure 54 Expenses 52 Costs 51 capital expenditures 50 Purchases 49 Capital Expenditures 49 Outlays 48 Revenues 47 Budgets 46 Capital Expenditure 46 Allocations 46 Disbursements 46 Investing Activities Capital 45 Capital Outlay 45 Reimbursements 45 expenses 44 Additions 44 Restricted Cash 44 spending 44 Capex 44 Taxes 43 Operating expenses 43 Non Current Assets 43 budgeted 43 CAPEX 42 Surpluses 42 Salaries 42 Shareholder Equity 42 CapEx 41 Consumption 41 Operating Expenses 41 revenues 41 #,#,# #,#,# Goodwill [002] 41 administrative expenses 41 Current Assets 41 Administrative Expenses 41 Leasehold improvements 40 reimbursable expenses 40 INVESTING ACTIVITIES 40 Authorizations 40 Appropriation Act 40 Investing Activities 40 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING 40 spendings 40 capital expenditure 40 per MCFE 40 budgets 40 Capitalized 40 appropriations 39 disbursements 39 -NatWest Pro# 39 Related Charges 39 #,#,# #,#,# - [009] 39 departmental budgets 39 expensed 39 YTD YTD 39 Nonfarm 39 Subsidies 39 #.# crore [004] 39 Normalized EBITDA 39 Allowable 39 Insurance Premiums 39 allocations 39 appropriated 39 PROPERTY PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 39 Capitalized software 38 Administrative Expense 38 Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 38 accumulated depreciation 38 -Bullying Prevention 38 capital outlay 38 Intangibles net 38 Unfunded 38 COSTS AND EXPENSES 38 Recoverable 38 MTEF 38 YTD Fiscal 38 Payments 38 Depreciation Depletion 38 Goodwill #,#,# #,#,# [002] 38 Intangible assets 38 -nosecone 38 Fiscal Year 38 Investing Activities Purchases 38 Budgeted 38 Requirements 38 appropriation 38 recurrent expenditure 38 costs 38 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 38 Operational Highlights 38 - -Lucintel 38 Distributions 38 RMB# [003] 38 Proved Reserves 38 - - [077]

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