Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 72 AND COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 71 unaudited audited 71 NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 71 THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 70 OF DECEMBER 70 ENDED MARCH 70 - Assets [003] 70 ENDED SEPTEMBER 70 SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 69 Ended Three Months 69 GAAP NET INCOME 69 ENDED JUNE 69 Unaudited Twelve Months 68 - ASSETS Current [013] 68 AND DECEMBER 68 Months Ended Ended Ended 68 Percent Percent 68 Unaudited Six Months 68 -WisdomTree ETFs 68 AND SUBSIDIARIES RECONCILIATION OF 68 unaudited Six Months 67 FINANCIAL AND 67 - Assets Current [007] 67 THE THREE MONTHS 67 - ASSETS Current [008] 67 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 67 GAAP TO NON 67 PER SHARE DATA 67 unaudited unaudited Net 66 unaudited Nine Months 66 OPERATING RESULTS 66 66 UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC. 66 Ended - [024] 66 GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES 66 FINANCIAL POSITION 66 INCOME LOSS 66 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME 66 OPERATIONS UNAUDITED 66 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 66 Thousands Unaudited 66 YTD YTD 65 Twelve Months Ended Ended 65 Quarter Ended Six Months 65 OPERATIONS Unaudited 65 Quarter Ended Nine Months 65 # -GT2 RS 65 FREE CASH FLOW 65 AND SUBSIDIARIES CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED 65 RECONCILIATION OF NET INCOME 65 unaudited Assets Current 65 ADJUSTED EBITDA 65 amounts Quarter Ended 65 INTERNATIONAL INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES 65 Three Months Twelve Months 65 Nonperforming assets totaled 65 PRO FORMA 65 AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE 65 FLOWS Unaudited 65 SUBSIDIARIES 65 Unaudited Audited 65 AND SUBSIDIARIES 65 THREE MONTHS ENDED 65 STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS UNAUDITED 65 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 65 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS UNAUDITED 65 CASH FLOWS Unaudited 65 Nine Months Ended Ended 65 Third Quarter Nine Months 64 BALANCE SHEETS Unaudited 64 Six Months Six Months 64 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 64 TO NON GAAP 64 FINANCIAL CONDITION 64 FINANCIAL DATA 64 INCOME STATEMENT 64 Six Months Ended Ended 64 Restated Restated 64 Year Ended Ended 64 CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET 64 #/#/# #/#/# #/#/# [006] 64 SHEETS Unaudited 64 AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD 64 unaudited -Nesha Starcevic 64 CURRENT ASSETS Cash 64 Quarter Quarter Ended 64 AVERAGE BALANCES 64 Nine Months Nine Months 64 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 64 Unaudited Nine Months 64 Ended Ended Ended 64 unaudited ASSETS Current 64 Three Month Periods 64 RECONCILIATION OF NON GAAP 64 Ended Ended Ended Ended 64 Period Period 63 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF 63 SUBSIDIARIES Consolidated Statements 63 Per Per 63 SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 63 Average Balances