Famously unemotional

Related by string. * famously : famously spoofed . famously feuded . famously Robert Redford . famously reclusive . famously imitating . Walter Mondale famously . famously quipped . Famously . famously uttering . famously breathy . famously chatty . famously parodied . famously finicky . famously brusque / : callous unemotional traits . unemotional . wise unemotional . unemotional demeanor * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 44 brass knuckle politics 43 McCLELLAN Les 43 denounce Geffen 43 rejects partisan gridlock 43 commissioner Slade Gorton 43 moderator Tom Brokaw 42 MCCLELLAN Well 42 spokeswoman Gannet Tseggai 42 pragmatic centrist 42 Borosage 42 pleasure Chiesi 42 uncharacteristic brevity 41 strategist Geoff Garin 41 Thom McAn senator 41 spoken contritely 41 Kroft asks 41 nonanswer 41 adversity Tolzien 40 finger wagging lectures 40 Liberal frontbencher Eric Abetz 40 Comrade Mbeki 40 lawyers Gerald Zerkin 40 abrasive confrontational 40 moderator Jim Lehrer 40 HAVANA Raul Castro 40 Shvaichenko 40 reporter Peter Wallsten 40 V oters 40 pre buttal 40 RENDELL Well 40 Congressman Nussle 40 NAFTA Goolsbee 40 rigid ideologue 40 moderator Bob Schieffer 39 incrementalist 39 principled pragmatism 39 statesmanly 39 PELOSI Well 39 Rhetorical flourishes 39 questioner 39 NNSA Bodman 39 Rospars 39 reauthorize NCLB 39 pardon Scooter Libby 39 orderly succession 39 status quoist 39 prosecutor Joseph Bottini 39 Gallo Chasanoff 39 Compassionate conservatism 39 pardoning Libby 39 rigidly ideological 39 Fena D' Ottavio 38 DeLemus 38 chief Konrad Kornatowski 38 moderator George Stephanopoulos 38 Senator Anyim 38 followship 38 ROVE Well 38 Moderator Bob Schieffer 38 Obama 38 honorable gentleman 38 whip Rostenkowski 38 transcend partisanship 38 Tulelo 38 vague generalities 38 Holtz Eakin 38 Baron Cohen flamboyantly gay 38 Ms. Radnofsky 38 Ms McDiven 38 denounced Farrakhan 38 handwriting al Samarrai 38 managerial competence 38 displease liberals 38 KYL Well 38 Myard 38 statesmanlike 38 Nixonian stonewalling 38 Darlene Rede 38 questions Weisfuse 38 Sevugan 38 spokeswoman Nicolle Devenish 38 CARNEY Well 38 HUME Well 38 ideological predispositions 38 hysterical diatribe 38 Congresswoman Bachmann 38 Mr. Bielawa 38 Nargelenas 38 Boxer D Calif 38 strategist Howard Wolfson 37 Questioners 37 Tharrington laughed 37 captors Coggio 37 Seidenschnur 37 complicit enablers 37 spokeswoman Christie Parell 37 Anwar Wasfi 37 Ben LaBolt 37 prickly defensiveness 37 microtargeting techniques 37 bipartisanship 37 town hall 37 Sandack 37 several veiled swipes 37 dialoging 37 SOTU speech 37 self indulgent digressive 37 Bolshevik plot 37 Dean Dobranski 37 Insulting self promotional 37 dismissive shrug 37 ABC Ted Koppel 37 Nejatian 37 Psaki 37 overtly partisan 37 adviser Tad Devine 37 anymore Falchuk 37 Impeachment proceedings 37 racial subtext 37 Ezovski 37 Speaker Bosma 37 SIGAR failing 37 noncommital 36 email sarahbethmurray@gmail.com 36 adviser Howard Wolfson 36 Eikenberry memos 36 Illinois senator 36 Augliere 36 Selectman Reed Augliere 36 Recess appointments 36 humor Jena Elayan 36 Kathleen Strand 36 Theatro Municipal performance 36 Gen Babangida 36 Jauron sidestepped 36 postpartisan 36 eloquent oratory 36 socialistic tendencies 36 transcends partisanship 36 spokesman Jano Cabrera 36 PBS Jim Lehrer 36 effect subtle minuet 36 avoid pre empting 36 Al Mu'men 36 Afghanistan al Zarnuki 36 comically self aggrandizing 36 Don Imus nationally syndicated 36 Diradour 36 hisses boos 36 wise Latina remark 36 bipartisan comity 36 RedBlueAmerica 36 forging coalitions 36 raj dharma 36 drop mindless partisanship 36 Rahaf Harfoush 36 Clinton voice quavered 36 moderator Gwen Ifill 36 radical antiestablishment we'll 36 antiestablishment message 36 Alderman Guy Zima 36 veiled rebuke 36 indignant denials 36 speaking extemporaneously 36 leaked Plame 36 CPAC attendees 36 pointedly 36 leftist inclinations 36 Oguakwa 36 Mr.Obama 36 complicit Reisman 36 spokesman Tucker Bounds 36 Ms. Pitfield 36 lobbyist Bilbray 36 persuasive communicator 36 appoint strict constructionist 36 pragmatic problem solver 36 JCARR 36 soaring oratory 36 Mr. Chabler 36 Army censured Kensinger 36 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick 36 bipartisanism 36 veiled swipes 35 Pawlenty 35 derisive phoned 35 Congressman Tancredo 35 closet bigot 35 intellectually coherent 35 spokesperson Jayanthi Natarajan 35 Nanfang Daily commentary 35 Trusiani 35 coequal branch 35 WOLFFE 35 LIEBERMAN Well 35 Framme 35 Feldmark 35 leadership 35 Bush website newsbio 35 Whitetail windfall 35 decisiveness 35 ABC George Stephanopolous 35 Herrnson 35 PML N Ishaq Dar 35 recuse yourself 35 Romney equivocations 35 MCain 35 Congressman Broun 35 multipartisan 35 SPECTER Well 35 cyberczar 35 needless partisanship 35 serial killer Dormer 35 spokesman Rob Stutzman 35 CBS Bob Schieffer 35 ABC George Stephanopoulus 35 Congressman Sensenbrenner 35 adviser Phil Gramm 35 Bloc Quebecois Gilles Duceppe 35 everybody Pendergrast 35 Queria 35 fiercely nationalistic ideology 35 Pollster Frank Luntz 35 Rudominer 35 sarcastic retort 35 impolitic remarks 35 Libby commutation 35 McBama 35 Fisfis 35 manager Joe Trippi 35 Congresswoman Shea Porter 35 Mrs. Samorajczyk 35 certain presumptuousness 35 kabuki dance 35 inartful 35 Edwards DN.C. 35 Speaker Cretul 35 KUCINICH 35 GINGRICH Well 35 straight forwardness 35 accusatory tone 35 spokeswoman Delacey Skinner 35 self styled reformers 35 economist Charles Blahous 35 Speaker Tulsi Ram 35 spokesman Howard Wolfson 35 sheik Osama 35 Wampana 34 eloquent speeches 34 chairman Marc Racicot 34 overly deferential 34 Judge Mpati 34 Rumseld 34 Ms. Augimeri 34 Panciuk 34 singularly lacking 34 HANNITY Well 34 quesion 34 Sawnick 34 Spokesman Ari Fleischer 34 Father Dease 34 D' Escoto's 34 lawmaker Kenji Yamaoka 34 sharpest elbows 34 reauthorizing NCLB 34 darkest blots 34 spokeswoman LuAnn Canipe 34 fared TJ Marta 34 detainee interrogation 34 portraying Wurzelbacher 34 BNFYL 34 Özügergin 34 Mr. Haversat 34 transcending partisanship 34 primatial vicar 34 Herstam 34 Baez Galib 34 questioners 34 bi partisanship 34 hardcore Hindutva 34 Contact billing@pookandpook.com 34 Julian Zelizer professor 34 Jennifer Abrell 34 deregulatory agenda 34 Insulting self 34 Moderator Tom Brokaw 34 leaderhsip 34 Njobvuyalema 34 collegiums 34 unconstitutional overreach 34 Hackitt 34 Mike Dittoe 34 Grebien 34 Rucho 34 backroom politicking 34 modern compassionate Conservatism 34 nonpartisanship 34 gifted orator 34 TelePrompter 34 defeatest 34 protectionist isolationist 34 Prince Ogbulafor 34 repudiate Farrakhan 34 Ron Grimming 34 Fiscal Responsibility Summit 34 white guayabera shirt 34 slavishness 34 Stepmother Teresa Earnhardt 34 Evan Krutoy 34 NRA scorekeeping 34 JonBenet Closest maybe 34 Rubinomics 34 misspeak 34 unyielding partisanship 34 spokesperson Satyavrat Chaturvedi 34 AFL CIO Trumka 34 Mr. Hatney 34 jocular tone 34 Flashing uncanny acceleration 34 Anuak diaspora 34 http:/www.gop.com Not authorized 34 unstatesmanlike 34 stump speech 34 SCOTT HORTON 34 glittering generalities 34 Putin handpicked successor 34 gotcha politics 34 suicide Alberes 34 President Elect Barrack 34 birther controversy 34 easygoing demeanor 34 lob softballs 34 Majority Leader Frist 34 characteristically blunt 34 undue deference 34 strategist Ken Khachigian 34 Sieg Heil Herr 34 told KDKA NewsRadio 34 deliberate snub 34 consultant Paul Begala 34 Councilman Leamon Pierce 34 contrived indignation 34 FOXBORO Bill Belichick 34 hopey changey stuff 34 Mr. Silvaggi 34 Vittert 34 unseat Craddick 34 Sir Victor Umeh 33 GIULIANI Well 33 full throated endorsement 33 bedrock pocketbook 33 Franni Franken 33 Lawsuit begs 33 Opanyin Boakye 33 delicadeza propriety 33 ques tions 33 Navinsky 33 Ms. Krawcheck 33 Schieffer chuckled 33 JUNEAU Alaska Sarah Palin 33 O'REILLY OK 33 appalled Mendelson 33 conduct Schnegg 33 Jonas Roeser Senior 33 aspirant Malcolm Turnbull 33 Dick Nohelty 33 Gail Gitcho 33 BBC James Coomarasamy 33 LUNTZ 33 Kijinski 33 moral certitude 33 myopic viewpoint 33 spokeswoman Adrianne Marsh 33 Ms Leadsom 33 Luntz 33 Vander Plaats 33 effusiveness 33 Howard Wolfson 33 curt replies 33 Selectman Richard Creeth 33 YSR loyalists 33 managerialist 33 fellow Arizonan 33 Kasich 33 Chilcott Inquiry 33 Rhetorically 33 barackobama.com 33 Teammate Chad Ochocinco 33 Wessel Kroeschell 33 Iowa caucusgoers 33 seasoned debater 33 Uchenna Emodi 33 Incredible Hulk necktie 33 Ms. Gillibrand 33 candor 33 Back Benchers 33 LoP 33 townhall style 33 Mrs. Dahlkemper 33 endlessly dissected 33 Obamian 33 O'Biden 33 Luann Haley 33 harsh critiques 33 SCHIEFFER Well 33 warmaking powers 33 #st century statecraft 33 Seawel 33 partisanship 33 Fastow adamantly 33 secretary Karl Samuda 33 CALLER Okay 33 McCain 33 Löscher 33 Travaglini Lees amendment 33 Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz 33 Moderator Tim Russert 33 Beltway pundits 33 Miss Lewinsky 33 Squirm Night 33 Duerstine 33 extemporaneous remarks 33 CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER SYNDICATED COLUMNIST 33 RUDIN Well 33 vague platitudes 33 Participatory democracy 33 Gen. Petreaus 33 lawyer Guy Pratte 33 Congressman Gingrey 33 speechwriter Jon Favreau 33 WASHINGTON President 33 secretary Denise Bottcher 33 maverick reformer 33 Dupont Diehl 33 Mehlman 33 Expediency asks 33 attorney Myrlene Marsa 33 disagree agreeably 33 statesmanlike manner 33 KONDRACKE Well 33 Mayor Jerry Oberholtzer 33 fucking retarded 33 Decisiveness 33 Weithmans yard 33 GONYEA 33 spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod 33 lofty oratory 33 confrontationist attitude 33 Mr Uluinaceva 33 rhetorical flourish 33 Clintonism 33 convening constituent assembly 33 spokesman Jeff Grappone 32 queston 32 fingerpoint 32 Liasson 32 gotcha journalism 32 Bob Dolgan Have 32 Medevedev 32 betray confidences 32 Reza Salari 32 Franking Commission 32 supporter Geraldine Ferraro 32 Clintonesque 32 adviser Joe Trippi 32 hyper partisan 32 constituional 32 advocated declassification 32 humility 32 deepening unpopularity 32 democratic centralism 32 Oleszek 32 Philosophical differences 32 chairperson Terror Lekota 32 fundamental reordering 32 bicameral bipartisan 32 Zipadelli instantly 32 ceoforum.com.au What 32 ABC Jake Tapper 32 Countdown Keith Olbermann 32 Cardinal Bagnasco 32 tetchily 32 Mc Cain 32 destroy interrogation videotapes 32 humbleness 32 testicle lockbox 32 Gibbs demurred 32 insufficiently forceful 32 tartly replied 32 Goss R Fla 32 contender Mitt Romney 32 envoy Alejandro Wolff 32 Labor frontbencher Simon Crean 32 Jaswant Singhji 32 disenfranchises voters 32 Vita Abba 32 secretary generalship 32 RUSH Okay 32 Ms. Geevers 32 displayed steadiness 32 please call #.#.WARRANTY 32 chastised brigadier general 32 Romney 32 Swidarski 32 deftly sidestepping 32 interviewer Tim Russert 32 Mr. Wangelin 32 Councilor Patti Bushee 32 Superintendent Patricia Gennari 32 Herrera Beutler 32 extend sincere apologies 32 gently chiding 32 Vilsack 32 Bozievich 32 oratorical flourishes 32 pricklier Rumsfeld testified 32 Hurriyat factions 32 Groob 32 fill requiremetns 32 PCTEL protects 32 Scott McCellan 32 prebuttal 32 temporize 32 Bill Sarto 32 Swift Boated 32 Development MBRPLD 32 Fidel Lite 32 Ferriero impartiality 32 similarly noncommittal 32 alternate pronunciations 32 Kostunica nationalist 32 Rahm Emanual 32 verbal tic 32 Commissioner Dewey Tautges 32 speak extemporaneously 32 criticize 32 spoke extemporaneously 32 unconstitutional usurpation 32 Councilman Phil Latinski 32 saluted smartly 32 Ansinn 32 Landske 32 criticisms 32 Sims deGraffenried 32 characteristic bluntness 32 mayor Verne Rupright 32 Goerge W. 32 Roy Neel 32 Prof. Clayson 32 Ms. Saujani 32 Bulawula 32 famously loquacious 32 Dr. Paddyfote 32 CIA briefers 32 Melewsky 32 Uwais panel 32 articulating coherent 32 Ansarullah Mawlavi Zada 32 rhetorical flourishes 32 Sestak Romanoff 32 Re publicans 32 Stephanopolous 32 Spiliotes 32 criticizers 32 principled conservatism 32 gazillionaire Carella 32 thoughtful deliberative 32 artful dodge 32 simulated drowning interrogation 32 deliberative 32 Concemi 32 Magnana 32 unconservative 32 flowery speeches 32 MANCHESTER NH Mitt Romney 32 Dr. Fand 31 NBC Tom Brokaw 31 pastoral solicitude 31 spokeswoman Liliane Tackaert 31 blogger Amanda Marcotte 31 elect doer 31 starkly divergent views 31 Robin Niblett 31 rostered ELCA pastor 31 Daschle 31 oratorical prowess 31 breathtakingly hypocritical 31 Paiva Weed 31 visionary internationalism 31 Dalai Lama Tenzin Taklha 31 demeanor 31 blatantly partisan 31 speechmaker 31 McCarson Democrat 31 widespread disillusionment 31 ROVNER Well 31 Mr. Wilkowski 31 pardon Engvall 31 GeorgeW 31 Prosecutor Gudrun Lehnberger 31 Councilwoman Marilyn Lichtenberg 31 Prof Sackett 31 thoughtful deliberation 31 Plouffe 31 shoulder shimmery cobalt 31 OTTAWA Stephane Dion 31 Vladimir Vladimirovich ™ 31 Ezzes 31 bomb thrower 31 Congresswoman Musgrave 31 CEO Peter Altabef 31 SCHIEFFER Let 31 G Parameshwara 31 unnerved Fritzl 31 dissonant voices 31 Chet Galdo 31 Umpire Marais Erasmus 31 tin ear 31 Witness Blago 31 Judge Alito 31 LUCC 31 Ms. Steinem 31 oratory skills 31 flip flopper 31 Pinierio 31 urbane sophistication 31 thumpin 31 leader Wojciech Olejniczak 31 Teddy Roosevelt playbook 31 twalker@photographycorner.com 31 Republicans 31 scrupulous honesty 31 MLA Doug Routley 31 partisan gamesmanship 31 old William Whittenback 31 Ms. Plame identity 31 QDDR 31 gravely compromised 31 WLUSU 31 procedural niceties 31 electability 31 Chryson 31 Congressman Hodes 31 Paybarah 31 Pelsoi 31 jeering Soderling 31 spokesman Steve Wackowski 31 Rabbi Lookstein 31 sensibleness 31 commonsense conservatism 31 correspondent Suzanne Malveaux 31 televised debates 31 sternness 31 spokeswoman Tricia Enright 31 ideologically polarized 31 Feminist Gloria Steinem 31 laissez fair 31 Legislatively 31 serial flip flopper 31 dull monotone 31 Representative Bruce Braley 31 Gen Abizaid 31 flatly rebuffed 31 Binoga 31 Esterday 31 labeled flip flopper 31 prosecutor Kathryn Ruemmler 31 Begala 31 skilled communicator 31 presentational skills 31 folksiness 31 teleprompter 31 Romney 31 Khalizad 31 moderate Southerner 31 McCainiac 31 articulateness 31 broker Ichiro Ozawa 31 demurring 31 Joe Trippi Dean 31 democratically 31 Bezsmertnyi 31 ideologically coherent 31 leaderhip 31 Mitt Romney Mormon 31 Pernold Young 31 Mayor Mildred Trotman 31 Schlifske 31 Selectman Frank Maxant 31 typical Neon Deion 31 impartial arbiter 31 strategist Joe Trippi 31 theopposition 31 Reaganesque 31 wove thread 31 triangulator 31 intellectual firepower 31 ques tion 31 reacted curtly 31 prayerful discernment 31 Solomonese 31 Congressman Jim Nussle 31 spokesman Sergio Gor 31 Mazza Moriarty 31 wishy washy mealy mouthed 31 On NAFTA Goolsbee 31 ABC Vicki Mabrey 31 Freeborne 31 Honourable Dimeji Bankole 31 Gen. Schoomaker 31 Smarick 31 laughed dismissively 31 CNN Jack Cafferty 31 tri partite alliance 31 innocuous hug 31 hillaryclinton.com 31 partisan leanings 31 incredulous reactions 31 image reads BarackObama.com 31 diverging methodologies 31 swiftboated 31 Lo bama instead 31 professorial demeanor 31 Minnuies 31 Vanocur 31 caucus 31 Branstad 31 Bluntson 31 Andy Juniewicz 30 feed popularity BronxZoosCobra 30 Floten 30 tactfulness 30 OMOV 30 Vinroot 30 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 30 declassify memos 30 incessant infighting 30 George Stephanopolous 30 PRESIDENT BARACK 30 ducking debates 30 oratorical skill 30 followership 30 M. Venkiah Naidu 30 Neera Tanden 30 Clintonian 30 constructiveness 30 boldness 30 Kalashinkov rifle 30 difference Magazzeni 30 Mr Dingemans 30 Dakdok 30 graciousness 30 overweening arrogance 30 spokeswoman Maria Tamburri 30 strategist Bob Shrum 30 swipes underscoring 30 Romney multimillionaire 30 spokesman Rodell Mollineau 30 compassionate conservativism 30 emollient tone 30 Santorum 30 Later Rathie told 30 replied testily 30 autocratic tendencies 30 Bardissi Enterprises welcomes 30 conciliatory 30 Travis Markwood 30 Fey Palin 30 adviser Mary Matalin 30 hectoring tone 30 spokeswoman Blair Latoff 30 GMA George Stephanopoulos 30 terminally naive 30 Shallow Throat 30 Malkiewich 30 testify Zerkin 30 Judge Tatel 30 Biden 30 authoritarian tendencies 30 VPOTUS 30 footedness 30 innate likability 30 Masepe 30 Octuplets grandmother 30 rhetorically 30 disclosing chicanery 30 questions 30 question 30 Rehnquist hospitalization 30 Oval Office 30 camera hogging hyperbolic 30 Wendell Goler 30 Askins unmarried status 30 congressional recess 30 Republian 30 Congresswoman Tauscher 30 Kampeas 30 spokesman Daniel Ketchell 30 unelected clerics 30 Hillarycare 30 commuted Libby sentence 30 openness 30 lady Silda Spitzer 30 Mohammed Mohsen Zubaidi 30 Balanoff conceded 30 strongly worded rebuttal 30 DeFebbo 30 verbal lashings 30 prosecutor Katherine Winfree 30 pro choicer 30 Selectman Derek Maksy 30 debates 30 Mr. Legnard 30 Burkert Brist 30 unasked question 30 refreshing candor 30 biblically correct 30 Demcoratic 30 Intelligence Committees 30 Bielat 30 carefully parsed 30 technocratic 30 quesitons 30 IFILL Governor 30 self styled maverick 30 gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink 30 Ambassador Vershbow 30 Zarnetske 30 Specter 30 friendly backslapping demeanor 30 gaffe prone Biden 30 Zelante 30 NAFTAgate 30 accountabilty 30 Ben Veniste 30 clarify ambiguities 30 prayerful reflection 30 compassionate conservatism 30 polticial 30 Jalili dodged 30 Ryan Lizza 30 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 30 ditherer 30 Empire des Enfants 30 pollster Celinda Lake 30 senatorship 30 Maria Cino convention 30 spokesman Stuart Schear 30 consultant Bob Shrum 30 populist 30 thorough housecleaning 30 voir dire examination 30 querries 30 TRUMP Well 30 Substantively 30 McCainism 30 Speaker Naifeh 30 questioning 30 temperamentally unsuited 30 Robbins Gioia combines 30 lobbed softballs 30 Elleithee 30 Ellison D Minn 30 ElBaradei reappointment 30 presidency 30 KERREY 30 Brent Furer 30 reposing confidence 30 pious declarations 30 speak knowledgeably 30 hardwood floors Wren 30 Twice Eruzione 30 Jed Bartlet 30 disarming candor 30 honesty 30 unallotment statute 30 reporter Elisabeth Bumiller 30 Scott Getzschman insisted 30 sectarian animosities infecting 30 WGIG 30 Weithmans 30 unelected judges 30 frostily 30 judiciousness 30 beltway pundits 30 Ms Kernot 30 tepid Heft 30 jocular manner 30 principles undergirding 30 Mayor Sergei Sobyanin 30 expressing displeasure 30 Omaba 30 Speaker DiMasi 30 Linda H. Lamone 30 Ms. Whitnum 30 loose tongued 30 Prime Ministership 30 intemperate remark 30 quesiton 30 Oelslager 30 SENATOR KERRY 30 amiability 30 isolationist tendencies 30 Admiral Stockdale 30 Unpublished letters 30 CNN Candy Crowley 30 collegial 30 denounce Farrakhan 30 rousing oratory 30 Mayor Ed Wollet 30 Senator Mojisoluwa Akinfenwa 30 Urdu couplet 30 hyper partisans 30 Councilman Eric Jergensen 30 ineloquent 30 retarded cowboy 30 fleet footedness 30 moral uprightness 30 Dominic Cardy 30 curtness 30 Councilman Bern Beecham 30 exit pollers 30 Congressman Ramstad 30 fiery oratory 30 cool headedness 30 ultimatum Resign 30 unilateralist tendencies 30 idealogue 30 civic engagement 30 fireside chat 30 Starkewolf 30 spokesman Bill Nowling 30 shareholder Edward Lampert 30 constitutional proprieties 30 partisan politics 30 better psychiatrist Schertler 30 Fiscal prudence 30 Councilwoman Laketa Cole 30 Congressman Conyers 30 self effacingly 30 premature triumphalism 30 BILL KRISTOL 30 gubernatorial candidate Virg Bernero 30 partisan sniping 30 Columnist Charles Krauthammer 30 prudential judgment 30 Congressman Kanjorski 30 Straight Talk Express 30 townhall 29 Terribly mismanaged 29 JDLP 29 unmistaken 29 studiously neutral 29 deployees 29 comportment 29 Hil lary 29 inclusive participatory 29 spokeswoman Wendy Morigi 29 Barack Obama 29 Kabul Karl Eikenberry 29 consummate politician 29 Barack 29 curtly 29 minister Evangelos Venizelos 29 civility 29 Goodlette 29 evasively 29 Trump birther 29 self assuredness 29 reforming zeal 29 sporadic heckling 29 respectfulness 29 Robert Groszmann 29 Maj. Gen. Suport Pansua 29 Revis bushy beard 29 unilateralism 29 Gingrich 29 Carteresque 29 essentially unreviewable 29 faint damnation 29 plainspoken manner 29 nightly monologues 29 DuHaime 29 Rev. Naomi Lauture 29 YRs lil old 29 soldout arena 29 multi lateralism 29 downplayed videotaped deposition 29 Khairy Jamaluddin BN Rembau 29 Jude O'Doherty 29 bombastic rhetoric 29 unanimous Jagland 29 reject Hagee endorsement 29 WESTERVILLE Ohio Democrat 29 CIT Reichwald 29 liberal judicial activism 29 construing statutes 29 remembers Ohga 29 agendized item

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