Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 63 containment cap 57 containment dome 55 static kill 52 riser pipe 52 Q# [001] 52 Coast Guard Adm. Thad 51 Suttles 49 Coast Guard Admiral Thad 49 Admiral Thad Allen 48 drillship 48 containment vessel 47 officer Doug Suttles 47 Thad Allen 47 gusher 46 blowout preventer 46 BP 45 seafloor 45 Deepwater Horizon 45 underwater robots 45 Adm. Thad Allen 44 giant BP PLC 44 Macondo 43 wellhead 43 Steve Rinehart 43 skimmers 43 robot submarines 42 FPSO 42 BP leased Deepwater 42 BP PLC 41 rig Deepwater Horizon 41 Thunder Horse 41 rig exploded 41 National Incident Commander 41 Deepwater Horizon spill 41 Unified Command 41 preventer 40 hydrates 40 containment boom 40 wellbore 40 Deepwater Horizon rig exploded 40 BOEMRE 40 flange 40 Doug Suttles 39 BP PLC BP 39 BP Plc BP.L 39 containment booms 39 BP Plc 39 annulus 39 skimmer 38 Deepwater Horizon disaster 38 bbls 38 Deepwater 38 MMcf d 38 Deepwater Horizon rig 38 drilling rig 38 Live Mesh 38 Kashagan 38 ammonia tank 38 deepwater 37 BP Deepwater Horizon 37 Retired Coast Guard 37 OF MEXICO 37 oil spill 37 MMcfd 37 deepwater drilling 37 Lubchenco 37 leaking pipe 37 Prudhoe Bay 37 Hercules Offshore 37 bbls d 36 horizontal wells 36 dispersants 36 Ixtoc 36 frac 36 blowout preventers 36 dispersant 36 Loop Current 36 fracture stimulation 36 Claims Facility 36 drill rig 36 Minerals Management 36 Coast Guard Rear Adm. 36 boepd 36 ON THE GULF 36 Tropical Storm Bonnie 36 NOAA 36 Elektron 36 Shtokman 36 Hornbeck Offshore Services 36 Transocean 35 Keystone XL 35 McMoRan 35 upgrader 35 Michael Bromwich 35 Deepwater Horizon drilling 35 BOEPD 35 Gulf 35 National Oceanic 35 mmcf 35 bopd 35 Barataria Bay