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Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 58 OJJDP 57 PASS ID 56 GPRA 56 Reauthorize 56 Sentencing Reform Act 54 PL #-# [002] 53 FDAAA 52 CHIPRA 52 H.# [003] 52 Reauthorization Act 52 reauthorization 51 McKinney Vento 51 Reauthorization 51 CACR 51 reauthorizing 51 Mental Health Parity 51 CFATS 51 Medicare Secondary Payer 50 Code Sec 50 SJ Res 50 Program Reauthorization Act 50 SCHIP reauthorization 50 Senate 50 PL #-# [001] 49 Patient Centered Outcomes 49 Section #-#-# [004] 49 Prison Rape Elimination 49 legislatively mandated 49 AODA 49 reauthorizes 49 McKinney Vento Homeless 49 HIPAA Privacy Rule 48 Individualized Education Program 48 OCIO 48 SAFETEA LU 48 EMTALA 48 juvenile justice 48 Family Centered 48 MO HealthNet 48 Congress reauthorizes 48 Consolidated Appropriations 47 Framework Directive 47 America COMPETES Act 47 Facility Anti Terrorism 47 Early Intervention Program 47 Bioterrorism Preparedness 47 Omnibus Appropriations Act 47 Reintegration Program 47 TVPA 47 Accountable Care 47 YCJA 47 HJ Res 47 Parental notification 47 Sex Offender Sentencing 47 CMSP 47 Diesel Emissions Reduction 46 Byrne JAG 46 CODE ANN 46 MEJA 46 Legislative Agenda 46 VAWA 46 S.# [002] 46 reauthorize 46 Money Follows 46 Slip op 46 Dickey Wicker Amendment 46 FOIA exemption 46 Authorization Act 46 Prekindergarten 46 Parental consent 46 Unborn Child Pain 46 ADA Amendments Act 46 IC § #-# 46 constitutionally obligated 46 youthful offenders 46 Nationality Act INA 46 UNCRC 46 House 46 Omnibus Appropriations bill 45 Developmental Disability 45 reauthorizations 45 Juvenile Justice 45 HB1 45 Dietary Reference Intakes 45 GL c 45 promulgate regulations 45 CISADA 45 THE SHARPIE FONT 45 HF# [003] 45 § #.# [004] 45 medically indigent 45 FFY 45 Senate Appropriations Committees 45 Sexually Violent Predator 45 Permanency 45 FISMA compliance 45 Adequate Education 45 Implementation Plan 45 RtI 45 prohibited cruel inhuman 45 FFDCA

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