
Related by string. junket . junkets . Junket . junketing * * junket aggregation . gambling junkets . Vegas junket . lavish junkets . golfing junket . press junket . junket operators . Press Junket . accepted golfing junket *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 62 Taxpayer Funded 62 Draw Scrutiny 61 Junket 61 Tax Cheats 61 Bailed Out 61 Sex Scandals 60 Cry Foul Over 60 Bailing Out 59 Shortchange 59 Too Costly 59 Faces Backlash 59 Tussle Over 59 Languishes 59 Rankles 59 Irritates 58 Gets Backing 58 Propping Up 58 Cautiously Optimistic About 58 Spends Millions 58 Scandal Prompts 58 Bribed 58 Tax Hikes 58 Washn 58 Squabble Over 58 Annoys 58 Hypocritical 58 Disservice 58 Tightens Rules 57 Faces Criticism 57 Pay Hike 57 Neglects 57 Poke Fun 57 Finger Pointing 57 Face Scrutiny 57 Eases Rules 57 Thorny Issue 57 Complain About 57 Costing Taxpayers 57 Corruption Scandal 57 Panel Discusses 57 Demands Apology 57 Infuriates 57 Ken Schram Commentary 56 Subsidizes 56 Politically Connected 56 Attitude Towards 56 Prison Sentences 56 Demand Apology 56 Distance Himself 56 Issues Remain 56 Privacy Protections 56 Face Uphill Battle 56 Gets Testy 56 Shortchanged 56 Rejects Proposal 56 Berates 56 Cautioned Against 56 Taxpayer Expense 56 Fallout Continues 56 Deemed Too 56 Spending Freeze 56 Face Fines 56 Doles Out 56 Flout 56 Op Ed Contributor 56 Frets About 56 Fret Over 56 Tread Carefully 56 Be Taxed 56 Warned Against 56 Pork Barrel 56 Attack Ads 56 Face Tougher 56 Gave Away 56 Rapped 56 Fess Up 56 Buckling Up 56 Peddles 56 Advises Against 56 Advocates Urge 56 Rebate Checks 56 Exec Pay 56 Ruled Illegal 56 Bankers Bonuses 56 Pay Hikes 56 Haggle Over 56 Berate 56 Biased Against 56 Rotten Eggs 55 Devotes 55 Lawmakers Urge 55 Pokes Fun 55 Panel Hears 55 Tax Havens 55 Lawmakers Propose 55 Gun Toting 55 Fume Over 55 Mixed Reactions 55 Resolve Differences 55 Complains About 55 Vexes 55 Scrutinizes 55 Scandal Plagued 55 Panel Clears 55 Panel Debates 55 Differs From 55 Credit Card Fees 55 Short Sighted 55 Slush Funds 55 Lambastes 55 Spells Trouble 55 Aide Indicted 55 Discourages 55 Could Undermine 55 Scoffs At 55 Tighten Belts 55 Handed Out 55 Bailed Out Banks 55 Tax Breaks 55 Be Compensated 55 Renews Calls 55 Sever Ties 55 Spend Billions 55 Ignored Warnings 55 Presidential Hopefuls 55 Cries Foul Over 55 Admonishes 55 Argue Against 55 Wasting Money 55 GETTING PERSONAL 55 Decried 55 Profited From 55 Wrangle Over 55 Proposal Rejected 55 Trashes 55 Put Brakes 55 Urge Passage 55 Implores 55 Draw Ire 55 Stimulus Packages 55 Argues Against 55 Pessimistic About 55 Tax Rebates 55 Ripped Off 55 Faces Scrutiny 55 Wrestles With 55 Misleads 55 Confuses 55 Aide Quits 55 Probe Widens 55 Faces Hurdles 55 Behaved 55 Wants Tougher 55 Watered Down 54 Zings 54 Airport Screeners 54 Scandal Rocks 54 Arm Twisting 54 Offers Apology 54 Uproar Over 54 Bankrolls 54 Eschews 54 Downplayed 54 Unnerves 54 Seek Tougher 54 Veto Proof 54 Must Disclose 54 Senators Propose 54 Cause Confusion 54 Reap Rewards 54 Seeks Answers 54 Puts Brakes 54 Overestimated 54 Debt Ridden 54 Fiscally Responsible 54 Flunk 54 Face Grilling 54 Contradict 54 Benefited From 54 Be Probed 54 Dollars Spent 54 Turned Away From 54 Dems Seek 54 Payoffs 54 Omits 54 Threatens Lawsuit 54 Reconvenes 54 Seek Compromise 54 Pulling Plug 54 Lawmaker Seeks 54 Hit Snag 54 Taints 54 Complained About 54 Intrude 54 Proposes Cutting 54 Wasteful Spending 54 Be Rewarded 54 Woes Prompt 54 Differs 54 Disapproves 54 Election Nears 54 Gay Marriage Issue 54 Decide Fate 54 Talked About 54 Shortchanges 54 Taxpayer Dollars 54 Window Dressing 54 Short Shrift 54 Proposes Cuts 54 Will Backfire 54 Whines About 54 Salary Hike 54 Stimulus Spending 54 Oppose Abortion 54 Sparks Outrage 54 Deserve Respect 54 Feel Pinch 54 Have Mixed Feelings 54 Takes Backseat 54 Stop Whining 54 AIG Bonuses 54 Stays Away 54 Defrauded 54 Concede Defeat 54 Costs Soar 54 Belt Tightening 54 TODAY 'S EDITORIAL 54 Admits Errors 54 Should Be Punished 54 Raises Ire 54 Being Held Hostage 54 Fact Checking 54 Propose Changes 54 Draws Scrutiny 54 Faux Pas 54 Ctd 54 Daunting Task 54 Reaction Mixed 54 Biggest Problem 54 Lawmakers Seek 54 Showdown Looms 54 Face Obstacles 54 Shy Away 54 Subsidize 54 Senators Urge 54 Irks 54 Distances Himself From 54 Sacred Cows 54 Calorie Counts 54 Clamping Down 54 Scrutinized 54 Delve Into 53 Vent Frustration 53 Crisis Deepens 53 Decry 53 Pressure Mounts 53 Pressure Builds 53 Run Afoul 53 Profited 53 Poll Shows Support 53 Shared Sacrifice 53 Likelier 53 Bicker Over 53 Screwing Up 53 Spell Trouble 53 Oppose Gay Marriage 53 ANOTHER VOICE 53 Allege 53 Bizbits 53 Pin Hopes 53 Winners Losers 53 Chastises 53 Leaders Criticize 53 Big Spenders 53 Be Wary 53 Ayoon wa Azan 53 Pay Freeze 53 Took Bribes 53 Closer Scrutiny 53 Rips Off 53 Bankrupting 53 Demands Answers 53 Casts Shadow Over 53 Schwarzenegger Vetoes 53 Drawn Into 53 Tough Stance 53 Draws Ire 53 Same Sex Weddings 53 Raise Alarm 53 Pay Cuts 53 Warn Against 53 Draw Attention 53 Taxpayer Bailout 53 Ill Conceived 53 Bashes 53 Misunderstand 53 Penalize 53 Politican 53 Politicans 53 Fate Rests 53 Protection Racket 53 Vows Crackdown 53 Must Apologize 53 Dipping Into 53 Raise Debt Ceiling 53 Could Hurt 53 Desperately Need 53 Discriminates Against 53 Must Prove 53 Lambasts 53 Hefty Fines 53 Deficit Spending 53 Chides 53 Experts Urge 53 Fiscal Restraint 53 Should Resign 53 Scammed 53 Demands Removal 53 Baggage Fees 53 Punishes 53 Ill Prepared 53 Less Than Half 53 Gets Busted 53 Defund 53 Stagnate 53 Publicizes 53 Makes Mockery 53 Takes Swipe 53 Steer Clear Of 53 Stay Afloat 53 Offends 53 Raises Concerns Over 53 Advertises 53 Candidates Differ 53 Be Held Accountable 53 Raising Eyebrows 53 Causes Confusion 53 Draws Criticism 53 Draws Attention 53 Ripping Off 53 Kept Secret 53 Lagging Behind 53 Non Existent 53 Seeks Tougher 53 Takes Jab 53 Rips Into 53 Raise Concerns 53 Blow Whistle 53 Bribing 53 Could Backfire 53 Heated Debate 53 Ill Advised 53 Trouble Looms 53 Vote Nears 53 Kicked Out 53 Gets Tougher 53 Raise Eyebrows 53 Gov'T 53 Official Warns 53 Ripoff 53 Could Jeopardize 53 Flip Flopping 53 Broke Rules 53 Presidential Contenders 53 Morning Skim 53 Panel Criticizes 53 Rebut 53 Lend Support 53 Spending Spree 53 Hears Testimony 53 Collect Taxes 53 Fight Looms 53 CAREER PROS 53 Groups Urge 53 Expensive Than 53 Preferential Treatment 53 Enrages 53 Under Scrutiny 53 Forgoes 53 Could Harm 53 Economic Woes 53 Unmasks 53 Losing Steam 53 Harsh Words 53 Held Accountable 53 Clock Ticks 53 Scaling Back 53 Cross Hairs 53 Overreach 53 Be Banned 53 Leaders Urge 53 Turns Ugly 53 Outrages 52 Expert Tells 52 Draws Fire 52 Foot Dragging 52 Stiffing 52 Panel Oks 52 Voter Anger 52 Equates 52 Be Prosecuted 52 Tax Loopholes 52 Long Overdue 52 Defends Actions 52 Prove Costly 52 Travails 52 Corruption Charges 52 Have Gotten 52 Celebrates Birthday 52 Questions Raised 52 Stance Against 52 BELTWAY BLOGROLL 52 LEADER ARTICLE 52 Decries Lack 52 Is Unconstitutional 52 Battle Heats Up 52 Activists Urge 52 Imperil 52 Stricter Rules 52 Disbands 52 Feeling Pinch 52 Should Apologize 52 Untrustworthy 52 Deal Reached 52 Tricked Into 52 Snuff Out 52 Nixed 52 IRS Audits 52 Vacation Spots 52 #B Bailout 52 Should Reconsider 52 Owes Millions 52 Lavish Spending 52 Minimum Wage Hike 52 Alito Confirmation 52 Lash Out 52 Toned Down 52 Weigh Options 52 Pork Barrel Spending 52 Days Numbered 52 Boycotted 52 Political Tidbits 52 Raising Minimum Wage 52 Feds Investigate 52 Draws Praise 52 Dumber Than 52 CBS4 Investigates 52 Strike Threat 52 Files Complaint Over 52 Groups Warn 52 Piss Off 52 Foreclosure Mess 52 Dispute Settled 52 Pay Debts 52 Tighten Rules 52 Lined Up 52 Inquirer Editorial 52 Embezzled 52 Cry Foul 52 Petition Signatures 52 Cautions Against 52 Mixed Reaction 52 Overwhelming Support 52 Help Tsunami Victims 52 Gets Mixed Reaction 52 Stands Firm 52 Kowtow 52 Legalized Gambling 52 Pay Raises 52 Fee Increases 52 Likely Delayed 52 Different Approaches 52 Poll Suggests 52 Healthier Than 52 Slush Fund 52 Economy Recovers 52 Rejects Claims 52 Flex Muscles 52 Crisis Affects 52 Moves Quickly 52 Reject Proposed 52 Swipe Fees 52 Penalizes 52 Against Gay Marriage 52 Lashes Out Against 52 Mixed Blessing 52 Must Reject 52 Fiscally Irresponsible 52 Expert Advises 52 Reach Compromise 52 Leaders Propose 52 Partisan Politics 52 Thumbs Nose 52 Cast Votes 52 Appease 52 Trouble Spots 52 Renews Push 52 Stimulus Checks 52 Terrifies 52 Deadline Looms 52 Highest Paid 52 Coffers 52 Crisis Looms 52 Happier Than 52 Raise Concern 52 Disqualifies 52 Op Ed Columnist 52 Misdeeds 52 Carry Guns 52 Points Finger 52 Discriminate Against 52 Find Themselves 52 Taxpayer Subsidies 52 Jumping Ship 52 Perpetuates 52 CabinWindow 52 Brace Themselves 52 Campaign Slogan 52 Raise Minimum Wage 52 Flouts 52 Denied Entry 52 Aide Resigns 52 Lawmakers Oppose 52 Outnumber 52 Vast Majority 52 Wardrobe Malfunctions 52 Campaign Kicks Off 52 Stirs Debate 52 Gloat 52 Mistakes Made 52 Battle Intensifies 52 Spells Doom 52 EDITORIALS 52 Vote Postponed 52 Raise Fares 52 Proves Difficult 52 Reveals Secret 52 Wealthiest Americans 52 Mend Fences 52 Boss Quits 52 Dealt Setback 52 Raises Possibility 52 Consulted 52 Clamp Down 52 Attitude Toward 52 Play Pivotal Role 52 Spark Debate 52 Well Behaved 52 Evenly Split 52 Unsolicited Advice 52 Boils Down 52 Panel Urges 52 Deeply Disappointed 52 Reads Riot Act 52 Retention Bonuses 52 Budget Deficits 52 E Mails Show 52 Dumbed Down 52 Bail Outs 52 Remain Jailed 52 Remain Wary 52 Cash Strapped 52 Scam Exposed 52 Threaten Boycott 52 Bleak Future 52 Mud Slinging 52 Face Eviction 52 Run Amok 52 Expert Urges 52 Reimburse 52 Forced Into 52 Elicits 52 Fraud Probe 52 Scaled Back 52 Divvy Up 52 Discriminating Against 52 Crony Capitalism 52 Distance Themselves From 52 Bozell Column 51 Cries Foul 51 Evicts 51 Pooh Poohs 51 Step Backward 51 Kinder Gentler 51 Hotly Contested 51 To Decide Fate 51 Apologized 51 Self Imposed 51 Backlash Against 51 Bedevil 51 Resign Amid 51 Portend 51 Watchdog Warns 51 Gets Earful 51 Get Screwed 51 Demands Explanation 51 Might Affect 51 Gets Thumbs Down 51 Visitor Logs 51 Candidates Vie 51 Reinvent Themselves 51 Disowns 51 Pay Dearly 51 Costliest 51 Official Urges 51 Penny Pinching 51 Outdo 51 Can Afford 51 Has Stopped 51 Bleak Outlook 51 Tax Deductions 51 Tax Scofflaws 51 Fully Prepared 51 Must Accept 51 Groups Seek 51 Must Withdraw 51 Tax Refunds 51 Bailout Funds 51 Hiring Illegal Immigrants 51 Postpones Vote 51 Rejects Criticism 51 Declares Himself 51 Keeps Them 51 Politicians React 51 Lawsuit Tossed 51 Admits Error 51 Penalise 51 Welfare Recipients 51 Mean Spirited 51 Mixed Reviews 51 Face Dilemma 51 Chided 51 Tougher Rules 51 Raises Eyebrows 51 Rip Offs 51 Pose Risk 51 Fund Raisers 51 Slip Ups 51 Overspend 51 Declare Victory 51 Debt Forgiveness 51 Affront 51 Embarrassments 51 Creeps Into 51 Stimulus Measures 51 Warned About 51 Trade Pacts 51 Turned Away 51 Wage Freeze 51 Outweighs 51 EFCC Quizzes 51 Tilt Toward 51 Scamming 51 Proposes Tougher 51 Richer Than 51 Trade Barbs 51 Terrible Idea 51 Tin Ear 51 Lawmaker Wants 51 Wears Thin 51 Blows Whistle 51 Speaks Out Against 51 Veto Override 51 Still Undecided 51 Closely Watched 51 Double Dipping 51 Smoked Pot 51 Expresses Concern Over 51 Bigger Than Ever 51 Badly Needed 51 Debate Merits 51 Go Smoothly 51 Impractical 51 Sabotaged 51 Racist Remarks 51 Billion Spent 51 Marching Orders 51 House Panel Approves 51 Cracks Down On 51 Override Veto 51 Could Lose 51 Poses Challenges 51 Appears Poised 51 Offers Incentives 51 Tanning Beds 51 Needs Fixing 51 STAFF EDITORIAL 51 Lawmaker Says 51 Erupts Over 51 Would Prefer 51 Inflames 51 Walks Tightrope 51 Tossed Out 51 Retaliate Against 51 Be Punished 51 Philandering 51 Bigwigs 51 Corruption Probe 51 Exhorts 51 Smear Campaign Against 51 Marital Bliss 51 Readers React 51 Be Monitored 51 Bipartisan Support 51 Draws Mixed Reviews 51 Defends Role 51 Newspaper Endorsements 51 Frequent Fliers 51 Panel Probes 51 Celebrity Endorsements 51 Safer Than 51 Slowed Down 51 Politically Motivated 51 Despise 51 Proposes Ban 51 An Oxymoron 51 Gives Himself 51 Tax Evaders 51 Hold Hearings 51 Could Derail 51 Gets Grilled 51 Stole Millions 51 Empty Rhetoric 51 Severance Package 51 Thrown Away 51 Quarrel Over 51 Enrich Themselves 51 Obstacles Remain 51 Deadline Looming 51 Credible Threat 51 Boondoggle 51 Misses Deadline 51 Extend Unemployment Benefits 51 Bird Flu Threat 51 Obstructionism 51 Can Handle 51 GETTING PERSONAL CANADA 51 Legislation Passed 51 Tarmac Delays 51 Resonates 51 Mismanaged 51 Scandal Threatens 51 Wealthiest 51 PUBLIC VIEWPOINT 51 Race Heats Up 51 Strip Searched 51 Forced Abortions 51 Bribes 51 Bankrupted 51 Torn Between 51 Morning Must Reads 51 Brags About 51 Katie Couric Notebook 51 Launches Probe Into 51 Expresses Concern About 51 Forgets 51 Carries Risks 51 Creates Controversy 51 Blackmailing 51 Fiscally Conservative 51 Could Prove 51 Stop Meddling 51 Gets Bigger 51 Fight Heats Up 51 Terror Threats 51 Proliferate 51 Salary Increases 51 NewsMax Wires 51 Litmus Test 51 Keep Tabs 51 Lobbying Efforts 51 Budget Ax 51 Earmark Ban 51 Misused Funds 51 Becoming Increasingly 51 Workshop Teaches 51 Unaccountable 51 Seeks Probe 51 Bottoming Out 51 File Complaint 51 Reelection 51 Votes Counted 51 Sending Mixed Signals 51 Embarrasses 51 Lawmakers Vow 51 Unionize 51 Breeding Grounds 51 Sweeping Changes 51 Checkbooks 51 Treated Unfairly 51 Sets Example 51 Frowns 51 Shook Up 51 Lobbies 51 Must Adapt 51 Pondered 51 Not Necessarily 51 Rebukes 51 Legislation Passes 51 Activists Criticize 51 Lottery Winnings 51 Protests Planned 51 Kicked Out Of 51 Higher Minimum Wage 51 Urges Passage 51 Experts Predict 51 Must Pay 51 Be Investigated 51 Lap Dances 51 Unpaid Taxes 51 Talks Collapse 51 Phasing Out 51 Documents Reveal 51 Swipe Fee 51 Dire Consequences 51 Groups Criticize 51 Cigarette Tax Hike 51 Gets Mixed Reviews 51 Clashed 51 Conflicted Over 51 Crazier Than 51 Fiscal Woes 51 Testify Before 51 Considers Charging 51 Pricy 51 Tight Budgets 51 Ex Aide 51 Defamed 51 Loophole Allows 51 Overwhelmingly Approve 51 Overestimate 51 Criticises 51 Scorns 51 Racking Up 51 Wields 51 Compiles List 51 Puts Brakes On 51 Censures 51 Causes Panic 51 Bilking 51 Temper Tantrum 51 Writes Letter 51 Crowd Expected 50 Touchy Feely 50 Be Subpoenaed 50 Fee Hikes 50 Empty Promises 50 Booted From 50 Loom Large 50 Influence Peddling 50 Groups Oppose 50 Disagrees With 50 Wiping Out 50 Longest Serving 50 Regulators Propose 50 Readied 50 Closed Door 50 Tough Decisions 50 Double Edged Sword 50 Have Never Been 50 Self Defeating 50 Offers Discounts 50 Phased Out 50 Dismisses Talk 50 Distance Itself 50 Experts Warn 50 TALK BACKS 50 Groups Protest 50 Worst Nightmare 50 Fuming Over 50 Ad Blitz 50 Opting Out 50 Says Muhyiddin 50 Deride 50 Fertility Treatments 50 Absurdities 50 Nears Vote 50 Allay Fears 50 Opportunities Exist 50 Bum Rap 50 Suit Tossed 50 Lawmaker Calls 50 Eye Popping 50 Revolving Door 50 Op Ed Contributors 50 Than Ever Before 50 Aide Pleads Guilty 50 Looming Crisis 50 POLITICS US 50 Ease Restrictions 50 Issue Resolved 50 Heavy Handed 50 Causing Stir 50 Ease Pain 50 Relents 50 Cracks Down 50 Stimulate Economy 50 Sparks Outcry 50 Sotomayor Nomination 50 Stir Controversy 50 Shaky Economy 50 Veto Threat 50 Could Prove Costly 50 Gives Advice 50 Bemoan 50 Assails 50 Auto Bailout 50 Issue Heats Up 50 Barred From 50 Probe Clears 50 Probe Update2 50 Sidesteps 50 Proposed Legislation 50 Special Interests 50 Rebuked 50 Contribution Limits 50 Spreads Message 50 Fading Fast 50 Opts Out Of 50 Confound 50 Offend 50 Supplant 50 Debt Ceiling 50 Hate Relationship 50 Porn Sites 50 Pose Problem 50 Cast Ballots 50 Fuzzy Math 50 Phone Jamming 50 Expert Warns 50 Must Cooperate 50 Be Auctioned Off 50 Ill Timed 50 Bribe 50 Turned Off 50 Taking Bribes 50 Could Cripple 50 Questions Abound 50 Minimum Wage Increase 50 Scam Targets 50 Deadline Extended 50 Gets Easier 50 Resolve Dispute 50 Debate Heats Up 50 Gaining Popularity 50 Tax Hike 50 Inquiry Finds 50 Laptop Stolen 50 Faces Uphill Battle 50 Passes Sweeping 50 Reaches Compromise 50 Hang Onto 50 Renege 50 Gaffes 50 Stop Blaming 50 Climate Change Deniers 50 Fear Mongering 50 Really Necessary 50 Recession Hits 50 Smoking Bans 50 Backs Away 50 Governor Vetoes 50 Gas Guzzlers 50 Revolt Against 50 Win Trip 50 Are Ruining 50 Vindicates 50 Vote Delayed 50 Deeply Sorry 50 Causing Headaches 50 Renews Call 50 Languish 50 Be Liable 50 FE Editorial 50 EDITORIAL COMMENT 50 Ambitious Agenda 50 Introduce Legislation 50 Turned Down 50 Tax Scams 50 Juggles 50 Admits Mistakes 50 Firms Seek 50 Prostituting 50 Groups Applaud 50 Cuba Embargo 50 Activists Decry 50 Imagines 50 Anxiously Await 50 Remain Divided 50 Statewide Smoking Ban 50 Survey Suggests 50 Getting Rid Of 50 Activists Protest 50 Ticks Off 50 Farm Subsidies 50 Opts Out 50 Similarities Between 50 Duped Into 50 Protests Spread

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