
Related by string. loophole * * closes loophole . exploiting loophole . exploiting loopholes . exploited loophole . loophole exempting . plugging loopholes . terrestrial loophole . glaring loopholes . Enron Loophole . unjustifiable loopholes . loophole closers . gaping loophole . Closing Tax Loopholes . gaping loopholes . exploit loopholes . Tax Loophole . Show Loophole . Loophole lets *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 60 Loopholes 58 loophole 47 Clampdown 47 loopholes 44 Tax Hikes 44 Tax Breaks 43 Legalized 42 Dodgy 42 Nixed 42 Illegal 41 Spammer 41 Scrutinized 41 Under Scrutiny 41 Outlawing 41 Illegal Immigrants 40 Pedophile 40 Lobbies 40 Exemption 40 Snooping 40 Hypocritical 40 Abusive 40 Greedy 40 Jobless Benefits 40 Thrown Out 40 Crack Down 39 Spat 39 Errant 39 closes loophole 39 Lawmaker Wants 39 Raises Concerns 39 Ex Gov 39 Fraudster 39 Lawsuit 39 Sued Over 39 Bogus 39 Barred From 38 Wrongly 38 Conman 38 exploiting loophole 38 Dishonest 38 Controversial 38 Tort Reform 38 Legislation 38 Violated 38 Gets Tough 38 Fraud Case 38 Man Allegedly 38 Exempted 38 Costly 38 Bribe 38 Unlicensed 38 Scam 37 Toughen 37 Fraud Charges 37 Auto Bailout 37 Security Breach 37 Typo 37 Alleged 37 Reform Legislation 37 Breached 37 Unfairly 37 Phony 37 Exemptions 37 Unqualified 37 Irresponsible 36 Gets Prison 36 Flawed 36 Disputed 36 Tricked 36 Idiotic 36 Faked 36 Earmark 36 Dubious 36 Drunken 36 Brothel 36 Banned 36 Fraud 36 Bribing 35 Repeal 35 Blocked 35 Taxman 35 Allege 35 Bungling 35 THE INFLUENCE GAME 35 Stingy 35 Accused 35 Sex Sting 35 avoidance schemes 35 Violate 35 Swamped 35 Bribes 35 Unnecessary 34 Botched 34 Pervert 34 Axed 34 Problematic 34 Shamed 34 Cheating 34 Misguided 34 Pushy 34 Special Interests

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