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Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 55 SurveyUSA poll 54 Rasmussen Reports poll 53 SurveyUSA 52 Quinnipiac poll 50 Zogby poll 50 Rasmussen Reports 47 Public Policy Polling 47 GfK survey 46 leaning independents 45 POLL 45 Field Poll 45 Gallup poll 44 Gallup polling 44 EPIC MRA 43 CNN Opinion 42 SURVEY 42 mainline Protestants 42 Tribune WGN 42 DAVID BROOKS 42 Mason Dixon Polling 41 Associated Press GfK poll 41 Polls 40 Poll Finds 40 Quinnipiac University 40 Gallup Poll 40 latest Newspoll 40 nonpartisan Pew Research 40 Poll Shows 40 Associated Press Ipsos poll 40 Public Opinion Strategies 39 opinion polls 39 RealClearPolitics.com 39 undecideds 39 favorability rating 39 Exit polls 39 caucus goers 39 Associated Press GfK Poll 39 Ipsos poll 39 RealClearPolitics 38 GfK poll 38 poll 38 Mccain 38 Poll 38 battleground states 38 Populus poll 38 polls 38 leadoff Iowa caucuses 37 exit polls 37 Ipsos polling 37 Polls indicate 37 unaffiliated voters 37 Independents 37 Press Harris Decima 37 independents 37 sampling error margin 36 YouGov poll 36 Newspoll 36 leaners 36 Clear Politics 36 tossup 36 persuadable 36 AP Ipsos poll 36 Republican Pat Toomey 36 pollsters 36 favorability ratings 36 Barack Obama 35 Mitt Romney 35 Primaries 35 Iowa caucuses 35 straw poll 35 candidate Ralph Nader 35 evangelical Protestants 35 Zogby International 35 evangelicals 35 primaries 35 Majorities 35 Iowa 35 GfK Poll 35 McCain 35 Iowa Caucuses 35 Gay Marriage Ban 35 statistically insignificant 35 ICM poll 35 Pollster 35 Superdelegates 34 Gallup Organization 34 electable 34 Chet Culver 34 Democrat Claire McCaskill 34 disapproval rating 34 Electoral College 34 Opinion Dynamics 34 Gallup 34 undecided voters 33 evangelical Christians 33 electability 33 Sen. Hillary Clinton 33 uncommitted 33 Alan Schlesinger 33 Preseason Poll 33 JoAnne Kloppenburg

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