Related by string. Operating Expenses Aircraft * operating . Operated . operated : CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING . Operating Income Loss . Chief Operating Officer / Expenses . expenses . - Expenses [012] : Interest expense net . Other Income Expense . OPENINGS GROSS MARGINS EXPENSES / aircrafts . AIRCRAFT . Aircrafts : Marine Aircraft Wing . turbo prop aircraft . Airbus A# aircraft * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 59 Salaries wages 59 - Expenses [006] 58 - - [124] 58 - -Labyer 58 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 58 OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries 58 - - TotalYourLink 58 - - Total [037] 58 Deprec iation 57 -Batho Pele 57 -Castries St. 57 - - [041] 57 - - [103] 57 - Adjusted EBITDA [002] 57 - - Total [071] 57 - Adjusted [016] 57 - Expenses [015] 57 expense# [002] 56 - Expenses [018] 56 Expenses Operating 56 - Subtotal [003] 56 - Expenses [007] 56 - - Total [060] 56 - Segment [004] 56 #,#,#,# [014] 56 Operating Expenses Wages 56 Capitalized Interest 55 - -profitabilty 55 -Kowalchuk 55 - Expenhouse Anna Neur 55 - - Total [072] 55 - Non GAAP [002] 55 - Adjusted [003] 55 - - Total [007] 55 - - [075] 55 - Non GAAP [008] 55 Operating Expenses Salaries 55 - - Adjusted EBIEuronext Amsterdam VDMN.AS 55 - Adjusted EBITDA [004] 55 -Miner Res 55 -exhaust tailpipe 55 - - Total [045] 55 - - [120] 55 - - Total [019] 55 Mainline CASM excluding 55 - Adjusted [028] 55 OPERATING REVENUE 55 - Adjusted [009] 55 Add subtract 55 - -Clines Corners 54 amorti zation 54 - - Total [042] 54 Reconciling Items 54 #,#.# % [002] 54 - OperatKarnas 54 - -Ahnu 54 - Expenses [013] 54 CASM excluding 54 - Total operating 54 - - Totcheering lustily 54 - - Net [027] 54 - - [045] 54 - - [121] 54 = Operating [003] 54 - Total noninterest expense 54 - - Total [002] 54 -Angelo Nieves 54 - Expenses [001] 54 - Total revenueDefensive coordinators 54 - Operating [009] 54 ASM excluding 54 expenses# [002] 54 - - [130] 54 - Total [007] 54 - - [001] 54 - - [126] 54 - Non GAAP [025] 54 - Operating [008] 54 - -freefall parachute 54 #,#,# [005] 54 -David# 54 -Tilak Marg 54 -Von Hippel Lindau 54 - - Non GAAPHawai'i Paroling Authority 54 - - Toandrea@andreakay.com 54 .2 .3 53 Depreciation Amortization 53 - Total [024] 53 Operating Expenses 53 - Operating [029] 53 Nonregulated 53 Cooling Degree Days 53 - Adjusted [019] 53 nonoperating income 53 -WIZO 53 - Jim Clack 53 Curtailment gain 53 - TOTAL [009] 53 Depreciation depletion amortization 53 - - Total [041] 53 - - Total [047] 53 - - Net Loss Attributable 53 Intangibles amortization 53 #,# -Kobita Desai principal 53 - - Total [043] 53 - Expenses [011] 53 - - Total [009] 53 - -southwest@lillienews.com 53 - Non GAAP [027] 53 - Adjusted [013] 53 - - [029] 53 Tenant reimbursements 53 - - Total [055] 53 - Non GAAPalanquero base 53 - - Total [021] 53 - Unaudited [001] 53 - Non GHanno Coetzee 53 Corporate Overhead 53 - Expenses [003] 53 - - Total [020] 53 - - [027] 53 Unallocated Corporate 53 - Adjusted EBITDA [005] 53 #,#,#,#,#,# [001] 53 Expensed 53 -Onufrak 53 - - [005] 53 EXPENSES Operating 53 NET INTEREST AND OTHER 53 #,# -Radhika Menon Theodore 53 - - NetGranara 53 - - [106] 53 - OperAyscough 53 EXPENSES Production 53 - -Woolslayer 53 - Total [037] 53 Related Expenses 53 - - [065] 52 -#,# -#,# -#,# [001] 52 - - Total [053] 52 - - Total [050] 52 IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 52 OTHER EXPENSE 52 - - [071] 52 Segment Margin 52 Restruc turing 52 Accelerated Depreciation 52 - -OfficeMax ImPress R 52 - - Total [054] 52 - Operating [018] 52 - CASH FLOWS [013] 52 = Operating [002] 52 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 52 - - Net [021] 52 Amortized 52 -Cretin 52 - - Total [040] 52 - Adjusted EBITDA [003] 52 - Operating [025] 52 - Adjusted EBIJoaquim Rafael 52 # - -Cult Editor 52 - Total [022] 52 -Wallagrass 52 - Non GAAP [026] 52 - - Total [061] 52 - - Net [007] 52 nm nm 52 - - Total [017] 52 Items excluded 52 TOTAL EXPENSES 52 = Operating [001] 52 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 52 - -Bredbury 52 - - Total [051] 52 - - Total [059] 52 Average dayrate 52 - Operating [024] 52 - - Total [058] 52 - Non GAAP [023] 52 - -Mike Butia 52 - Operating [030] 52 Nonoperating 52 Operating Expenses Compensation 52 - - Total [025] 52 - Operating ExpDe'Ja Wills 52 - - [112] 51 - - Non GAAP [007] 51 - - Total [035] 51 - Total [003] 51 - Operating Expenses [005] 51 - - [031] 51 - - Total [001] 51 NONINTEREST EXPENSE 51 - -Belusko 51 TOTAL PROVED 51 - OperatingAlcoholics Anonymous nonsmoking 51 - Expenses [017] 51 - Totgarden gnome 51 - Total [005] 51 #,#,# [023] 51 - - Total [056] 51 - - Operating [001] 51 - - [085] 51 - Operating [005] 51 FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchases 51 - TOTAL [015] 51 - - Total [057] 51 INCOME TAX BENEFIT EXPENSE 51 - - Net [038] 51 - ToTrain Derails 51 - Non GAAP [001] 51 TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES 51 TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSE 51 Recurring Adj 51 postretirement expense 51 OPERATING EXPENSES 51 - Operating [002] 51 - Total [025] 51 Domestic Liftboats 51 - Pro forma [002] 51 - - Total [032] 51 - - [086] 51 - - Total [067] 51 EXPENSE NET 51 - - Total [062] 51 Leasehold inducements 51 - Total [013] 51 - Adjusted [010] 51 Unallocated Expenses 51 -Vado Diomande 51 #,#.# % [001] 51 - Operating [020] 51 - - [098] 51 Total [006] 51 - - [067] 51 - -Kondhwa 51 Depletion depreciation amortization 51 Debt extinguishment costs 51 -megabases 51 - -watt amp 51 - Non GAAP [028] 51 Lease termination 51 -#Gb s InfiniBand 51 - Income Loss [001] 51 - OpeDHQ 51 - AdjusETON 51 -BaseMetals.com analyst William 51 - INCOME LOEducation HMIe 51 Goodwill Impairment 51 - Non GAAP [004] 51 - Operating [026] 51 - Adjusted EBITDA [010] 51 - - TotRobert Gisevius Jr. 51 -offcourt 51 Tax Expense 51 - - Non arachnophobes 51 - - [048] 51 - - [058] 51 Total Reportable Segments 51 - - Total [068] 51 - Total noninterest [006] 51 Total noninterest expenses 51 - Operating [010] 51 - - Net [059] 51 - - [070] 51 LOSS INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED 51 Intangible Assets Goodwill 51 -BiH Presidency 50 - Operating [015] 50 - - [073] 50 - -Traymore 50 - OCBSO 50 Loss Gain 50 Total Operating Expenses 50 Noninterest Expense 50 AND INCOME TAXES 50 Fleet Utilization 50 Nonrecurring 50 Nonoperating income 50 Intersegment Eliminations 50 -#,# -# -#,# 50 - Operating [007] 50 International Liftboats 50 - -VVAF 50 Premiums Earned 50 -Brad Dorfman editing 50 - -Corporatism 50 - - [084] 50 -Celine Dion Eric Clapton 50 - - Net [046] 50 Expense reimbursements 50 - OPERATING [005] 50 #,#,# #,#,# [001] 50 TOTAL REVENUE 50 - Income [031] 50 Non GAAP adjustments 50 CASH USED FOR 50 -ASSAULT ON 50 amortization# 50 - Operating [004] 50 Reportable segment 50 - - [060] 50 Unallocated expenses 50 - Loss [015] 50 INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 50 -Laemmle Music 50 - Adjusted [017] 50 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION TO RECONCILE 50 Interest Expense Net 50 - Total [006] 50 - Loss [010] 50 - TOTAL [019] 50 #,#,#,# [002] 50 Per Mcfe 50 #,#,#,#,# [009] 50 - Operating [001] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Occupancy 50 - - [110] 50 Income Tax Provision 50 Goodwill impairment charge 50 -Kibby Mountain 50 Restructuring Expenses 50 OPERATING LOSS 50 OPERATING COSTS AND EXPENSES 50 -Robin Preiss Glasser 50 Independent Leg Jackups 50 -Samuele Dalla Bona 50 -Ricco Maresca Gallery 50 COSTS AND EXPENSES 50 - Total [004] 50 -murtad 50 - Total [010] 50 Asset Impairment Charges 50 - - [128] 50 - - Total [022] 50 Total Noninterest Expense 50 - Adjusted [012] 50 - TOTAL [005] 50 Reimbursed costs 50 Unallocated corporate 50 Discontinued Ops 50 - Adjusted [001] 50 -DUET WITH 50 Taxes receivable 50 - Operating [012] 50 Operating Expense 50 Expenses Lease 50 COST AND EXPENSES 50 - - Net [044] 50 Restructuring Charge 50 -homing instinct 50 Mainline CASM 50 Selling Expenses 50 - - Net [058] 49 expense LOE 49 - - Total [039] 49 - Operating [023] 49 - - [127] 49 -Mullaloo 49 -#,# -# 49 postretirement benefit expense 49 -equatorial belt 49 - Total [029] 49 - Adjusted EBITDA [001] 49 - Income [005] 49 #,# =Chavist 49 Realized hedging 49 OTHER INCOME Interest 49 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE NET 49 Depreciation Depletion 49 Depreciations 49 Unusual Items 49 - Adjusted [021] 49 Amortization Expense 49 Truckload segment 49 - Total [021] 49 Expense Benefit 49 #.#/MCFE 49 - Operating [003] 49 - Total [034] 49 Domestic Car Rental 49 EXPENSE Interest income 49 Noncurrent 49 Contingent consideration 49 - -Greg Geoffroy 49 - - [059] 49 - Total [031] 49 excluding fuel surcharges 49 GROSS PROFIT LOSS 49 - - [044] 49 Related Costs 49 INTEREST EXPENSE NET 49 Adjustments Restructuring 49 Cuts Update2 49 - - Balance [001] 49 Gross Margin Percentage 49 # - -Huddinge 49 - Operating [014] 49 - Operating [021] 49 - Adjusted [015] 49 Depreciation Depletion Amortization 49 expenses LOE 49 Provision Benefit 49 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [008] 49 - - TotaCNK 49 - - [125] 49 - INCOME FROM [003] 49 - Non GAAP [007] 49 PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT 49 - - [062] 49 - - [019] 49 Accrued severance 49 - Operating [019] 49 Expenses Interest expense 49 #,# [022] 49 - Expenses [004] 49 - Operating [016] 49 - -Anna Morena Baccarin 49 - - Total [016] 49 Goodwill impairment 49 - - Total [064] 49 - - Net [043] 49 Pro forma adjusted EBITDA 49 MBOED 49 - Non GAAP [017] 49 -FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS CONTAINED 49 Reportable segments 49 - Revenues [002] 49 PROFIT BEFORE 49 lease inducements 49 COST OF PRODUCTS SOLD 49 #,#,# [001] 49 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories 49 -#,# -#,# -#,# -#,# [003] 49 - Adjusted EBITDA [011] 49 - Adjusted [006] 49 - Rdetrimentally affected 49 - TOTAL ASSETS [015] 49 - OPERATING [001] 49 Asset Impairment 49 - Expenses [012] 49 OPERATING LOSS INCOME 49 - - [090] 49 - Non GAAP [005] 49 # - -clearence 49 - -Dennis Georgatos 49 UAFC 49 Amortiza tion 49 Non Recurring 49 Dry Leasing 49 Reimbursable costs 49 EXPENSES Cost 49 -fleetwide WiFi 49 #,#,# [017] 49 - TSANTA CLARITA Calif. 49 Accounts payable #,#.# #,#.# 49 -Joey Kovar 49 -extenstion 49 - Total [001] 49 - - Total [005] 49 - Expenses [010] 49 Restructuring Charges 49 - Total noninterest [010] 49 = Net [031] 49 - Non GAAP [009] 49 - - [087] 49 Trip Length 49 TOTAL NON INTEREST INCOME 49 NET REVENUES 49 - - [096] 49 INCOME LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 49 - - Non GAAP [006] 49 #,# =vahn 49 -Mr Devani 49 -na ang kanyang [002] 48 - Adjusted [022] 48 -#.# -#.# [011] 48 Liabilities Deferred 48 = Net [005] 48 expense# [001] 48 Intersegment elimination 48 -Crohn disease rheumatoid arthritis 48 #,#.# #,#.# - [002] 48 Noncurrent deferred income 48 - INCOMAlberto Nagel 48 - - [043] 48 - Total [002] 48 - Total [008] 48 Expense recoveries 48 - - [093] 48 - Total revuncontrollable shaking 48 #,#,# OPERATING EXPENSES 48 Adjustments Inventory 48 Ad Valorem Taxes 48 DILUTED INCOME 48 - - [037] 48 - OpBPMs 48 Pro Forma EBITDA 48 - Loss [032] 48 #,#,#,# [015] 48 - NET INCOME [026] 48 Accounts receivables 48 Unrealized derivative gain 48 NON OPERATING 48 liabilities# [002] 48 - Adjusted EBITDA [006] 48 FAS CAS Pension 48 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 48 - - Total [034] 48 Goodwill impairment - [002] 48 - - Operating [002] 48 AMEX aac 48 -#,# -#,# [002] 48 - Revenues [017] 48 Deferred Income Tax 48 Less Accumulated depreciation 48 - - Net [049] 48 Expense Income 48 Depr 48 INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 48 - - NetMarigot Bay r 48 - - [016] 48 Costs Incurred 48 #,# -Reid Brignac homered 48 -ecoterrorism 48 - Operating [006] 48 nonoperating expense 48 Continuing Ops 48 - Gross [020] 48 - Subtotal [006] 48 - - Total [018] 48 Expenses 48 Noncash 48 - - Total [033] 48 - Adjusted EBITDA [007] 48 - Expenses [005] 48 #.#.# [008] 48 REVENUES Commissions 48 - TOTAL [027] 48 Gross Profit Loss 48 - - Non GAAP [001] 48 AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 48 - Total [012] 48 - - [117] 48 - - [074] 48 Occupancy Expense 48 OPERATING REVENUES 48 - - [023] 48 - -Cropwell Bishop 48 - Operating [022] 48 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOPinkNews 48 - OPERATING [002] 48 Segment Adjusted EBITDA 48 - Stave Lake 48 - -Nicolas Leoz 48 Written Premiums 48 - Income [004] 48 Segment Totals 48 Noninterest expense Salaries 48 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Acquisition 48 Stage Length 48 - Loss [026] 48 - Operatingdanged 48 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 48 Reconciling items 48 - Adjusted [025] 48 #.# -FSHL 48 Debt extinguishment 48 -Indonesia BBRI.JK 48 LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 48 -Stephen Jewkes editing 48 - - Net [003] 48 = Adjusted [010] 48 Smelter processing 48 Reimbursable expenses 48 - - Net [026] 48 Acquisitions Divestitures 48 INCOME TAX PROVISION BENEFIT 48 -Edelsberg 48 Terminalling 48 pp dbl 48 - Income [014] 48 #,# -Glenn Argenbright 48 - Adjusted [034] 48 Occupancy Percentage 48 Minimum rents 48 - - Net [035] 48 - Total [015] 48 INCOME LOSS FROM CONTINUING 48 OPERATING INCOME LOSS 48 - - [003] 48 - - [081] 48 -Ocula 48 - Operating [013] 48 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Additions 48 - RevenuesChhobi 48 #,# -Outasight 48 - Expenses [016] 48 # - -Muscoda 48 OTHER INCOME NET 48 = Three Months [003] 48 - -Homeport Land 48 YRC Truckload 48 Operating Expense Ratio 48 Depreciation amortization 48 operations# 48 ALBDs 47 - -Apace Systems 47 - - [049] 47 - - Cash [004] 47 - Total [030] 47 Dry docking 47 - OperaStankowski 47 - Operating Expenses [004] 47 - Total [019] 47 -Warhammer Fantasy 47 - - [012] 47 TON MILES 47 = Non GAAP [012] 47 EARNINGS LOSS FROM CONTINUING 47 Reimbursable revenues 47 -Petrzelka 47 - Expenses [009] 47 -Zimbabwean exiles 47 -DD2 47 - Total Liabilities [012] 47 - Total [028] 47 Dry Bulk Vessels 47 - -contralateral 47 Addback 47 - Loss [005] 47 % SYSTEM CARGO 47 - - Net [031] 47 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 47 PRE TAX INCOME 47 - Loss [019] 47 -#,# -#,# [010] 47 - Total [027] 47 -Brookfield Asset Management BAMa.TO 47 - - Net [055] 47 - - [111] 47 TOTAL REVENUES 47 - - Total [015] 47 INCOME TAX EXPENSE BENEFIT 47 -orchitis 47 - Expenses [019] 47 Deferred Income Taxes 47 TOTAL OPERATING 47 Prepaid Expenses 47 Goodwill impairment - [003] 47 #,#,# [009] 47 OTHER EXPENSE Interest expense 47 - - [002] 47 - TotaMTBC 47 - TOTAL [028] 47 - Total [035] 47 Acquisition Related 47 #,# -appartment 47 - TotalEstadio 47 Per boe 47 Dwt 47 - - [015] 47 -#.# % [001] 47 -#.# -#.# -#.# -#.# [006] 47 EXPENSES Interest 47 - -Steven Heydemann Middle East 47 .1 .2 47 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [003] 47 Commodity derivative 47 Average TCE 47 - OPERATING [003] 47 - Income [027] 47 - Non GAAP [029] 47 OTHER OPERATING INCOME 47 INTEREST INCOME NET 47 -Pagtakhan 47 GROSS PROFIT MARGIN 47 Change - [003] 47 - Income [028] 47 #,#,# #,#,# -By Innocent Anaba 47 - NET INCOME [015] 47 nonoperating expenses 47 CURRENT ASSETS 47 .2 .2 47 #,# -SPIN BOLDAK Afghanistan 47 - - Net [002] 47 Normal Heating Degree 47 Income Tax Expense Benefit 47 -1 -1 47 - -Dorothy Rothrock 47 -#,#.# -#,#.# 47 - Revenues [004] 47 COST OF GOODS SOLD 47 accretion DD & 47 - - Net [033] 47 - Gross [018] 47 - - [024] 47 Segment EBIT 47 -Musul Mosul 47 -Jeffrey Sonn 47 NONINTEREST EXPENSE Salaries 47 #,#,# = [009] 47 Prepayment penalty 47 INCOME LOSS BEFORE TAXES 47 -Josephine Marcotty 47 Restructuring impairment 47 - -Guldeniz 47 - Segment [005] 47 - Total [026] 47 Intersegment eliminations 47 Income Expense 47 -Chris Bocklet 47 Total [002] 47 SPECIAL ITEMS 47 Mayne Pharma intangible assets 47 - - Net [019] 47 - Loss [023] 47 Administrative Expense 47 metric tons Punctuality 47 BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES 47 - Total Current Assets [011] 47 -blueberry barrens 47 - Total [017] 47 Stock Compensation Expense 47 - - [017] 47 - Revenues [014] 47 Noninterest 47 - -champioship 47 - -www.steppenwolf.org 47 - Adjusted EBITDA [009] 47 = Net [041] 47 -Investec Epsom Derby 47 Asset Impairments 47 - NET INCOME [024] 47 Intangible assets amortization 47 NM Total noninterest 47 OTHER INCOME EXPENSES 47 OPERATING INCOME 47 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 47 - Income [003] 47 - - [088] 47 - Adjusted [027] 47 Segment Profit 47 -Sheikh Mohammed Godolphin 47 Unbilled revenue 47 -#.# pp [002] 47 -TUMS 47 Impairment Charge 47 Accelerated depreciation 47 Foreclosed Assets 47 SEVERANCE PAY FUND 47 - NET INCOME [019] 47 Minority Interest Expense 47 OTHER EXPENSE NET 47 - Total Assets [009] 47 Income Tax Expense 46 - -Subtract Gain 46 Maintenance Capital Expenditures 46 - -Brigadier General Erv Lessel 46 Equivalent Employees 46 - - Net [061] 46 Extraordinary Item 46 Incurred losses 46 Reimbursed expenses 46 - Non GAhornbeams lining 46 -founder Al Neuharth 46 - - Total [028] 46 - TotalZayadi 46 -Dokre 46 Compensation Expense 46 - - Net [051] 46 - Total [018] 46 - - [097] 46 Expenses Selling 46 #,#,# [012] 46 - -HERS rating 46 INTEREST EXPENSE 46 #,#,# #,#,# OPERATING INCOME 46 Accrued Compensation 46 - NET INCOME [003] 46 Adjustments Amortization 46 - Gross Profit [004] 46 - NET CASH [001] 46 - INCOME FROM [002] 46 - Loss [021] 46 #,# -#,# [002] 46 - - [006] 46 - Operating [028] 46 Interest Expenses 46 - OperatiMcGrath RentCorp 46 BEFORE TAXES 46 #,#,# #,#,# [006] 46 - Gross [017] 46 OPERATING PROFIT 46 - Operating [027] 46 Total noninterest expense 46 - - EarningsGordan Strachan 46 Accretion Expense 46 -CLOSURE 46 #,# -BOB SANSEVERE 46 - INCOME LOSS [006] 46 Percentage rents 46 - INVESTING ACTIVITIES [004] 46 Unrealized derivative loss 46 Non Current Assets 46 -# -1 46 - - Total [070] 46 OPERATING EXPENSES Cost 46 - - [089] 46 reimbursables 46 Depreciation Expense 46 NON INTEREST EXPENSE 46 Larc Grand Theft 46 Impairment Charges 46 - ADLs 46 -Inc. Amex IAO 46 - Earnings [001] 46 - Total Regular 46 Requirements Load 46 -# -#,# 46 - Loss [024] 46 -Tioman 46 - - [092] 46 #,#,# #,#,# Operating Expenses [001] 46 Intangible Amortization 46 Deduct 46 #,#,# #,#,# -tuition reciprocity 46 -gravel quarries 46 -OF Luis Terrero 46 Deferred Financing 46 AND TAXES 46 Subordinated convertible debentures 46 - Net [011] 46 Engineered Support Structures 46 - InFree Documentation License 46 - - Total [052] 46 - Net [013] 46 Identifiable intangible assets 46 excluding depreciation depletion 46 Promotional allowances 46 - - Net [039] 46 - Loss [033] 46 #,# -oxidative enzymes 46 BY USED IN 46 Pro Forma Revenues 46 Nonrecurring items 46 AVAILABLE SEAT KM 46 - Adjusted [033] 46 -READFIELD Maine 46 - -Advance Micro Devices 46 -Unprovoked 46 Consolidating Eliminations 46 = LIABILITIES [004] 46 - Total [020] 46 - - Total [073] 46 Goodwill Impairment Charge 46 per ASM CASM 46 - Non GAAP [018] 46 -#.# -#.# [006] 46 Purchased intangibles amortization 46 - Adjusted [026] 46 -Itano 46 Severance Costs 46 Refundable income 46 Core Deposits 46 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 46 - - Income [002] 46 - Operating [017] 46 Imputed 46 - - [033] 46 -Cruz Echevarria 46 Corporate Eliminations 46 Statutory Surplus 46 Depreciation 46 Intangible assets Goodwill 46 Gross Bookings 46 - - [080] 46 - - Cash [007] 46 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [005] 46 - Total noninterest [001] 46 -Phranakorn Center 46 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 46 - Operatinluddites 46 Mcfe Lease operating 46 Newly Remodeled 46 Y Y Growth 46 - -Mauras 46 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 46 #,#,# [031] 46 excludes fuel surcharges 46 #,#,#,#,# [014] 46 - Revenues [018] 46 BEFORE TAX 46 - Equity Investee 46 TOTAL NON INTEREST EXPENSES 46 Unbilled 46 -Windows Embedded NavReady 46 - NET INCOME [010] 46 Administrative Expenses 46 EBITDA1 46 - - Total [036] 46 Oil MBbls 46 administrative expenses# [001] 46 - Non GAAP [003] 46 Q#/# Q#/# [001] 45 -him.I 45 #,#,#,# [016] 45 Income Loss Before 45 - - [026] 45 - -Anant Gadgil 45 Operating Expenses Operating 45 - Net [007] 45 amort ization 45 - - Total [069] 45 - Expenses [002] 45 -Jessica Valis 45 -Eden Monaro 45 -#.# -#.# -#.# [010] 45 INCOME BEFORE TAXES 45 - Loss [022] 45 Inventory obsolescence 45 Exceptional Items 45 Non Interest Expense 45 Discretionary Cash Flow 45 - -praised Greg McKendry 45 - Adjusted [018] 45 - Non GAAP [012] 45 deadweight tonne 45 PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 45 Loans Receivable 45 Deferred Taxes EBDT 45 Accrued postretirement benefits 45 -astrolabe 45 - -larg 45 - -TINDALL 45 - - Net [048] 45 AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES 45 NET INCOME FROM CONTINUING 45 #,#,# #,# -Lavalas supporters 45 #,#,#,#,# [010] 45 - - Net [024] 45 - RevenueCottles 45 - Income [017] 45 - #,#.# #,#.# [002] 45 = ReconciliatioCamelbeach 45 Add Subtract 45 Fuel Surcharges 45 Overhead Costs 45 WEIGHTED AVG 45 - GROSS PROFIT [002] 45 Capital Expenditures Acquisitions 45 revenues excluding nonrecurring 45 Accretion expense 45 = [005] 45 - Revenues [022] 45 - Loss [030] 45 #,# -POLAROID trademark 45 - Expenses [008] 45 TOTAL NON CURRENT ASSETS 45 MSEK -# [002] 45 Nonaccrual Loans 45 NON INTEREST EXPENSES Compensation 45 Debt Expense 45 Less Accumulated Depreciation 45 Accrued expenses Payroll 45 -#.# -#.# -#.# [013] 45 - Gross [004] 45 - -SNRE 45 Average Interest Rate 45 Overhead recoveries 45 Total noninterest 45 - - [108] 45 - - [014] 45 - Net [014] 45 OTHER NET 45 - Loss [006] 45 = Average [006] 45 Expenses Rental 45 Currency translation adjustments 45 FAD payout ratio 45 -# -# -#,# 45 - - [061] 45 Financing Costs 45 - - Total [004] 45 #,#,#,# [010] 45 - Adjusted [029] 45 BEFORE INCOME TAXES 45 - Total [011] 45 Aircraft Deliveries 45 Taxes Payable 45 -Aspiring Principals 45 = Average [019] 45 Owned Leased 45 deferred loan origination 45 Specified Items 45 Competitive Wireline 45 Expenses incurred 45 AVAILABLE SEAT MILES 45 - -Canadaigua NY

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