Operating Margins

Related by string. Operating Margin * operating : CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING / margining : Ratios eg Gross Margin * Adjusted Operating Margin . Segment Operating Margin . Non GAAP Operating Margin . GAAP Operating Margin . Highest Operating Margin . OPERATING MARGIN IN . Lowest Operating Margin . RELATIVELY HIGH OPERATING MARGIN . THE HIGHEST OPERATING MARGIN *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 66 Gross Margins 63 Guides Q3 63 EBITDA Margin 62 Operating Margin 62 Guides Q4 61 View Quick Facts 61 Revenues Increase 61 Guides Q1 60 Operating Profit 59 EPS Guidance 58 Administrative Expense 58 Operating Cash Flow 58 Gross Profit Margin 58 Q1 FY# [002] 57 Sees Q4 57 Outlook Quick Facts 57 Beats Estimates 57 Gross Profit 57 Q3 FY# [002] 57 Q4 FY# [002] 56 Gross Margin 56 4Q Profit Up 56 Q2 Profit 56 Sees Q1 56 1Q Profit 56 Q4 Profit 56 Sees Q3 56 1Q Loss 55 2Q Profit Rises 55 2Q Profit 55 4th Qtr 55 Noninterest Expense 55 Q4 Profit Declines 55 Operating Income 55 Q4 Profit Rises 55 Profit Climbs 55 Q2 FY# [002] 55 Q2 Profit Declines 55 Net Income 55 Q1 Profit Rises 55 3Q Profit Up 55 Q3 Profit 55 4Q Profit 54 4Q Profit Falls 54 4Q Profit Rises 54 Raises Guidance 54 3Q Profit 54 Segment Profit 54 1Q Profit Up 54 Q2 Profit Rises 54 NET EARNINGS 54 Q3 Profit Rises 54 OPERATING INCOME LOSS 54 Q3 FY 54 Administrative Expenses 54 Earnings Per Share 54 Q1 FY 53 2Q Profit Up 53 3Q Profit Rises 53 Q3 Profit Declines 53 Fourth Quarter Results 53 EBITDA margin 53 Adjusted EBIT 53 3Q Loss 53 2Q Earnings 53 Sees Q2 53 3Q Profit Falls 53 Fiscal Third Quarter 53 Profits Rise 53 FY# Quick Facts 53 1Q Profit Rises 52 2nd Qtr 52 Operating Expense 52 Fiscal Fourth Quarter 52 3rd Qtr 52 1st Quarter 52 Net Interest Margin 52 1st Qtr 52 YTD 52 1Q Earnings 52 Q#FY# [002] 52 Operational Results 52 Profitability 52 Q4 FY 52 OPERATING INCOME 52 Increases Quarterly Dividend 52 Earnings Rise 52 Quarterly Profit 52 Operating Costs 52 Profit Drops 52 Adjusted Non GAAP 52 Profit Jumps 52 Operating Expenses 52 =Marc Dreier 52 Q#FY# [001] 52 Profit Surges 52 NON GAAP 52 Fourth Quarter Fiscal 52 From Continuing Operations 51 FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 51 Interest Income

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