
Related by string. organizationally * * Organizationally Thompson *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 48 organizationally 44 organizational structure 43 Operationally 41 organizational 40 decentralized 40 Internally 38 Tactically 36 operationally 36 Essentially 36 Athletically 36 well oiled machine 36 internally 36 Structurally 35 leadership 35 Clearly 34 Strategically 34 Historically 34 centralized 34 Fundamentally 34 cohesive 34 NORTHCOM 34 Financially 34 Geographically 34 Ideally 34 reorganized 34 Militarily 33 Logistically 33 reorganizing 33 resourcing 33 Frankly 33 geographically diverse 33 SOPs 33 Quite frankly 33 Certainly 33 Because 33 Organizational 32 staffs 32 enterprisewide 32 organization 32 Continuity 32 restructured 32 Secondly 32 Realistically 32 refocusing 32 More importantly 32 quite frankly 32 Divisions 32 siled 32 unified 32 oversight 32 Basically 32 fundamentally sound 31 Counterintelligence 31 Physically 31 loosely affiliated 31 cohesively 31 Culturally 31 Most importantly 31 vetting 31 And 31 corporately 31 delegating 31 geographic footprint 31 tasking 31 Really 31 geographically distributed 31 strategic 31 Ultimately 31 Philosophically 31 THE PRESIDENT Well 31 core competencies 31 Well 31 realigned 31 Teamwork 30 fundamentally 30 Rebranding 30 Quite simply 30 delegated 30 strategically 30 directorates 30 institutionally 30 We 30 McCLELLAN Well 30 centralizing 30 decisionmakers 30 resourced 30 reenergized 30 Candidly 30 core 30 micromanager 30 geographically dispersed 30 overseen 29 warfighting 29 Leadership 29 hierarchical structure 29 loosely coupled 29 divisions 29 Namely 29 Broadly speaking 29 recapitalized 29 Traditionally

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