Partisan gridlock

Related by string. partisan gridlock * Partisans . PARTISAN . partisans . partisan : hyper partisan . bi partisan . constant partisan rancor . partisan hacks . lamented partisan bickering / Gridlocked . gridlocked . Gridlock . gridlocks : partisan gridlock Perino . capital perpetually gridlocked . notoriously gridlocked . traffic gridlocks * rejects partisan gridlock . lamenting partisan gridlock *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 57 unyielding partisanship 56 Partisan bickering 54 Partisan wrangling 52 Intense thunderstorms 52 bureaucratic logjams 51 Wonkbook 51 partisan gridlock 51 yawning deficits 50 ERICA HILL 50 Republican delaying tactics 50 defunding Obamacare 50 implored Bunning 50 paycheck Marfisi 50 lamented partisan bickering 50 gridlock 49 Blumenauer Y 49 partisan squabbling 49 This mindless paralyzing 49 Decriminalizing marijuana 49 Wasteful spending 48 Legalize pot 48 Elective abortions 48 petty partisan bickering 48 partisan bickering 48 FBN Gerri Willis 48 partisan acrimony 48 Don'tI deserve 48 childish bickering 48 Recession intensifies GenX 48 demagoging 48 HANNITY Well 47 outworn ideas 47 runaway gusher 47 begets despair 47 Bilirakis Y 47 DeGette Y 47 Shanghai Intech Electric 47 Bilbray Y 47 Scammers prey 47 Taurog became 47 Ryan Boschetti DT 47 Martinez R Fla 46 Bureaucratic inertia 46 Extremist ideologies 46 clerk Bob Balink 46 politician Saeed Hajjarian 46 judicial confirmations 46 Overheated rhetoric 46 partisan finger pointing 46 defund ObamaCare 46 partisan rancor 46 Props aplenty 46 questions Weisfuse 46 Ordinary Pakistanis 46 Snarled traffic 46 LOCAL COLUMN 46 seemingly insurmountable challenges 46 CHRIS WRAGGE 46 elective despotism 46 Steven Pearlstein columns 46 senate democrats 46 Broun N 46 Ideologues 46 NORMAN ORNSTEIN 46 kemcha Way 46 Nancy Cordes reports 46 FBN Neil Cavuto 46 Senator Wallop 46 fundamentally unserious 46 rising protectionist sentiments 46 forcing Pitmon 46 Edu marking Tanaguchi 46 THE INFLUENCE GAME Lobbyists 46 mourner Nazakat Soomro 46 Awal Sher 46 Congressman Nussle 46 Aderholt N 46 Obamans 46 Obamaā 46 Democratically controlled Legislature 46 payless paydays 46 Demcorats 45 Pawlenty unallotment 45 SFIO Quote Chart 45 celebrating Zahler 45 bureaucratic snarls 45 Tea partyers 45 Scum Alert 45 RUSH Okay 45 Snowstorm wallops Northeast 45 Banning earmarks 45 Bilbray N 45 misspell Murkowski 45 rumbling volcano nearby 45 unluckier generation 45 pinched pocketbooks 45 PRO CON Is 45 GOP stalling tactics 45 Web Site 45 RUDIN Well 45 Narrow mindedness 45 lease Alligator Alley 45 partisan polarization 45 trickledown economics 45 partisan obstructionism 45 global warmists 45 Clifford Traisman lobbyist 45 LIEBERMAN Well 45 SCHUMER Well 45 mindless partisanship 45 Dire predictions 45 repealing ObamaCare 45 Congress reshaped recessive 45 Beltway pundits 45 partisan wrangling 45 SEC'Y GEITHNER 45 MCCONNELL Well 45 SCHIP reauthorization 45 constant partisan rancor 45 regressive taxation 45 KTEN Katy Blakey 45 lawmakers 45 hyper partisanship 45 fillibuster 45 Repeated postponements 45 Republicans 45 Hobbled Dems eager 45 Gilles Conti 45 Pot legalization 45 reauthorizing SCHIP 45 Let OnSite Mechanic 45 shattered nest eggs 44 DISTRESS SALE Bank 44 CDMHY 44 pork barrell 44 Rethugs 44 Mike Vasilinda tells 44 Obamaites 44 Art Caleda president 44 intraparty squabble 44 Dice K mania 44 Democrats 44 Assigning blame 44 Dueling rallies 44 Rockford News LeaderObama 44 VAN SUSTEREN Well 44 unvirtuous cycle 44 arrogantly intransigent refusing 44 myopic viewpoint 44 ideological straitjacket 44 Odekoven 44 Outnumbered Republicans 44 Bilirakis N 44 rethugs 44 touched Walter Grotte 44 TABOR Amendment 44 repealing Obamacare 44 Unpaid furloughs 44 Protectionist pressures 44 lamer duck 44 partisan squabbles 44 NamUs Shields 44 dipping crosscourt forehand 44 stagnant incomes 44 Homolka pardon 44 Jeffords defection gave 44 Now Sanyutei Kyoraku 44 lightly populated Gravina 44 Legalizing pot 44 OLYMPIA WA N3 44 statutory paygo 44 fenced Eichten 44 colon dash paren 44 Trazanna Moreno decided 44 Bunning filibuster 44 furious Gary Widemann 44 By Laurelle Gilbert 44 Socialized medicine 44 Morris Hugoton Republican 44 Partisan disagreements 44 trial Sadeddin 44 Breathe sigh 44 why Mee hiccuped 44 Radiation Exposure Safety 44 exterminate venemous snakes 44 petty partisanship 44 risk Slurpee brainfreeze 44 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 44 Fewest requests 44 Sticker shock 44 swats licks 44 bitterly partisan 44 Privatize Social Security 44 impeaching Cheney 44 O'REILLY OK 44 Enzi Barrasso 44 GOP govs 44 Tea baggers 44 others Aaron Bonnaure 44 Fear begets 44 Aderholt Y 44 Daschle apologizes 44 partisan sniping 44 Fear mongering 44 outselves 43 reauthorize NCLB 43 Rhetoric aside 43 heave collective sigh 43 Altmire Y 43 innovation Sutley 43 morale Lobel 43 Institutionalized racism 43 Trojan horse Braley 43 Tea Party patriots 43 true Wallice 43 passenger Kate Kapelka 43 beauracracy 43 teapartiers 43 Wherein lies 43 liberals 43 PHIL POWER 43 Argentines trudged 43 Congressman Hulshof 43 Biggert N 43 Dem ocrats 43 Lobbied fellow 43 Jury nullification 43 Diagnoses vary 43 Chiclone buffets Illinois 43 filibuster delaying tactic 43 Mutually assured destruction 43 Darren Gersh reports 43 ecological Armageddon 43 Napolitano vetoes 43 Fingerpointing 43 bumper crop sprouting 43 Discouragement 43 Unscrupulous employers 43 Seasonally adjusted insured 43 iOTW dictionary CONTEST 43 Repubicans 43 Don 抰 43 Tea partiers 43 Tuition hikes 43 Tort reform 43 Suddenly Kuznetsov 43 launched furious counterassault 43 Veto override 43 Legislatively 43 Obamacrats 43 Jassim Zeidan al 43 KOLD News #Obama 43 KONDRACKE Well 43 PSKXF 43 VAN HOLLEN 43 DuHAIME 43 jammer Hasik 43 posturing Pervan 43 doomsday rhetoric 43 Free Genarlow 43 Charles Babington covers 43 drillers Stricklin 43 LIers 43 partisan posturing 43 Lamberth injunction 43 Political expediency 43 brain computes Chesnais 43 Sharyl Attkisson reports 43 BJPennfan 43 THE BRAZEN HEAD 43 McCaskill Corker 43 Bipartisan majorities 43 Govt Oppn 43 Think achy joints 43 WASSERMAN SCHULTZ 43 Carryon bag fees 43 clogged roadways 43 overtaxation 43 nameless unreasoning unjustified 43 Unintended consequences 43 obstructionism 43 messenger Goldenberg Hart 43 here Deb Greelis 43 Partisan politics 43 unfairly punishes gays 43 stroke humorist Keillor 43 boulder uphill 43 Nields inability 43 By JOSHUA NORMAN 43 DENNIS KUCINICH Well 43 TRUMP Well 43 Jeanthenor 43 repeal ObamaCare 43 Retiring boomers 43 Bi partisanship 43 wasteful earmark 43 hyperpartisan 43 HUME Well 43 imagine Rick Pitinii 43 Sherlene Pinnix 43 voter apathy inexcusable 43 should'ves 43 cri sis 43 Congressman Markey 43 By Chelyen Davis 43 Global warming alarmists 43 Drives Markets Independently 43 Virulent swine flu 43 FHA Modernization Act 43 fiscally ailing 43 Painful reminders 43 Lisa Vorderbrueggen covers 43 SmartMeter installation 43 coincidence Jealous 43 polarization prevails 43 Net SBM MOCA 43 % #F# 7v.jsn 43 Mega dittos 42 unspeakable tragedies 42 alone Reheis Boyd 42 illegal immigration 42 snitch mentality 42 Fuzzy math 42 assertions rang hollow 42 manmade catastrophe 42 downticket races 42 Gaping hole 42 Hartals 42 tomorrow Camardelle 42 stopped Manevitz 42 slowly Jasny 42 Amerithrax mystery 42 Situational Awareness What 42 AGW proponents 42 Vermont legalizes 42 faking comprehension 42 intercity highways 42 LIASSON Well 42 constituency Umoja 42 procedural maneuvering 42 defecits 42 rescuer Dedas 42 Overturned tractor trailer 42 LIASSON Yes 42 GUEST EDITORIAL 42 Write Smiley 42 Mansaia 42 uncivil discourse 42 Giovanditto detectives say 42 Recrimination 42 Leaders exuded confidence 42 Pelosi D Calif 42 Kerik inherits 42 Laughter. THE PRESIDENT 42 Keynesian stimulus 42 Borosage 42 defunding ACORN 42 Mama grizzlies 42 famously bruised shin 42 floods droughts heatwaves 42 horn blasting tailgater 42 Racial inequality 42 PBX VENTURES LTD 42 pardon Toussie 42 CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER SYNDICATED COLUMNIST 42 lifelong stammer 42 overstuffed mailboxes 42 Jacob Leicht wish 42 Anguished relatives voiced 42 Radio broadcasts 42 toolpusher Jason Anderson 42 GIANNOULIAS 42 foot draggers 42 subverting knee jerk 42 Doubts revolve 42 ballgame Rambis 42 Grinding poverty 42 eminently solvable 42 #-# 42 offered angry denouncements 42 WASHINGTON 42 SCRIPT Announcer 42 Unfunded mandates 42 SEAN MALLEN Okay 42 BRAZILE 42 twin Strudl 42 reregulation 42 ideological polarization 42 Socialism communism 42 hyperpartisanship 42 coddle criminals 42 mindless paralyzing rancor 42 Pawlenty vetoes 42 obamacare 42 impass 42 Zigzagging 42 clenched teeth grimace 42 Raikhan Daffa 42 Concealed guns 42 stagnating wages 42 Strong aftershock rattles 42 Congresscritters 42 Voter discontent 42 repugs 42 BACHMANN Well 42 Abruptly unemployed 42 IWEBE 42 ORSZAG 42 averts shutdown 42 Shrinking budgets 42 CBO crunches 42 BOUCHER Okay 42 Well how're 42 Ordinary Gazans 42 FINEMAN 42 Partisan sniping 42 Bone chilling 42 Meramec River breathed sigh 42 tubes Karsnia 42 STAR rebate checks 42 Extremists sowing terror 42 chairwoman Margaret Mukahanana 42 Widespread joblessness 42 Legalized abortion 42 Floods ravage Pakistan 42 Legalized gambling 42 Frostbite inducing temperatures 42 GOP'ers 42 taxing sugary beverages 42 Emotional outbursts 42 Demcrats 42 policitians 42 fifths supermajority 42 Ariz. gov 42 Representative Jeff Flake 42 FRATTO Well 42 unveiled multitrillion dollar 42 Bitter cold 42 Now Slonsky 42 SIEP platform 42 Furor grows 42 Kim Strassel 42 nothingism 42 hasty retreat bowing 42 PRO CON Should 42 M aybe 42 pleading cajoling 42 ZANDI 42 democraps 42 Immigration restrictionists 42 Antiabortion activists 42 REMARKS BY VICE PRESIDENT 42 UBKFF 42 ROVNER Well 42 Untreated mental illness 42 Margaret Krome 42 simple Evet 42 SECRETARY GUTIERREZ 42 PELOSI Well 42 Prop. 1F 42 Repuglicans 42 Privatizing Social Security 42 policywise 42 defunds 42 Lame duck sessions 42 bureaucratic quagmire 42 SOPWE 42 Colder temps 42 Contact Anne Hennecke 42 Ned Sveum 42 Righteous indignation 42 meaure 41 doc fix 41 J. BONASIA INVESTOR 'S 41 broadly mocks 41 SCHWARZENEGGER Well 41 ethnic animosities 41 unemplyment 41 sardines Frers 41 proverbial snowball 41 others Thanad 41 ALBANY NY WBFO 41 Miss. gov 41 Clifford Odets stirring 41 Congresswoman Markey 41 SCHIEFFER Let 41 intraparty battle 41 Hananel reported 41 ROVE Well 41 BARTIROMO 41 Democratsâ € ™ 41 DENVER Coloradans 41 By Jonas Elmerraji 41 Rep Eric Cantor 41 Seismologists warn 41 quicksand pits 41 newfound frugality 41 PROMISES PROMISES Widows 41 By Joseph Woelfel 41 fur lined snowboots 41 Nader Camejo ticket 41 mark Olukunle 41 fiscally conservative Democrats 41 rude disengaged lazy 41 logistical logjams 41 overspending overtaxing 41 resolving knotty 41 Fiscally conservative Democrats 41 partisan divide 41 pushed Angius 41 partisan gerrymander 41 Bureaucratic hurdles 41 Clintoncare 41 Stephanie Dhue reports 41 BY GINA TRAPANI 41 Stokes MOTHERS Act 41 courage rectitude 41 ILLEGAL immigration 41 Pensacola Fla. Jena Passut 41 Calmer weather 41 statutory PAYGO 41 Tirado landlord 41 partisan gridlock Perino 41 Cold temps 41 repealers 41 THE PRESIDENT Yes 41 dark Belgira 41 TW Budig ECM 41 Estamos en la lucha 41 nominating Southers 41 WHouse 41 Oleander Benton cook 41 Soaring Hoover Dam 41 curb suburban sprawl 41 Eileen Claussen president 41 Sara Steffens covers 41 Polisario Front guerrillas 41 Kerry liveliest disagreement 41 died Bustam 41 stagnant wages 41 Herman Savikko 41 taxcuts 41 Lame ducks 41 Shorman prediction 41 MORT KONDRACKE 41 defund ACORN 41 Reid D Nev 41 ® vitaminwater 41 corporations Brodkin 41 Salge jokes 41 shamnesty 41 wing nutcases 41 Desperate Haitians 41 trigeminal neuralgia facial 41 fuelish 41 By ERIC DUHATSCHEK 41 Repukes 41 troop withdrawl 41 Imelda Saad Channel NewsAsia 41 Harried commuters 41 misgovern 41 green Fiyalko 41 JW 'S SALOON 41 Bureaucratic delays 41 RUSH Well 41 eliminates CalWORKS 41 climactic Christmas Eve 41 v. Davanni Inc. 41 rabid partisanship 41 partisian 41 grotesque miscarriage 41 scapegoating immigrants 41 nanny staters 41 BIDEN Well 41 Williamses suspensions 41 assembling coalitions 41 mutilations Dyer 41 bailouts Hensarling 41 Crony capitalism 41 Soaring loonie 41 nominates Elena Kagan 41 downside Sticker shock 41 Abortion foes capitalize 41 bestir itself 41 Frist R Tenn 41 unanticipated geologic 41 legislators 41 Statehouses 41 CORNYN Well 41 Prop. 1A 41 Nichole Larkey & 41 PHOENIX Arizonans 41 Supply siders 41 global warming 41 % #F# 1v.jsn 41 intraparty contests 41 javascript fella 41 Mediscare 41 Congressman Tiahrt 41 insatiable maw 41 Overturned semi 41 Are 41 Sicko chronicles 41 awful Courtway 41 spoons clanking 41 SYCP 41 Negativism 41 By Roger Cleaveland 41 symbol CAMH.OB. 41 despicable scum 41 Hoyer Murtha 41 Homeowner associations 41 regressiveness 41 Income Tax Hike 41 bureaucratic gridlock 41 NAVARRETTE 41 Tanning salon owners 41 partisanship 41 Tim Eyman Initiative 41 D Prestonsburg 41 EJ Dionne Syndicated columnist 41 un Minnesotan 41 Repealing Obamacare 41 Daniel Weintraub 41 Koschut 41 By TAMMY WELLS 41 WALLACE Senator 41 Ignorance breeds 41 Libby commutation 41 humor Jena Elayan 41 Maxine Sis Cluse 41 STIGLITZ 41 Germs spread 41 Energtek Natural Gas 41 Allan Zaremberg president 41 enviromentalists 41 bitter partisanship 41 knee jerk reactionary 41 fingernail chewing 41 reading Huetter 41 Shrinking glaciers 41 hawed Eckert vowed 41 NPR David Welna 41 By SELENA ROBERTS 41 troop withdrawal timetables 41 vegetarians Politi 41 Solomonese 41 naturally precipitates 41 Band Aid fixes 41 Slippery slope 41 bureaucratic inertia 41 Newarkers 41 By CITIZEN STAFF 41 connections Sutley 41 RUSH Yeah 41 drives ammonia coolant 41 RENDELL Well 41 CALLER Okay 41 Laissez faire capitalism 41 Procedural hurdles 41 metal bleachers vibrated 41 Flood waters recede 41 DEMINT Well 41 sculptures manicured gardens 41 velt geen 41 reflexively oppose 41 THE PRESIDENT Okay 41 bloated bureaucracies 41 diabetes Danesh 41 Baucus Tester 41 Floodwaters recede 41 Islamo facism 41 procedural morass 41 Pelican rookeries 41 Expediency asks 41 Recess appointments 41 hopey changey 41 Quit blaming 41 Thannikary 41 MONEY OPTION 41 BY LEROY SIGMAN 41 Bayh disillusionment 40 senators 40 emitting greenhouse gasses 40 hisses boos 40 Untold numbers 40 deepwater spigot 40 By CAROL ANNE 40 meth epidemic 40 discouragement outweighed hope 40 unelect 40 STIMULUS WATCH Teens 40 Emler Lindsborg Republican 40 paygo rule 40 lawmkers 40 SENTINEL EDITORIAL 40 Coburn R Okla 40 Proposed constitutional amendments 40 Buses sputtered 40 political consequence Juakali 40 MasTec Schedules 40 Flooded roadways 40 Texomans 40 Marijuana legalization 40 floods heatwaves droughts 40 Bubble Epoque 40 Plame cause celebre 40 witnesses Seick 40 ERIN NEFF 40 defund NPR 40 Bush derangement syndrome 40 Johnnie Baston die 40 By Poppapete Comments 40 paygo rules 40 policemen al Jubouri 40 swaying skyscrapers onto 40 saber rattling Holder 40 libtards 40 luster dims 40 sometimes listened impassively 40 Storms spawn tornadoes 40 Bork nomination 40 Bigley sobbed 40 guvs 40 openly gay nonincumbent 40 views Rathner 40 appellate judgeships 40 Marty Omoto 40 IMMIGRATION DEBATE 40 Wow where'd 40 mindless munching 40 O'REILLY Yeah 40 monthlong recess looming 40 Hameeda Ayed 40 Donna McGeachy 40 Frigid weather 40 overhead compartments Weisberg 40 Dunstan McNichol covers 40 Greenhouse gases trap 40 Gentler treatments 40 roaring gales 40 Representative Peter DeFazio 40 http index#.html http [001] 40 newborn babies Dilorom 40 seemingly intractable 40 TED STRICKLAND 40 % #F# 9v.jsn 40 Sher Qassim 40 PETE BARLAS INVESTOR 'S 40 viscious cycle 40 overriding vetoes 40 immature brats 40 HOLTZ EAKIN 40 Suitcase nukes 40 PAUL KRUGMAN 40 Mondragon captors 40 Clan rivalries 40 ŒŒWe 40 Passes Sweeping 40 repukes 40 SUNO UNO merger 40 downstaters 40 LANSING WJRT #/#/# 40 Griesheimer 40 Nakosteen 40 BY BOB BEHRE 40 farthest frontiers 40 theproblem 40 TERI FIGUEROA Staff Writer 40 Democratically controlled 40 Democratically 40 Other Coated Alloy 40 unmapped darkness 40 subservient housewives 40 Pop Tart Shripka 40 DOWB 40 UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN 40 stately Rotunda 40 defund Obamacare 40 thunderous acclamation 40 Capstead earns income 40 bluesman Muddy Waters 40 Dems 40 fleshly desires 40 dreary sameness 40 precedent Kasdan 40 idiocracy 40 Bankruptcies skyrocketed 40 encountering bedbugs 40 http:/ 40 WAS APPROVED 40 HUGH MORGAN 40 detours forks 40 forclosures 40 recriminalize abortion 40 thepolitical 40 By Kejal Vyas 40 progressives 40 Ed Chervenak political 40 fiscally unsustainable 40 intraparty bickering 40 spokeswoman Jennifer Chelune 40 anxiety irritability insomnia 40 ingrained inhibition 40 antiestablishment fervor 40 DIRECTORS OF CAPITAL CORP. 40 springtime allergies 40 E mail 40 Protectionist measures 40 SACRAMENTO CA KGO 40 greatly exaggerated Ferrer 40 unspent TARP 40 yonder window 40 CAVUTO Well 40 seeming hopelessness 40 Writers Jessica Gresko 40 Wage freezes 40 Dec #,# 40 Congresswoman Capito 40 Bratara called 40 DAVID BRODER 40 harried hurried 40 BY DANIELLE BLEWETT HEALTH 40 stimulas 40 JIM HIGHTOWER 40 enviro wackos 40 Shadegg R Ariz 40 Heart palpitations 40 global weirding 40 TypeKey login 40 SYMBOLS * 40 Spidey Green Goblin 40 respectfully Foolish area 40 Morally constitutionally 40 Republicans reacted warily 40 Haley Sheheen 40 endures deadly firestorms 40 survive Abana 40 overgrazing deforestation drought 40 creeping socialism 40 Apparent tornadoes 40 Caroline Fredrickson director 40 legalizes racial profiling 40 Congestion pricing 40 Senator Ducheny 40 Global warming 40 Granholm vetoes 40 Cutoff valves 40 Filibusters 40 Kiki Von Glinow 40 overregulate 40 inborn anti Americanism 40 telegenic Palin 40 WBUR Martha Bebinger 40 losing Yemen Sharqieh 40 resoundingly reject 40 JEANNINE AVERSAAP posted 40 Sarah Chasis director 40 SYVJ 40 enact commonsense 40 Strickling stressed 40 DODD Well 40 PRESIDENT OBAMA Thank 40 modernize FISA 40 Joe Sixpacks 40 rewarded Aberlich 40 rancorous partisanship 40 gubernatorial vetoes 40 intolerant fearmongers spreading 40 jammed freeways 40 Rafah Shaath 40 Bushonomics 40 undocumented laborers 40 Trash haulers 40 Tina Griego writes 40 Sophia Nakano 40 Anti incumbency 40 Klobuchar Franken 40 ELVING 40 AMY GOODMAN Explain 40 Partisanship 40 By Kat Zeman 40 FAVOR AND 40 creationist repugs 40 celebrification 40 MTBE waiver 40 Hand wringing 40 belt al Hamadani 40 Sweltering heat 40 Mutually assured 40 Charmi Gutka 40 Heavier loads 40 E mail 40 bipartisanism 40 Kumawuman citizens 40 Survey Superdelegates Jump 40 @ ESPNChiBulls Rose 40 KRAUTHAMMER Well 40 CORDES 40 improbables snowstorm enveloped 40 Verari Systems Incorporated 40 index#.html http [001] 40 Persistent joblessness 40 monumental traffic jams 40 BILL KRISTOL 40 SECRETARY SPELLINGS 40 repealers already 40 porkfest 40 DCI yearlong 40 maintain secrecy Culvahouse 40 Ambaum Blvd 40 situation al Owaydi 40 DIRECTOR ORSZAG 40 attacks Akawu 40 Stop whining 40 McDonalds MCD #/#/# PriceWatch 40 Pointing fingers 40 errrr errrrr 40 Frequent aftershocks 40 Fin Reg 40 KEITH CRAIN 40 Smear tactics 40 aroused citizenry 40 Partisan rancor 40 outmanned Milwaukee Bucks 40 By CINDY PETERSON 40 Lingle vetoes 40 statists 40 Martin Wafforn P.Eng 40 Garrett Ordower Daily 40 gridlocked 40 Robyn ilikemusic 40 EJ DIONNE 40 slower Kenitzer 40 Republicants 40 unfairnesses 40 Obstructionism 40 Pobrica 40 Pollster Marc Hellenthal 40 Missed assignments 40 writer Molly Hottle 40 Congressman Pallone 40 Examiner Editorial 40 exceptionalists 40 Alex DeMetrick reports 40 Working stiffs 39 NIMBY ism 39 DONNER METALS LTD 39 index#.html http index#.html 39 CALLER Yeah 39 arrogant elitists 39 Stettner predicted 39 bureaucratic incompetence 39 poorer Singaporeans 39 Incredulous lawmakers 39 WASHINGTON Urgently 39 HearUSA Introduces AARP 39 Democratic Farmer Laborites 39 poverty underdevelopment 39 unconstitutional overreach 39 hyper partisans 39 constitutional amendment disallowing 39 Lawmakers haggled 39 parishioner Pat Patello 39 Horns blaring 39 Arpad Vass senior 39 disturbing Mellas 39 Sessions R Ala 39 CTA doomsday 39 ZZFNV 39 OBAMA Hello 39 Disclose Act 39 Ken Salazar D Colo 39 dispositional conservatives 39 shriveling wages 39 Minutemen vigilantes 39 VAN HOLLEN Well 39 Fiscally responsible 39 Currency devaluation 39 PRESIDENT OBAMA Hello 39 Gawrylow 39 true Dwight Damman 39 restrictionists 39 Tory LibDem 39 Yaderlin Jimenez 39 narrowly averted partial 39 ordinary Illinoisans 39 archbishop Donald Wuerl 39 pauperisation 39 Parochialism 39 immiseration 39 Dorchincez 39 MOLLY IVINS 39 Confederate flag flap 39 Pro choicers 39 Smoot Hawley tariff 39 Goodluck Sambo ticket 39 daytime sheath dresses 39 VIJAY SINGH Well

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