Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 72 Pro Forma Net 66 Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA 66 Adjusted Non GAAP 66 Consolidated EBITDA 65 NON GAAP 64 FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 64 Adjusted EBITDA 63 Operating Cash Flow 63 Month Period 63 Segment Operating 62 GAAP Basis 62 OPERATING RESULTS 62 Three Months Twelve Months 62 Year Ended Ended 62 -Name Directory DND 62 Adjusted EBITDA Margin 62 FREE CASH FLOW 61 Comprehensive Income Loss 61 Modified EBITDA 61 Adjusted EBITDAR 61 Segment Profit 61 items affecting comparability 61 Condensed Consolidated Statement 61 Adjusted Earnings 61 END OF PERIOD 61 Third Quarter Ended 61 adjusted EBITDA 61 Impairment Charges 60 FINANCIAL MEASURES 60 EBITDA Margin 60 EBITDAX 60 Operating Income Loss 60 EBITDAS 60 Period Ended 60 Adjusted FFO 60 NON GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES 60 Comparable Store 60 Adjusted Operating 60 Adjusted diluted 60 Non GAAP Reconciliations 60 Operating Income 60 Noninterest Expense 60 GAAP NET INCOME 60 = [010] 60 unaudited condensed consolidated 60 FINANCIAL RESULTS 60 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS 60 Income Per Share 60 Non GAAP Reconciliation 60 Six Months Ended Ended 60 Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet 60 Quarter Ended Nine Months 59 NET EARNINGS 59 SUBSIDIARIES 59 Amortization EBITDA 59 OPERATING ACTIVITIES 59 Pro forma net 59 ACTIVITIES Net income 59 = Net [014] 59 FINANCIAL CONDITION AND 59 # -loudly protested 59 - NeDEFENDERS 59 = [027] 59 RECONCILIATION OF NON GAAP 59 Non GAAP 59 Including discontinued operations 59 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING 59 Selected Operating 59 Discretionary cash 59 Months Months 59 Financial Ratios 59 Non GAAP Adjustments 59 = [044] 59 RECONCILIATION OF 59 59 Continuing Operations 59 Free Cash Flow 59 totaled Ps 59 Gross Margin 59 Gross Profit 59 pro forma EBITDA 59 Net Income Attributable 59 Distributable Cash 59 Adjusted EBIT 59 DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 59 -ecoterrorism 59 Administrative Expense 59 Non GAAP Adjusted 59 Weighted average diluted 59 Segment EBITDA 58 Consolidated Balance Sheet 58 Unaudited Audited 58 From Continuing Operations 58 Unaudited Unaudited 58 Adjusted OIBDA 58 Diluted EPS 58 Per Diluted 58 Distributable Cash Flow 58 = [026] 58 Ended Ended Ended Ended 58 Adjusted Pro Forma