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Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 72 MOSFET 71 optocoupler 71 power dissipation 71 capacitance 70 milliohms 67 temperature coefficient 67 MOSFETs 66 quiescent current 66 pF 65 ESD protection 65 inductance 65 op amp 65 IGBTs 65 μA 65 #.#V [001] 64 ISL# [002] 64 ohms 64 CAT# [002] 64 FETs 64 MCP# [004] 63 op amps 63 #mV [001] 63 ISL# [001] 63 MAX# [003] 63 FAN# [002] 63 AAT# 63 ADS# [002] 63 electron mobility 63 LTC# 63 VCSEL 63 output voltages 63 mA 62 #mA [001] 62 #mW [002] 62 MAX# [001] 62 #mA [002] 62 #dBm [002] 62 #V [003] 62 +# dBm 62 NCP# [001] 62 voltages 62 optocouplers 62 SerDes 62 #x# MIMO 62 impedance 62 serial interfaces 61 CPLDs 61 XC# [002] 61 SERDES 61 #.#A [002] 61 typ 61 input voltages 61 ZL# [003] 61 #V input 61 #.#V [004] 61 #mW [001] 60 LT# [003] 60 #.#v [001] 60 output voltage 60 +# ° C [002] 60 input voltage 60 Power Amplifier 60 #.#dB [002] 60 TPS# [002] 60 MIC# [002] 59 3Gb s 59 IGBT 59 #Vdc [002] 59 lumen output 59 mm2 59 5V 59 CPLD 59 PHYs 59 #.#W [001] 59 dielectric constant 59 1MHz 58 rectifier 58 mW 58 uncooled 58 AR# [001] 58 VSC# [001] 58 #V AC [002] 58 inductor 58 voltage 58 electrostatic discharge ESD 58 mV 58 LDS# [002] 58 ohm 58 GX# [003] 58 QFN package 58 AL# [001] 58 cPCI 58 Spartan 3A 58 optical transceivers 58 Si# [001] 57 electromagnetic interference EMI 57 Li Ion battery 57 photodiode 57 #.#V [003] 57 dBm 57 #nm CMOS [001]

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