Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 61 AgJOBS 59 Illegal Immigration Control 58 AgJobs 57 Comprehensive Immigration 57 immigration reform 56 DREAM Act 55 AND SENATE 55 Nationality Act INA 54 free registration 54 free registration 54 free registration 54 Anti Immigrant 54 free registration 54 free registration 53 free registration 53 free registration 52 HJ Res 52 Jon Kyl R Ariz 52 Napolitano vetoed 52 Illegal Immigration Reform 51 Alien Minors Act 51 H.Res [002] 51 Alien Minors 51 Immigration Reform Act 50 Reform Legislation 50 Creating Opportunities 50 Unemployment Extension 50 Jeff Flake R Ariz 50 Barbara Mikulski D Md 50 UAFA 50 No Taxpayer Funding 49 Hiring Incentives 49 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS 49 Minimum Wage Increase 49 Illegal Immigration 49 Guest Worker 49 AgJobs bill 49 Immigrant Responsibility Act 49 Ken Salazar D Colo 49 Stupak Amendment 49 HR# [003] 48 R. Ariz 48 Registered Office Standon 48 Ruben Navarrette Jr. 48 DADT Repeal 48 Military Readiness Enhancement 48 Internet Gambling Regulation 48 By Arlene Jongbloets 48 Balanced Budget 48 S.# [003] 48 Luis Gutierrez D-Ill. 48 guestworker program 48 Employment Non Discrimination 48 bipartisan bicameral 48 Russ Feingold D Wis 48 48 Closing Tax Loopholes 48 Cloture 47 ยก Ask 47 restrictionist 47 Baca D Calif 47 Ecolab delivers 47 Jeff Flake 47 Stupak Pitts amendment 47 Undocumented Immigrants 47 Border Fence 47 Act ENDA 47 Z visa 47 SB# [001] 47 Foreclosure Prevention Act 46 Zoe Lofgren D Calif 46 Barbara Boxer D Calif 46 Law Enforcement Hate Crimes 46 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 46 Barbara Boxer D-Calif. 46 Porter Goss R Fla 46 restrictionists 46 Auto Bailout 46 Nydia Velazquez 46 backdoor amnesty 46 Akaka Bill 46 Jobless Benefits 46 MINIMUM WAGE 46 Ron Wyden D 46 Reauthorization 46 Herb Kohl D Wis 45 Credit Cardholders Bill 45 Speech #/#/# 45 Secure Fence Act 45 Patent Reform Act 45 REAL ID Act 45 Baucus Grassley 45 Ariz. gov 45 Pensions HELP Committee 45 Sanctions Accountability 44 Tackling Violent Crime 44 immigration 44 IMMIGRATION 44 CARP extension 44 Illegal Immigrant 44 THE REPUBLICANS