Shining Path Sendero Luminoso

Related by string. * shins . Shiner . Shins : One Shining Moment . Maoist Shining Path . Shin Bet internal / PATHS . Pather . Paths : path load functions to arg functions access callbaaccess arguments page callback page arguments fit . Bio Path . Shining Path insurgency / Senderos : Philippe Senderos . Phillipe Senderos / : Sendero Luminoso . Sendero Luminoso Shining Path * *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 60 Sendero Luminoso 53 Maoist Shining Path 50 Shining Path guerrillas 50 leader Jonas Savimbi 49 Shining Path 49 Marxist guerrilla 48 Marxist FARC 46 Car Bomb Explodes 46 FARC guerrilla 45 guerillas 45 Farc rebels 45 guerrilla 45 Basque separatists 45 former Marxist guerrilla 45 waged guerrilla 45 Fighting erupts 44 Leftist rebels 44 Raúl Reyes 44 Bombs explode 43 Massacres 43 peasant uprising 43 Basque separatists ETA 43 guerrillas 43 Maoist guerrilla 43 Rwanda Hutu 43 waging guerrilla 43 Revolutionary Movement 42 Colombia FARC rebels 42 Savimbi 42 massacred 42 Colombia Farc 42 Shining Path rebels 42 reconquered 42 militant Basque separatist 42 Dirty War 42 Colombia FARC guerrillas 42 milita 41 Fighting rages 41 leader Abimael Guzman 41 massacres 41 leftist 41 Gunmen abduct 41 Death Squads 41 Gen. Augusto Pinochet dictatorship 41 Colombian drug trafficker 41 Popular Revolutionary 41 Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de 41 guerrilla fighter 41 Colombian paramilitary 40 leftist guerrillas 40 Paramilitaries 40 Abimael Guzman 40 Marxist revolutionary 40 Batista dictatorship 40 Tupamaros 39 leftist guerrilla 39 guerilla fighters 39 paramilitaries 39 Guerillas 39 Shining Path insurgency 39 Txeroki 39 Rwandan Hutu militiamen 39 ultra leftists 39 Gerardo Alvarez 38 politically moderate Hutus 38 Tupac Amaru 38 Manuel Marulanda 38 Separatist rebels 38 FARC guerrillas 38 Abu Dahdah 38 Shining Path rebel 38 guerilla 38 secessionist rebels 38 Warsaw ghetto uprising 38 Liberation Front FMLN 38 ETA commando 38 leftists 38 Farc 38 rebels 38 Caracazo 37 alias Ka 37 massacre 37 Mujaheddin 37 Exhumation 37 Carlos Castano 37 paramilitary 37 Colombia AUC 37 blamed Basque separatists 37 antinarcotics 37 Colombia FARC 37 Drug Cartel 37 revolutionaries 37 Marxist rebels 37 FARC EP 37 Zapatista rebels 37 Sierra Maestra 37 outlawed paramilitary 37 Congolese Liberation Movement 37 Salvatore Mancuso 36 Hutu moderates 36 Marxist guerrillas

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