Sotomayor Hearings

Related by string. * SOTOMAYOR : Judge Sonia Sotomayor . nominee Sonia Sotomayor . Justice Sonia Sotomayor . Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings . Sotomayor wise Latina . Judge Sotomayor / HEARINGS . hearings : Sotomayor confirmation hearings . Kagan confirmation hearings . Alito confirmation hearings . Parole Hearings . observe pretrial hearings . Mukasey confirmation hearings * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 81 Gonzales Resignation 81 Alito Hearings 80 Alito Confirmation 80 Sotomayor Nomination 80 Alito Nomination 79 Stem Cell Debate 78 Draws Mixed Reaction 78 Immigration Overhaul 78 SCHIP Veto 78 Confirmation Hearings 78 Brain Damaged Woman 78 Ken Schram Commentary 78 Filibuster Reform 78 XM Sirius Merger 78 CIA Leak Probe 77 Extend Unemployment Benefits 77 Negative Ads 77 Gets Heated 77 Prosecutor Firings 77 Against Gay Marriage 77 Kagan Nomination 77 Mukasey Nomination 77 TALK BACKS 77 GOP Presidential Hopefuls 77 Statewide Smoking Ban 77 Libby Prison Sentence 76 Global Warming Debate 76 Cloture Vote 76 Newspaper Endorsements 76 Dan Abbett 76 Sotomayor Confirmation Hearings 76 Phil Spector Murder Trial 76 Undecided Voters 76 Flu Shot Shortage 76 NITTANY NOTES 76 Crack Sentences 76 Recess Appointments 76 Spending Freeze 76 CAREER PROS 76 Filibuster Fight 76 Sotomayor Confirmation 76 Filibuster Showdown 76 Net Neutrality Rules 76 BELTWAY BLOGROLL 76 Racially Charged 76 Hearings Scheduled 76 Regulatory Overhaul 75 Gets Mixed Reaction 75 Domestic Spying Program 75 Saddam Trial Resumes 75 Foreclosure Mess 75 AIG Bonuses 75 Bush Embraces Pause 75 Teen Sexting 75 Extend Jobless Benefits 75 ABC2 NETCAST 75 Alito Filibuster 75 Imported Drugs 75 Mud Slinging 75 Jobless Benefits Extension 75 Airline Delays 75 Mammogram Guidelines 75 TECHNOLOGY BREAKDOWN 75 Gonzales Aide 75 Spector Murder Trial 75 Gay Marriage Amendment 75 Political Posturing 75 Britney Spears Conservatorship 75 Abortion Debate 75 Sniper Suspect Trial 75 Fundraising Totals 75 Invoke Fifth Amendment 75 Tobacco Tax Hike 75 Gay Marriage Issue 75 Sirius XM Merger 75 Abortion Notification 75 Panel Debates 75 Miers Nomination 75 Attorney Firings 75 Domestic Spying 75 Proposed Smoking Ban 75 What Constitutes 75 Fight Looms 75 Gay Marriage Fight 75 Patriot Act Renewal 75 CIA Tapes 75 NSA Eavesdropping 75 Rove Testifies 74 CIA Interrogations 74 Could Backfire 74 Faces Scrutiny 74 Locals React 74 Talks Underway 74 Death Penalty Cases 74 Gay Marriage Debate 74 Panel Mulls 74 PUBLIC VIEWPOINT 74 Candidates Spar 74 Polygamous Sect 74 Murder Victim Family 74 Dems Seek 74 Could Dampen 74 Phone Jamming 74 Attack Ads 74 Abortion Foes 74 FOXSexpert 74 Deficit Cutting 74 Alleged Abduction 74 Accused Molester 74 Interrogation Memos 74 Tax Filing Deadline 74 Jobless Claims Dip 74 Steel Tariffs 74 Televised Debate 74 Leaders Propose 74 Appears Unlikely 74 Largely Ignored 74 Overtime Rules 74 Op Ed Contributors 74 Satellite Radio Merger 74 Abortion Stance 74 Schiavo Autopsy 74 Extending Unemployment Benefits 74 Government Shutdown Looms 74 Bryant Accuser 74 Contempt Citations 74 Motorcycle Crashes 74 Accused Kidnapper 74 Less Painful 74 Judicial Nominee 74 Veep Debate 74 Bozell Column 74 Minimum Wage Increase 74 Hotly Debated 74 Emotional Testimony 74 Feeding Tubes 74 Gitmo Trials 73 Accused Rapist 73 Earmark Ban 73 Conflicted Over 73 Jobless Benefits 73 Jackson Accuser 73 Warrantless Wiretapping 73 Same Sex Weddings 73 Racial Remarks 73 Closing Arguments Set 73 Pendulum Swings 73 Shaky Economy 73 Triple Digit Heat 73 Child Porn Suspect 73 Underwater Mortgages 73 Sniper Suspect 73 Gay Marriage Ruling 73 Gets Testy 73 Often Overlooked 73 Mountaintop Mining 73 Accusations Fly 73 Bipartisan Support 73 Voter Registration Deadline 73 Hostage Suspect 73 Op Ed Columnist 73 Filing Taxes 73 Indoor Smoking Ban 73 Closely Watched 73 Less Costly 73 Redistricting Map 73 Rat Poison Found 73 Net Neutrality Proposal 73 Malpractice Reform 73 Troop Withdrawl 73 Same Sex Benefits 73 Gas Gouging 73 Seems Unlikely 73 Caged Kids 73 Fort Hood Shootings 73 Ruffles Feathers 73 Rumsfeld Resignation 73 Evening Commute 73 DTV Switch 73 NEWSWEEK Cover 73 Child Abuse Cases 73 WTC Rebuilding 73 Khodorkovsky Verdict 73 Reconvenes 73 Foreclosure Freeze 73 Spark Outrage 73 Evenly Split 73 Cigarette Tax Hike 73 WORKING WOUNDED 73 Cause Concern 73 Frigid Weather 73 Banning Gay Marriage 73 Terminally Ill Patients 73 Dems Urge 73 Veto Override 73 Is Unconstitutional 73 Drug Coated Stents 73 Ownership Rules 73 Donda West Death 73 Credit Card Fees 73 Credit Raters 73 Death Penalty Debate 73 Bipartisan Effort 73 Impeachment Hearings 73 Duke Lacrosse Accuser 73 XXX Domain 73 Shaken Baby Case 73 Binge Drinkers 73 Abortion Ruling 73 Accused Cop Killer 73 Gay Marriage Opponents 73 Affirmative Action Ban 73 Ayoon wa Azan 73 Deal Clears Way 73 AMERICAN IDOL RECAP 73 Renews Debate 73 Harsh Interrogations 73 Minimum Wage Hike 73 Transformers Sequel 73 Slavery Apology 73 Override Veto 73 Same Sex Couple 73 Schiavo Feeding Tube 73 Pregnant Woman Death 73 Gossip Lindsay Lohan 73 Prospects Dim 73 Sex Assault Trial 73 Senators Propose 73 Flavored Cigarettes 73 Iraqi Prisoner Abuse 73 Convicted Rapist 73 Unseals 73 Sago Mine Survivor 73 Could Reshape 73 Pregnancy Complication 73 Teaching Positions 73 Dems Criticize 72 Comatose Woman 72 AIG Bailout 72 Ambitious Agenda 72 Violated Rules 72 Medical Malpractice Reform 72 Gay Marriage Trial 72 Prompts Changes 72 Voter Anger 72 Abandoned Pets 72 Patriot Act Provisions 72 Fallout Continues 72 Deadlines Loom 72 Offshore Drilling Ban 72 Stroller Recall 72 Opinions Differ 72 Airwaves Auction 72 Proposed Budget Cuts 72 Possible Budget Cuts 72 MICHAEL GOODWIN 72 Immigrant Smuggling 72 Have Stopped 72 Voters Favor 72 Being Counted 72 Polls Suggest 72 Fact Checking 72 Pharmacyclics Announces 72 Asthma Medication 72 Satellite Shootdown 72 Budget Stalemate 72 Recess Appointment 72 Tax Rebate Checks 72 Eminent Domain Ruling 72 Fertility Treatments 72 Self Imposed 72 Panel Hears 72 Hits Speed Bump 72 Automaker Bailout 72 Caption Contest Winner 72 Alleged Murder Plot 72 Suspected Serial Killer 72 Malpractice Suit 72 Raise Debt Ceiling 72 Gov't Shutdown 72 M d yyyy 72 Domestic Abuse Victims 72 Considered Resigning 72 Be Examined 72 Portend 72 Vaccine Autism 72 Lobbying Efforts 72 Subpoenas Issued 72 Hold Hearings 72 Ex Aide 72 Terror Warnings 72 Competency Hearing 72 Controversy Surrounds 72 Accused Serial Killer 72 Global Warming Skeptics 72 Drunken Drivers 72 Record Voter Turnout 72 Issue Heats Up 72 Oppose Abortion 72 Civics Lesson 72 Tokyo Stocks Slip 72 Compromise Reached 72 Experts Weigh 72 Trend Toward 72 Fatal Bus Crash 72 Porch Collapse 72 Faces Arraignment 72 Could Weaken 72 Dems Push 72 Debate Rages Over 72 STEVEN IVORY 72 Surrogate Mom 72 Raises Doubts About 72 Cigarette Makers 72 Have Begun 72 Stopgap Spending Bill 72 Smallpox Shots 72 Epilepsy Drugs 72 Underage Drinkers 72 Fee Hikes 72 Massive Layoffs 72 Jackson Accuser Mom 72 Stem Cell Breakthrough 72 Causes Confusion 72 Ruled Unconstitutional 72 Princess Diana Inquest 72 Attempted Murder Case 72 Mortgage Rates Dip 72 #B Bailout 72 Shutdown Looms 72 Virtual Border Fence 72 Auto Bailout 72 Get Mixed Reviews 72 Zsa Zsa Gabor Hospitalized 72 Scattered Storms 72 Credit Card Interest Rates 72 Oppose Gay Marriage 72 Swipe Fee 72 Expert Tells 72 LARRY LEVIN 72 Katrina Aftermath 72 Boost Economy 72 Nears Finish Line 72 Convicted Cop Killer 72 Accused Child Molester 72 Flu Pandemic Could 72 Flip Flopping 72 Doctor Testifies 72 Temporary Halt 72 Anti Gay Marriage 72 Cause Confusion 72 NEWSWEEK COVER 72 Trade Jabs 72 Yellowstone Snowmobile 72 Fort Dix Plot 72 Sagging Economy 72 Reveals Flaws 72 Feds Urge 72 Voter Suppression 72 Sex Assault Charges 72 GeoMet Announces 72 Pain Pills 72 Reaction Mixed 72 Beating Suspects 72 Debate Focuses 72 Questions Arise Over 72 Fess Up 72 Base Closings 72 Gaping Hole 72 Bush Commutes Libby 72 Ethics Violations 72 Holds Hearing 72 Political Rhetoric 72 Legalizing Pot 72 Gay Marriage Decision 72 Justices Weigh 72 Prostitution Charges 72 Closer Scrutiny 72 Mortgage Rates Climb 72 Drug Reimportation 72 Higher Interest Rates 72 Texting Ban 72 DADT Repeal 72 Would Weaken 72 Gustav Evacuees 72 Gas Price Gouging 72 Emphasizes Need 72 Renews Calls 72 Goes Awry 72 Lawmakers Vow 72 Credit Card Debts 72 Extremely Bad Advice 72 Bankrate Mortgage Rates 72 Flag Desecration 72 Stimulus Spending 72 Hand Wringing 72 Childhood Vaccines 72 Troop Withdrawals 72 Gitmo Prisoners 72 Hearing Underway 72 Slain Toddler 72 Alleged Rape Victim 72 Teen Murder Suspect 71 Senate Panel Approves 71 Abortion Restrictions 71 Announcement Expected 71 Frigid Temps 71 Accused Drunk Driver 71 Sniper Execution 71 Kobe Bryant Accuser 71 Mall Shooting Suspect 71 LiLo Looks 71 Causing Confusion 71 Raises Possibility 71 Outlines Agenda 71 Wrongly Convicted Man 71 Detainee Legislation 71 Leveling Off 71 Few Surprises 71 Freezing Temperatures 71 Antiwar Activists 71 Takes Jab 71 Questions Arise 71 MoveOn Ad 71 Effort Fails 71 Mental Exam Ordered 71 Stricter Rules 71 Washn 71 Face Transplant Patient 71 Begins Anew 71 Crack Sentencing 71 GOP Hopefuls 71 Divorce Diaries 71 Panel Examines 71 Showers Storms 71 Crowds Gather 71 Child Molestation Case 71 Quickly Approaching 71 Wants Immunity 71 Drunken Driving Death 71 Discrimination Claims 71 THE PILOT LIGHT 71 Picking Splinters 71 Awaits Ruling 71 Impeachment Trial 71 Suspected Child Molester 71 Criticism Mounts 71 Underscore Need 71 Daunting Task 71 Becomes Easier 71 Molestation Trial 71 Lottery Winnings 71 Economy Slowing 71 Coincides With 71 Windshield Death 71 Could Undermine 71 Death Penalty Case 71 Budget Vetoes 71 Argues Against 71 Study Pinpoints 71 Kobe Accuser 71 Must Evolve 71 Gets Thumbs Down 71 Hate Crime Laws 71 Supply Shortages 71 Jobless Claims Fell 71 Yates Retrial 71 Denies Guilt 71 Differs From 71 Sugar Shout Out 71 Aide Resigns 71 Showdown Looms 71 Manslaughter Charge 71 Seasonal Allergies 71 Faces Setback 71 Hearings Begin 71 PUBLIC ADDRESS #/#/# 71 Needs Fixing 71 Shark Attack Victim 71 Sales Tax Hike 71 Migraine Sufferers 71 Reinforces Need 71 Suit Tossed 71 Rap Lyrics 71 Panel Postpones 71 Robber Uses 71 Alleged Robbery 71 Be Scrutinized 71 LifeFiles 71 Panel Considers 71 Justices Uphold 71 Low Voter Turnout 71 Autistic Kids 71 Renewed Effort 71 Decision Delayed 71 Gets Mixed Reviews 71 Pay Hikes 71 Announce Resignation 71 Repeal Effort 71 Reverse Discrimination 71 Shuttle Launch Date 71 Pot Brownies 71 Smallpox Vaccinations 71 Cancer Screenings 71 DJ Nybot Coffee 71 Erika Kurre 71 Tougher Penalties 71 Wild Card #.#.# 71 Admits Mistakes 71 Double Digit Lead 71 Menthol Cigarettes 71 Fifth Consecutive Month 71 Lowest Levels 71 Racially Motivated 71 Losing Steam 71 Lawmakers React 71 Swipe Fee Reform 71 RealMoney Radio Recap 71 Deeply Divided 71 Toned Down 71 Charges Tossed 71 Greenspan Warns 71 Convicted Child Molester 71 Sentence Reduced 71 NSA Spying 71 Stocks Slip Ahead 71 Meth Busts 71 Sexual Harassment Claims 71 Jobless Recovery 71 Voter Registrations 71 Mother Pleads 71 Record Snowfall 71 Teacher Gets Probation 71 Panel Weighs 71 Supreme Court Hears Arguments 71 Subprime Woes 71 Drivers Warned 71 Zeta Jones Stalker 71 Biotech Crops 71 BTK Suspect 71 Airport Screeners 71 FOIA Requests 71 Acne Drug 71 Jury Deliberations 71 Recall Petitions 71 Seeks Forgiveness 71 Proves Costly 71 Clears Path 71 Supreme Court Nominee 71 Powder Sent 71 Ctd 71 Warrantless Searches 71 Hearing Rescheduled 71 Extramarital Affair 71 Miers Withdraws 71 Dealt Blow 71 Unlikely Allies 71 Child Sex Assault 71 Seek Delay 71 Tax Rebates 71 Gets Uglier 71 Self Fulfilling Prophecy 71 Draws Scrutiny 71 TOP ARTICLE 71 Battle Intensifies 71 JonBenet Suspect 71 Severe Weather Threat 71 Investors Await Fed 71 Aide Quits 71 Inappropriate Relationship 71 Appears Poised 71 Painkiller Abuse 71 Your Tax Refund 71 Tax Refund Loans 71 Draws Controversy 71 Wipes Away 71 AHIP Statement 71 Recalled Toys 71 Could Hamper 71 Tpull Weekly Marvel Comics 71 Gains Steam 71 Violent Robbery 71 Roethlisberger Accuser 71 Gets Nasty 71 Battle Looms 71 Frigid Temperatures 71 Accused Murderer 71 Gaining Steam 71 Bailed Out Banks 71 Deliberations Continue 71 Candidate Withdraws 71 Japan Nuke Plant 71 Senators Urge 71 Prompts Calls 71 Dashcam Video 71 Celebrity Endorsements 71 Geopolitical Concerns 71 Pot Legalization 71 Pointing Fingers 71 Diverted Flight 71 Scaling Back 71 Holds Hearings 71 Closed Door 71 Mortgage Rates Rise 71 Double Slaying 71 Pared Down 71 Death Penalty Repeal 71 Ill Timed 71 Effort Underway 71 Sends Mixed Signals 71 Videotape Shows 71 Loose Lips Daily 71 Gubernatorial Hopefuls 71 Enemy Combatant Case 71 Sitebrand Announces 71 Threshold Pharmaceuticals Announces 71 Poll Shows Support 71 Steroid Probe 71 Immigration Raids 71 Hears Testimony 71 Volatile Trading 71 Economists React 71 Charlie Sheen Hospitalized 71 Petition Signatures 71 Fundamental Shift 71 Cites Lack 71 Toy Recalls 71 Jobless Aid 71 Touchy Subject 71 Gubernatorial Candidates 71 To Hear Arguments 71 Gay Marriage Vote 71 Leak Probe 71 Being Readied 71 Cop Impersonator 71 Steady Decline 71 Minimum Wage Increases 71 Report Sheds Light 70 Proves Difficult 70 Hopeful Signs 70 Slight Lead 70 Has Emerged 70 Suspected Murderer 70 Ex Rep 70 Less Stressful 70 Likely Delayed 70 Reader Commentaries 70 Could Ruin 70 Probes Into 70 Russel Metals Announces 70 Readers Respond 70 Loom Large 70 Law Unconstitutional 70 Creeps Up 70 Fleeting Expletives 70 Bigger Problem 70 Atonement Leads 70 Nears Vote 70 Pope Laments 70 TribBlog 70 Reelection Bid 70 Tackles Tough 70 Sniper Victim 70 Draws Praise 70 Nears Decision 70 Underscores Need 70 Passes Legislation 70 Lost Season Finale 70 Law Upheld 70 Rejects Plea Deal 70 Retires Amid 70 Lesser Charges 70 Trouble Looms 70 Parole Denied 70 Lays Blame 70 Heroin Overdose 70 Race Baiting 70 Dangerously Close 70 Smoking Habit 70 Warrantless Surveillance 70 Prepaid Cell Phones 70 Trans Fat Ban 70 Creeps Closer 70 Lacks Votes 70 Turns Ugly 70 Dangerous Intersection 70 Midterm Elections 70 Prepared Remarks 70 Slaying Trial 70 Carries Risks 70 Petition Seeks 70 Voter Apathy 70 Uses Humor 70 Carbon Monoxide Deaths 70 Heat Related Illnesses 70 Poisoned Spy 70 Abortion Pill 70 Judge Dismisses Suit 70 Law Ruled Unconstitutional 70 Politicians React 70 Questions Surround 70 Gene Variation 70 File Sharing Case 70 Files Complaint Over 70 Gives Clues 70 Not Guilty Pleas 70 Interest Rate Cuts 70 eLoyalty Announces 70 xxx Domain 70 Lie Ahead 70 Seeks Pardon 70 Sniffing Out 70 Remain Sluggish 70 Mortgage Rates Continue 70 Freezing Temps 70 Considers Extending 70 Will Backfire 70 Increased Scrutiny 70 Watered Down 70 Flag Burning 70 Videotaped Beating 70 Purse Snatchers 70 Priest Admits 70 Still Lags 70 Tax Filers 70 Ex Felons 70 Wardrobe Malfunction Fine 70 Spears Conservatorship 70 Ephedra Ban 70 Budget Shortfalls 70 Vaccine Makers 70 Officially Confirmed 70 Water Rate Hike 70 Jobless Claims Increase 70 Raising Debt Ceiling 70 Confusion Reigns 70 Could Derail 70 Causing Controversy 70 Tentative Deal Reached 70 Switches Parties 70 Stays Mum 70 Fiscal Restraint 70 Hunting Accident 70 Sniper Trial 70 Issues Resolved 70 Could Hinder 70 Mixed Feelings About 70 Being Debated 70 Foul Mouthed 70 Wandering Toddler 70 Stock Hunter 70 Deliberations Begin 70 Stays Silent 70 Breastfeeding Moms 70 Airport Body Scanners 70 Cold Temps 70 Consumers Prefer 70 Panel Discusses 70 Nutrition Labels 70 Ruling Delayed 70 Calorie Counts 70 Risky Mortgages 70 Gives Glimpse 70 NYC Cabbies 70 Murdered Teen 70 Going Smoothly 70 Stirs Up Controversy 70 Jurors Deliberate 70 Bash Compactor 70 THE HUTCHINSON REPORT 70 Genetically Modified Salmon 70 Moderate Drinking 70 Go Separate Ways 70 Clergy Sex 70 Opening Arguments 70 Makes Mockery 70 Sex Tape Suspect 70 Legal Limbo 70 Cut Greenhouse Gases 70 Possible Layoffs 70 Alleged Attacker 70 DJ Nybot Sugar 70 Jurors Deliberating 70 Sweeping Changes 70 Menstrual Cramps 70 Bret Michaels Condition 70 Being Bullied 70 Warmer Temperatures 70 Bad Mouthing 70 E Mails Show 70 Fort Hood Shooting Suspect 70 CabinWindow 70 Mad Cow Testing 70 Alleged Burglar 70 Accused Shooter 70 Sour Economy 70 Causes Controversy 70 Rell Vetoes 70 Creates Buzz 70 Industry Luminaries 70 Expert Weighs 70 Stricter Regulations 70 Vicious Attack 70 Slight Decline 70 Gay Marriage Foes 70 Passport Breach 70 Poll Shows Majority 70 Low Mortgage Rates 70 Bargaining Rights 70 Amid Controversy 70 Stirs Debate 70 Expert Predicts 70 Accused Arsonist 70 Spending Slows 70 Mother Speaks Out 70 Gossip Roundup 70 Univest Corporation Declares 70 Deadline Looming 70 Slaying Victim 70 Slumping Economy 70 Petting Zoos 70 Dropped Against 70 Welfare Recipients 70 Alleged Abuser 70 CIA Leak 70 NewsMax Wires 70 Formerly Conjoined Twins 70 Hits Roadblock 70 Leaders Decry 70 Difficult Task 70 Showdown Looms Over 70 Be Retried 70 Prompts Debate 70 Pleads Insanity 70 Repeal ObamaCare 70 Held Accountable 70 Wall Street Fluctuates 70 Fuels Debate 70 Steep Climb 70 Mortgage Mess 70 Steroids Probe 70 Currency Majors Technical 70 Interest Rate Hikes 70 Dogfighting Case 70 Boils Down 70 Candidates Vie 70 Recount Begins 70 Busiest Mailing Day 70 Brain Scans 70 Face Transplant Recipient 70 Trouble Spots 70 Fruits Veggies 70 Nanophase Technologies Announces 70 Age Bias 70 Edges Ahead 70 OxyContin Maker 70 Healthier Than 70 Announce Candidacy 70 Betting Favorites 70 Data Deluge 70 Ill Conceived 70 Biggest Obstacle 70 Gay Marriage Bans 70 Leans Toward 70 Will Occur 70 Astronaut Charged 70 Harsh Criticism 70 Measurement Specialties Announces 70 Gay Marriage Advocates 70 Casts Doubts 70 Issues Dominate 70 TB Patient 70 Basterds Premiere 70 Tremendous Growth 70 Hear Arguments 70 Stir Controversy 70 Teen Pregnancy Rates 70 Gets Earful 70 Legislative Session Ends 70 Fear Mongering 70 Cell Phone Ban 70 Really Necessary 70 Alleges Fraud 70 Cloning Ban 70 Self Parody 70 Mean Spirited 70 JetBlue Attendant 70 Family Offers Reward 70 Metal Thefts 70 Draw Attention 70 Found Incompetent 70 Erratic Session 70 Controversy Heats Up 70 Tougher Laws 70 Different Approach 70 Proposal Rejected 70 Geared Towards 70 Judge Denies Request 70 Hate Crime Charge 70 Bragged 70 Ovary Transplant 70 Heal Wounds 70 Closing Arguments Heard 70 Breast Cancer Tumors 70 Abu Ghraib Abuse 70 Admits Lying 70 Formally Announce 70 Anthrax Hoax 70 Arthritis Drugs 70 CITY ROOM 70 Candidates Differ 70 Partisan Politics 70 Pose Risks 70 INFOGRAPHIC 70 Harassment Claims 70 Funnier Than 70 Obese Teens 70 Mixed Reviews 70 Plead Insanity 70 Slick Roads 70 Mortgage Rates Drop 70 Taped Beating 70 Boils Over 70 Stirs Concern 70 Inch Toward 70 Feeling Pinch 70 Too Costly 70 Print Issue 70 Stun Gun Use 70 Measured Approach 70 Banker Bonuses 70 Ex Tyco Execs 70 Smuggling Deaths 70 Meth Ingredients 70 Income Tax Hike 70 Book Exposes 70 Dipping Into 70 Haditha Killings 70 Shows Weakness 70 Wrongful Imprisonment 70 Workers Comp Reform 70 Threatens Lawsuit 70 DNS Flaw 70 Teacher Resigns 70 Spells Doom 70 Twilight Eclipse Trailer 70 Tax Hikes 70 Lawyer Defends 70 Stalking Conan O'Brien 70 Shouting Match 70 Laptop Thefts 70 Creates Controversy 70 Aide Indicted 70 Calorie Info 70 Modest Gains 70 Darvon Darvocet Banned Darvocet 70 Gay Marriage Licenses 70 Legislation Introduced 70 Broke Rules 70 Mortgage Defaults 70 Icy Weather 70 Iraq Rape Slaying 70 Questions Abound 70 Misconduct Allegations 70 Heidi Montag Plastic Surgery 70 Election Nears 70 Wyoming Caucuses 70 Optimistic Outlook 70 Drops Lawsuit 70 Warmer Weather 70 Toy Recall 70 Meth Addiction 70 Foreclosure Moratorium 70 Uphill Fight 70 Eye Fungus 70 Dinner Crashers 70 Reputed Mobster 70 Slowing Economy 70 Presidential Hopefuls 70 Prescription Meds 70 Testimony Resumes 70 Slippery Roads 70 Underscores Importance 70 Gmail Outage 70 Lawyer Testifies 70 Ballot Initiatives 70 Gets Endorsement 70 Cocaine Overdose 70 Astronauts Begin Spacewalk 70 Watershed Moment 70 Lawsuit Challenging 70 Could Prompt 70 Necklace Theft 70 Burning Apartment 70 Surprise Appearance 70 Rate Freeze 70 Insteel Industries Announces 70 Powder Scare 70 Mumps Outbreak

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