
Related by string. spending * * Comprehensive Spending Review . Simon Spender . Spending Cuts . Consumer Spending . spending sprees . biggest spender . Flexible Spending Accounts . Household Spending . omnibus spending . stopgap spending . Flexible Spending Account . discretionary spending . wasteful spending . profligate spending . catchall spending . Big Spender . Ad Spending *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 70 Donates 70 Loses 68 Gets 67 Defends 67 Spent 66 Takes 65 Weighs 65 Wants 65 Finds 65 Kicks Off 65 Sends 65 Holds 64 Earns 64 Considers 64 Arrives 64 Accused Of 64 Gives 64 Reveals 64 Celebrates 64 Seeks 64 Proposes 63 Stays 63 Brings 63 Denies 63 Asks 63 Invests 63 Approves 63 Puts 63 Admits 62 Pays 62 Sues 62 Debuts 62 Goes 62 Cancels 62 Pushes 61 Blames 61 Prepares 61 Reaches 61 Sees 61 Boosts 61 Delivers 60 Receives 60 Spend 60 Sells 60 Could Be 60 Raises 60 Unveils 60 Completes 60 Keeps 60 Praises 60 Wins 60 Unveil 60 Secures 60 Launches 60 Becomes 60 Discusses 60 Buys 60 Predicts 60 Threatens 60 Warns 59 Agrees 59 Confirms 59 Starts 59 Tells 59 At Least 59 Declares 59 Appears 58 Rolls Out 58 Apologizes 58 Uses 58 Promotes 58 Welcomes 58 Chooses 58 Sued 58 Resigns 58 Begins 58 Joins 58 Leaves 58 Needs 57 Quits 57 Speaks 57 Helps 57 Grows 57 Man Arrested 57 Fails 57 Saves 57 Man Accused 57 Misses 57 Focuses 57 Backs 57 Builds 57 Pleads Guilty 57 Urges 57 Drops 57 Deploys 57 Man Charged 57 Introduces 57 Study Shows 57 Endorses 56 Extends 56 Responds

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