Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 76 Child Pornography Charges 75 Accused Murderer 74 Convicted Sex Offender 74 Assault Charge 72 Lesser Charge 72 Theft Charges 71 Alleged Assault 71 Rape Charge 71 Rape Charges 71 Child Porn Case 71 Child Porn Charges 70 DUI Charge 70 Accused Killer 69 Slaying Suspect 69 Kidnapping Suspect 69 Assault Charges 69 Convicted Killer 68 Inmate Death 68 Felony Charges 68 Prostitution Sting 68 Weapons Charges 68 Sniper Suspect 68 Abuse Charges 68 Child Abuse Case 68 Convicted Murderer 68 Killing Wife 67 Of Raping 67 Attempted Kidnapping 67 To Be Arraigned 67 Drunken Driver 67 Drug Possession 67 Woman Allegedly 67 DUI Arrest 67 Child Rapist 67 Road Rage Incident 67 Husband Charged 66 Child Neglect 66 Teacher Pleads Guilty 66 Ex Ill 66 Kidnap Suspect 66 Child Molestation 66 Escaped Inmate 66 Arson Suspect 66 Sentencing Delayed 66 Sex Charges 66 Enter Plea 66 Domestic Battery 66 Enters Plea 66 Cocaine Possession 66 Infant Son 66 Child Rape 65 Stabbing Death 65 Arson Case 65 Toddler Death 65 Accidental Shooting 65 Alleged Victim 65 Attempted Rape 65 Avoids Jail 65 Rape Murder 65 Not Guilty Plea 65 Assault Case 65 Stabbing Suspect 65 Suspect Pleads Guilty 65 Turns Himself 65 BREAKING NEWS ALERT 65 Fatal Stabbing 64 Home Confinement 64 Murder Charge 64 Murder Conviction 64 Drug Charges 64 Arrested Charged 64 Probation Violation 64 Autopsy Results 64 DRIVING WHILE LICENSE REVOKED 64 Attempted Suicide 64 Alleged Rape 64 Burglary Suspects 64 Man Allegedly 64 Purse Snatcher 64 Bar Brawl 64 Sexually Assaulting 63 DRUG PARAPHERNALIA POSSESSION OF 63 Murder Charges 63 Alleged Abuse 63 Child Endangerment 63 Statutory Rape 63 Racial Slur 63 Drunken Driving 63 Estranged Wife 63 Home Invasion Robbery 63 Sex Offender Arrested 63 Theft Suspect 63 CIA Leak Probe 63 Hearing Delayed 63 Abductor 63 Drug Overdose 63 Cop Charged 63 Man Confesses 62 Pellet Gun 62 Faces Sentencing 62 Speeding Ticket