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Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 45 PRESIDENT OBAMA 45 BIDEN 45 McCAIN 44 ROMNEY 43 MCCAIN 42 OBAMA 42 ABC George Stephanopoulos 41 DAVID BROOKS 40 LAUER 40 GIULIANI 40 PALIN 39 Speech #/#/# 39 STEPHANOPOULOS 39 Fact Check 38 BARACK OBAMA 38 McCain 38 BUSH 38 Cavuto 38 OBAMA 'S 38 privatize Social Security 38 Hannity 38 HEALTH CARE 38 SOTU 37 HILLARY 37 Barack Obama 36 O'DONNELL 36 36 Obama 36 Rudy Giuliani 35 Hillarycare 35 CALLER 35 Mitt Romney 35 NBC Tim Russert 35 stump speech 35 CAPITOL HILL 35 Hillary Clinton 35 Terry Branstad 34 Frank Luntz 34 Santorum 34 compassionate conservatism 34 WHITE HOUSE 34 Pawlenty 34 Laughter. 34 Matalin 34 spokesman Mo Elleithee 34 Sarah Palin 34 Howard Wolfson 33 flip flopper 33 CNN Wolf Blitzer 33 SNL skit 33 Republican gubernatorial candidate 33 Barrack Obama 33 DODD 33 George W. Bush 33 ABORTION 33 THE FACTS 32 Sen. Joe Biden 32 Presidential hopeful 32 MATTHEWS 32 Rodham Clinton 32 President Barack Obama 32 Begala 32 presumptive GOP 32 SPIN METER 32 Mitt 32 questioner 32 presumptive Republican 32 Bush 32 Biden 32 Joe Biden 32 COUNTDOWN 32 Doug Holtz Eakin 32 flip flopping 32 Maddow 32 ANWR 31 Kerry 31 Feel Pretty 31 Hillary 31 ANGLE 31 KEY IMAGES 31 Howard Dean 31 presidential hopeful 31 CHENEY 31 CARLSON 31 Senator Hillary Clinton 31 Democratic gubernatorial candidate 31 Romney 31 Gerald McEntee 31 strategist James Carville 31 fuzzy math 31 TAXES 31 Deval Patrick 31 SHAPIRO 30 Raese 30 flip flopped 30 CARNEY 30 mischaracterizing 30 Branstad 30 Huckabee 30 Daschle 30 townhall meeting

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