Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 63 -Waie 61 - -Laemmle Sunset 5 60 Equiv 60 Ag g t 60 -Amrut 59 59 ore milled 59 - -fascist regimes 59 -semitransparent 58 Au oz 58 Gold Equivalent 57 lbs U#O# 57 Drilling Intersects 57 Million Ounces 57 Non Interest Bearing 56 Sulfide 56 Short Term Borrowings 56 WO3 56 -CITY HOLDING COMPANY 56 Pt + Pd 56 Metres Grading 56 oz Ag 55 Near Surface 55 -gasline 55 Heap Leach 55 -Rainer Bonhof 55 Wtd 55 Total Earning Assets 54 AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD 54 Nonaccrual Loans 54 #g t Ag [002] 54 Net Charge Offs 54 Au g t 54 Drilling Commences 54 Non Current Assets 54 -Dan Futterman 54 -Italo 54 Flow Through Financing 54 Grams Per Tonne 54 Demand Deposits 54 La Coipa 54 -Pagtakhan 54 -Homburg Invest Inc. 54 - - Total [051] 54 g t g t 53 #ppm U#O# 53 INCOME TAX PROVISION 53 t Ag 53 BEGINNING OF PERIOD 53 Gold Mineralization 53 Bpd 53 ZrO2 53 Probable Mineral Reserves 53 Tonnes 53 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 53 Average Realized 53 Ag Au 53 #.#g t silver [003] 53 Zinc Lead 52 - Total Liabilities [025] 52 Silver Lead Zinc 52 oz Au 52 #,# -appartment 52 -SIM Cards 52 Total Interest Bearing 52 PLATE Div. 52 AuEq 52 Deferred Credits 52 PLATE Div. II 52 Total Proved 52 -Paxos 52 % Cu #.#g 52 Au t 52 Probable Reserve 52 AMERICAN EAGLE AIRLINES 52 Private Placement Financing 52 -homing instinct 52 gm t 52 Interest Bearing Liabilities 52 - -Nicolas Leoz 52 -Rahael 51 AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING Basic 51 Identifiable intangible assets 51 Copper Cobalt 51 inferred ounces 51 - Total assets [005] 51 #g t Ag [001] 51 -ASSAULT ON 51 A # 51 #,# -Van Hove 51 Other Current Assets 51 Assay Results 51 Interest Bearing Deposits 51 % MoS2 51 -Shu Qi 51 oz t Ag 51 #,# = LIABILITIES [005] 51 Goodwill #,#,# #,#,# [002] 50 Mined 50 #,#,# tonnes grading [002] 50 - TOTAL ASSETS [004]