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Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 59 Deo Ferrer Daily 59 Enzi Barrasso 58 By Roger Cleaveland 57 voter apathy inexcusable 57 Russ Feingold D Wis 57 Mike Enzi Wyoming 57 Bilbray N 57 Bilbray Y 57 Broun N 56 Andy Arrenquin Appeal 56 Altmire Y 56 WASHINGTON The 56 Teresa Fasanello Hunterdon 56 DeGette Y 56 BY WALLY SPIERS 56 Max Baucus Montana 56 BY STEVE KORTE 56 BY TERI MADDOX 55 Lobbied fellow 55 relentlessly assailed 55 launched furious counterassault 55 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 55 BY SUZANNE BOYLE 55 Don Nickles R Okla 55 CBO crunches 55 Josh Kendrix Appeal 55 DEE BURKE Delta 55 Nominations Sent 54 BY ROGER SCHLUETER 54 BY SCOTT WUERZ 54 DAVID VOWELL Delta 54 BY LAURA GIRRESCH 54 BY JAIME INGLE 53 Phil Journey Haysville 53 BY DAVID WILHELM 53 Marty Meehan D-Mass. 53 Bilirakis Y 53 unfairly punishes gays 53 Aderholt N 53 LOGAN MOSBY Delta 53 BY JENNIFER BOWEN 53 Collin Peterson D Minn 53 Props aplenty 53 Lawmaker pushes 53 KERI HOLT Delta 53 BY ELIZABETH DONALD 53 Bilirakis N 53 BY MIKE FITZGERALD 53 BY ROD KLOECKNER 53 Aderholt Y 53 footprint Bruce Josten 53 Bryan DeMain Appeal 53 BY MARIA BARAN 53 BY DEAN CRIDDLE 53 Biggert N 53 Bob Corker R Tenn 52 Incumbent Richard Cordray 52 Jeffords defection gave 52 Scott Mulhauser spokesman 52 CAGW Names 52 Jacob Lew testifies 52 President Barack Obamaā 52 Nancy Cordes reports 52 BY WILL BUSS 52 impeaching Sanford 52 Napolitano vetoes 52 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 52 counsel Harriett Miers 52 Howard Yune Appeal 52 BY BRIAN BRUEGGEMANN 52 Televangelists escape penalty 52 Herb Kohl D Wis 52 Kymm Mann Appeal 52 offered angry denouncements 52 COREY CLARK Tallahassee 52 BY GEORGE PAWLACZYK 52 Abortion foes capitalize 51 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 51 Kerry liveliest disagreement 51 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 51 GOP govs 51 Rosa DeLauro D Conn 51 BY JACQUELINE LEE 51 Alberto Gonzales stewardship 51 Barofksy 51 John Rockefeller DW.Va. 51 Streamlined Procedures Act 51 Marsha Blackburn R Tenn 51 jabbering Genson told 51 Rep. Nita Lowey DN.Y. 51 Spencer Bachus R Ala 51 BY NORM SANDERS 51 Russell Feingold D-Wis. 51 Nancy Pasternack Appeal 50 Kirsten Gillibrand DN.Y. 50 spokeswoman Regan Lachapelle 50 BY BETH HUNDSDORFER 50 narrowly averted partial 50 pork barrell 50 SCOTT DEN 50 Morhard founded 50 Ben Cardin D Md 50 Jon Corzine DN.J. 50 Lumbee recognition 50 Groer arose 50 Ryan Boschetti DT 50 Ryan Klocke Appeal 50 Abscam bribery allegations 50 telegenic Palin 50 OKs Elena Kagan 50 Debbie Stabenow D Mich 50 Carey Wellston 50 Pensions HELP 50 Plame cause celebre 50 Darren Gersh reports 50 Rhetoric heats 50 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 50 IMPACT Lobbyists 50 personable Betsy Gonwa 50 Dale Kildee D Mich 50 D-Calif. chairwoman 49 Chuck Hagel Nebraska 49 Sebelius vetoes 49 By TaMaryn Waters 49 #/#-style commission 49 Blake Zeff spokesman 49 Paul Sarbanes D-Md. 49 neither Murray Garnick 49 Jodi Alberts 49 Blumenauer Y 49 Both 49 PRO CON Is 49 spokeswoman Jamie Hais 49 Posey R Fla 49 Michelle Laxalt 49 Representative Jan Schakowsky 49 Congress reshaped recessive 49 chairman Mark Fahleson 49 Charles Babington covers 49 MTBE waiver 49 Bayh disillusionment 49 Daschle withdraws 49 SUNO UNO merger 49 dubious Muzzle Awards 49 Shadegg R Ariz 49 uncomplicated postoperative course 49 Chairman Bob Filner 49 Representative Jerrold Nadler 49 Ms. Ignagni 49 CureMichigan 49 fenced ferociously 49 Businessman Herman Cain 49 Hobbled Dems eager 49 Roland Burris D Ill 49 Mike Castle R-Del. 49 Nick Rahall DW.Va. 49 circumvents Hyde 49 Kan. gov 49 By Amy Klamper 48 BY HOLLY MEYER 48 nominates Jacob Lew 48 R. Ariz 48 Barbara Boxer D Calif 48 Diagnoses vary 48 Representative Rosa DeLauro 48 Carolyn Weyforth spokeswoman 48 Bob Casey D-Pa. 48 INFLUENCE GAME Govt 48 Angelyn Frazer 48 taxing sugary beverages 48 Kelly Ayotte RN.H. 48 Bill Ketron Murfreesboro 48 moderatorrater # 48 Daschle apologizes 48 Reno assemblywoman 48 swats licks 48 stemcell research 48 Alliance CSIA 48 Jessica Santillo spokeswoman 48 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 48 Obama disowns critique 48 correspondent Jerry Bodlander 48 Sandy Levin D-Mich. 48 By Otto Kreisher 48 Baroody nomination 48 Bark Stupak 48 Stanley Collender 48 Pete Stark D-Calif. 48 Senator HILLARY CLINTON 48 Connie Mack R Fla 48 DeLeo Winthrop 48 Lois Capps D Calif 48 Representative Norm Dicks 48 #bFM Audio Opposition 48 Eugene Pawlik Corps 48 D Grosse Tete 48 DC AHN 48 Jim Jeffords I-Vt. 48 Charlie Crist vetoed 48 Patrick Leahy Vermont 48 Diep Tran MD 48 Outnumbered Republicans 48 Diane Feinstein D-Calif. 48 Declassified portions 48 By Greta Wodele 48 Jill Kozeny spokeswoman 48 climactic Christmas Eve 48 Deuce# 48 Zoe Lofgren D-Calif. 48 resubmitted Bolton 48 Tom Coburn R-Okla. 47 liberal Progressive Caucus 47 Andrew Pugno attorney 47 Republican 47 Correspondent Jerry Bodlander 47 Legislature overrode veto 47 sugary behemoth 47 Carl Levin D Mich 47 Lynn Woolsey D Calif 47 gEvil beta # 47 Overriding veto requires 47 Herb Kohl D-Wis. 47 authorizing warrantless surveillance 47 repealers already 47 Mike Ross D-Ark. 47 John Barrasso R-Wyo. 47 Max Baucus D-Mont. 47 Pomeroy DN.D. 47 site mediamatters.org 47 Roland Burris D-Ill. 47 Granholm vetoed 47 crusader Grover Norquist 47 ROVNER Well 47 unveiled multitrillion dollar 47 Ben Cardin D-Md. 47 Getahn Ward covers 47 DeWeese Sharon Rodavich 47 Collateral Alda 47 WASHINGTON President 47 constitutional amendment disallowing 47 countered heatedly 47 Opposes constitutional amendment 47 Carcieri vetoed 47 DFL Minn 47 Jeff DeMaagd 47 John Kline R-Minn. 47 PRO CON Should 47 politician Saeed Hajjarian 47 R Kaneohe Kailua 47 litmus test Guillory 47 R-Essex/Orleans 47 CCAGW rated 47 Ben Brandzel 47 Penguinisto # 47 Cigna Corp. CI.N 47 Corey Boles Of 47 menacing obscenity laced 47 Plame contends 47 FairDistrictsFlorida.org 47 Charles McC 47 Melvin Watt DN.C 47 Paul Kanjorski D-Pa. 47 Partisan disagreements 47 gubernatorial candidate Eliot Spitzer 47 CastrTroy # 47 HOMESTAR program 47 invoked cloture 47 Kyl R Ariz 47 John Shadegg R-Ariz. 47 C. Shelby R-Ala. 47 Richard Blumenthal D-Conn. 47 alarmed civil libertarians 47 cleared procedural hurdle 47 relatively noncontroversial 47 strengthen whistleblower protections 47 William Delahunt D-Mass. 47 Representative Charles Rangel 47 prolonging Schiavo life 47 challenger Rocky Raczkowski 47 consultant Robert Laszewski 47 John Cornyn R-Tex. 47 Bernie Sanders Vermont 47 R-Ark. 46 soundly soundly 46 lawyer Byron Georgiou 46 Liability Reform DMLR 46 spokeswoman Natasha Stott 46 BUDGET DIRECTOR Peter Orszag 46 D Meridianville 46 Joseph Lieberman D-Conn. 46 stimulus planThe federal 46 congresswoman Carolyn Maloney 46 Jeff Merkley Ore. 46 Earmarking allows 46 Baucus D-Mont. 46 National Rifle Assn 46 Alberto Gonzales testifies 46 Democrat Alan Mollohan 46 lip zingers 46 Updated #/#/# #:#:# [001] 46 PROMISES PROMISES Jobs 46 IMMIGRATION DEBATE 46 NewYorkCountryLawyer # * 46 FAIRFIELD CONN 46 Thomas Oppermann 46 spokeswoman Leslee Fritz 46 = rectangle 46 Simpson R Wyo 46 linked menopause hormones 46 Embracing Depression 46 stimulus packageThe 46 conditionally vetoed 46 Leader Capri Cafaro 46 #-# emoran@investorrelationsgroup.com 46 Representative Doc Hastings 46 bribing Kott 46 Kit Bond R-Mo. 46 Jim Ramstad R 46 Ken Salazar D Colo 46 Joe Pitts R-Pa. 46 By REBECCA GOMEZ 46 Credit raters 46 prepackaged bankruptcy whereby 46 Gordon Smith R-Ore. 46 Jane Harman D-Calif. 46 struggled inconclusively 46 constitutional amendment HJR 46 RN.H 46 Sens. Dianne Feinstein D-Calif. 46 BJPennfan 46 Beth Froehling 46 Joe Lieberman D-Conn. 46 Nuaisse longtime pro 46 DAVID GARRICK Staff Writer 46 Asheesh Agarwal 46 frosty reception awaits 46 Jim McDermott D-Wash. 46 Marco Rubio R Fla 46 appraisal castigating 46 Democrat Sharon Renier 46 John Murtha D-Penn. 46 Trevor L. Blackann 46 MARYLAND O'Malley 46 Representative Jane Harman 46 CQ MoneyLine 46 PROVIDENCE Governor Carcieri 46 frivolous patent infringement 46 DFL'ers 46 mandolin accordion violin 46 Thomas R-Calif. 46 speaker Salvatore DiMasi 46 Assemblyman Pete Grannis 46 witnesses Seick 46 Reps. Jan Schakowsky 46 regulates cribs 46 Bunning objected 46 Bob Inglis RS.C. 46 Abu Arrar supports 46 Christopher Dodd D-Conn. 46 staunchest conservatives 46 OHR' zag 46 planWASHINGTON AP 46 crowed Kara DioGuardi 46 HUD Appropriations Subcommittee 46 D. Ryan R-Wis. 46 Reps. Todd Tiahrt 46 John Breaux D-La. 46 Jim Sensenbrenner R-Wis. 46 nonpartisan watchdog 46 EmbeddedJanitor # 46 Status Referred 46 Vermont legalizes 46 By Giles Mole 46 TheRaven# # 46 Ney Pleads Guilty 46 Sensenbrenner R Wis 46 Paul G. Freeborne 46 Exclusive Spill 46 Jim Oberstar D-Minn. 46 Ted Kaufman D-Del. 46 Baca D Calif 46 troop withdrawal deadlines 46 Granholm vetoes 46 Alternet subsidiaries provide 46 legal memos justifying 46 Consumer Watchdog formerly 46 crossbench senators 46 Commonsense Ten 46 defunding ACORN 46 Carolyn McGinn Sedgwick 46 THE OMBUDSMAN 46 Kirsten Gillibrand KEHR' sten 46 Hinchey Rohrabacher amendment 46 Jeff Schrade 46 SPRINGFIELD Ill. Illinois 46 IHH vehemently denies 46 Tammy Crain Waldrop 46 loophole exempting 45 Naomi Seligman spokeswoman 45 Ellen Roseman writes 45 congressmembers 45 Sheldon Whitehouse DR.I. 45 vertical satin pleats 45 Mark Warner D-Va. 45 Gentler treatments 45 Fiscally conservative Democrats 45 theSenate 45 About Pharmacyclics Pharmacyclics 45 outlaw abortions 45 Yellow Shirts occupied 45 local teen determ 45 Trojan horse Braley 45 spokeswoman Jill Kozeny 45 Alexa Marrero 45 Kenneth Kies Washington 45 STIMULUS WATCH Less 45 lobbyist Bruce Josten 45 Ken Salazar D-Colo. 45 institutionalize bailouts 45 Earmark reform 45 Gonzales perjured himself 45 Adwatch McCain 45 pollster Celinda Lake 45 Ariz. gov 45 Survey Superdelegates Jump 45 Director Stansfield Turner 45 Kyl Cornyn 45 wolfmanshowlforever 45 morgan greywolf # 45 Joe Sestak D-Pa. 45 midriff baring lace 45 Fianna Fáil Progressive 45 By Joseph Woelfel 45 Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg 45 lamented partisan bickering 45 lawmaker Tim Walberg 45 Representative Jackie Speier 45 granting retroactive immunity 45 bailoutWASHINGTON AP 45 broadly mocks 45 Romney flip flopper 45 By JOELLE FARRELL 45 Sen. Arlen Specter R-Penn. 45 Planned Parenthood staunchest allies 45 gunmaker immunity bill 45 Director Peter Orzsag 45 Tammy Baldwin D Wis 45 incumbent Casey Cagle 45 Jeff Bingaman NM 45 Employment Nondiscrimination Act 45 appropriations subcommittee overseeing 45 elective cosmetic procedures 45 Clintoncare 45 epublican 45 House impeaches 45 Jay Rockefeller DW.V. 45 ANWR provision 45 Todd Akin R-Mo. 45 Opponents deride 45 Ed Whitfield R-Ky. 45 Jim Talent R-Mo. 45 activist Richard Viguerie 45 Representative Lois Capps 45 Maloney DN.Y. 45 Robert Torricelli DN.J. 45 elect Nan Hayworth 45 governmentā 45 Weiner DN.Y. 45 spokesman Joel Digrado 45 perpetuate bailouts 45 Mark Scolforo covers 45 Blanche Lincoln Ark. 45 hopeful Alexi Giannoulias 45 liberals seethed 45 Pro Tem Peter Shumlin 45 Michaele Salahi invoked 45 reinsert feeding tube 45 Rahm Emanuel D Ill 45 A. Mikulski D-Md. 45 C. Achutan 45 Elizabeth Dole RN.C. 45 Rmb4 #bn 45 Freedomworks 45 Peter Welch D-Vt. 45 reacted tepidly 45 T. King RN.Y. 45 Bipartisan majorities 45 Seidenschnur 45 Clairsville 45 congressman Dick Armey 45 Dingell D Mich 45 FreedomWorks conservative 45 euro regionā 45 Representative Bruce Braley 45 NBC Rehema Ellis 45 ALBANY NY AP/# WINS 45 fiercely contested remake 45 Bobby Sturgell acting 45 menthol exemption 45 Leader Marjory LeBreton 45 Representative Xavier Becerra 45 Republicans reacted warily 45 James Hirni 45 John Warner R.-Va. 45 Fred Wertheimer longtime 45 By Juliana Gruenwald 45 spokeswoman Lenore Gelb 45 William Jefferson D-La. 45 citing Branzburg 45 Al Franken D Minn 45 Representatives appropriations subcommittee 45 omnibus appropriations 45 Jim Inhofe R-Okla. 45 Meechai Ruchupan 45 ZAIN SHAUK covers 45 Bonusgate probe 45 analyst Dean Spiliotes 45 Chafee RR.I. 45 stripe mirroring 45 DC KTIV 45 Coburn R Okla 45 Congressman Hulshof 45 THE INFLUENCE GAME Lobbyists 45 Zoe Lofgren D Calif 45 Representative Louise Slaughter 45 Osborne R Neb 45 Status Passed 45 WREX.com Rockford News LeaderObama 45 Demcare 45 Democrat Roxanne Conlin 44 Sens. Jon Corzine 44 Club Stairways Comprehensive 44 Sam Graves R-Mo. 44 curbing malpractice lawsuits 44 food dyes hyperactivity 44 Dave Obey D-Wis. 44 Sen. Arlen Specter D-Pa. 44 Kevin McCarthy R-Calif. 44 Ron Jerich 44 R. Okla 44 Gov. Arnold Schwarznegger 44 Vicki Gottlich 44 Osama Attawiya 44 JW 'S SALOON 44 Shaddick repeats 44 Senator Judith Troeth 44 Bill Kuebler Khadr 44 CBN.com WASHINGTON 44 John Shimkus R-Ill. 44 Bennie Thompson D-Miss. 44 Moderate Dems 44 Janklow RS.D. 44 Oracle Altor Networks 44 TubeSteak # 44 Bernard Sanders I-Vt. 44 Values Agenda 44 smitty one each # * 44 defund ACORN 44 Sens. Jon Tester 44 FACTBOX Reaction 44 Another YouTuber uploaded 44 Stephen Ubl 44 incumbent Lauch Faircloth 44 Kerik inherits 44 Sally Katzen 44 Conrad Burns R-Mont. 44 Approves Sweeping 44 Dardens mistakenly showed 44 Nydia M. Velázquez 44 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Itsuo 44 Barbara Mikulski D Md 44 Representative Kathy Castor 44 Interior Appropriations subcommittee 44 Democrat Suzan DelBene 44 Debbie Wasserman Schultz D-Fla. 44 Dick Lugar R-Ind. 44 Economic Advisers Edward Lazear 44 Huge majorities 44 Grassley Baucus 44 Chairman Duf Sundheim 44 Kirstin Brost spokeswoman 44 THE FACTS Bennet 44 Mark Udall D-Colo. 44 congenital arteriovenous malformation 44 Jane Harman D Calif 44 Shays Meehan 44 Tom Carper D-Del. 44 Photo Rune Hellestad 44 similarly noncommittal 44 Photo Hadi Mizban 44 Salaheddin Hamad Hmoud 44 Reps. Rahm Emanuel 44 Loscocco defection 44 Alito dissents 44 manifesto Choosing Civility 44 Superfund Toxics 44 Ines Franck director 44 spokesman Mark Perkiss 44 billWASHINGTON 44 Mr. Effi Baruch 44 approves impeaching Blagojevich 44 Emerging Threats Cybersecurity 44 abolish judicial filibusters 44 Harry Hamburg 44 Signers included 44 Stop Overspending 44 monthā 44 banksâ 44 DN.D 44 Photo Anatoli Zhdanov 44 BY JOE OSTERMEIER 44 Marriage Equality Amendment 44 defunding Obamacare 44 privately groused 44 Dem ocrats 44 Cornucopia Institute Wisconsin 44 designate andro 44 Allan Mollohan 44 Forcefully rejecting Republican 44 tax crusader Grover 44 Reps. Earl Pomeroy 44 Tim Petrowich Marion 44 Magento intuitive 44 Canary Islands Fredrik 44 Betsy Markey D Colo 44 Dave Kettel former 44 Rahm Emanuel D-Ill. 44 Rockefeller IV 44 Fastow adamantly 44 FHA Modernization Act 44 astonishing Siemionow 44 nominaton 44 Jim DeMint RS.C. 44 Blanche Lincoln D-Ark. 44 secretary Hank Paulson 44 Wednesday elicited catcalls 44 wavering moderates 44 Socialist Party Francois Hollande 44 David Obey D-Wis. 44 NH gov 44 virtually indistinguishable Quaid 44 Website Accessed #/#/# [001] 44 His Hermanator 44 Alan Frumin 44 repealing ObamaCare 44 da Silva Bueno 44 SCHIP reauthorization bill 44 Pataki vetoed 44 Dick Durbin D Ill 44 spokesman Scott Mulhauser 44 Jo Ann Emerson R-Mo. 44 Anthrax mailed 44 Independent Anthony Pollina 44 Martin Wafforn P.Eng 44 criminalizing dissent 44 Norm Coleman R-Minn. 44 CASEnergy Coalition 44 incumbent Gary Lunn 44 Federal 44 By FRIDA GHITIS 44 curbing frivolous lawsuits 44 challenger Claire McCaskill 44 nondefense discretionary 44 Photo Nell Redmond 44 Sleaze watchdog 44 unamendable 44 Gene Stilp Harrisburg 44 Ken Salazar testifies 44 D Ackworth 44 Jeanne Shaheen vetoed 44 Rep. Ray Lahood 44 Bankruptcies skyrocketed 44 subpanel 44 ABX1 1 44 Maurice Hinchey DN.Y. 44 Obamaā 44 spokesman Drew Nannis 44 CBNNews.com WASHINGTON 44 Tax Extenders Act 44 Jim Bunning R-Ky. 44 DW. Va. 44 Minority Leader Marty Seifert 44 reauthorizing NCLB 44 spokesman Paul Sloca 44 FNMI challenged 44 Sam Gejdenson 44 Ben Nelson D-Neb. 44 By Emily Benammar 44 Feinstein Lugar 44 Senator Warren Rudman 44 retailored battle 44 Nedra Pickler covers 44 Commissioner Lucinda Jesson 43 unconstitutionally delegated 43 By ALLEN PIERLEONI 43 unconstitutional overreach 43 these windfalls Lunsford 43 Strategic Initiatives Political 43 Bark Peanut Butter 43 reinsert Terri Schiavo 43 defunding NPR 43 Vt. gov 43 newcomer Kay Hagan 43 Kang Chul kyu 43 stateā 43 By Thair Shaikh 43 JobsPAC 43 steelworker Curt Yarger 43 APM Marketplace 43 R-Wyo. 43 HOW MANY COVERED 43 Dee Deakos 43 Kirstin Gillibrand 43 Liberal backbencher Bronwyn Bishop 43 concrete Kokaral dam 43 Pam Gulleson 43 Steve Ricchetti 43 spokesman Brian Besanceney 43 SPIN METER Competing 43 Representative Carolyn Maloney 43 OCC regulates 43 Connie Mack R-Fla. 43 Water Probe Prompts 43 Photo Junji Kurokawa 43 drinkypoo # 43 Furor grows 43 MANCHESTER NH Mitt Romney 43 Alan Grayson D-Fla. 43 Brookly McLaughlin spokeswoman 43 rejects partisan gridlock 43 Bi partisan 43 MSNBC Hardball #/#/# 43 Baltimore Orioles jutted 43 standardize interrogation techniques 43 improperly meddled 43 Shelli Weisberg 43 Marchant Wentworth 43 aa nonsmoker too 43 Peter Schaar applauded 43 breast implants tummy tucks 43 Sentate 43 John Olver D-Mass. 43 Mark Souder R-Ind. 43 Colby Itkowitz CALL 43 GW Battleground 43 Rep Eric Cantor 43 FBN Neil Cavuto 43 earmarker 43 Hamilton D-Ind. 43 Creates 43 Perino lavished praise 43 Giuseppe Boccardi told 43 Marshall Griffin KWMU 43 Photo Ezio Petersen 43 correspondent Terence Hunt 43 Representative Charlie Melancon 43 Janice Schakowsky 43 Dick Durbin D-Ill. 43 appointed Strautmanis 43 Stephanie Dhue reports 43 J. Dodd D-Conn. 43 Dave Camp R-Mich. 43 Stabenow D Mich 43 Elective abortions 43 D-Cal. 43 Lee Terry R-Neb. 43 greenhouse gasses mirrors 43 Spencer Bachus R-Ala. 43 mortgage cramdown 43 By BOB NORBERG 43 Richard Umbdenstock chief 43 Bill Frenzel 43 Challenged bluntly 43 Jim Bunning R Ky 43 Gen. Phill Kline 43 WJ Billy Tauzin 43 FED FOCUS Fed 43 agency Sernageomin 43 Kevin DeMenna 43 Majority Leader Francis Pangilinan 43 Banning earmarks 43 Heritage Foundation heritage.org 43 Senate Antitrust Subcommittee 43 prewar intelligence lapses 43 John Angelillo Enlarge 43 Chairman Bob Goodlatte 43 Jeff Flake R Ariz 43 Spokesman Ty Matsdorf 43 wielding whips clashed 43 Jim Kolbe R-Ariz. 43 defunds 43 D. Dingell D-Mich. 43 Ron Klein D-Fla. 43 Sports Tide Prothro 43 pollster Joel Benenson 43 Steve Panagiotakos 43 Charlie Bass RN.H. 43 diverse horned dinosaurs 43 Domestic Spying Inquiry Restarted 43 Requires 43 TREASURY SECRETARY Timothy Geithner 43 Keith Ausbrook 43 InsiderScore entire 43 Tony Oppegard mine 43 Claire McCaskill D 43 prodded rebellious 43 LiquidCoooled # 43 Creating Phenomenal 43 Candidates spar 43 Thomas R-Wyo. 43 delivered stinging critique 43 Photo Monika Graff 43 © Sapa 43 senate democrats 43 challenger Vicky Hartzler 43 Operation Offset 43 Wyden Gregg 43 By Sam Mamudi 43 CEO Kerry Winterer 43 Allows 43 spokeswoman Christina Kielich 43 By KELLIS ROBINETT 43 FACT CHECK Shaky 43 giants Fannie Mae 43 warrantless surveillance program 43 Mike Johanns R-Neb. 43 booklet Dietary Guidelines 43 Edwards DN.C. 43 FAA Reauthorization bill 43 Speaker Newt Gingrich R-Ga. 43 AGs threaten 43 Bloggers howled 43 Rosa DeLauro D-Conn. 43 Reuters Ń 43 speedily enacted 43 E. Andrews DN.J. 43 Republican delaying tactics 43 Democrats ODS TOP 43 Mike Rogers R-Mich. 43 renominate Greenspan 43 Jon Kyl R-Ariz. 43 Carrie Bachner 43 Powdery substance 43 Reps. Jay Inslee 43 Factcheck.org nonpartisan 43 Photo Khalid Tanveer 43 aide Monica Goodling 43 Ted Kennedy D-Mass. 43 Nonetheless Jefri 43 4BETTER OR WORSE 43 Representative Jeff Flake 43 unconstitutionally infringes 43 AFL CIO Trumka 43 constricting machinery 43 Obey D Wis 43 Skechers cartoon 43 pioneers Pantera 43 Rookie Kason Gabbard 43 guru Grover Norquist 43 uncharted waters Potter 43 vastly outspending 43 Dale McFeatters SHNS 43 campaigner Mohamed ElBaradei 43 SACRAMENTO CA KFSN 43 Commissioner Kevin Goodno 43 lynnsweet Obama 43 Fannie Mae FNM.P 43 largest ever amoun 43 Constitutional Revision Committee 43 C Span Newsmakers 43 Rep. Anh Cao 43 comedies Airplane 43 Diane Sambrano 43 Melvin Butch Hollowell 43 oversee nonbank 43 Mitch McConnell R-Ky. 43 critic Garfield Dunlop 43 statutory PAYGO 43 Political MoneyLine 43 Dr Mal Washer 43 Representative Henry Waxman 43 retroactive immunity provision 43 procedural roadblock 43 Blanche Lincoln D 43 Jerry Costello D-Ill. 43 Fairer Medicare 43 Leader Harry Reid D-Nev. 43 ALBANY NY WBFO 43 Maria Vamvakinou 43 Photo Petros Giannakouris 43 Representative Peter DeFazio 43 Susan Ferrechio Chief 42 PoliticalNews.me Dec #,# 42 Passed bill 42 Sectarian violence exploded 42 forbid concealing 42 Photo Keizo Mori 42 unfairly punishes patriotic 42 IV DW.Va. 42 grand bargainers 42 Bob Graham D-Fla. 42 Rebecca Gasca 42 WholeCamels Bad sign 42 Reps. Aaron Schock 42 Photo Mohammad Kheirkhah 42 Representative Bart Stupak 42 Lindsay Graham RS.C. 42 Thomas Daschle DS.D. 42 CAPITOL HILL AP 42 Senators Herb Kohl 42 WASHINGTON RNN 42 Steve Buyer R-Ind. 42 robo dialer harassment 42 Paul Wellstone Mental 42 Robert Wexler D-Fla. 42 titans Fannie Mae 42 thinly disguised attempt 42 Panel Recommends Abolishing 42 Lucas R-Okla. 42 auditor Claire McCaskill 42 JERUSALEM JTA Israel 42 Nick Punto 3b 42 correspondent Nancy Cordes 42 BCLocalnews.com 42 Cleta Mitchell 42 KATV LLC 42 Margita Thompson spokeswoman 42 Bob Corker R-Tenn. 42 assailed Bilbray 42 HJRes 42 Greg Walden R-Ore. 42 Partisan bickering 42 swank Jumeirah Essex 42 Contricia Ford 42 Speaker Denny Hastert 42 Democrat Dianne Feinstein 42 legalize undocumented 42 lobbied furiously 42 Dana Wortley 42 Novell GroupWise environments 42 Southers nomination secured 42 Reps. Ike Skelton 42 Sharyl Attkisson reports 42 Michael Smerconish writes 42 Decerega issued 42 disallow filibusters 42 PRESIDENT ELECT Barack Obama 42 hasty retreat bowing 42 Arlen Specter R-Penn. 42 challenger Renee Ellmers 42 Rivlin Domenici 42 flip flopper label 42 PRESIDENT BARACK 42 imbalanced ledger 42 Commissioner Ruth Damsker 42 Cut 42 Rob Lever 42 Futures augured modest 42 Julie Roginsky 42 Whip Dick Durbin 42 WREX.com Rockford News LeaderIllinois 42 activist Chuck Muth 42 Thalia Assuras reports 42 hazardous jewerly 42 Tom Towslee 42 Dan Maffei DN.Y. 42 abolish COAH 42 Chris Dodd D-Conn. 42 Rep. Sara Feigenholtz 42 Reps. Randy Neugebauer 42 Monsignor Jude O'Doherty 42 Elizabeth Kaledin reports 42 Brady D-Pa. 42 hopeful Mitt Romney 42 Defund ACORN Act 42 Patrick Yoest Of 42 Henry Waxman D-Calif. 42 Joe Lieberman ID-Conn. 42 Abscam bribery scandal 42 Photo Christophe Ena 42 Creating 42 strategists Mary Matalin 42 unapproved narcotic painkillers 42 R. Wolf R-Va. 42 Photo Seth Wenig 42 spokeswoman Irena Etinger 42 Michael McAuliff 42 Greg Ganske 42 MP Sandra Kanck 42 Liberal backbencher Malcolm Turnbull 42 Gen. Lisa Madigan 42 politically motivated firings 42 site BailoutSleuth.com tracks 42 Scott Brown R-Mass. 42 Deborah Senn 42 uninsured Coloradans 42 Thomas R Wyo 42 Democrat Felecia Rotellini 42 SafetyCraft brand

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