Widening Gap

Related by string. widening gap * Widener . Widened . widened . WIDENING . widens . Widens . widening . widen : Q3 Loss Widens . Q4 Loss Widens . Q1 Loss Widens . spreads widened . widening rift . German bunds widened . gap widens . 4Q Loss Widens / gaped . Gaps . GAPS . gaps . GAP . Gaping . GAPs : Gap Banana Republic . gap toothed smile . gap toothed grin . gap filler . yawning gap between . gap toothed . Judith Gap * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 63 Income Inequality 58 Wage Gap 57 Low Wage 56 Looming Crisis 56 Unemployment Benefits 56 Minimum Wage Increases 56 Stimulus Needed 56 Budget Deficits 55 Spending Habits 55 Partisan Divide 55 Hidden Costs 55 Jobless Benefits 55 Reduce Deficit 55 Foreclosure Crisis 55 Stimulus Packages 55 H 1B Visas 55 Budget Impasse 55 Tax Cheats 55 Medical Malpractice Reform 54 Spending Patterns 54 Fiscal Restraint 54 Partisan Politics 54 Misplaced Priorities 54 Candidates Differ 54 Hopeful Signs 54 Trickles Down 54 Gender Inequality 54 Paying Taxes 54 Deficit Spending 54 Tax Rebates 54 Deeply Divided 54 Gender Gap 54 Discretionary Spending 54 Cost Avoidance 53 Subprime Mortgages 53 Op Ed Columnist 53 Nursing Shortage 53 Swipe Fee 53 Democrats Assail 53 Jobless Recovery 53 Billion Deficit 53 Consumer Confidence Slips 53 Racial Divide 53 Belt Tightening 53 Jobless Numbers 53 Budget Shortfalls 53 Greenspan Warns 53 Ill Prepared 53 Spending Restraint 53 Demographic Trends 53 Poll Shows Support 53 Dipping Into 53 Credit Card Debt 53 Marta Mossburg 53 Shoring Up 53 Earmark Reform 53 Wasteful Spending 53 Voter Anger 53 Minimum Wage Hike 53 Mortgage Mess 52 Opinions Differ 52 Minimum Wage Increase 52 Midterm Election 52 Hit Hardest 52 Teen Births 52 Gap Widens 52 Shutdown Looms 52 Undocumented Immigrants 52 Negative Consequences 52 Losing Steam 52 Sees Progress 52 Racial Ethnic Disparities 52 Painfully Slow 52 Striking Balance 52 Tax Loopholes 52 Economic Impacts 52 Farm Subsidies 52 Cut Deficit 52 Marijuana Decriminalization 52 Faces Uncertain 52 Stays Flat 52 Abstinence Programs 52 Will Worsen 52 Tax Burden 52 Biggest Obstacle 52 Remains Elusive 52 Global Warming Debate 52 Economix 52 Bankrupting 52 False Promise 52 Spending Rises 52 Physical Inactivity 52 Tax Hikes 52 Poll Suggests 51 Minimum Wage Hikes 51 MICHAEL HICKS 51 Subprime Lenders 51 Job Creators 51 Unemployment Extensions 51 Improves Slightly 51 Vary Widely 51 Faring Better Than 51 Worries Persist 51 Could Backfire 51 Blind Spots 51 Ethanol Subsidies 51 Deficit Cuts 51 Woes Remain 51 Higher Interest Rates 51 Proposed Cuts 51 Economic Collapse 51 Revised Downward 51 Disconnect Between 51 Stimulus Spending 51 Missed Opportunities 51 Poll Indicates 51 No Letup 51 Washn 51 Subsidizes 51 Remains Steady 51 Welfare Recipients 51 Evenly Split 51 Legislative Session Ends 51 Spending Freeze 51 Shortchanges 51 Oppose Gay Marriage 51 Lame Duck Session 51 Auto Bailout 51 Rising Interest Rates 51 Debt Limit 51 Federal Preemption 51 Panel Debates 51 Could Worsen 51 #B Bailout 51 Fight Looms 51 Chartbook 51 Stimulate Economy 51 Employer Mandate 51 COBRA Subsidy 51 Obesity Rates 51 Debt Ceiling 51 Gas Prices Soar 51 Raising Debt Ceiling 51 Seat Belt Use 51 Wonkbook 51 Doctor Shortage 51 Teen Pregnancies 51 Windfalls 51 Lies Ahead 51 Panel Examines 51 Dumbing Down 51 Balanced Budget 51 Poses Risks 51 NEWSWEEK Cover 50 Moral Imperative 50 Seen Slowing 50 Immigration Raids 50 Delinquent Taxpayers 50 Retiree Benefits 50 Racial Disparities 50 Antiwar Movement 50 Physician Shortage 50 Unemployment Drops 50 Jobless Claims Increase 50 Global Warming Pollution 50 Remains Unchanged 50 Obstructionism 50 Workweek 50 Underwater Mortgages 50 Entitlement Programs 50 Being Debated 50 Renews Debate 50 Candidates Spar 50 Entitlement Reform 50 Trade Jabs 50 Gay Marriage Issue 50 Tackling Climate Change 50 Could Derail 50 Fiscal Woes 50 Interest Rate Cuts 50 Too Costly 50 Will Reshape 50 Midterm Elections 50 Crisis Threatens 50 Voters Favor 50 Turbulence Ahead 50 Flip Flopping 50 Threatens Veto 50 Changing Patterns 50 Underscores Need 50 Extend Unemployment Benefits 50 Nears Approval 50 Per Capita Income 50 Reverses Position 50 Crisis Looms 50 Troop Escalation 50 Gender Wage 50 Gap Persists 50 Fiscal Irresponsibility 50 Negative Ads 50 Challenges Ahead 50 Defined Contribution Plans 50 Tough Decisions 50 Interest Rate Hikes 50 Gas Gouging 50 AIG Bonuses 50 Morning Must Reads 50 Important Than Ever 50 Attitudes Towards 50 Consumer Confidence Dips 50 Pension Reforms 50 Underscore Need 50 Growth Stalls 50 Educational Attainment 50 Disunion 50 Held Steady 50 Budget Deficit 50 Gas Prices Climb 50 Disturbing Trend 50 Filibuster Reform 50 Homeless Vets 50 Challenges Remain 50 Regulatory Overhaul 50 Ending Poverty 50 Op Ed Contributors 50 Tax Cuts 50 Bill Clears Hurdle 50 Send Mixed Signals 50 Would Weaken 50 Seat Belt Usage 50 Privatize Social Security 50 Will Backfire 50 Dollar Devaluation 50 Alito Filibuster 50 Has Weakened 50 Worries Weigh 50 Racial Wealth 50 Hails Passage 49 Passes Sweeping 49 Extending Unemployment Benefits 49 Generational Divide 49 Portends 49 SAT Scores 49 Market Awaits 49 Debate Heats Up 49 AIG Bailout 49 Deficit Reduction 49 Payroll Taxes 49 Re Energizing 49 Raise Debt Ceiling 49 Economy Slowing 49 Long Term Unemployed 49 Veto Override 49 James C. Capretta 49 Base Closings 49 Tax Refunds 49 Recession Hits 49 Opinion Piece 49 Tax Filers 49 Water Scarcity 49 Opting Out 49 Stressed Out 49 Rate Declines 49 Has Slowed 49 Fiscally Irresponsible 49 Foreclosure Rate 49 Attitudes Toward 49 Negotiators Agree 49 Wage Hike 49 Sends Mixed Signals 49 NSA Spying 49 Raise Minimum Wage 49 Dispelling Myths 49 Recession Deepens 49 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 49 Legalizing Marijuana 49 Shared Sacrifice 49 Illegal Immigration 49 Greatest Threat 49 Seismic Shift 49 Ailing Economy 49 Greg Pollowitz 49 Budget Woes 49 Unfunded Liabilities 49 Debt Forgiveness 49 Economists Predict 49 Remain Divided 49 GOP Hopefuls 49 Stop Whining 49 Population Grows 49 Appliance Rebates 49 Tentative Deal Reached 49 Gov't Shutdown 49 Shareholder Resolutions 49 Wage Cuts 49 Voter Apathy 49 Housing Slump 49 Bankruptcy Filings 49 Rise Faster Than 49 Homegrown Terrorists 49 Overly Optimistic 49 Legalizing Pot 49 Rapidly Changing 49 Deficit Hits 49 Weighs Heavily 49 Approves Sweeping 49 DAVID BRODER 49 Setting Priorities 49 Government Shutdown Looms 49 Outlines Priorities 49 Polls Suggest 49 Ballot Initiatives 49 Outstrips 49 Redistribute 49 Close Loopholes 49 Data Disappoints 49 Issues Impacting 49 Rumsfeld Resignation 49 Economy Improves 49 Renews Calls 49 Durable Goods Rise 49 Slowing Economy 49 Deadline Arrives 49 Employer Provided 49 Fear Mongering 49 Bailing Out 49 Overstates 49 Vote Nears 49 Jobless Claims Rise 49 Healthcare Reform 49 Doubts Grow 49 Flu Vaccine Shortage 49 Cigarette Tax Hike 49 Slavery Apology 49 Worries Linger 49 Deepening Crisis 49 Trillion Deficit 49 Picture Brightens 49 Double Edged Sword 49 Global Warming Alarmism 49 Fiscal Discipline 49 Recession Unlikely 49 Immigration Overhaul 49 Subprime Loans 49 Climate Change Threatens 49 Raises Doubts About 49 Slight Drop 49 Lie Ahead 49 Defaults Rise 49 Dems Push 49 Predatory Lenders 49 Political Clout 49 Flowing Into 49 Global Imbalances 49 Fuels Debate 49 Outlook Brightens 49 Extended Unemployment Benefits 49 Still Exist 49 Tradeoffs 48 Could Undermine 48 Fiscal Stimulus 48 Rise Dramatically 48 Cross Hairs 48 Inflation Targeting 48 Success Depends 48 Wasting Money 48 Employee Compensation 48 Distracted Drivers 48 Unemployment Rises 48 Profiting From 48 Prescription Drug Costs 48 Bailout Funds 48 Have Peaked 48 Obstacles Remain 48 PHIL POWER 48 Moral Hazard 48 Devastating Impact 48 Tax Filing 48 Buckling Up 48 Food Insecurity 48 Aging Populations 48 Systemic Failure 48 Root Causes 48 Unsustainable 48 Better Prepared 48 Debit Card Fees 48 Corn Ethanol 48 Foreclosure Rates 48 Credit Card Delinquencies 48 Jobless Claims Drop 48 Budget Surplus 48 Buying Habits 48 Vast Majority 48 Biggest Problem 48 Poses Challenge 48 Bailed Out Banks 48 Payroll Tax 48 Alito Hearings 48 Stimulus Dollars 48 STAR PARKER 48 Sleep Habits 48 Spending Priorities 48 Economic Woes 48 Economists React 48 Proposes Cuts 48 Cautiously Optimistic About 48 Stimulus Checks 48 Bearing Brunt 48 Rates Decline 48 Smoking Bans 48 Concerns Persist 48 Sets Priorities 48 Job Losses 48 Retiring Baby Boomers 48 Racial Politics 48 Legislative Session Begins 48 Dems Seek 48 Empty Rhetoric 48 Fuzzy Math 48 Compromise Reached 48 Could Endanger 48 Consumer Confidence Drops 48 Data Disappoint 48 Unemployment Rate Climbs 48 Draws Skepticism 48 Economy Worsens 48 Jobless Benefit 48 Budget Cuts Could 48 Nears Vote 48 Negative Impact 48 Grassroots Lobbying 48 Death Spiral 48 Panel Clears 48 Workplace Stress 48 Sow Seeds 48 Inventory Levels 48 Stocks Rise Ahead 48 Focus Shifts 48 Imperils 48 Creates Jobs 48 Trillion Dollar Gap 48 Critical Juncture 48 Gets Mixed Reaction 48 Treating Depression 48 Econ Crisis 48 Next Decade 48 Tax Burdens 48 Ethical Lapses 48 Fundraising Totals 48 Survey Suggests 48 Ballot Measures 48 Delegate Count 48 Candidates Spar Over 48 Seeks Compromise 48 Issues Facing 48 Faster Pace 48 Carbon Pollution 48 Spending Cuts 48 Bottoming Out 48 Loses Momentum 48 Fact Checking 48 Changing Demographics 48 Self Fulfilling Prophecy 48 Workers Comp Costs 48 Trim Deficit 48 Unemployment Soars 48 Rebate Checks 48 Pendulum Swings 48 Less Than Half 48 Child Abuse Cases 48 Ricin Scare 48 Budget Stalemate 48 Inequities 48 Confidence Sinks 48 Overcoming Barriers 48 Unequal Democracy 48 Increasing Importance 48 Concerns Linger 48 Lawmaker Seeks 48 Fiscally Responsible 48 Budget Surpluses 48 Inequality 48 Prospects Dim 48 Fallout Continues 48 Per Pupil 48 Deficit Cutting 48 Automaker Bailout 48 Confidence Rises 48 Inconvenient Truths 48 Birthright Citizenship 48 Highly Educated 48 Premarital Sex 48 Gun Ownership 48 Legalized Gambling 48 Outlook Improves 48 Inequity 48 Read Minyanville 48 Erodes 48 Bush Threatens Veto 48 Legalizing Drugs 48 Retention Strategies 48 Tighten Belts 48 Stalemate Continues 48 Battle Intensifies 48 Than Forecast 48 Preterm Births 48 Student Loan Debt 48 Mortgage Delinquencies 48 Budget Shortfall 48 Obscures 48 Retiring Boomers 48 Racial Identity 48 Deficit Narrows 48 Overestimated 48 Shared Responsibilities 48 Market Turmoil 48 Subprime Mortgage 48 Trade Offs 48 Study Explores 48 Cuts Loom 48 Pay Hikes 48 Gender Gaps 48 Proposal Rejected 48 Portend 48 Poorer Countries 48 Remains Fragile 48 Warmer Temperatures 48 Steady Ahead 48 What Ifs 48 Sustained Growth 48 Risky Behavior 48 Ballot Issues 48 Interracial Marriage 48 Deficit Reduction Plan 48 Tax Refund Loans 48 Accelerating Growth 48 Overtime Pay 48 Helping Small Businesses 48 File Electronically 48 Revised Upward 48 Millions Wasted 48 Growing Steadily 47 No Longer Afford 47 Remain Sluggish 47 Double Dipping 47 Stagnate 47 Rate Dips 47 Misconceptions About 47 Subprime Crisis 47 Doc Fix 47 Reducing Poverty 47 Double Dip Recession 47 Unemployment Climbs 47 Taxpayer Funded 47 Billion Stimulus 47 Legalize Gay Marriage 47 Deficit Soars 47 Toughest Questions 47 Book Explores 47 Election Nears 47 Fiscal Federalism 47 Payday Lenders 47 Panel Hears 47 Economy Slows 47 Lawmakers React 47 Cautious Optimism 47 SUN EDITORIAL 47 Daniel Indiviglio 47 Workplace Productivity 47 Hispanic Owned Businesses 47 Salt Intake 47 Reforms Needed 47 Leading Indicators Rise 47 Failing Grades 47 Grad Rates 47 Suggests Ways 47 Felon Voting 47 NEWSWEEK COVER 47 Unemployment Benefits Extension 47 Median Household 47 Gaining Steam 47 Spend Billions 47 Budget Vetoes 47 GUEST EDITORIAL 47 Alternative Approaches 47 WA Lege Day 47 Keeps Falling 47 Trade Imbalances 47 Budget Cuts Threaten 47 Sotomayor Confirmation 47 Campaign Slogan 47 Sapping 47 Troop Withdrawl 47 Raise Taxes 47 Pork Barrel Spending 47 Tax Havens 47 Collective Bargaining Rights 47 Seeps Into 47 Scandal Threatens 47 Study Compares 47 Proposed Budget Cuts 47 Government Shutdown 47 Bold Steps 47 Rates Rise 47 Ambivalent About 47 Self Imposed 47 Costs Rise 47 Bipartisan Support 47 Investors Await Fed 47 Racial Disparity 47 Ayoon wa Azan 47 Issues Surrounding 47 Spending Slows 47 Readers Respond 47 Paid Sick Leave 47 Debate Rages 47 Missed Opportunity 47 Lawmakers Propose 47 Paints Bleak Picture 47 Taxman Cometh 47 Governor Vetoes 47 Unemployment Rate Falls 47 Causes Consequences 47 Fiscal Peril 47 Low Voter Turnout 47 Foreclosure Mess 47 Credit Card Fees 47 Boost Economy 47 Legislative Priorities 47 Teen Pregnancy Rates 47 Judicial Tyranny 47 Homebuyer Credit 47 Income Tax Hike 47 Tuition Freeze 47 Slumping Economy 47 Seek Tougher 47 Could Weaken 47 Perpetuates 47 Could Cripple 47 Paternalism 47 Weaker Than 47 Veto Threat 47 Panel Discusses 47 Underemployment 47 Squanders 47 Mortgage Defaults 47 Changes Needed 47 Slight Decline 47 Revenue Shortfall 47 Shortchanging 47 Malpractice Suits 47 Stronger Than Expected 47 Jobless Rates 47 Confidence Dips 47 Displaced Workers 47 Deer Vehicle Collisions 47 Watered Down 47 Wildfire Threat 47 Pope Decries 47 Is Ticking 47 Gap Narrows 47 Shared Responsibility 47 Trending Upward 47 Tough Choices 47 External Shocks 47 Swipe Fee Reform 47 Issue Heats Up 47 Effectively Manage 47 Positively Impact 47 Rate Drops 47 Proposes Cutting 47 Pension Reform 47 Salary Increases 47 Employer Sponsored 47 Self Defeating 47 Be Worse Than 47 Stocks Fluctuate Ahead 47 Privacy Protections 47 Approach Needed 47 Electricity Deregulation 47 Underestimates 47 Tilt Toward 47 Stagnated 47 Overreach 47 Stagnates 47 Proposes Sweeping 47 Accounting Profession 47 Worsens 47 Official Warns 47 ECONOMIC PREVIEW 47 Vote Looms 47 Swipe Fees 47 Ills 47 Climate Pact 47 Flu Vaccine Supply 47 Economy Weakens 47 Racial Gap 47 Rebounds Slightly 47 Moral Issues 47 Questions Abound 47 Economy Sheds 47 Peter Suderman 47 Debate Focuses 47 Passes Landmark 47 Could Spell 47 Debt Trap 47 Bushonomics 47 GOP Presidential Hopefuls 47 Weighty Issue 47 Issues Affecting 47 Politicians React 47 Steps Toward 47 Binge Drinkers 47 Unemployment Rate Drops 47 Troop Withdrawal 47 Costs Soar 47 Prevailing Wage 47 Dollars Spent 47 Ageing Population 47 DADT Repeal 47 Employee Handbooks 47 Preventing Genocide 47 Has Shifted 47 Credit Card Debts 47 Avert Shutdown 47 Gets Uglier 47 Personal Incomes 47 Rate Reductions 47 BLOG BITS 47 Troop Surge 47 Premium Hikes 47 Lowest Rate 47 Faces Hurdles 47 CAPITOL REPORT 47 Is Unconstitutional 47 OTHER VIEWS 47 Economic Stimulus 47 Teacher Shortage 47 Fertility Treatments 47 Bankruptcies soar 47 Workplace Smoking Ban 47 Stimulus Money 47 Weak Economy 47 Shaky Economy 47 Lagging Behind 47 SCHIP Reauthorization 47 Budget Deficit Narrows 47 Past Decade 47 Teacher Evaluations 47 Chair Christina Romer 46 Uncertainty Remains 46 Subprime Meltdown 46 Physician Workforce 46 Gender Bias 46 Lung Cancer Deaths 46 Silent Epidemic 46 Inventories Rise 46 Raising Taxes 46 Assisted Suicide Law 46 Credit Card Debt Settlement 46 Implications 46 Ambitious Agenda 46 Pesticide Exposure 46 Mideast Unrest 46 RealMoney Radio Recap 46 Touts Benefits 46 Outlines Plan 46 Homebuilder Confidence 46 Billion Economic Stimulus 46 Supplemental Appropriations 46 Senators Propose 46 Consumer Spending Slows 46 Malpractice Reform 46 Gets Earful 46 Unemployment Rate Increases 46 Headed Toward 46 Billion Spent 46 Keynesian Economics 46 Remain Competitive 46 Tapping Into 46 Sees Turnaround 46 Casts Doubts 46 Ad Focuses 46 Exacerbate 46 Jobless Aid 46 Alito Confirmation 46 Special Legislative Session 46 Turbulent Economy 46 Recedes 46 Train Accidents 46 Op Ed Contributor 46 Survival Tips 46 Matthew Yglesias 46 Fuel Efficient Cars 46 Single Payer Healthcare 46 Bi Partisanship 46 Political Discourse 46 Removing Barriers 46 Rears Its Head 46 Workers Comp Reform 46 Gas Mileage 46 Stimulus Projects 46 Layoffs Possible 46 Gubernatorial Candidates 46 Abortion Debate 46 Bottomed Out 46 MICHAEL GOODWIN 46 Thomas Piketty 46 Opportunities Exist 46 Expanding SCHIP 46 Wage Increases 46 Fetal Homicide 46 Tax Returns 46 Subprime Mess 46 Your Finances 46 Going Smoothly 46 Signals Shift 46 Tobacco Buyout 46 Lag Behind 46 Economic Hardship 46 Earmark Ban 46 Approval Ratings 46 Rate Rises 46 Premiums Rise 46 Role Reversal 46 Possible Layoffs 46 Cut Emissions 46 Drunken Driving Deaths 46 Outweighs 46 Charles Perusse 46 Failed Policies 46 Bipartisan Effort 46 Looks Toward 46 Premature Deaths 46 Tight Budgets 46 Report Outlines 46 Economy Recovers 46 Stem Cell Debate 46 Statewide Smoking Ban 46 Put Brakes 46 Recession Looms 46 Task Force Recommends 46 Cut Greenhouse Gases 46 Unpaid Overtime 46 Mortgage Refinance Plan 46 Jobless Rate Jumps 46 GUEST COMMENTARY 46 Veto Proof 46 Holds Firm 46 Outlook Uncertain 46 Traffic Fatalities 46 Alleviate Poverty 46 Surtax 46 Gasoline Prices 46 Roth IRA Conversions 46 Daunting Task 46 Gay Marriage Ban 46 Legislation Introduced 46 Showdown Looms 46 Automatic Enrollment 46 Flu Shot Shortage 46 Faster Than Expected 46 Raises Possibility 46 Sees Possible 46 Job Creation 46 TODAY 'S EDITORIAL 46 MICHELLE SINGLETARY 46 Remain Stable 46 Growing Epidemic 46 Tort Reform 46 Currency Majors Technical 46 Must Rethink 46 Protect Yourself From 46 Experts Predict 46 Living Paycheck 46 Unemployment Jumps 46 Renews Push 46 Pope Laments 46 Faces Scrutiny 46 Pace Slows 46 Lasting Impact 46 TOM PHILPOTT 46 Skills Shortage 46 Was Mistake 46 Bail Outs 46 Could Hamper 46 Voter Registrations 46 Equal Pay 46 Jobless Rate Drops 46 Fee Hikes 46 Urge Passage 46 Urges Tighter 46 Optimism Grows 46 Economic Slowdown 46 Grow Louder 46 Illicit Drug Use 46 Flu Outbreaks 46 Medical Malpractice Claims 46 Prices Dip 46 Might Affect 46 Contribution Limits 46 Reject Proposed 46 Trillion Dollars 46 Steep Rise 46 Economy Falters 46 Reduce Expenses 46 JAY AMBROSE 46 Airport Screeners 46 Declines Slightly 46 Affirmative Action Ban 46 Mortgage Modifications 46 Carbon Dioxide Emissions 46 Unconventional Wisdom 46 Overcome Barriers 46 Has Failed 46 Unlikely Allies 46 Draws Mixed Reaction 46 Subprime Woes 46 Growth Slowed 46 Self Inflicted Wounds 46 Expert Warns 46 Double Digit Lead 46 Stop Meddling 46 Deficit Grows 46 Restore Confidence 46 Confidence Drops 46 Study Debunks 46 Talks Stalled 46 Overestimate 46 Foreclosure Fraud 46 Falsehoods 46 Unemployment Rate Rises 46 Hospital Readmissions 46 Overdose Deaths 46 Crisis Affects 46 Highlight Importance 46 Interest Rate Outlook 46 Jobless Claims Dip 46 Hard Choices 46 Mandatory Minimums 46 Sped Up 46 Worries Ease 46 Pessimistic About 46 Stocks Narrowly Mixed 46 Mature Workforce 46 Crisis Impacts 46 Untapped Potential 46 Locals React 46 Stress Levels 46 Outlines Agenda 46 Abler Minded 46 Gay Marriage Amendment 46 Unemployment Rate Dips 46 Diabetes Epidemic 46 Dire Consequences 46 Deeper Cuts 46 Going Broke 46 Tax Surcharge 46 Could Imperil 46 Salary Increase 46 Towards Low Carbon 46 Jobless Claims Fall 46 Robert VerBruggen 46 Foreclosure Moratorium 46 Filibuster Showdown 46 Fierce Urgency 46 Seek Compromise 46 Consumer Confidence Slides 46 Worker Shortage 46 Ethnic Profiling 46 Varies Widely 46 Pension Overhaul 46 Cigarette Taxes 46 Troop Buildup 46 Ex Convicts 46 Lawmaker Calls 46 Extend Jobless Benefits 46 Rate Cuts 46 Jobs Creation 46 Resists Calls 46 Ease Pain 46 As Investors Await 46 Muddle Through 46 Structural Reforms 46 Fatally Flawed 46 Wildfire Danger 46 Biggest Threat 46 Restoring Confidence 46 Rate Increases 46 Serious Problem 46 Feds Urge 46 Mortgage Rates Drop 46 Jamie Dupree 46 Manage Stress 46 Outlines Goals 46 Saving Lives Saving 46 Terror Threats 46 Consumer Confidence Rises 46 Multi Trillion Dollar

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