achieved ACR#

Related by string. * Achieved . achieving . Achieving . achiever . Achiever . ACHIEVING . ACHIEVED . ACHIEVER : achieving gender equality . achieved statistical significance . quiet achiever . TO ACHIEVING CORPORATE OBJECTIVES . achieved CE Marking . achieved PASI . HUMIRA achieved PASI . Achieving Excellence . Achieving Teller Excellence / ACR# [002] . ACR# [001] : ACR# ACR# . ACR# response . ACR# responses * *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 78 plus methotrexate 75 mg QD 73 plus dexamethasone 72 placebo p = 72 achieved statistical significance 72 chlorambucil 71 mg BID 71 plus gemcitabine 71 mitoxantrone 70 ACR# response 70 mcg dose 69 peginterferon alfa 2a 69 plus prednisone 69 #mg/kg [002] 69 placebo p 69 discontinuations due 68 mg d 68 mcg kg 68 Fludara 68 annualized relapse 68 hypokalemia 68 confidence interval #.#-#.# 68 leukopenia 68 complete cytogenetic 67 adalimumab 67 mg kg dose 67 DOXIL 67 relapsed refractory multiple myeloma 67 evaluable 67 febrile neutropenia 67 peginterferon alfa 2b 67 patients evaluable 67 FOLFOX 67 statistically significant p = 67 virologic failure 67 active comparator 67 heavily pretreated 66 mg dose 66 cytogenetic response 66 irbesartan 66 tocilizumab 66 tolvaptan 66 sustained virologic response 66 median PFS 66 azathioprine 66 dacarbazine 66 peginterferon 66 #mg dose [003] 66 % CI #.#-#.# [007] 66 FOLFIRI 66 goserelin 66 COPEGUS 66 μg kg 66 fluorouracil 66 mycophenolate mofetil 66 CI #.#-#.# [002] 66 etanercept 65 Median survival 65 serum phosphorus 65 PROMACTA 65 REMICADE ® 65 PEG Intron 65 hypercalcemia 65 interferon alfa 65 coinfected 65 LEXIVA 65 administered subcutaneously 65 severe renal impairment 65 CI -#.# 65 ARIMIDEX 65 adefovir 65 bosentan 65 Secondary endpoints included 65 valacyclovir 64 eribulin 64 azacitidine 64 glyburide 64 hypomagnesemia 64 decitabine 64 cabazitaxel 64 ketoconazole 64 metastatic hormone refractory 64 Taxotere ® 64 PegIntron 64 systemic embolism 64 Taxotere R 64 TNF antagonists 64 gout flares 64 tamsulosin 64 Jevtana 64 Navelbine 64 anakinra 64 events SAEs 64 DAS# [002] 64 COPAXONE R 64 P = .# 64 XELOX 64 undetectable viral load 64 inactive placebo 64 evaluable patients 64 laboratory abnormalities

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