astutely observed

Related by string. * Astutely : astutely observes . astutely . astutely pointed / observing . observer . Observing . Observed . Observer . OBSERVER . OBSERVED : Investors Observer Volume Leaders . Investors Observer Select . Argus Observer blogs . Charlotte Observer welcomes . Directly Observed Treatment . Investors Observer Analysts Favorites . designated Argus Observer * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 55 Matt Continetti 55 approvingly quotes 51 Jack Germond 51 sagely observed 51 Avi Zenilman 51 argues persuasively 51 Bob Somerby 50 theocon 50 posited 50 Katha Pollitt 50 Howard Zinn Noam Chomsky 50 felicitous phrase 49 Slate Magazine 49 writes 49 opines 49 Daily Howler 49 NYT op ed 49 snarked 48 Benjamin Sarlin 48 sagely observes 48 muses 48 Tunku Varadarajan 48 posits 47 Hendrick Hertzberg 47 hagiographer 47 Sexual Personae 47 Alex Tabarrok 47 47 observes 47 Richard Rorty 47 Domenico Montanaro 47 47 Kate Zernike 47 Kay Hymowitz 47 snarks 47 Legal Insurrection 47 Great Unraveling 47 blathered 47 Leon Wieseltier 47 Hilzoy 47 Westbrook Pegler 47 Eric Alterman 47 Jeffrey Kuhner 46 Tavis Smiley Author 46 Obsidian Wings 46 FOLKENFLIK 46 Joe Sobran 46 Victor Navasky 46 Bloggingheads 46 Jay Nordlinger 46 wryly observes 46 wryly observed 46 Tom Scocca 46 Emil Guillermo 46 Camille Paglia 46 Ramparts magazine 46 Bruce Dold 46 Continetti 46 prose stylist 46 Chris Suellentrop 46 Freud Jung 46 Op ed columnist 46 Joni Balter 46 Yuval Levin 46 avant la lettre 46 Hegelian 46 RealClearMarkets 46 Fatal Conceit 46 Daniel Drezner 46 paraphrase 46 sketchwriter 46 Garet Garrett 46 Gary Kamiya 46 Eusebius McKaiser 46 Josef Joffe 46 excoriates 46 When Sexes Collide 46 Gabriel Winant 46 EK Hornbeck 46 temperamentally unsuited 45 expostulated 45 RH Tawney 45 Michael Dirda 45 Carmen Callil 45 Geoffrey Wheatcroft 45 Opinionator 45 waxed eloquently 45 Glenn Thrush 45 Marcus Baram 45 perspicacious 45 Pascal Bruckner 45 AEI scholar 45 Will Saletan 45 Walter Berns 45 Worldnutdaily 45 Howie Kurtz 45 Matt Yglesias 45 intellectual snob 45 Ryskind 45 Scott McLemee 45 derisively refers 45 Robert Tracinski 45 Alex Pareene 45 Lisa Schiffren 45 Henryk M. 45 Hendrik Hertzberg 45 Johanna Schneller 45 Philip Kennicott 45 Neal Gabler 45 Nieman Watchdog 45 Crooked Timber 45 Eschaton 45 Jack Stuef 45 Todd Gitlin 45 misquotation 45 Jamie Stiehm 44 Michael Valpy 44 Kathy Shaidle 44 Jonathan Freedland 44 Jamie Kirchick 44 eggheaded 44 Anne Applebaum 44 Stephen Spruiell 44 Lionel Trilling 44 Daphne Merkin 44 Heilbroner 44 Op Ed columnist 44 toadie 44 Syndicated Columnist 44 44 Maxime Rodinson 44 Ari Berman 44 Tod Lindberg 44 inveighing against 44 Acclaimed poet 44 Jeffrey T. Kuhner 44 Blake Hounshell 44 Kiron Skinner 44 Kant Hegel 44 Alec MacGillis 44 Krissah Thompson 44 Katie Roiphe 44 paleo conservative 44 Benen 44 Virginia Postrel 44 harrumphs 44 Michael Kazin 44 Booman Tribune 44 digby 44 Lynn Coady 44 shrewd observer 44 Mark Helprin 44 Janny Scott 44 dogmatist 44 trenchantly 44 critic Gore Vidal 44 James Kirchick 44 queer theorists 44 ad hominen 44 Elaine Scarry 44 Michelle Boorstein 44 Joseph Sobran 44 Kate O'Beirne 44 Reuters Breakingviews columnist 44 perceptive observer 44 Freudian psychology 44 Emily Bazelon 44 soi disant 44 bowdlerization 44 commentator Bill Moyers 43 Billmon 43 Alex Balk 43 thinky 43 Sudeep Reddy 43 blogger Mickey Kaus 43 novelist essayist 43 Kurt Andersen 43 Rick Perlstein 43 Desson Thomson 43 objectivist 43 Jeff Shesol 43 EJ Dionne 43 André Glucksmann 43 bloviates 43 Ron Radosh 43 Dave Spart 43 critic HL Mencken 43 persuasively argues 43 Reihan 43 dispassionate observer 43 wickedly satirical 43 Milton Freidman 43 Jim Vandehei 43 BILL KRISTOL 43 Keli Goff 43 Ayn Randian 43 Colby Cosh 43 asks rhetorically 43 Frédéric Bastiat 43 Seth Leibsohn 43 Oliver Kamm 43 aptly summarized 43 Guy Rundle 43 Wieseltier 43 Helen Vendler 43 Dr Pangloss 43 Richard Brookhiser 43 von Mises 43 ST VanAirsdale 43 43 Slate Jacob Weisberg 43 rephrases 43 William Shirer 43 Laura Rozen 43 plagiarizes 43 pseudo intellectual 43 Steven Erlanger 43 Anatole Kaletsky 43 43 theorist 43 Martin Lipset 43 Christopher Lasch 43 determinist 43 Essayist 43 Ta Nehisi Coates 43 PressThink 43 Renata Adler 43 roman clef 43 Mark Hertsgaard 43 Jason Linkins 43 George Seldes 43 Emma Brockes 43 Examiner Columnist 43 philospher 43 poet novelist essayist 43 surmises 43 Andrew C. Revkin 43 woolly minded 43 Geraldine Fabrikant 43 Mike Littwin 43 Sven Birkerts 43 Freakonomics blog 43 Nussimbaum 43 aphorist 43 Daniel Boyarin 43 Nicolas Kristof 43 William Saletan 43 Adrian Wooldridge 43 Jed Lewison 43 Cato Unbound 43 Stanley Hauerwas 43 David Ehrenstein 43 editorializes 43 Joshua Muravchik 43 Katrina vanden Heuvel 43 Meghan O'Rourke 42 rhetorician 42 Hanna Rosin 42 blogland 42 astute observation 42 feminist critique 42 Gertrude Himmelfarb 42 Jedediah Purdy 42 Ya gotta love 42 harrumphed 42 Jacob Heilbrunn 42 populariser 42 James Piereson 42 Yasmin Alibhai Brown 42 Nicholas Kristoff 42 Goldblog 42 Harold Brodkey 42 Alfred Kazin 42 uncannily prescient 42 Right Wing Nuthouse 42 columnist Anne Applebaum 42 42 Randall Hoven 42 Mark Kingwell 42 Arthur Krock 42 dimwittedness 42 Joseph Loconte 42 Kerry Eleveld 42 waxed poetically 42 structuralists 42 elides 42 novelist Jonathan Safran 42 astutely observes 42 Leo Panitch 42 Homo Politicus 42 opinionating 42 gunga dan 42 excursus 42 Midge Decter 42 Crunchy Con 42 42 Mel Gussow 42 Mike Marqusee 42 Don Delillo 42 Allen Salkin 42 David Frum 42 Robert Heilbroner 42 Mike Konczal 42 Jacob Burckhardt 42 mused 42 Kristeva 42 George Neumayr 42 NewsReal Blog 42 pontificator 42 theorising 42 John Kifner 42 Moe Tkacik 42 Tom Junod 42 Marginal Revolution 42 Anne E. Kornblut 42 Ronald Radosh 42 lionizes 42 Omri Ceren 42 remarkably prescient 42 Anand Giridharadas 42 James Poniewozik 42 Ceci Connolly 42 armchair philosopher 42 gutter snipe 42 Peter Wallsten 42 Fred Barbash 42 Anchoress 42 Charles Mahtesian 42 Catherine Rampell 42 cogitations 42 bloviated 42 42 Ross Douthat 42 WSJ op ed 42 Wildean 42 insidery 42 Joyce Purnick 42 Saletan 42 Devvy Kidd 42 Micah Sifry 42 Immanuel Wallerstein 42 Ed Lasky 42 Conor Friedersdorf 42 wax rhapsodic 42 bête noir 42 erudite 42 Gerald Seib 42 Paul Bernbaum 42 Fred Magdoff 42 columist 42 Uncommon Wisdom 42 Eilperin 42 Jim Rutenberg 42 Srdja Trifkovic 42 Brendan Nyhan 42 nonsensical ramblings 42 Andrea Tantaros 42 splenetic 42 Albert Eisele 42 Jad Mouawad 42 Rick Salutin 42 kvetches 42 Hayekian 42 monologists 42 summarily dismisses 42 columnist Gene Weingarten 42 Reihan Salam 42 Arnold Kling 42 Hadley Arkes 42 Daniel Giat 42 Beckian 42 Katrina Vanden Heuvel 42 remarked wryly 42 Karel Steigerwald writes 42 Op Ed page 42 Xolela Mangcu 42 Feminist Mystique 42 Quoth 42 psychoanalyzing 42 Howard Fineman 42 nothingburger 42 Thomas Hobbes Leviathan 42 Ed Glaeser 42 Giovanni Arrighi 42 columnist Peggy Noonan 42 41 Jessi Hempel 41 Linda McQuaig 41 Sam Gindin 41 speculates 41 gratuitous swipe 41 objectivists 41 Jonathan Chait 41 polemicist 41 HuffingtonPost 41 Irin Carmon 41 Peter Suderman 41 demystification 41 Gautam Malkani 41 muckraking journalism 41 firedoglake 41 begetter 41 Slavoj Žižek 41 Huffpost 41 Keith Richburg 41 ironist 41 Ari Shavit 41 Truthdig 41 op ed 41 lesser evilism 41 postulates 41 humorlessness 41 wackadoodle 41 Uncommon Descent 41 William Safire Irving Kristol 41 belabors 41 Jacques Barzun 41 Shtrasler 41 adviser Bob Shrum 41 Ira Stoll 41 Ben Bagdikian 41 Worldly Philosophers 41 Jack Handey 41 Zaitchik 41 Andy Dehnart reality 41 explicated 41 Huffington Post blogger 41 AJ Liebling 41 F. Schaller 41 Andrew Klavan 41 41 philosophized 41 Abraham Heschel 41 Justin Raimondo 41 Erving Goffman 41 BY STEPHANIE RICE Columbian 41 Bright Sided 41 tells Comic Riffs 41 Lauren AE Schuker 41 Economix 41 Newsweek reviewer 41 disassociates himself 41 fulminates 41 Nigger Factory social 41 utterly oblivious 41 Simon Dumenco 41 Erika Lovley 41 Julia Kristeva 41 Marty Peretz 41 Adi Ignatius 41 ressentiment 41 dyspeptic 41 Daniel Larison 41 Elshtain 41 Joseph de Maistre 41 lovable curmudgeon 41 limns 41 John Gapper 41 Megan Carpentier 41 Edward Luttwak 41 jeu d' esprit 41 toweringly 41 Megan McArdle 41 Lucianne Goldberg 41 pontification 41 convincingly conveys 41 Evgeny Morozov 41 Michael Winerip 41 Sekoff 41 Alistair Horne 41 astutely pointed 41 Patterico 41 John Tamny 41 partisan hackery 41 Wes Pruden 41 David Aaronovitch 41 establishmentarian 41 Scotty Reston 41 Delingpole 41 Anita Brookner 41 Slate Political Gabfest 41 natters 41 Nick Mamatas 41 Herbert Croly 41 Fredric Jameson 41 Whiggish 41 Norman Mailer Gore Vidal 41 pontificates 41 WashPo 41 post structuralist 41 Alexandra Petri 41 Bernard DeVoto 41 wax poetically 41 Rick Telander 41 Enlightenment philosopher 41 GWF Hegel 41 Pulitizer Prize winning 41 Agonistes 41 Liam Pleven 41 Quin Hillyer 41 Liberal Fascism 41 John Micklethwait 41 Et tu 41 Arthur Schlesinger 41 tsuris 41 fetishizes 41 overdetermined 41 magic negro 41 Jew baiting 41 Ann Althouse 41 Carol Platt Liebau 41 Wanniski 41 popularizers 41 lamebrain 41 elision 41 Graydon Carter Vanity Fair 41 Alexander Woollcott 41 adduces 41 Melody Burri staff 41 Benito Cereno 41 Theodore Roszak 41 Peter Slevin 41 Katrin Bennhold 41 bloviating 41 conflation 41 Marvin Kalb 41 Daniel Klaidman 41 Shakesville 41 manqué 41 Pandagon 41 PURPLE PATCH 41 NewsReal 41 Isaac Chotiner 41 Elizabeth Renzetti 41 Douglas Hofstadter 41 sneering condescension 41 deconstructs 41 Steven Landsburg 41 Dreazen 41 Daniel Henninger 41 Ivan Maisel 41 wrotes 41 Deirdre McCloskey 41 literary pretensions 41 approvingly cites 41 Brent Budowsky 41 Nieman Reports 41 Hobbes Locke 41 gaucherie 41 Miranda Devine 41 smiling indulgently 41 muck raker 41 bestirred 41 perceptively 41 Louis Althusser 41 Dorothy Rabinowitz 41 Shavian 41 Celebrated Speakers Series 41 NYTs 41 41 Warren Hinckle 41 Meteor Blades 41 literary allusion 41 Platonism 41 boiled boilerplate 41 BBC Katty Kay 41 philosopher Ayn Rand 41 digression 40 Tomasky 40 Eric Foner 40 To paraphrase 40 Neil Genzlinger 40 Daniel Goldhagen 40 solecisms 40 philosopher Friedrich 40 Melinda Henneberger 40 illuminatingly 40 Katherine Mangu Ward 40 Dylan Bumbarger community 40 librul 40 lampoons 40 EMILY KLEIN TH 40 Ankle Biting Pundits 40 ULABY 40 scathingly funny 40 overly credulous 40 mercilessly mocked 40 armchair psychoanalysis 40 Noah Richler 40 Net Delusion 40 pontificating 40 Matt Duss 40 paraphrasing 40 Fintan O'Toole 40 anarcho capitalist 40 Kazin 40 navel gazer 40 Robin Givhan 40 oracular pronouncements 40 Beinhart 40 triumphalists 40 Mickey Kaus 40 Satirist 40 Cognitive Surplus 40 Achille Mbembe 40 thinkpiece 40 trenchant 40 Jean Baudrillard 40 biographer Robert Skidelsky 40 Madeleine Bunting 40 Michael Tomasky 40 op ed columnist 40 Todd Purdum 40 Gilbert Cranberg 40 Lysander Spooner 40 Avishai Margalit 40 Reinhold Niebuhr 40 Max Rodenbeck 40 eliding 40 Ludwig von Mises Institute 40 Andrew O'Hehir 40 Paul Mulshine 40 satirist PJ O'Rourke 40 Susan Estrich 40 Jason Zengerle 40 Spencer Jakab 40 Alessandra Stanley 40 Prospect Ezra Klein 40 acerbically 40 Garance Franke Ruta 40 deduces 40 Rudrangshu Mukherjee 40 Farhad Manjoo 40 writng 40 pithy quote 40 pamphleteer 40 Jack Cashill 40 soberest 40 book Unhinged Exposing 40 John Judis 40 Djuna Barnes 40 nostalgist 40 Andrew Brietbart 40 book Comeback Conservatism 40 40 Colin McPhillamy 40 Jürgen Habermas 40 Judith Shulevitz 40 Cynthia Gorney 40 triangulator 40 artcle 40 misidentifies 40 hackish 40 TERRY TALBERT Staff 40 Stephen Kronish 40 Terry Teachout 40 Rick Perlstein Nixonland 40 Columnist Maureen Dowd 40 ass kisser 40 Jug Suraiya 40 Amy Chozick 40 commentator Michelle Malkin 40 diametrical opposite 40 Sean Wilentz 40 speechwriter Peggy Noonan 40 Pompous 40 self referentiality 40 Lorrie Goldstein 40 Slavoj Zizek 40 Frank Chodorov 40 Régis Debray 40 Sheryl Gay Stolberg 40 Sheryl WuDunn Knopf 40 kvetched 40 contrarianism 40 Mirengoff 40 monomaniac 40 theorist Hannah Arendt 40 deliberately obtuse 40 Laura Meckler 40 Ann Coulter Michelle Malkin 40 astute observer 40 Seymour Lipset 40 Reliable Sources 40 Daniel Radosh 40 Krulwich 40 Cathy Seipp 40 Dan Drezner 40 jerkwad 40 Claudia Goldin 40 Kausfiles 40 Trillion Dollar Moms 40 fulminations 40 Jonathan Schell 40 Balkinization 40 fatuousness 40 smug arrogant 40 perfervid 40 wry observation 40 Richard Ingrams 40 quasi Marxist 40 persuasively argued 40 mindless blather 40 Religion Dispatches 40 Uncommon Knowledge 40 Ann Treneman 40 So sayeth 40 Eric Krangel 40 Ambrose Bierce defined 40 Carrie Budoff Brown 40 Denialism 40 fabulist 40 Calasso 40 Stanford Hoover Institution 40 sly satire 40 subversiveness 40 Gretchen Morgenson 40 armchair quarterbacking 40 faux naif 40 Dan Froomkin 40 Masoff 40 Niall Ferguson 40 Cyxymu Cyrillic spelling 40 transcendentalist 40 Emilie du Chatelet 40 contextualizes 40 pseudo Marxist 40 eminently readable 40 Chaos Scenario 40 Beltway pundits 40 Mungo MacCallum 40 wrote 40 intellectual pretensions 40 Tibor Machan 40 40 Immoral Minority 40 Evan Osnos 40 PBS Judy Woodruff 40 intelligencia 40 Metafilter 40 Rebecca Solnit 40 Barbara Feinman 40 blurbed 40 existential anguish 40 Alan Abelson 40 Lithwick 40 mordantly 40 eloquently articulated 40 Unequal Democracy 40 James Carville Paul Begala 40 Kendra Marr 40 Sarah Aarthun 40 40 picaresque novel 40 crossword compiler 40 Joshua Sharf 40 Jennifer Vanasco 40 Julie Hilden 40 moralizer 40 Lacanian 40 AJP Taylor 40 Marion Winik 40 Michael Massing 40 OpinionJournal 40 Frontpage Magazine 40 Hannity O'Reilly 40 Buzzflash 40 apologist 40 Abe Rosenthal 40 pundit 40 Newsweek Jon Meacham 40 Syndicated columnist 40 false equivalence 40 Francis Fukayama 40 opined 40 Cineaste 40 Matt Labash 40 kerfuffles 40 utopian socialist 40 Brookings scholar 40 biting satire 40 Julie Bosman 40 rebarbative 40 moral relativist 40 Tanenhaus 40 incredulousness 40 By Lisa Tindell 40 Damon Linker 40 Scoblic 40 XX Factor 40 faintly amused 40 Gary Younge 40 Henri Bergson 40 critique 40 cri de coeur 40 Jurgen Habermas 40 Phooey 40 Kathryn Flett 40 philosopher Hannah Arendt 40 famous dictum 40 Melissa Clouthier 40 wax philosophical 40 Gayatri Spivak 40 scathing satire 40 FPIF 40 Jay Bookman 40 soapboxing 40 Erwin Ephron 40 Fred Vogelstein 40 Political Commentator 40 Alex Koppelman 40 Richard Hofstadter 40 Bookforum 40 FRED BARNES EXECUTIVE EDITOR 40 Jerry Markon 39 Karina Longworth 39 Darrel Rowland 39 Hyman Minsky 39 Dave Neiwert 39 speechwriter 39 dKos 39 Don Surber 39 neo Luddite 39 empiricist 39 expostulation 39 unbylined 39 unpoetic 39 Interjecting 39 Antonia Zerbisias 39 Richard Leiby 39 James Bovard 39 Carol D. Leonnig 39 Mises Hayek 39 lionizing 39 epistemic closure 39 columnist Harold Meyerson 39 JEFFREY BROWN 39 Malcolm Muggeridge 39 fisking 39 ranter 39 waxes eloquent 39 Arthur Danto 39 Kim Strassel 39 Andrew Delbanco 39 Meena Bose 39 SJ Perelman 39 Gianni Vattimo 39 Poetic justice 39 PJ O'Rourke 39 Vivian Gornick 39 et tu 39 Daniel Pinkwater 39 Coase 39 Joyce Ulysses 39 Trib editorial 39 Dan Kois 39 Stefan Collini 39 introductory essay 39 devout atheist 39 coiner 39 Burkean conservatism 39 monomaniacal 39 Slovenian philosopher Slavoj 39 Jeff Blankfort 39 Kristen Grieco Staff 39 wax eloquently 39 Rebecca Traister 39 Mikal Gilmore 39 Peter Brimelow 39 Marxist philosopher 39 TPM Cafe 39 freethinker 39 Social Darwinist 39 doth protest 39 Burkean 39 Osman Gani Mansoor 39 discoursing 39 Ida Tarbell 39 Leo Damrosch 39 Bernard Bailyn 39 Judith Mackrell 39 truthout 39 Sheelah Kolhatkar 39 editor Katrina vanden 39 caricaturing 39 Ich bin ein 39 expresses exasperation 39 Pelevin 39 39 Jason Rekulak 39 Adam Mansbach 39 Max Beerbohm 39 columnist Paul Krugman 39 Rian Malan 39 Jane Thynne 39 William Gumede 39 Jason Zinoman 39 Julien Benda 39 Marc Santora 39 William Branigin 39 Peter Beinart 39 professor Sean Wilentz 39 Harvey Klehr 39 exegeses 39 Landon Parvin 39 uneasy bedfellows 39 Phil Mushnick 39 vanden Heuvel 39 Mukul Kesavan 39 KENNETH AARON Staff 39 unpicks 39 Sicha 39 bloggery 39 hagiographies 39 Joby Warrick 39 William Greider 39 feminist 39 brooding introspective 39 Linda Hirshman 39 Bill Kipouras Staff 39 Joe Eskenazi 39 Straussians 39 nit picker 39 AOL HuffPo 39 blogger Matthew Yglesias 39 Lizzy Ratner 39 39 non sequitor 39 snarkier 39 Peculiarly 39 Swampland blog 39 pillorying 39 apologia 39 Devil Dictionary 39 gooderism 39 paraphrases 39 pontificated 39 Post Dan Balz 39 Whitney Balliett 39 Marc Thiessen 39 Maupassant 39 Sam Tanenhaus 39 intellectualized 39 Zev Chafets 39 William Kristol 39 hopelessly naïve 39 bromidic 39 Joe Strupp 39 antisemite 39 scrupulously avoids 39 Opined 39 Witcover 39 NYT Op Ed 39 Badiou 39 Dana Milbank 39 Dummy Blogger 39 Miranda Priestley 39 opeds 39 Mona Charen 39 Roy Edroso 39 Marcy Wheeler 39 39 Times reviewer Michiko 39 succinctly summarizes 39 Brad DeLong 39 witty urbane 39 nattering nabob 39 formidable debater 39 utter cluelessness 39 Capitalism Socialism 39 pompous blowhard 39 Manu Raju 39 self deluding 39 blithering 39 Joanna Grossman FindLaw 39 egghead 39 Adam Serwer 39 cartoonist Jules Feiffer 39 Cilizza 39 blathers 39 dialectical materialist 39 Douglas Wolk 39 Louis Ferdinand Céline 39 Barbara Lippert 39 Gael Fashingbauer Cooper 39 Patty Sharaf 39 Samuel Brittan 39 fabulists 39 anthology edited 39 Charley Reese 39 TPMCafe 39 Johnsonian 39 Neal Ascherson 39 jeremiad 39 paleoconservative 39 protesteth too 39 Philip Lopate 39 Jacob Hornberger 39 critic Michiko Kakutani

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