Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 57 optioned catcher 56 optioned infielder 54 optioned outfielder 54 optioned pitcher 50 optioned reliever 49 optioned lefty 49 optioned LHP 48 optioned RHP 48 optioned INF 47 optioned OF 47 Optioned INF 47 Optioned OF 46 Optioned LHP 46 Optioned RHP 46 Recalled INF 46 Recalled OF 45 Optioned C 45 Placed OF 45 Assigned F 44 Designated RHP 44 Placed LHP 43 Designated LHP 43 Activated LHP 43 Recalled LHP 43 bd.className + = 43 Scotia RSP CatchUp ™ 43 Assigned G 43 outrighted 43 Reassigned RHP 42 Recalled RHP 42 Placed RHP 42 DURING THE LIFE 41 Sent RHP 41 Activated RHP 41 TAMPA BAY DEVIL RAYS 41 lhp 41 Designated INF 41 Released LHP 41 Assigned RHP 41 Transferred RHP 40 BOSTON RED SOX 40 floral curtains 40 Signed OL 40 RHP Byung Hyun Kim 40 Bloodied victims 39 Released INF 39 rhp 38 MLB Suspended 38 Released RHP 38 WARRANT INVESTORS MAY LOSE 38 BALTIMORE ORIOLES 38 #-#,#.# 38 1B DH 37 By Gilbert Wandera 37 Phil Seibel 37 Signed INF 37 1B/OF 37 Inherited runners scored 37 Acquired RHP 36 Liechtenstein Luxembourg 36 activated INF 36 outfielder Joe Borchard 36 Signed RHP 36 ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS 36 outfielder Bubba Crosby 36 PITTSBURGH PIRATES 35 FLORIDA MARLINS 35 DFA'd 35 CHICAGO WHITE SOX 35 hander Billy Traber 35 Class AAA Pawtucket 35 couches chairs 35 Killer Killer 35 outfielder Matt Murton 35 unpack 35 Handicapped accessible 35 Declutter 35 Freshen 35 PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES 34 EXTRA BASES 34 INFs 34 outfielder Ricky Ledee 34 TEXAS RANGERS 34 infielder Joaquin Arias 34 TODAY 'S GAME 34 LHP Casey Fossum 34 Traded RHP 34 DETROIT TIGERS 34 Anastacio Martinez 34 infielder outfielder 34 Notes @ RHP 33 Unload 33 kitchenette 33 4BBB Stab 33 CLEVELAND INDIANS 33 Manny Aybar 33 checkbox below 33 Romulo Sanchez 33 Medics rushed 33 RHPs 33 FARM FACTS