
Related by string. bastardization * * *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 44 Simplistic 44 mish mash 44 bastardization 43 hotchpotch 42 hodge podge 42 gloppy 41 pastiche 40 psuedo 39 crapola 39 mash 39 mélange 39 cheesy 39 banal 39 bastardised 38 half assed 38 Herewith 38 crass 38 reinterpretations 38 puerile 38 obscurities 38 pseudo 38 pablum 38 bland 37 bastardized 37 Ah yes 37 repackaged 37 uncreative 37 regurgitating 37 claptrap 37 reworkings 37 lite 37 chockfull 37 larded 37 rehash 37 hotch potch 37 ones 37 naff 37 cribbed 37 stoopid 37 redolent 37 mind numbingly 37 alas 37 pastiches 37 sprinklings 36 pretentious 36 yadda yadda 36 clichés 36 indecipherable 36 meretricious 36 remakes 36 decipherable 36 signifiers 36 horseshit 36 deconstructed 36 plebeian 36 hodgepodge 36 dumbed down 36 Eurotrash 36 Cliffs Notes 36 Be forewarned 36 pabulum 36 afterthoughts 36 versions 36 melange 36 cheeseball 36 rehashed 36 allusions 36 ahistorical 36 copout 36 I'ma sucker 36 overwritten 36 hackery 36 obscure 36 anachronistic 36 blander 36 execrable 35 namby pamby 35 reductive 35 homogenised 35 soundbites 35 tautology 35 mishmash 35 sucky 35 silly 35 unoriginal 35 metaphors 35 jumbles 35 obtuse 35 couched 35 pseudo intellectual 35 clichéd 35 corny 35 mixes 35 obfuscated 35 smatterings 35 boilerplate 35 non sequiturs 35 euphemisms 35 inane 35 idiotic 35 vacuous

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