confrontationist approach

Related by string. * : Confrontationist policies should . confrontationist stance . confrontationist . confrontationist attitude / approached . approaching . Approached . Approaching . APPROACH . Approach . APPROACHING : multi pronged approach . Terminal Radar Approach . TO APPROACH RESISTANCE AT . Atkins Nutritional Approach . pronged approach . laissez faire approach . Approaching Them * *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 62 confrontationist 56 principled stance 55 divisive tendencies 55 Hindutva ideology 52 communalist 52 confrontational posture 51 communalists 51 Gandhian principles 51 swadeshi 51 confrontational stance 51 Gandhian values 51 communal polarization 50 constructive engagement 50 Vajpayeeji 50 communal amity 50 create congenial atmosphere 50 exclusivist 50 autocratic monarchy 50 Gandhian philosophy 50 sovereignity 49 maulvis 49 majoritarianism 49 Jama'at e Islami 49 ostracising 49 gradualist approach 48 Westernisation 48 coalition dharma 48 bilateralism 48 appeasement 48 Marxist ideology 48 obscurantist 48 conflictual 48 Nehruvian 48 communalisation 48 Deobandis 48 destructive tendencies 48 confrontational 48 Vajpayee Advani 48 Kemalists 48 pluralistic democracy 47 Harkishen Singh Surjeet 47 PPP MQM 47 Common Minimum Programme CMP 47 dogmatic 47 Marathi manoos 47 sangh parivar 47 principled 47 pluralist democracy 47 democratic polity 47 dynastic rule 47 democratic 47 democractic 47 PCO judges 47 Balochs 47 Musharrafs 47 feudals 46 Nepalese Maoists 46 negativities 46 intransigent 46 Kashmir imbroglio 46 ideology 46 PMLQ 46 pragmatic 46 conciliatory stance 46 democratic norms 46 parivar 46 silent spectator 46 secularism 46 ahimsa 46 Kashmiri separatists 46 secular republic 46 Vested interests 46 Hindutva 46 hollow slogans 46 enlightened moderation 46 Nepali Maoists 46 balkanisation 46 Jama'at 46 CPM politburo 46 feudalistic 46 Uniform Civil 46 racialism 46 Dr Bhattarai 46 Gandhism 46 Hindu Rashtra 46 unilateralism 45 westernisation 45 Communist Parties 45 reconciliatory 45 principled stand 45 communalism 45 token gestures 45 Tharus 45 bjp 45 strident tone 45 hatching conspiracies 45 jungle raj 45 pluralist society 45 casteist 45 diktat 45 Ahmadiyyas

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