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Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 58 excerpted 52 reposting 51 writing 49 OpEd 49 paraphrasing 49 Op Ed page 49 editorializing 48 verbatim 48 Op Ed 48 editorialize 47 publishable 47 op ed 47 excerpt 47 contextualizing 47 Alex Pareene 46 op ed columns 46 endnotes 46 Joe Strupp 46 Eric Boehlert 46 rereading 46 exegesis 45 republishing 45 Dave Lindorff 45 excerpts 45 Walter Pincus 45 Matt Taibbi 45 prefaces 44 Bill Sammon 44 HuffingtonPost.com 44 read 44 NYTimes 44 Slate.com 44 preface 44 essays 44 blurbs 44 plagiarize 44 footnoted 44 Awl 44 Joel Achenbach 44 Mickey Kaus 44 misquotes 43 Dan Froomkin 43 edited excerpts 43 Writing 43 op ed page 43 quote 43 Felix Salmon 43 snippets 43 commentaries 43 Justin Raimondo 43 Salon.com 43 reportage 43 reprinting 43 reread 43 bylined 42 pithy 42 essay 42 paraphrased 42 reprint 42 NYT 42 oped 42 journalistic 42 Brian Stelter 42 Slate Magazine 42 précis 42 critique 42 Carl Hulse 42 tendentious 42 Ross Douthat 42 edited 42 Defamer 42 wordy 42 op eds 42 Mediaite 42 CounterPunch 42 prose 42 cribbed 42 Eric Alterman 42 Jonathan Chait 42 Marie Cocco 41 Mona Charen 41 Taibbi 41 LATimes 41 explication 41 Maureen Dowd 41 unattributed 41 critiques 41 Jacob Weisberg 41 repost 41 republish 41 written 41 rebuttal 41 apologia 41 Camille Paglia 41 wrote 41 digressive 41 Sheryl Gay Stolberg 41 paragraphs 41 Hentoff 41 Megan McArdle 41 HuffPo

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