
Related by string. Inaugurates . Inaugurate . INAUGURATES . inaugurate * * CM inaugurates . TO INAUGURATE . ceremonially inaugurate . PGMA inaugurates *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 72 inaugurated 71 inaugurate 66 unveils 60 inaugurating 54 launches 52 readies 51 introduces 51 opens 51 announces 50 enters 50 lauds 49 mulls 49 Kicks Off 48 Unveils 48 Launches 48 postpones 48 appoints 47 Begins 47 dedicates 47 OKs 47 celebrates 46 Launching 46 Arrives 46 Celebrates 46 cancels 46 embarks 46 approves 46 Becomes 45 renews 45 suspends 45 Unveiled 44 Debuts 44 heralds 44 unveiled 44 Introducing 44 Completes 44 Starts 44 Enters 44 pays tribute 43 proposes 43 Introduces 43 welcomes 43 Creates 43 Welcomes 43 arrives 43 Delivers 42 Extends 42 Approves 42 reopens 42 Meets 42 finalizes 42 cum 42 Presents 42 declares 42 Holds 41 endorses 41 Chooses 41 revives 41 organizes 41 unveil 41 Proposes 41 donates 41 showcases 41 Receives 41 Promotes 41 begins 41 joins 41 completes 41 Prepares 41 Seeks 41 Announces 41 envisages 41 Reaches 41 Brings 40 Declares 40 expands 40 presides 40 aims 40 boasts 40 congratulates 40 commences 39 seeks 39 Attend 39 launched 39 participates 39 adopts 39 Expands 39 Gets 39 Awarded 39 Joins 39 occupies 39 closes 39 slams 39 conducts 38 defends 38 touts 38 christened 38 greets 38 selects 38 Photo courtesy 38 secures

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