intraparty bickering

Related by string. * Intraparty : intraparty rivalries . intraparty squabbling . divisive intraparty . intraparty squabble . contentious intraparty . protracted intraparty battle . intraparty fracas / Bickering . bickers . bickered . Bickers : lamented partisan bickering . spokesman Chaz Bickers . incessant bickering . factional bickering . partisan bickering . stir partisan bickering * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 60 partisan acrimony 56 partisan rancor 55 intraparty squabble 55 Partisan wrangling 55 intraparty feud 54 intraparty warfare 54 hyper partisanship 54 DeGette Y 54 partisan squabbling 54 hyperpartisan 53 partisan polarization 53 Bilirakis Y 53 Blumenauer Y 53 partisan finger pointing 53 Bilbray Y 52 Broun N 52 Partisan bickering 52 intraparty battles 52 offered angry denouncements 52 Biggert N 52 intraparty battle 52 Bilirakis N 52 independents caucusing 51 bipartisan comity 51 Aderholt N 51 Hobbled Dems eager 51 fiercely partisan 51 Unaffiliated voters outnumber 51 This mindless paralyzing 50 internecine squabbling 50 Bilbray N 50 partisan recriminations 50 partisan sniping 50 Jeffords defection gave 50 rancor 50 Altmire Y 50 Earmark reform 49 partisan squabbles 49 Partisanship 49 partisan divide 49 partisanship 49 Specter defection 49 rhetorical barbs 49 Aderholt Y 49 lamented partisan bickering 49 ideological rifts 49 legislative logjams 49 bi partisanship 49 partisan bickering 49 ideological polarization 48 Partisan rancor 48 Electorally 48 hyper partisan 48 invoked cloture 48 Nominations Sent 48 judicial confirmations 48 Demcrats 48 bitterly partisan 48 studiously avoided involvement 48 Intraparty 48 Nancy Cordes reports 48 Re publicans 48 partisan divides 48 Hoyer Murtha 48 bitter partisanship 48 fractiousness 48 razor thin majorities 48 award delegates proportionally 48 rancorous partisanship 47 voter apathy inexcusable 47 Statehouses 47 staunchest allies deteriorated 47 partisan wrangling 47 ideologically polarized 47 fillibuster proof majority 47 cloture votes 47 courtlier #th 47 partisan obstructionism 47 polarized electorate 47 seemingly intractable conflict 47 shifted rightward 47 backroom wheeling 47 veto overridden 47 Trump flirtation 47 voter disaffection 46 rancorous 46 Plame cause celebre 46 dipping crosscourt forehand 46 hyperpartisanship 46 openly gay nonincumbent 46 soundly repudiated 46 Lame Duck session 46 Center Aisle Caucus 46 impeaching Sanford 46 partisan skirmishing 46 By Ron Chimelis 46 Skirmishing 46 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 46 philosophic differences 46 intraparty contests 46 Acrimony 46 bipartisan coalitions 46 Republican delaying tactics 46 HEALTH CARE SUMMIT IDEAS 45 Evenly split 45 GW Battleground 45 Shadegg R Ariz 45 grand bargainers 45 Ideological differences 45 acrimony 45 filibustered nominees 45 transcend partisan 45 unnecessarily inflames 45 upstate downstate 45 Schumer Gillibrand 45 Lame Duck Session 45 Partisan politics 45 Representative NANCY PELOSI 45 partisan 45 Partisan sniping 45 post-#/# worldview 45 bipartisanship 45 racial antagonisms 45 Assemblywoman Scozzafava 45 charted centrist 45 intraparty squabbling 45 Bayh disillusionment 44 Marco Rubios 44 procedural morass 44 Speaker Shap Smith 44 fiscal conservativism 44 Democrats 44 Lame duck sessions 44 protectionist impulses 44 South Carolinian Strom 44 impeaching Cheney 44 inaction jeopardizes 44 Arlen Specters 44 brass knuckle tactics 44 By Roger Cleaveland 44 filibuster proof majorities 44 bitterly polarized 44 Russ Feingold D Wis 44 factional strife 44 interparty 44 cites strident partisanship 44 Obamans 44 partisan gamesmanship 44 nominee Pat Toomey 44 Democratically controlled 44 Dem ocrats 44 bitterly divisive 44 Fiscal prudence 44 kemcha Way 44 ideological opposites 44 thunderous acclamation 44 poisonously partisan 44 factional bickering 44 relatively noncontroversial 44 premature triumphalism 44 Anti incumbency 44 partisan gridlock 44 Banning earmarks 44 gubernatorial vetoes 44 scandals dogging 44 partisan politics 44 CCAGW rated 44 intraparty 44 demagoging 43 lieutenants Steny Hoyer 43 D Prestonsburg 43 Shutdowns summon painful 43 Elena Kagan confirmation hearings 43 Chairman Duf Sundheim 43 theSenate 43 fully inclusive ENDA 43 rigidly ideological 43 Obstructionism 43 congressional recess 43 Cazayoux Jenkins 43 eyebrow arching blowout 43 newcomer Ned Lamont 43 mindless partisanship 43 struggled inconclusively 43 moderate Republicanism 43 ethnic cleavages 43 increases foretells bitterly 43 internecine feuding 43 shellackings 43 Lincoln Chafee RR.I. 43 lieutenant governor presides 43 internecine fighting 43 chairman Mark Fahleson 43 ideological rigidity 43 Clintoncare 43 ethnic animosities 43 Another YouTuber uploaded 43 segregationist Dixiecrat 43 partisan fingerpointing 43 Bunning filibuster 43 Republicans 43 Brinksmanship 43 midterm elections loom 43 fifths supermajority 43 divisiveness 43 Witty repartee 43 Jacob Lew testifies 43 ideological aversion 43 quick witted sharp tongued 43 ideological brinksmanship 43 Demcorats 43 SCHIP reauthorization 43 led caminata 43 Corker McCaskill 43 decidedly undemocratic 43 widespread disaffection 43 fillibuster 43 bipartisan gerrymander 43 Moderate Dems 43 Bipartisanship 43 stalemate 43 Carolyn Weyforth spokeswoman 43 reflexive partisanship 43 Daschle apologizes 43 launched furious counterassault 43 Kucinich jabbed 43 Voter discontent 43 Disaffection 43 Wonkbook 43 reauthorizing SCHIP 43 Verbal sparring 42 bipartisan 42 Displaying gritty 42 relentlessly assailed 42 shameless demagoguery 42 Status Passed 42 prodigious fund raiser 42 partyline vote 42 intrasession 42 infighting 42 factional feuding 42 starkly divergent views 42 Coronel downfall came 42 Rostenkowski ouster 42 childish bickering 42 temporized 42 hasty retreat bowing 42 Racial inequality 42 bipartisanism 42 stalemates 42 Daschle Thune 42 mutual recrimination 42 telegenic Palin 42 seemingly insuperable 42 monthlong recess looming 42 contentiousness 42 debate 42 Yeltsin disbanded 42 fiercest battlegrounds 42 Democratically controlled Legislature 42 pollster Pete Brodnitz 42 FHA Modernization Act 42 leftward drift 42 resounding repudiation 42 postpartisan 42 Repub licans 42 W ASHINGTON 42 lame duck session 42 Gillibrand DioGuardi 42 Impeachment proceedings 42 Sheikh Ajleen neighborhood 42 finger pointing 42 hopefuls spar 42 intraparty fights 42 exchanged routine unpleasantries 42 fractious 42 unilateralist tendencies 42 Unbending 42 LEGISLATIVE NOTEBOOK 42 Mudslinging 42 factional infighting 42 procedural maneuvering 42 senate democrats 42 defunding Obamacare 42 unveiled multitrillion dollar 42 spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki 42 ethnically divided Bosnia 42 internecine battles 42 EJ Dionne Syndicated columnist 42 Mike Enzi Wyoming 42 repealing ObamaCare 42 curbing frivolous lawsuits 42 dueling visions 42 unicameral Legislature 42 Senate 42 rabid partisanship 42 internecine rivalries 42 Clintonism 42 BOBBY HARRISON 42 factional squabbling 42 Rep. Steny Hoyer D-Md. 42 NCLB reauthorization 42 Representa tives 42 bare knuckled brawl 41 sharpest jabs 41 statehouses nationwide 41 Futures augured 41 Gunsmoke Oxford 41 remains unratified 41 nominee Kendrick Meek 41 strategist Hank Sheinkopf 41 Toomey Sestak 41 oust Craddick 41 postcrisis 41 midterm drubbing 41 lamer duck 41 subcommittee chairmanships 41 rancorous debate 41 Boxer Fiorina 41 nationalist rhetoric 41 electoral drubbings 41 Rajoy hammering Zapatero 41 reauthorize NCLB 41 Chafee Laffey 41 Easter recess 41 FACTBOX Possible 41 Great Triumvirate 41 diagnosis cast pall 41 Kerry liveliest disagreement 41 conservatives CDU CSU 41 Ben Cardin D Md 41 Rhetoric aside 41 Obamaā 41 differing ideologies 41 Bi partisan 41 Joementum 41 ideologically compatible 41 climactic Christmas Eve 41 verbal missteps 41 factional bloodletting 41 GOP stalling tactics 41 Bi partisanship 41 Republicans reacted skeptically 41 reforming entitlements 41 stately Rotunda 41 acrimonious tussles 41 Bork nomination 41 bickering 41 Noam Neusner spokesman 41 filibuster delaying tactic 41 Mark Mellman pollster 41 Hoyer Clyburn 41 Jon Corzine DN.J. 41 Darren Gersh reports 41 divisive 41 Alito confirmation hearings 41 midterm elections 41 mudslinging 41 FLORIDA Marco Rubio 41 Distrust lingers 41 troop withdrawal timetables 41 decennial redistricting 41 Confederate flag flap 41 Representative JOHN BOEHNER 41 Angelyn Frazer 41 Political expediency 41 unyielding partisanship 41 unabashed partisanship 41 incumbent Suzi Oppenheimer 41 seeing pluses minuses 41 statutory paygo 41 cloture motions 41 reddened fist 41 woman chastising Barletta 41 protectionist isolationist 41 midterm election 41 Speaker Nancy Pelosi D-Calif. 41 lamented Dick Armey 41 Throne Speeches 41 Demo crats 41 reflationary policies 41 Weithmans yard 41 tepidness 41 politically fraught 41 repeal ObamaCare 41 Dissension 41 Geoana Social 41 bypasses Dems 41 Cramdown 41 gridlock 41 Herculean tasks 41 Lobbied fellow 41 Repre sentatives 40 Southern segregationists 40 cleared procedural hurdle 40 hopelessly stalemated 40 Ines Franck director 40 craven surrender 40 petty partisanship 40 deepening unpopularity 40 Democracts 40 supermajorities 40 musters bipartisan 40 skirmishing 40 Obama disowns critique 40 repealers 40 Ryan Boschetti DT 40 Low voter turnout 40 Disgruntlement 40 Ideologues 40 Justin Timberlake wardrobe malfunction 40 Fingerpointing 40 Córdoba EUR USD 40 Bob Straniere prevailed 40 dubious Muzzle Awards 40 backroom politicking 40 seemingly irresolvable 40 bitter intraparty 40 racial subtext 40 midterm shellacking 40 Repulican 40 internecine warfare 40 noncommunist prime minister 40 Obamian 40 Gubernatorial Races 40 weeklong recess 40 strategist Steve Schale 40 treaded gingerly 40 stony silence underscoring 40 Haley Sheheen 40 strategist Eric Woolson 40 Obaman 40 Cuss Free Week 40 Speaker Naifeh 40 Dem ocratic 40 Nancy Kaszak 40 McGovernite 40 sobering realities 40 Mediscare 40 Republicans reacted warily 40 Overnight NDFs traded 40 Represenatives 40 brass knuckle politics 40 hugfest 40 underlining expeditiously 40 Bryan DeMain Appeal 40 Martin Olav Sabo 40 Partisan gridlock 40 unfavorability ratings 40 Pawlenty vetoes 40 Senate Judiciary Committees 40 gripping catharsis 40 mend rifts 40 congressional bargainers 40 Recess appointments 40 Passes Sweeping 40 Supermajority 40 prodded rebellious 40 divisively 40 avoiding spike strips 40 drumfire 40 nakedly partisan 40 Redistricting Subcommittee 40 Reps. Steny Hoyer 40 rightward lurch 40 earmarker 40 popularism 40 Sestak Toomey 40 Stephane Dion Liberals 40 eminently electable 40 Rahm Emanuel D Ill 40 pardoned Rostenkowski 40 discord 40 leftward shift 40 Bickering 40 Gerrymandered 40 signaled impatience 40 intraparty disputes 40 Rovian tactics 40 fiercely contested remake 40 papacies 40 lacks coherent 40 Lower Makefield Yardley 40 Marsha Blackburn R Tenn 40 ideological divide 40 Appropriations subcommittees 40 gavel bangs 40 racial divisiveness 40 Bernanke reappointment 40 Bitter intraparty fights 40 appoint conferees 40 bloody factional 40 Siena pollster 40 politicking 40 Chafee Whitehouse 40 predecessor Masaru Hayami 40 nominates Jacob Lew 40 SCHUMER Well 40 Chafee DeWine 40 DEFICIT REDUCTION CBO 40 Stu Rothenberg editor 40 nonbinding resolution opposing 40 ineffectuality 40 Aviation Subcommittees 40 voter disenchantment 40 partisan gridlock Perino 40 Congress reshaped recessive 40 invoking cloture 40 hopeful Alexi Giannoulias 40 Argentines trudged 40 backroom dealmaking 40 independents Carole Keeton 40 outdated women's liberation 40 ideological overreach 40 rhetorical jabs 40 yawning deficits 40 emeritus Tom Brokaw 40 Midterm elections 40 Senate Majority Leader 40 factionalisation 40 Head Start reauthorization 40 kumbaya moment 40 Steny Hoyer D Md 40 uncivil discourse 40 filibuster proof margin 40 Paul Ryan R-Wisc. 40 bi partisan 40 Ominous signs 40 appointed Strautmanis 40 Sen. Vincent Sheehen 40 #.# BRIEFING.COM 40 rhetorical ruckus 40 transatlantic rifts 40 downbeat drumbeat 39 Tea Party adherents 39 Thomas R-Calif. 39 clubby atmosphere 39 Roadkill Caucus 39 internecine conflict 39 Extremist ideologies 39 overcame procedural hurdle 39 Representatives appropriations subcommittee 39 challenger Pat Toomey 39 troop withdrawl 39 swipes underscoring 39 RCP Average 39 GOP 39 factional rifts 39 strident voices 39 procedural roadblock 39 widespread disenchantment 39 gunmaker immunity bill 39 statutory PAYGO 39 lame duck 39 multiweek highs 39 repealing Obamacare 39 internecine 39 alienating moderates 39 Italia Federici co 39 overheated rhetoric 39 roundly assailed 39 Extremists sowing terror 39 Appropriations Committees 39 Lib Dems Nick Clegg 39 fractured polity 39 kabuki dance 39 avowedly socialist 39 Dice K mania 39 scandal tarred 39 lieutentant governor 39 deepening rifts 39 Kuwait ruler Sheik 39 Senator Domenici 39 stalement 39 Catholic UDEUR 39 trickledown economics 39 National Rifle Assn 39 PROMISES PROMISES Widows 39 neoconservativism 39 Fiscally conservative 39 redrew congressional 39 female ticketmate 39 Republi cans 39 Indecisiveness 39 leftward lurch 39 Trumanesque 39 Diana DeGette D Colo 39 rough sledding 39 Safe Accountable Flexible 39 Ideological purity 39 S. Broder 39 blended Congresses 39 incumbent Arlen Specter 39 analyst Hani Masri 39 Midterm Elections 39 shrill rhetoric 39 partisan posturing 39 dissention 39 Bob Corker R Tenn 39 Brian Mulroney Progressive Conservatives 39 judicial nominations 39 CBO crunches 39 Craddick Ds 39 Factionalism 39 lawyer Byron Georgiou 39 Labour backbench revolt 39 hardliner Benjamin Netanyahu 39 Democratic 39 Shaddick repeats 39 Grandstanding 39 influence peddling scandals 39 mesmerized Valenti recalled 39 DAVID BRODER 39 malaise gripping 39 bureaucratic snarls 39 Senator HILLARY CLINTON 39 articulating coherent 39 Trench warfare 39 turf battles 39 strategist Carl Forti 39 uneasily awaited 39 bureaucratic sloth 39 Chair Ken Mehlman 39 MacGuineas 39 Cheered robustly 39 Moralist gave 39 probusiness 39 effectively sidetracking 39 Christine O'Donnell Sharron Angle 39 transcends partisan 39 transcend partisanship 39 demagoguing 39 Bernanke reconfirmation 39 Lisa Vorderbrueggen covers 39 Iraq warring sects 39 Sentate 39 overriding vetoes 39 hangover afflicting 39 simmering feuds 39 Overnight NDFs 39 heavily gerrymandered 39 Incomplete returns 39 Ken Salazar D Colo 39 Amy Klobuchar D Minn 39 galaxies juxtaposed 39 bi cameral 39 Hopefuls Debate 39 Bernie Sanders I-Vt. 39 schism 39 abrupt adjournment 39 SEAN HANNITY HOST 39 bitterly divided 39 divergent visions 39 centrists 39 virtually impenetrable phalanx 39 analyst Stu Rothenberg 39 Diagnoses vary 39 Chair Dick Wadhams 39 congressmembers 39 opponent Elwyn Tinklenberg 39 Bennet Romanoff 39 Props aplenty 39 Martinez R Fla 39 Sinn Fein Democratic Unionist 39 swift enactment 39 legal ramifications Urbahn 39 schisms 39 testiest 39 pre-#/# worldview 39 squabbling factions 39 Kibibi Tyehimba co 39 embroilment 39 congressional reapportionment 39 Steve Panagiotakos 39 functioned smoothly 39 perceived affronts 39 traded gibes 39 R Glenford 39 Appropriations Subcommittees 39 Carolyn McGinn Sedgwick 39 ballooning deficits 39 roaring gales 39 John Larson D-Conn. 39 Mike Castle R-Del. 39 Leader Mitch McConnell 39 Representative Doc Hastings 39 Majority Leader Frist 39 Reichert Burner 39 chairman Stephen Minarik 39 Senate conferees 39 Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.# 39 sharpening communal 39 Ken Salazar testifies 39 Values Agenda 39 stinging repudiation 38 imbalanced ledger 38 squabbles 38 congres sional 38 Mediscare tactics 38 Pro Tempore Jose Jinggoy 38 transatlantic rift 38 resubmitted Bolton 38 MTBE waiver 38 rejects partisan gridlock 38 internecine strife 38 Heated exchanges 38 partisian 38 noble Autobots 38 Veto overrides 38 Congressman Jim Nussle 38 unbridgeable gulf 38 unwieldy coalitions 38 Joe mentum 38 ethno religious conflicts 38 politi cal 38 threatening brain aneurisms 38 Economic Stabilization Act 38 Specter Sestak 38 transcending partisanship 38 unbridgeable divide 38 incumbent Gruening 38 Coburn Omnibus 38 principled conservatism 38 upstart Ned Lamont 38 liberal judicial activism 38 Darrel Steinberg 38 animosities 38 eloquent speeches 38 Clinton Lewinsky scandal 38 voter unhappiness 38 EPW Committee 38 untraveled path 38 obstructionism 38 internecine conflicts 38 speaker rostrum 38 reinstate Glass Steagall 38 constitutional amendment HJR 38 rejectionist stance 38 bitter intraparty battles 38 insiderism 38 Representatives Marios Garoyian 38 Egypt Mamluk rulers 38 Re publican 38 protectionist instincts 38 Chairman Calvin Smyre 38 Operation Offset 38 Daschle DS.D. 38 Kirstin Brost spokeswoman 38 OLYMPIA WA N3 38 tripartisan 38 seemingly unbridgeable differences 38 counterreaction 38 Write Derek Melot 38 Capitol Hill 38 reregulation 38 trans inclusive ENDA 38 antitrade 38 backroom machinations 38 Fernandez Peronist party 38 factional warfare 38 Wasteful spending 38 camera hogging hyperbolic 38 privately groused 38 mutual recriminations 38 quiet proddings 38 Bittergate 38 mindless paralyzing rancor 38 Confirmation hearings 38 downticket 38 intensifying impatience 38 widespread voter apathy 38 D Hilo Honokaa 38 nominee Walter Mondale 38 generous slathering 38 Waffling 38 politically dicey 38 Defund ACORN Act 38 seeming invincibility 38 Democratsâ € ™ 38 internal bickerings 38 Chairwoman Diane Tebelius 38 unpartisan 38 tumult 38 Gary Tuma spokesman 38 eloquent oratory 38 Robert Byrd DW.V. 38 nonbinding resolution expressing 38 Nick Rahall DW.Va. 38 energize dispirited 38 Homolka pardon 38 shameless hypocrisy 38 renominate Greenspan 38 bonusgate 38 rightward tilt 38 daring theatricality 38 reactionary tendencies 38 rifts 38 Rhetoric heats 38 Lieberman D Conn 38 ceding warmaking powers 38 HJ Res 38 nonconfidence motion 38 progressive netroots 38 bloody internecine 38 challenger Jonathan Tasini 38 Doc Fix 38 bloodletting 38 defund ACORN 38 Ranking Member Snowe 38 Carl Leubsdorf 38 monthā 38 antiestablishment sentiment 38 Leader Brian Bosma 38 speaker Rauhi Fattouh 38 disagreements 38 neo McCarthyism 38 colossal miscalculation 38 pork barrell 38 simplistic sloganeering 38 Grand Obstructionist 38 cement humanitarianism 38 greenhouse gasses mirrors 38 frosty reception awaits 38 procedural hurdle hindering 38 grows shakier jeopardizing 38 writes Michelle Grattan 38 JIM HAND covers 38 Blunting 38 Testy exchanges 38 downticket races 38 Bork hearings 38 Michele Bachmann R-Minn. 38 challenger Len Munsil 38 malpractice tort reform 38 rearguing 38 Congressman Hulshof 38 lieutenant governorship 38 yawning divide 38 taunts jeers 38 diplomatic minuet 38 debates 38 mutual distrust 38 populist demagoguery 38 bailout fatigued postelection 38 Assemblymen Mims Hackett 38 Mud slinging 38 bipartisanship groaned 38 METALS Copper dips 38 Alan Abramowitz political 38 Jack Abramoff scandal 38 porkfest 38 rejectionism 38 fundamentally unserious 38 Lynn Woolsey D Calif 38 recriminations 38 Don Nickles R Okla 38 Republican 38 Dairy Farmers Caucus 38 Smoot Hawley tariff 38 confound pollsters 38 nominaton 38 Charles McC 38 legislative reapportionment 38 PRO CON Is 38 challenger Christine O'Donnell 38 ESEA reauthorization 38 turf wars 38 vacillation 38 wishy washiness 38 Populist anger 38 ideological chasm 38 Miers withdraws 38 bicameral bipartisan 38 Candidates spar 38 bureaucratic bloat 38 Partisan 38 Yisrael Beitenu Party 38 Blunt Carnahan 38 rhetorical posturing 38 PMO lends credence 38 postelection lame duck 38 Speaker Franco Marini 38 gotcha politics 38 scientist Gerd Langguth 38 Caucus goers 38 FOREX Dollar recovers 38 Filibustering 38 Dunstan McNichol covers 38 poisonous partisanship 38 Charles Babington covers 38 doc fix 38 Sino US tensions 38 internecine feuds 38 Sestak Toomey race 38 politically polarized 38 reauthorize PEPFAR 38 Electability 38 ideological fanaticism 38 approves impeaching Blagojevich 38 RNC chairmanship 38 WELNA 38 Legalized gambling 38 Capitulation 38 factious Shiite 38 nonfiscal 38 John McArdle CQ 38 RESTORE Act 38 pro tem Darrell Steinberg 38 godless Communism 38 botched prewar intelligence 38 GOP leaners 38 ideological differences 38 defund Obamacare 38 demagoguery 38 Hunger Caucus 38 frontrunner Marco Rubio 38 nastiness 38 Narrow mindedness 38 Carl Levin D Mich 38 heated debates 38 slaves Hollaway 38 Madigan Cullerton 38 stubbornly persists 38 WASHINGTON 38 Congressman Nussle 38 Russ Feingold D-Wis. 38 Partisan disagreements 38 rhetorical crossfire 38 glaring inequalities 38 razor thin majority 38 Monicagate 38 Virulent swine flu 38 transcends partisanship 38 Culver Branstad 38 germane amendments 38 Speaker Armond Budish 38 Midterm Election 38 accusatory rhetoric 38 Al Franken D Minn 38 overt religiosity 37 Chairman Terry Lierman 37 Great Compromiser 37 echoed Cafaro 37 self recrimination 37 evangelical Christianity centerpiece 37 temporary gofers 37 utter irrelevance 37 Email Website 37 Challenged bluntly 37 declinism 37 consolidative tone 37 Governmental Affairs Chairwoman 37 consultant Whit Ayres 37 Speaker Albio Sires 37 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 37 Leader Capri Cafaro 37 BBC James Coomarasamy 37 Defunding Planned Parenthood 37 misteps 37 gerrymandered legislative 37 incumbent Marilyn Musgrave 37 unionize workplaces 37 Hopefund 37 ERIN NEFF 37 Barbara Mikulski D Md 37 director Brint Milward 37 blatant gerrymandering 37 Kirsten Gillibrand KEHR' sten 37 haphazard piecemeal 37 Obama defunds jet 37 nonbinding blueprints 37 re lection 37 THE INFLUENCE GAME Lobbyists 37 Thackeray cousins 37 Overriding veto requires 37 rising protectionist sentiments 37 partisan gerrymandering 37 squabbling 37 DeMint Van Hollen 37 SIMON Crean 37 wrangling 37 insufficiently forceful 37 Phil Journey Haysville 37 rhetorical overkill 37 Enormous chasms 37 boricua style 37 robber baron era 37 bedlam glimmers 37 convene constituent assembly 37 precincts reporting Sestak 37 ALBANY NY WIVB 37 Thomas Suddes 37 impass 37 Leak Deceit 37 Centrists 37 Bipartisan 37 greatest deliberative 37 maximalist positions 37 GOP govs

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