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Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 63 lasted 57 lasting 54 begins 53 duration 52 takes 51 occurs 47 goes 46 ends 46 extends 45 happens 44 stays 43 expires 41 comes 41 starts 40 spans 40 completes 39 prolonged 39 closes 38 slows 38 extended 38 applies 37 generates 37 wait 37 shortened 37 requires 37 concludes 36 shorter 36 receives 36 occur 36 affects 36 beginning 36 gets 36 means 36 cycles 36 leaves 35 pays 35 emerges 35 hour 35 arrives 35 loses 35 wears 35 involves 35 reaches 35 opens 34 covers 34 grows 34 ending 34 draws 34 begin 34 stretches 34 translates 34 reduces 34 enters 34 produces 33 conducts 33 airs 33 attracts 33 hours 33 longer 33 earns 33 usually 33 endure 33 long 33 preceding 33 waits 33 it'sa 33 persist 32 tends 32 encompasses 32 during 32 fade 32 weighs 32 days 32 will 32 does 32 brings 31 determines 31 turns 31 equals 31 typically 31 isn'ta 31 becomes 31 cycle 31 consists 31 culmination 31 improves 31 spends 31 performs 31 span 31 gives 31 contributes 30 refers 30 next 30 falls 30 typical 30 recovers 30 defines 30 boosts 30 there'sa 30 expire 30 suffers

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