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Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 54 Proxima Centauri 51 parsecs 50 constellation Pegasus 49 distant galaxy 49 protoplanet 49 Beta Pictoris 48 Epsilon Eridani 48 inhabitable planets 48 eccentric orbits 47 planet orbits 47 AU Mic 47 Bug Nebula 47 volcanoes erupting 47 exoplanet orbiting 47 constellation Puppis 47 solar radii 46 elongated orbits 46 observable universe 46 exoplanets orbiting 46 constellation Vulpecula 46 afaik 46 planets orbiting 46 oblate spheroid 46 Magnetars 46 neighboring Andromeda galaxy 46 Gliese #c 46 lightyears ahead 46 protoplanetary discs 46 planets orbiting sun 46 Oort Cloud 46 Star Trek holodeck 46 Coma Cluster 46 dustier stormier atmosphere 45 mere speck 45 Antennae Galaxies 45 star Proxima Centauri 45 distant supernovae 45 earthlike 45 Henize #-# 45 Lagoon Nebula 45 queerer 45 Milky Way halo 45 Neutron stars 45 sunlike stars 45 Orion nebula 45 Upsilon Andromedae 45 Pleiades cluster 45 planets moons 45 galaxy 44 globulars 44 constellation Andromeda 44 comets orbiting 44 Plutoids 44 Eagle Nebula 44 XO 3b 44 TrES 4 44 constellation Ursa Major 44 planet HD #b 44 martians 44 interstellar cloud 44 CoRoT #b 44 constellation Hercules 44 IRAS #-# 44 moons orbiting 44 planetary nebula 44 Gliese #G 44 Andromeda galaxy 44 Toutatis 44 Orion Nebula 44 gamecube 44 autobots 44 Oort cloud 44 luminous galaxies 44 planets orbiting stars 44 redshift z = 44 wayyyy 44 Galilean moons 44 Invisibility cloak 44 Kuiper belt objects 44 VY Canis Majoris 44 blackholes 44 planets orbits 43 constellation Libra 43 GJ #b [002] 43 Puppis 43 Bok globules 43 pixar 43 Cygnus Lyra region 43 universe 43 Elliptical galaxies 43 arcseconds 43 orbits Saturn 43 Mandushev 43 globular cluster 43 planets circling stars 43 lightspeed 43 HD#b 43 spatial dimensions 43 Extrasolar planets 43 rpgs 43 Sombrero Galaxy 43 zodiacal dust 43 constellation Taurus 43 constellation Centaurus 43 sunlike star 43 Fomalhaut b 43 Earthlike 43 Orbiting 43 MUCH MUCH 43 Astronomical Units 43 Fashion Movie Reviews 43 microquasar 43 planetoids 43 SN #A 43 planetary nebulae 43 kpc 43 Extrapolate 43 intrinsic brightness 43 outermost planets 42 luminosities 42 baryonic matter 42 constellation Cetus 42 nebular 42 faraway galaxy 42 moon Ganymede 42 parsec 42 HM Cancri 42 Gliese #e 42 Red Rectangle 42 extrasolar worlds 42 Scorpii 42 supernovae explode 42 Muons 42 hydrostatic equilibrium 42 asteroidal 42 circumstellar disks 42 Schwarzschild radius 42 darnit 42 AUs 42 crappier 42 christs sake 42 Epsilon Aurigae 42 Geminga 42 Upsilon Andromedae b 42 lensing galaxy 42 Phys. Rev. Lett 42 gravitationally bound 42 silicate dust 42 Comet Machholz 42 moons Phobos 42 retrograde orbit 42 protoplasm 42 globular cluster M# 42 DMC2 42 magnetars 42 elliptical orbits 42 cosmic cannibal 42 HL Tau 42 crysis 42 Beta Pictoris b 42 photosphere 42 Doom3 42 albedo reflectivity 42 Bullet Cluster 42 transiting planets 42 galactically 42 i dunno 42 exerts gravitational pull 42 Voyager spacecraft flew 42 Comet Elenin 42 graspable 42 Alpha Centauri 42 Rosette Nebula 42 starburst galaxy 42 Hyades cluster 42 Corot 7b 42 smallest exoplanet 41 Milky Way Galaxy 41 Carina constellation 41 proto galaxies 41 ultraluminous galaxy 41 X ray binaries 41 Sagittarius dwarf galaxy 41 Jupiter Gartenberg 41 Geminid meteors 41 mindbogglingly 41 Coma cluster 41 constellation Cassiopeia 41 dust mote 41 SNe Ia 41 geocentric 41 wayyy 41 telescope Uranus 41 terraformed 41 AGNs 41 aphelion 41 planets asteroids 41 PGR2 41 fainter objects 41 Earths orbiting 41 killzone 41 Andromeda Galaxy 41 Schrödinger cat 41 hypervelocity stars 41 primative 41 V# Puppis 41 Star Trek Holodeck 41 millisecond pulsars 41 compaired 41 galaxy M# [002] 41 WASP #b 41 brain meltingly 41 synchronous orbit 41 Globular Cluster 41 Kepler 9c 41 moon Deimos 41 Zeta Ophiuchi 41 foreground galaxy 41 destructable 41 planetary embryos 41 CoRoT 7b 41 graphical prowess 41 spiral galaxy 41 Hot Jupiters 41 MG J# +# 41 3D platformers 41 Pinwheel Galaxy 41 Hale Bopp 41 Triangulum 41 waaaaaay 41 THat 41 megaman 41 Kuiper belt 41 Betelgeuse 41 comet nucleus 41 aeons 41 J#.# [001] 41 waaaaay 41 arcminutes 41 interacting galaxies 41 icy moons 41 retrograde orbits 41 suns 41 solar nebula 41 planetoid 41 kelvin 41 Atari Jaguar 41 dynamical evolution 40 spiral galaxy NGC 40 Quaoar 40 HD #b [002] 40 perihelion 40 super nova 40 novas 40 friggin awesome 40 Vourlidas 40 axial tilt 40 meek inheriting 40 Canes Venatici 40 unevolved 40 GQ Lupi 40 pixel shaders 40 Konacki 40 protoplanetary disc 40 star Fomalhaut 40 Kuiper Belt object 40 V# Mon 40 outerspace 40 dirty snowballs 40 Virgo cluster 40 gory spectacles 40 Cepheid variables 40 bleep bloop 40 ultraviolet wavelengths 40 indistinctive 40 grok 40 electron orbits 40 submillimeter wavelengths 40 galaxy NGC# 40 Nanobots 40 super mario 40 KOTOR II 40 arcsecond 40 suckitude 40 giant elliptical galaxies 40 faint smudge 40 XTE J# 40 supernova remnant 40 Tierkreis 40 protostar 40 scarps indicating 40 planet orbiting 40 protoplanetary disk 40 planet WASP #b 40 submillimetre 40 Helix Nebula 40 planets 40 galactic cores 40 extraterrestrial UFOs 40 nebulas clouds 40 galactic empire 40 2D platformers 40 2D sprites 40 puniest 40 Halley comet 40 overated 40 constellation Coma Berenices 40 craptastic 40 rotating neutron stars 40 suckiest 40 brightnesses 40 lightcycle 40 Dumbbell Nebula 40 infinitesimally 40 Fornax cluster 40 unmanned probes 40 #.#ghz [001] 40 Farcry 40 afterglows linger 40 paltriest 40 J# +# [002] 40 orbits 40 sized planets orbiting 40 arcsec 40 asteroid hurtling 40 #.#GB s [002] 40 flight sims 40 galactic disk 40 constellation Sagittarius 40 compression artifacting 40 admitedly 40 Higgs bosons 40 Mercury magnetosphere 40 Optical microscopes 40 aweful 40 star Gliese 40 Wow where'd 40 Panasonic plasmas 40 Stephan Quintet 40 millisecond pulsar 40 sizewise 39 Tau Ceti 39 constellation Cepheus 39 redshifted 39 planets constellations 39 orbiting 39 galaxy cluster 39 Sony EyeToy 39 brightest supernova 39 supermassive 39 Eta Carinae 39 GeV 39 wiimote 39 #mb ram 39 posthuman 39 hadron 39 helium nuclei 39 Grrrrr 39 concentration camps Gonsalves 39 gravitational perturbations 39 metroid 39 abiogenesis 39 replacable 39 whizbang 39 observationally 39 Milky Way galaxy 39 graphical fidelity 39 Fomalhaut 39 elliptical galaxies 39 Bosons 39 spinning pulsar 39 infinities 39 Disneyland Happiest Place 39 overengineered 39 vertex pipelines 39 stellar occultation 39 FF7 39 star clusters nebulae 39 Hipparcos 39 rotational axis 39 astronomical objects 39 proto cluster 39 Kuiper Belt Objects 39 NGC# 39 spherically symmetric 39 stellar nurseries 39 sciency 39 2mp 39 cosmological theories 39 planets orbiting suns 39 extrasolar 39 constellation Virgo 39 moon Phobos 39 Einsteinian 39 FarCry 39 spiral nebulae 39 highly elliptical orbits 39 Gravitational waves 39 multi celled 39 Dwarf galaxies 39 Kepler #b 39 zodiac constellations 39 wavelength infrared 39 brown dwarfs 39 Lyra constellations 39 FMVs 39 exoplanets 39 abyssal plain 39 Aralon 39 merging galaxies 39 strangelet 39 transiting planet 39 Core2Duo 39 Alycia Weinberger 39 KH #D 39 're wearing stylie 39 casemod 39 o O 39 submillimetre wavelengths 39 supernova 39 orbiting Gliese 39 habitable planets 39 aeon 39 statistical outlier 39 measley 39 circumstellar disk 39 prima dona 39 moonlets 39 NY1 Gear Shop 39 funky skillo way 39 sirree 39 kung fu panda 39 y'see 39 planetary nebulas 39 Cosmic Microwave Background 39 constellation Scorpius 39 Virgo Cluster 39 Hubble Constant 39 #V# [003] 39 nebula 39 vertex shaders 39 galaxy M# [001] 39 extraterrestial 39 supergiant star 39 CGI'd 39 alternate universes 39 protoplanetary 39 relativly 39 red supergiants 39 BP Piscium 39 globular clusters 39 constellation Eridanus 39 celestial sphere 39 Gemini constellation 39 medicore 39 underground encasement 39 crummier 39 comets asteroids 39 galaxy Andromeda 39 SN #gy 39 magnetic polarity 39 sentient robots 39 technological singularity 39 dicking around 39 magnetar 39 Saturn moon Mimas 39 type Ia supernova 39 superzooms 39 interstellar grains 39 SNe 39 constellation Canes Venatici 39 Kuiper Belt Object 39 globular star 39 primordial swamp 39 called gravitational microlensing 39 isomorphic 39 dustiest 39 constellation Carina 39 electron neutrinos 39 planets orbiting distant 39 protons neutrons 39 innermost planet 39 faraway planets 39 vaporising 39 red supergiant 39 emission nebula 39 Einstein equations 39 telescope eyepiece 38 Driverless cars 38 energetic electrons 38 fatter frumpier neighbor 38 friggen 38 Myr 38 electronvolts 38 backwards compatability 38 galaxy redshift 38 gravitational microlensing 38 Trifid Nebula 38 electron volts 38 gaseous envelope 38 Gliese #d 38 tall cupola beholding 38 1ghz processor 38 Horsehead Nebula 38 starburst galaxies 38 orbital velocity 38 puzzle platforming 38 KBOs 38 speedwise 38 redshift 38 shittier 38 speced 38 Fermi telescope 38 highly elliptical orbit 38 Goldilocks zone 38 eclipsing binary 38 zodiacal constellations 38 humanoid aliens 38 antiparticle 38 brown dwarf 38 relativistic particles 38 gravitational keyhole 38 hind fins 38 supergiants 38 purest distillation 38 :-) 38 shorter wavelengths 38 blueray 38 barred spiral galaxy 38 jovian 38 Wolf Rayet star 38 exo planets 38 habitable planet 38 fossilize 38 Mimas 38 2in LCD 38 frakkin 38 starlike object 38 sems 38 hunting Kepler telescope 38 semantic quibble 38 superintelligent 38 Goldilocks planet 38 bumblebee colony 38 fathomable 38 Perseus Cluster 38 extrasolar planets 38 YMMV 38 reionization 38 perfectible 38 extrasolar planetary 38 Globular clusters 38 Voorwerp 38 Earthlike planet 38 Gravitational lensing 38 Cancri 38 gaseous planet 38 gravitons 38 waaaay 38 supernova SN 38 limbo Len Gengel 38 AB Aurigae 38 exo planet 38 circular orbits 38 orbited Jupiter 38 lightcycles 38 elliptical galaxy 38 galaxy NGC 38 telescope orbits 38 bizzaro 38 outermost planet 38 impactors 38 X ray pulses 38 recognizeable 38 a#t 38 planet 38 meteoritic material 38 Wolf Rayet stars 38 elongated orbit 38 cluster NGC 38 fuzzy blob 38 comet orbital 38 VVVVVV 38 assumed planets circling 38 Tevatron accelerator 38 gravitational lenses 38 hypersonic suborbital scramjet nest 38 desolate wasteland 38 solar minima 38 tweakable 38 Saturn Cassini 38 type Ia supernovae 38 vaster 38 ushers Marciani 38 antiparticles 38 Star Trek transporter 38 haha thats 38 uninvented 38 multiverses 38 Corot 9b 38 habitable zones 38 noosphere 38 star Spica 38 planet Gliese #g 38 chondrites 38 pfft 38 trans Neptunian objects 38 worlds colliding 38 planets Uranus 38 entombing radioactive material 38 questlove @ 38 supernova explosion 38 rubik cube 38 outer corona 38 sidescroller 38 ultracool 38 chickenfeed 38 somewhere inbetween 38 JUSTIN WILSON Yeah 38 orbital radius 38 gravitational interactions 38 SMM J# 38 shines brighter 38 indestructable 38 hey 38 Sedna 38 milliarcseconds 38 woulda thunk 38 comet orbit 38 GOW3 38 Tunguska Siberia 38 holodeck 38 spec'ed 38 circumstellar dust 38 celestial object 38 bioshock 38 subconcious 38 RX J# 38 extrasolar planet HD #b 38 dinosaurs roamed 38 undiscovered particle 38 galaxies 38 star Beta Pictoris 38 radeon 38 RY Sagittarii 38 eons 38 polygons 38 Supergiant 38 vaporise 38 smallest extrasolar planet 38 Wii Mote 38 SN#A 38 homo erectus 38 gobsmackingly 38 planetary transits 38 Big Bang 38 spherical halo 38 nano bots 37 dramatical 37 hmm 37 proplyds 37 lightsaber battles 37 comet hurtling 37 Uranus Neptune 37 Geologically speaking 37 Zeldas 37 Altivec 37 decepticons 37 geoid 37 boxen 37 floating orbs 37 thermonuclear explosions 37 terrestrial planets 37 penumbral shadow 37 Cliched 37 outer planets 37 zip nada 37 plotholes 37 Anthropic Principle 37 habitable worlds 37 retrogrades 37 distant speck 37 crap tastic 37 vestigial organs 37 Cat Paw Nebula 37 Venusian atmosphere 37 HD #b [001] 37 airglow 37 Comet Holmes 37 Euclidian geometry 37 homo sapiens sapiens 37 northern arctic plains 37 TDU2 37 dwarf galaxies 37 werehog 37 ours Sanville 37 dimmest 37 superdense neutron star 37 GZK cutoff 37 prerendered 37 Acanthostega 37 Zidane Figo 37 earthlike planets 37 giant elliptical galaxy 37 VHE gamma rays 37 Butterfly Nebula 37 zilch nada 37 Einstein cosmological constant 37 wp7 37 furtherest 37 astrophysical objects 37 cosmic collisions 37 destructible scenery 37 Ian McShane Pillars 37 nada zilch 37 NFSU 37 proverbial snowball 37 shitted 37 IR wavelengths 37 nursery Carina Nebula 37 permanently shadowed 37 dont wanna 37 spiral galaxy Messier 37 unreachably 37 grody 37 Ring Nebula 37 supose 37 interstellar dust grains 37 #.#GHz Athlon 37 PV GS# [001] 37 seemes 37 Nintendo Miis 37 rotating neutron 37 cometary impacts 37 GOW2 37 suckage 37 bird Archaeopteryx 37 proto planetary disk 37 hyperreal 37 Itās 37 X ray binary 37 IRAS 4B 37 X# GT 37 binary asteroid 37 FAR FAR 37 circumstellar 37 MONEYWEB Ja 37 trekkie 37 Tarantula nebula 37 2D sprite 37 dolby 37 Gamma rays 37 ULP cepheids 37 Dell Inspiron Zino HD 37 os x 37 exoplanets planets 37 homo sapiens 37 sidereal 37 maybe 37 Kuiper Belt objects 37 SMBH 37 -# degrees Fahrenheit [002] 37 teensy sliver 37 Schroedinger cat 37 Tarantula Nebula 37 Maunder minimum 37 redshifts 37 tractor beam 37 constellation Leo 37 branes 37 Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory 37 WRUP 37 interstellar dust particles 37 protoplanetary disks 37 Final Fantasy X. 37 planet Nibiru 37 unentertaining 37 obliquity 37 sheer awesomeness 37 Hawking Radiation 37 Physx 37 comet Lulin 37 orbital eccentricity 37 radial velocity technique 37 vertex shader 37 Mpc 37 NFS Carbon 37 neutralinos 37 Large Magellanic Cloud 37 spookfish 37 chondritic 37 ATI X# [002] 37 infalling gas 37 moon Mimas 37 shimmering mirage 37 Arches Cluster 37 hardened cynics 37 shrek 37 similarly configured 37 Neanderthals roamed 37 vaguely humanoid 37 CMB photons 37 terraforming Mars 37 Saturnian moon 37 magnetic monopoles 37 unaided eye 37 destructable environments 37 comparitively 37 untutored eye 37 samantharonson @ 37 UI tweaks 37 Chillblast 37 infinity 37 baryonic 37 distant quasar 37 overachieves 37 Viking orbiters 37 transhuman 37 terra forming 37 Nuclear fission 37 Ahh yes 37 equivalently priced 37 Kuiper Belt 37 God's eye view 37 Eee #H 37 eminently usable 37 quantum particles 37 Fermilab Tevatron 37 Whiz bang 37 Astrological lore 37 tera electron volts 37 coronal loops 37 Evolution Explorer 37 far 37 beginings 37 constellation Aquarius 37 GJ#b 37 axis wobbles 37 fairweather fans 37 quasars 37 Cancri e 37 Achievement Unlocked 37 Geometry Wars Evolved 37 #-# km hr 37 BUFFETT Well 37 i7 #X 37 cryin shame 37 Hyakutake 37 Schrodinger cat 37 slighty 37 backlight bleed 37 galaxies collide 37 Parallel universes 37 hateable 37 mya 37 celestial mechanics 37 BetaMax 36 supersymmetric particles 36 asymptotically 36 interstellar dust clouds 36 Helix nebula 36 gravitationally 36 silicate grains 36 RE3 36 prehistoric creature 36 Jupiter gravitational pull 36 geological timescales 36 HD# [002] 36 redonkulous 36 transmogrifying 36 Jose Torra 36 Pluto Charon 36 puny 36 Circinus X 1 36 Supernova #A 36 planet Uranus 36 neutron star 36 moden 36 fricken 36 GALEX 36 cold unfeeling 36 un killable 36 blue supergiant 36 Hey how'd 36 nebula NGC 36 lifeform 36 configs 36 pwns 36 Viewing angles 36 minifig 36 retro futurist 36 Neptune Uranus 36 esentially 36 exoplanets planets outside 36 grossly overrated 36 supernova remnants 36 rattly 36 Earth radii 36 hypervelocity star 36 eyecandy 36 CyberPower Infinity 36 galactic clusters 36 Orionid meteors 36 X ray emitting 36 compact digicam 36 wetware 36 hmmmmm 36 cosmic ray collisions 36 largest moon Charon 36 geostationary orbits 36 umbral 36 dweebs 36 immortal beings 36 Camelopardalis 36 unobservable 36 nonplayoff teams 36 undistinguishable 36 dissapear 36 moons 36 V# Sgr 36 Chromatic aberration 36 funk steams 36 nevermind 36 mustachioed plumber 36 observable Universe 36 primordial galaxies 36 moonlet 36 Tunguska asteroid 36 DX#.# 36 hulked 36 MVC3 36 GASP! 36 BP Psc 36 curved spacetime 36 SNR #-#.# 36 glows brightly 36 Weakly Interacting Massive Particles 36 starscape 36 COACH PETE CARROLL 36 asymptote 36 distant galaxies 36 Jovian moons 36 cavewomen 36 megasized 36 super Earths 36 bit samey 36 underated 36 spiral galaxies 36 Hanny Voorwerp 36 Jupiter moon Io 36 galactic mergers 36 COROT 7b 36 #gy 36 quantum superposition 36 galactic nucleus 36 hypernova 36 femtoseconds 36 vaporised 36 utterly forgettable 36 ickle 36 Crab Nebula 36 #Dmark# 36 Newtonian gravity 36 comet 36 shrinked 36 yea thats 36 Lost Planet Colonies 36 crankin 36 vibrating strings 36 comparatively puny 36 AdrianneCurry 36 Cygnus X 36 sterile neutrinos 36 Earthlike planets 36 cosmological distances 36 1KB 36 bleepy 36 wimpier 36 dilithium crystals 36 Homo sapiens sapiens 36 hot Jupiters 36 i luv 36 exosphere 36 gravitational interaction 36 orbital resonance 36 VF5 36 cahones 36 primordial goo 36 Cosmic Microwave Background CMB 36 carnival funhouse 36 rocky planets 36 Milky Way 36 pythagorean 36 float weightlessly 36 souless 36 superdense 36 irreducibly 36 discover Fomalhaut 36 Lionel Messi Cristiano Ronaldo

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