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(Click for frequent words.) 48 linky 48 Newswire #-#-# 48 LiquidViagra 47 Pause. 47 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 47 Favorite Quotes 47 Reread 47 Riveting stuff 47 Try googling 47 Pansy Bedwetter 47 ¡ Ask 46 Er um 46 Useful Idiot 46 Hmmm . 46 BREITBART 46 ROTFLMAO 46 Mex yiddo 46 GUEST guest # 46 bleg 45 goooo 45 RUSH Yeah 45 Useless Knowledge 45 fucking kidding 45 Pithy 45 artcle 45 Dailykos 45 slogan Honk 45 BUZZFLASH 45 Pffft 45 Rebuttals 45 offbeat tidbits 45 WORD DOCUMENT 44 FROM TPP 44 Tele prompter 44 Hmmmmmm 44 MY PROBLEM 44 YOU ARE AN IDIOT 44 Ed. note 44 dittohead 44 'M GAY 44 44 Wow. 44 Ooops sorry 44 VANDEHEI 44 Trib Talk 44 bucko 44 Prospect Ezra Klein 44 Hahahahahahaha 44 Etc. etc. 44 Quo vadis 43 george w 43 MMfA 43 Errrr 43 Linda Bladholm latest 43 clusterflock 43 Mary MacElveen 43 fisking 43 shit Sherlock 43 Caption Diss SOHH 43 Immoral Minority 43 1 Corinthians #:#-# [001] 43 Oops. 43 MOLLY SCHOEMANN 43 lifehacker 43 Denis Kilcommons 43 Heh Heh 43 Hilzoy 43 artical 43 CHETRY 43 man thinketh 43 NORMAN FINKELSTEIN 43 Harumph 43 misspeaks 43 these chatting softwares 43 bullsh t 43 Isn t 43 Cogito ergo sum 43 ROVE Well 43 magic negro 42 COLUMN ONE 42 Lexicographers 42 um uh 42 http:/ servlet Satellite 42 Psalm #:# [002] 42 Apocryphal 42 theological treatise 42 Wink wink 42 O'REILLY OK 42 doth protest 42 KeithOlbermann @ 42 Try Googling 42 Appended 42 newsweek 42 Rereading 42 TAMMY LAWMAN 42 Rude Pundit 42 fisk 42 BULLETIN BOARD SAYS 42 FMNN REPLY 42 Misquoting 42 wee wee'd 42 buy Stoam 42 protesteth too 42 Nary peep 42 esteban 42 Mea culpa 42 CONAN Yeah 42 Amanda Mae Meyncke 42 Swampland blog 42 ZORN REPLY 42 Ich bin ein 42 Mr. NAVARRETTE 42 Iowahawk 42 QUESTION Okay 42 IMAO 42 Leslie Savan 42 Scripture verse 42 Dear Grateful 42 loooove 42 Falsani 42 Parenthetically 42 FEY AS PALIN 42 Bob Somerby 42 Yeesh 42 possessive pronoun 42 Oy vey 42 pogue 42 Hmmph 42 Interjections 42 Flag Abuse 42 truthy 42 Grammatical errors 42 blogofthenation 42 42 Here're 42 AUTHORLINK How 41 Forsooth 41 Whaddya mean 41 mea culpa mea culpa 41 Emphasis mine 41 conversate 41 RUSH Well 41 Hmm. 41 childlike scrawl 41 HOw 41 Blah blah blah blah 41 fucking sucks 41 Hmmmm . [001] 41 DKos 41 Right Wing Nuthouse 41 Grammatically 41 RUSH Okay 41 True dat 41 Paraphrased 41 accurate Sicherman 41 Misheard 41 Jay C 41 Hummm 41 photoshops 41 RawStory 41 caveat lector 41 hoax unquote 41 Hmmm. 41 Seperate multiple 41 visit 41 outloud 41 undestand 41 KRAUTHAMMER Well 41 bolded text 41 Friedrich Nietzche 41 Git r done 41 BEGALA 41 irrelevent 41 mumble jumble 41 Dear Heartbroken 41 nerd geek 41 Oh yeah yeah 41 fucking asshole 41 wanna puke 41 NO VHS tapes 41 soundoff 41 refernce 41 aptly summarizes 41 flamebait 41 mmfa 41 ASSISTANT SECRETARY SILVERBERG 41 nut graf 41 Happy Valentines Day 41 HIGHLY recommend 41 FREE KATIE 41 pendejo 41 wvu 41 qoute 41 unclever 41 incoherent ramblings 41 Heh heh 40 possessive pronouns 40 Oooops 40 Obsidian Wings 40 stammered choking 40 way knoc 40 germaine 40 acrostics 40 simple declarative 40 artfully worded 40 Hrm 40 Hahahahahaha 40 marshall 40 Bitch Session 40 Tsk tsk tsk 40 verb noun 40 40 Freeper 40 Ecclesiastes #:#-# [003] 40 sirota 40 Cindy Scroggins 40 Thomas Hobbes Leviathan 40 40 Pfft 40 MousePad community 40 Megan Carpentier 40 40 Freudian slips 40 see alt.muslim discussed 40 chickenshit 40 clean shaven capitalist 40 critize 40 blogs morrison 40 highly recomend 40 fucking moron 40 Sincerely La Linea 40 Foser 40 Charley Reese 40 grossly uninformed 40 is 40 Ben Trovato 40 misunderestimate 40 plural noun 40 Legs McNeil 40 plural verb 40 lady doth protest 40 mea maxima culpa 40 a'changin 40 Donald Luzzatto editorial 40 Buzzflash 40 Patently Obvious 40 40 misunderstood 40 verbing 40 strawman argument 40 LUNTZ 40 split infinitive 40 ranty 40 oh noes 40 tomsdigs 40 Agonistes 40 refrence 40 editor 40 Stick stringing 40 Ah hah 40 Italics 40 Et tu Brute 40 paleos 40 blithering idiot 40 Ninth Commandment 40 Goddess Speaks 7 40 Goddess Speaks 40 HIRE ME 40 succint 40 rabidly homophobic 40 MyLine 40 u plz 40 Hillary Clinton nutcracker 40 Sound Offs 40 Woops 40 DEAR TEEN 40 appologies 40 Don'tcha 40 Dr.Laura 40 disrepected 40 Leaky Lounge 40 misheard lyric 39 Goodlatte proceeded 39 Pshaw 39 alteration omitted 39 editor 39 editoral 39 Jacques Barzun 39 Fiction nonfiction 39 Jiverly Wong Shooting 39 plural pronouns 39 THE PAGE STOPS 39 writen 39 Parentheses 39 Tila Tequila cuz 39 generalizes 39 splain 39 fuggin 39 Sports Sunflashes 39 reflexive pronoun 39 sister Brynne Henn 39 escapist fiction 39 nieve 39 prepositional 39 Ron Radosh 39 Sarah Boseley global 39 #,#,# [004] 39 descibe 39 assinine 39 dissin 39 That's 39 OH NOES 39 ebertchicago RT @ 39 PoliGazette 39 writter 39 POSTSCRIPT 39 woefully uninformed 39 Post hoc ergo 39 Hint hint 39 misinterpreted Raul 39 plural nouns 39 au contraire 39 Kinda reminds 39 SCDigest newsletter Feedback 39 enclose phrases 39 dangling modifier 39 explainations 39 BSing 39 magnitude LaGrippo 39 Gwyneth Paltrow GOOP 39 Oh yeh 39 Andrew Leckey answers 39 willfully distort 39 Nope nope nope 39 GEORGE NEGUS 39 39 Van Sustern 39 geeksugar 39 Beleive 39 read 39 kingsnake wrote Hi 39 LITTLE ROCK DEAR HELOISE 39 Oops! 39 FAVORITE BOOK 39 librul 39 Mr. Rojstaczer 39 POed 39 reblog 39 Doonesbury cartoon 39 Madden yep 39 mitch 39 HANNITY Well 39 visit 39 summarized thusly 39 Here'sa recap 39 wonderfully descriptive 39 literalist interpretation 39 blathering idiot 39 god damned 39 nauseum 39 Nuh VAD uh 39 mishear 39 winking emoticon 39 caricaturized 39 columnist 39 Regurgitating 39 parenthetical 39 elfman 39 Vince Bugliosi 39 Erik Linask columnist 39 decalogue 39 Crunchy Con 39 Jesse MacBeth 39 JAY FISHMAN 39 incoherent rant 39 APNP #-#-# #CDT save 39 Satiricus 39 39 bold typeface 39 Physician heal thyself 39 H ow 39 factcheck 39 antidisestablishmentarianism 39 deliberately obtuse 39 grammar syntax 39 Hebrews #:#-# [006] 39 philosopher Blaise Pascal 39 AMBASSADOR HOLBROOKE 39 39 Santee Patch 39 jargony 39 Quillblog 39 sockpuppet 39 Political Junkie 39 Carol McAlice Currie 39 exageration 39 Here'sa sampling 39 Maupassant 39 perezhilton 39 comma splice 39 See Chuck Jaffe 39 ae movies 39 Educate yourselves 39 pithier 39 lamestream 39 39 http:/ 38 Bwahahaha 38 Encyclicals 38 visit 38 Edith Pearlman 38 check 38 Here'sa snippet 38 colloquial expressions 38 Wham bam thank 38 hi falutin 38 Laughing. 38 pantagraph 38 38 quote scripture 38 ad hominen 38 joystiq 38 Lunch Break 38 Roman historian Tacitus 38 ungrammatically 38 homestyle 38 unpublish 38 mythbusting 38 snarks 38 mayhaps 38 footnoting 38 Hardly earth shattering 38 gizmodo 38 Hillaire Belloc 38 commments 38 Excepts 38 ISRIA article 38 initialisms 38 Checklist Manifesto 38 why Mee hiccuped 38 Reader Mailbag 38 Jack Handey 38 nuh uh 38 italicised 38 Render Unto Caesar 38 writin 38 openly mocks 38 blogs smith 38 Katharine DeBrecht 38 Utter nonsense 38 misspelled childish scrawl 38 Dave Yensan 38 38 dons bathing suit 38 phonetic pronunciations 38 SOTU speech 38 bible verse 38 disingenious 38 Daily Howler 38 incoherent rambling 38 SusanG 38 artcile 38 angel guerra 38 Roman orator Cicero 38 38 gullible credulous 38 unfalsifiable 38 Herodotus Histories 38 Charleytown 38 Huffpost 38 dialectal 38 number SS# 38 blurbed 38 medieval emperor 38 merely parroting 38 known knowns 38 Buck Fush 38 STASIO 38 Theologically 38 DEAR LINDA 38 Mae Kowalke columnist 38 why haven'tI 38 Cindy Waxer columnist 38 Politically incorrect 38 Betray Us 38 gold digger tramp 38 Wah wah wah 38 weird protuberances 38 economics 38 http:/ Harmandir Sahib 38 Hahahahaha 38 Canon Fodder 38 pronounciation 38 Chuang Tzu 38 Statesman 38 Unidentified Woman 38 blog 38 etymologies 38 undateable 38 intersting 38 bs ing 38 contact 38 subjunctive mood 38 potentially hazardous Tribout 38 downright idiotic 38 undertand 38 hypocritcal 38 ClubMac Hot Deals 38 CiF 38 lolcat 38 Reader Digest condensed 38 CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS 38 Spokesperson Nesirky 38 Sorry! 38 reads 38 artice 38 Hahah 38 Rudy Socha 38 davenavarro# 38 Huddled Masses 38 davidallenblog 38 Leviticus #:#-# [003] 38 38 38 drunken ramblings 38 Candia McWilliam 38 idiomatic expressions 38 f [002] 38 plural possessive 38 congenital liar 38 38 RTFA 38 dayum 38 Ecclesiastes #:#-# [002] 38 laughably absurd 38 ignorant bigoted 38 PWMania 38 Rescuing Sprite 38 collective nouns 38 Brockes 38 Ambivalent 38 plagiarizer 38 journalist Matt Taibbi 38 doubtless precede 38 IMHO 38 attributive 38 Good Samaritan parable 38 xox 38 Cohen Peart 38 Hemscott.Com 38 Mayor Cirilo Pena 38 intolerant bigoted 38 Sirona Biochem cautions 38 Non sequitur 38 GetReligion readers 38 pompous arrogant 38 Brutally honest 38 Beg pardon 38 pshaw 38 kinda lame 38 Mysteries abound 38 uhh 38 noun adjective 38 cultural relativist 37 quoting Scripture 37 Well duh 37 NarniaFans 37 STLtoday 37 incorrect spellings 37 German philosopher Friedrich 37 grammar punctuation spelling 37 IFILL Governor 37 deliberately obfuscating 37 Neo Ottomanism 37 Caveat lector 37 hmmm 37 infelicitous 37 british accent 37 Lao Tse 37 Daily Bible Studywith 37 LIEBERMAN Well 37 com ments 37 Tex. R. Civ 37 Latin Vulgate version 37 Michael Dirda 37 'M WRITING 37 serial flip flopper 37 Fairpole blog 37 WAYNE BARRETT 37 Ahem. 37 warped worldview 37 Whine Line 37 quote verbatim 37 aricle 37 TalkBack section 37 mono syllabic 37 Internet InSITE 37 willfully misinterpreting 37 Mr. Snerdley 37 Will Saletan 37 Koran flushing 37 Derisive 37 Internal quotation marks 37 CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER SYNDICATED COLUMNIST 37 metaphor simile 37 grammatically incorrect 37 singular noun 37 talkin bout Willis 37 Isaiah #:#-# [002] 37 alterations omitted 37 Billmon 37 Viral Views 37 unfollowed 37 pleeeease 37 Spouse Calls 37 Xconomists mentioned 37 Bookslut 37 goatse 37 duck quack 37 hopelessly idealistic 37 disengenuous 37 literal translations 37 MY VIEW 37 anybody accost 37 frackin 37 wholly misrepresents 37 scuse 37 37 Arthur Schopenhauer 37 Proofread 37 prepositional phrases 37 SCHIEFFER Let 37 Lew Rockwell 37 BBCode 37 An unseen questioner 37 Epi Log 37 ALL CAPITALS 37 ketuanan 37 misquote 37 Hashtags 37 editor Sam Tanenhaus 37 I'ma problem solver 37 rec'd 37 Beushausen profited 37 Spout Off 37 Mirengoff 37 Iliana Limón Knights Notepad 37 Wieseltier 37 enclose SAEs 37 Ohmygod 37 37 FAVORITE BOOK AUTHOR 37 Huh huh huh 37 Bushspeak 37 Here endeth 37 37 By James CREEDON 37 minces words 37 Bryan Appleyard 37 Marital infidelity 37 Jacket Copy 37 Page A9 37 37 Bookworm Sez 37 Prof. Clayson 37 italicize 37 easily refutable 37 writting 37 racist homophobic sexist 37 blockquote 37 Jesus divinity 37 winking smiley face 37 blantantly 37 37 following Subject Collections 37 OttawaWatch 37 Whine whine whine 37 blithely unconcerned 37 Didn'tI 37 Revisionist History 37 CAPSULE REVIEWS 37 readin 37 that'sa whole nother 37 Warhol Wrbican 37 facinating 37 mainpage 37 MUST READ 37 Greg Sellnow 37 Dan Drezner 37 Vinti articles please 37 OpinionJournal bookstore 37 Lelyveld writings 37 moral relativist 37 simple declarative sentences 37 strenuously disagree 37 heartless bastard 37 Stray Thoughts 37 Check http:/ 37 Op eds 37 baaaaaack 37 Corrects typo 37 Jim Stingl 37 Tagore poems 37 OpinionJournal 37 occasionally mangling 37 Cribbing 37 Shhhhh 37 37 humanbeing 37 Duly noted 37 wishfulness 37 umm 37 Mr. Sobashima 37 Geaux Away Gustav 37 Leafing through 37 racist bigot 37 Melissa Clouthier 37 lebron james 37 Purloined Letter 37 Dog eared 37 BRIAN MEREDITH 37 eleventh commandment 37 ALAN DERSHOWITZ 37 PC Annoyances 37 quotables 37 Psalms #:# [002] 37 Listowel Banner 37 Amrita Tripathi 37 forgivable sin 37 Chiesi replied 37 verb tense 37 Martin Niemoller 37 Elena Nola 37 frowny face 37 Howie Kurtz 37 rascist 36 writng 36 grossly oversimplified 36 36 biblical quotations 36 Respectfully 36 Dirk Vander Ploeg 36 voluminous writings 36 36 Great Unraveling 36 Masoretic Text 36 Miracles Happen 36 Macworld podcasting 36 wax rhapsodic 36 36 Snerdley 36 vulgarity slander libel 36 toolbar PageRank 36 Jyothi articles 36 politcally correct 36 quote 36 Send op eds 36 f * t 36 e mail @ interfax 36 G d 36 slashdotted 36 derogatory connotation 36 uninformed misinformed 36 visit 36 F'ed 36 Ziggah 36 polish turd 36 Professor Chomsky 36 36 Absalom Absalom 36 unfactual 36 subhed 36 Junkfood Cinema 36 calypso singer Nintus 36 SECRETARY RIDGE 36 commuted Clemmons sentence 36 http:/ 36 Sitnews 36 36 BRIT HUME HOST 36 yea thats 36 boiled boilerplate 36 Rubble piled 36 Paternalistic 36 ALWAYS ALWAYS 36 PRESIDENT OBAMA Well 36 Mirel biodegradability 36 Elbert Hubbard 36 Silence Dogood 36 anti Semitic homophobic 36 email 36 gratuitously embarrassed 36 Mencimer 36 Worldly Philosophers 36 Photocopied 36 columnists 36 Huffington Post Daily Kos 36 provacative 36 whole nuther 36 James Bovard 36 Cyberclinic 36 Biblical allusions 36 Patterico 36 dear reader 36 Hipster Runoff 36 blatant distortion 36 autism whisperer 36 whine whine whine 36 visit 36 Get WireTalker account 36 Bashcraft 36 singular verb 36 NYTs 36 Timmy McVeigh 36 Hardbound 36 sola scriptura 36 1 Thessalonians #:#-# 36 Matt Continetti 36 XX Factor 36 WEEKLY WIT 36 decribe 36 frakkin 36 Sub judice 36 textual descriptions 36 Grauniad 36 Santanello replied 36 'M READING 36 gunga dan 36 MGRS Military grid 36 refering 36 Heather Dinich writes 36 Conspiracy buffs 36 36 reponses 36 visit 36 wiki 36 iSlate iTablet 36 eyeroll 36 Ask PFW 36 rslack 36 appologize 36 misspeaking 36 Lowercase 36 Paul Kuharsky writes 36 Niall Clugston writes 36 listend 36 utterly repulsive 36 tildes 36 Wikiquote 36 witty retort 36 tid bit 36 samething 36 iris scans Mayer 36 BE WARNED 36 David Ehrenstein 36 Kidding! 36 chinese whispers 36 ISpy 36 Digital Slob 36 hysterical diatribe 36 mistranslating 36 visit GamecockAnthem premium 36 Factcheck 36 Ummm 36 36 Demonstrators chanted Death 36 Chucky Schumer 36 36 Wanniski 36 replied curtly 36 visit 36 overanalyse 36 nytimes 36 blatantly lied 36 referrence 36 Paging Dr. 36 verba 36 Narrow minded 36 bull bleep 36 Lian Yue 36 36 Worldnutdaily 36 quoter 36 religiously tinted 36 reproduced verbatim 36 btw 36 verbal tic 36 excerpted passages 36 hmmmm 36 bumpersticker 36 hateful bigot 36 reread 36 ad hominem fallacy 36 funeral orations 36 Lies damned 36 Dolorous Passion 36 decoration underline 36 el smurfo 36 phooey 36 Dumbed down 36 SNL spoof 36 views Trackback Print 36 apocryphally 36 blaim 36 fanfiction 36 Sorry ma'am 36 fuck fuck 36 phallic symbolism 36 Oh 36 singular nouns 36 Ferrago cluster 36 Aximsite read here 36 -Sadiola Mine 36 paraphrasing 36 mangled syntax 36 Wingdings 36 abhor racism 36 mere utterance 36 Martin Niemöller 36 Self deprecation 36 parenthetical phrase 36 anesthetize consciences 36 PostPartisan 36 jpeg photo 36 Eikenberry memos 36 prima dona 36 snide remark 36 routinely misspell 36 visit 36 biblical allusions 36 Bonus Explainer 36 semantical 36 Jim Burroway 36 Caveat emptor 36 Adam Rittenberg writes 36 Jason Linkins 36 fyi 36 Stefania Viscusi columnist 36 Op Eds 36 Shustak gave 36 misplaced comma 36 Rewriting History 36 footnotes endnotes 36 fucking cunt 36 livejournal 36 those whys whys 36 strangely worded 36 RIC THOMPSON 36 thinketh 36 Renata Adler 36 TPM Cafe 36 document.getElementById root root 36 VDARE.COM 36 SCOTT 'S REPLY 36 OMG WTF 36 epigraphs 36 kn ow 36 poet Archibald MacLeish 36 teacher Stephanie Plou 36 36 lipstick aphorism 36 syllogisms 36 36 Wellsboro Mansfield Gazette 36 Celia Rivenbark newest 36 Corrects typographical error 36 MARTIN KASTE 36 Readers Respond 36 Harlequin romances 36 Kausfiles 36 Slovakia Pravda 36 http:/ 36 Source original 35 find Mossberg Mailbox 35 35 UFO Digest 35 bigotted 35 Sparknotes 35 queston 35 Miss Manners assures 35 visit 35 Popwatch 35 feminine pronouns 35 Devilstower 35 KeithOlbermann 35 discribe 35 SINCE WHEN 35 misquotes 35 looooove 35 plural pronoun 35 ummm 35 35 Zytaruk tape 35 RESTORES dropped 35 visit 35 interesting factoid 35 Fart apps 35 Kovels answer 35 lipstick maxim

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