swelling subsides

Related by string. * swelled . Swelling . Swells . swells . Swell . SWELL . Swelled : facial swelling . Swell Season . swelling abates technique . San Rafael Swell . pain swelling redness . encephalitis swelling . swell packers / Subsides . Subside . SUBSIDE : euphoria subsides . cravings subside . radioactivity subsides . floodwaters subside . fever subsides . foam subsides . soreness subsides * *

Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 64 swelling subsided 61 wear splint 60 undergo surgery 60 undergo reconstructive surgery 59 doctor Michael Ciccotti 59 experiencing soreness 58 arthoscopic surgery 58 famed orthopedist Dr. 58 undergo exploratory arthroscopic 58 renowned orthopedist 58 precautionary MRI 57 repair sports hernia 57 MRI exam 57 Barring setback 57 healed sufficiently 57 underwent arthroscopic knee 57 undergo arthroscopic 57 screw inserted 57 fully healed 57 undergo hernia 57 quick healer 57 knee scoped 57 ligament damage 56 reaggravate 56 undergo arthroscopic knee 56 bruised forearm 56 repaired torn labrum 56 exploratory arthroscopic surgery 56 repair detached retina 56 fracture heals 56 repair torn triceps 55 repair herniated disc 55 torn medial meniscus 55 repair bulging disc 55 undergo CT scan 55 arthroscopic hip 55 orthopedist Dr. 55 underwent X rays 55 screw surgically inserted 55 partially torn labrum 55 underwent sports hernia 55 undergo arthroscopic surgery 55 strained MCL 55 precautionary X ray 55 bone contusion 55 medically cleared 54 torn MCL 54 tore biceps tendon 54 underwent CT scan 54 renowned orthopedist Dr. 54 soreness subsides 54 insert screw 54 mild sprain 54 nondisplaced fracture 54 arthrogram 54 frayed rotator cuff 54 psychological counseling Carstoiu 54 repair herniated disk 54 precautionary x rays 54 arthroscope 54 precautionary x ray 54 undergo keyhole surgery 53 Thoracic Outlet Syndrome 53 strained pectoral muscle 53 sprained medial collateral ligament 53 labrum surgery 53 Trainer Herm Schneider 53 undergoes arthroscopic surgery 53 diagnostic arthroscopy 53 Groeschner 53 adductor tendon 53 underwent MRIs 53 undergone arthroscopic surgery 53 broken lumbar vertebrae 53 reinjures 53 Trainer Stan Conte 53 term prognosis Eisold 53 dislocated pinkie toe 53 repaired torn cartilage 53 repair meniscus tear 53 repair ruptured tendon 53 undergoing reconstructive elbow 53 ulnar nerve transposition 53 surgically repaired elbow 53 obstructed bile duct 53 MRI exam revealed 53 offseason microfracture knee 53 Dr. Neal ElAttrache 53 partially torn ligaments 53 undergoing reconstructive surgery 53 MRI exams 52 rehab assignments 52 lumbar strain 52 damaged ligaments 52 suffered sprained MCL 52 labrum tear 52 arthroscopic surgery 52 Lisfranc 52 torn ulnar collateral ligament 52 underwent reconstructive knee 52 torn flexor tendon 52 frayed tendon 52 dislocated tendon 52 undergoing arthroscopic knee 52 sprained knee ligament 52 torn ankle ligaments 52 Dr. Anthony Miniaci 52 posterior rotator cuff 52 flexor strain 52 partially torn triceps 52 strained adductor muscle 52 pins surgically inserted 52 Hinika 52 undergoing arthroscopic 52 underwent reconstructive elbow 52 meniscus tear 52 neuro psych test 52 underwent reconstructive surgery 52 lacerated tendon 52 subluxed 52 William Raasch 52 screws inserted 52 Kremchek 51 An MRI exam 51 RT Jammal Brown 51 fifth metacarpal 51 inflamed ulnar nerve 51 broken scaphoid bone 51 Dr. Stephen Gryzlo 51 bone bruise 51 underwent keyhole surgery 51 fractured patella 51 elbow ligament transplant 51 noted orthopedist Dr. 51 Arthroscopic surgery 51 undergoes arthroscopic knee 51 torn quadriceps tendon 51 arthroscopic procedure 51 suffered sprained medial 51 repair torn ACL 51 labral tear 51 sugery 51 underwent surgery 51 meniscus repaired 51 reattach ligament 51 MRI 51 suffered medial ligament 51 clavicle fracture 51 fractured kneecap 51 straining tendon 51 clears waivers 51 undergoes surgery 51 underwent arthroscopic surgery 51 undergone arthroscopic knee 51 torn abductor muscle 51 partial meniscus tear 51 underwent arthroscopic 51 torn cartilage 51 bicep tendonitis 51 sidelined indefinitely 51 strained hamstrings 51 cranioplasty 51 torn pectoral 51 strained ankle ligaments 51 fractured shin 50 repair frayed labrum 50 surgery 50 torn lateral meniscus 50 spraining ligament 50 dislocated kneecap 50 arthroscopic elbow 50 strained flexor muscle 50 torn medial collateral ligament 50 frayed biceps tendon 50 inflamed arch 50 repair ruptured Achilles 50 repair meniscal tear 50 underwent CAT scan 50 strained medial collateral 50 hamstring tendon 50 suffering hairline fracture 50 repair fractured sinus 50 torn retina 50 rupturing ligaments 50 arthroscopic shoulder 50 osteotomy realignment procedure 50 partial tear 50 Pedegana 50 repair labral tear 50 healed 50 sprained knee ligaments 50 slight groin strain 50 undergo arthroscopic elbow 50 rehabbing surgically repaired 50 surgically repaired 50 mild groin strain 50 nerve transposition surgery 50 inflamed elbow 50 neuropsych test 50 repair torn bicep 50 surgically repaired ankle 50 orthopedist Dr. James 50 remove torn cartilage 50 strained biceps 50 doctor Ken Akizuki 50 rib contusion 50 bruised quadriceps 50 inflamed bursa torn labrum 50 pelvis fracture 50 degenerative arthritic condition 50 tendon reattached 50 ligament tear 50 Coach Mike Mularkey 50 Lisfranc fracture 50 MRI arthrogram 50 Dr. Marc Phillipon 50 torn meniscus cartilage 50 undergoing hernia 50 hip impingement 50 repair fractured orbital 50 stress facture 50 irritated ulnar nerve 50 arthroscopic surgeries 50 inflamed bursa 50 lateral meniscus tear 50 cartilage tear 50 torn meniscus 50 wart removed 50 strained lat 50 ligament reconstructive surgery 50 sustained hairline fracture 50 arthroscopic knee 50 damaged ankle ligaments 50 torn triceps tendon 50 fractured sternum 50 reconstructive elbow 50 insert screws 50 broken hamate bone 50 forearm stiffness 50 Lisfranc foot 50 ulna bone 50 thoracic outlet syndrome 49 suffered broken clavicle 49 sprained posterior cruciate 49 Dr. Heinz Hoenecke 49 re evaluted 49 reconstructive elbow ligament 49 sliced tendon 49 torn bicep 49 medial meniscus tear 49 repair torn medial 49 undergoing surgery 49 ligament 49 Randall Culp 49 patellofemoral arthritis 49 trainer Lonnie Soloff 49 labrum 49 rehab assignment 49 undergo magnetic resonance 49 cancerous testicle 49 sprain 49 damaging ligaments 49 doctor Trefor James 49 Compartment Syndrome 49 torn labrum repaired 49 repair torn ligament 49 midfoot sprain 49 rotator cuff tear 49 arthroscopic knee surgery 49 partially torn meniscus 49 hyperflexed 49 Chuck Barta 49 tweaked calf muscle 49 Khalfayan 49 undergo skin grafts 49 triceps strain 49 repair torn labrum 49 torn elbow ligament 49 strained groin muscle 49 sprained ligament 49 ruptured ligaments 49 mild bursitis 49 microdiscectomy surgery 49 Matsui balky 49 inflamed tendon 49 ruptured patella tendon 49 Microfracture surgery 49 frayed labrum 49 strained forearm 49 Dr. Stuart Hershon 49 deep bone bruise 49 MRI scan 49 underwent elbow ligament 49 medial ligament injury 49 plantar plate 49 PRK laser 49 repair torn meniscus 49 pectoral strain 49 sore triceps 49 epidural injection 49 badly sprained ankle 49 shoulder stiffness 49 Moats blindsided 49 noticeably limping 49 cracked fibula 49 sprained ligaments 49 Rotator cuff tears 49 torn tendon 49 physician Stuart Hershon 49 mild hamstring strain 49 troublesome groin 49 surgury 49 bruised spleen 49 partial dislocation 49 fractured ulna 49 torn labrum 49 broken scapula 49 planter fasciitis 49 strained flexor tendon 49 repair torn ulnar 49 Dr. Jan Fronek 49 RHP Kevin Slowey 49 DL stint 48 strained patellar tendon 48 perforated ulcers 48 triceps tendinitis 48 underwent microfracture surgery 48 damaged cartilage 48 fractured fibula 48 Dr. Kremchek 48 repair lateral meniscus 48 broken metatarsal bone 48 sprained MCL 48 cannonbone 48 partially torn patella 48 undergo MRI scans 48 physician Michael Ciccotti 48 hyperextended elbow 48 detached latissimus dorsi muscle 48 undergo microfracture surgery 48 fractured scapula 48 Dr. Steven Raikin 48 rib cage strain 48 Lonnie Soloff 48 torn biceps muscle 48 medial ligaments 48 plantar fascia tear 48 precautionary CT scan 48 tearing pectoral muscle 48 PROBABLE RB Jerome Bettis 48 MCL medial collateral ligament 48 Dr. Mark Schickendantz 48 microfracture procedure 48 strained lat muscle 48 Torn ligaments 48 Dr. Koco Eaton 48 sports hernia surgery 48 Victory Gallop Baffert 48 strained ligament 48 suffered dislocated kneecap 48 repaired surgically 48 Bancells 48 Lisfranc injury 48 strained calf muscle 48 Dr. Michael Ciccotti 48 rehabilitation assignment 48 titanium rod inserted 48 vertebrae fused 48 torn plantar fascia 48 fracture dislocation 48 fibula fracture 48 postconcussion syndrome 48 medial ligament damage 48 medial collateral 48 renowned orthopedic surgeon 48 dislocated toes 48 hip labrum 48 surgically rebuilt 48 hairline fracture 48 inflamed gland 48 nerve decompression 48 John Wilckens 48 strained quadriceps muscle 48 collateral ligaments 48 repair torn patella 48 offseason microfracture surgery 48 ligament sprain 48 Dr. Sakari Orava 48 precautionary MRI exam 48 facial fracture 48 Dr. Lewis Yocum 48 Steadman Hawkins Clinic 48 reattach tendon 48 sprained knee 48 precautionary X rays 48 Lewis Yocum 48 rehabing 48 strained abductor muscle 48 rupturing tendon 48 torn ligament 48 reimplanted 48 strained triceps muscle 48 hairline fractures 48 slight herniation 48 cancerous thyroid gland 48 wee niggle 48 medial knee ligament 48 Jags Leftwich 48 LHP Randy 48 fractured pinky finger 48 torn Lisfranc ligament 48 rib cartilage injury 48 undergoing arthroscopic surgery 48 nonthrowing shoulder 48 bruised spinal cord 48 Naanee hamstring 48 fifth metacarpal bone 48 sprained medial collateral 48 fractured forearm 48 repair torn pectoral 48 Kendrick Perkins tore ligaments 48 torn tendon sheath 48 sports hernia 48 OF Josh Willingham 48 ruptured biceps 48 Rotator cuff surgery 47 cyst drained 47 posterior ligaments 47 rod inserted 47 strained buttock 47 hyperextended toe 47 WR Az Zahir Hakim 47 torn ligaments 47 hyperextended knee 47 repair herniated discs 47 Coach Steve Spagnuolo 47 repair torn flexor 47 spokesman Brad Hainje 47 surgically repaired shoulder 47 shoulder subluxation 47 George Paletta 47 torn anterior cruciate ligaments 47 hernia op 47 labral repair 47 bone spurs removed 47 RB James Mungro 47 sprained posterior cruciate ligament 47 patella femoral irritation 47 Dr. Hartzell Schaff 47 reinjure 47 ruptured testicle 47 lingering soreness 47 chondral defect 47 wearing splint 47 lacerated finger 47 thumb sprain 47 reconstructive ACL 47 reattach torn biceps 47 strained patella tendon 47 MCL tear 47 Dr. David Altcheck 47 SS Paul Janish 47 athroscopic surgery 47 noncontact drill 47 repair lacerated tendon 47 suffering mild concussion 47 bone stimulator 47 microdiscectomy 47 undisplaced fracture 47 damaged knee ligaments 47 cortisone injection 47 fractured navicular bone 47 fractured cervical vertebra 47 D Oskars Bartulis 47 torn anterior cruciate 47 repair fractured shinbone 47 limping noticeably 47 repair torn biceps 47 orthopedist Dr. Jerrald Goldman 47 intensive physiotherapy 47 fracturing bone 47 intercostal strain 47 repair torn cartilage 47 trainer Randy Oravetz 47 cortisone shot 47 rebroken 47 partially torn rotator 47 hip flexor strain 47 underwent microfracture knee 47 broken orbital bone 47 mild ankle sprain 47 neck stinger 47 painkilling injection 47 Dr. Ralph Gambardella 47 precautionary scans 47 torn adductor muscle 47 forearm tightness 47 orthopedist Ken Akizuki 47 torn oblique muscle 47 repair cartilage 47 damaged medial ligaments 47 mild MCL sprain 47 cruciate ligament ACL 47 torn tricep 47 cartilege 47 facial laceration 47 orthoscopic surgery 47 L5 vertebra 47 reinjury 47 concussive symptoms 47 suffered fracture dislocation 47 abductor muscle 47 inflamed ligament 47 dislocated elbow 47 flexor pronator strain 47 PROBABLE QB Brett Favre 47 spinal cord contusion 47 Torn cartilage 47 bicep tendon 47 Lisfranc joint 47 sprained ulnar collateral ligament 47 partially torn ACL 47 repair torn aorta 47 suffered intestinal perforations 47 Arthroscopic knee 47 tendon 47 suffered fractured fibula 47 sustained mild concussion 47 tore pectoral muscle 47 fractured clavicle 47 strained medial ligament 47 2B Jose Valentin 47 broken clavicle 47 torn tendons 47 X rayed 47 flexor pronator tendon 47 ulnar collateral 47 G Chris Snee 47 Kerlan Jobe Clinic 47 Dr. Melvin Rosenwasser 47 lat muscle 47 heart catherization 47 ouchy 47 RHP Chien Ming 47 herniated disk 47 G Tupe Peko 47 Lis Franc 47 ruptured cruciate knee ligament 46 Frank Cammisa 46 ruptured cruciate ligament 46 arthroscopic procedures 46 arthroscopically 46 niggling Achilles 46 Offensive coordinator Tom Rossley 46 reinjuring 46 Outfielder Jeremy Hermida 46 progressed Arauco 46 ribcage muscle 46 suffered fractured tibia 46 strained adductor 46 rotator cuff surgery 46 medically sedated 46 inflamed rotator cuff 46 repair torn ligaments 46 anterior capsule 46 undergoing laparoscopic surgery 46 torn cartilage repaired 46 fractured metatarsal 46 suffered fractured orbital 46 Ryan Torain hamstring 46 syndesmosis injury 46 strained intercostal muscle 46 underwent reconstructive 46 sustaining mild concussion 46 torn triceps muscle 46 gashed shin 46 immobilizing boot 46 Fullback BJ Askew 46 Dr. Xavier Duralde 46 fractured thumb 46 bicep tendinitis 46 undergone surgery 46 torn bicep muscle 46 Jeff Otah knee 46 Villarrial 46 dislocated patella 46 SLAP tear 46 torn quadriceps muscle 46 Fullback Oliver Hoyte 46 elbow ligament 46 severed radial nerve 46 biceps muscle 46 tibial plateau fracture 46 impingement syndrome 46 Tony Miniaci 46 torn patella tendon 46 G Benji Olson 46 arthroscopic knee surgeries 46 aggravating groin 46 soreness 46 metacarpal bone 46 Cornerback Deshea Townsend 46 orthopedist 46 multiple nasal sinus 46 latissimus 46 Lisfranc sprain 46 gluteus muscle 46 ruptured tendon 46 G Chris Villarrial 46 patella stabilizing ligament 46 torn labrums 46 Lis Franc injury 46 fractured scaphoid bone 46 Kountouri 46 fractured metacarpal bone 46 exploratory arthroscopic knee 46 arthroscopy 46 torn biceps 46 Jacoby Ellsbury ribs 46 meniscus cartilage 46 A. Marc Gillinov 46 forearm soreness 46 debride 46 stem intestinal bleeding 46 septic bursitis 46 TE Erron Kinney 46 stress fracture 46 broken shinbone 46 Dr. Marc Philippon 46 G Zach Wiegert 46 elbow contusion 46 Houston LHP Wandy 46 undergoing elbow ligament 46 bursa sac injury 46 strained ligaments 46 physician Lewis Yocum 46 Fitz Toussaint 46 trainer Todd Toriscelli 46 protective splint 46 DT Ma'ake Kemoeatu 46 ulnar neuritis 46 ankle sprain Leon Powe 46 torn medial 46 rotator cuff muscles 46 ruptured anterior cruciate ligament 46 suffered torn ACL 46 undergone reconstructive surgery 46 tore quadriceps muscle 46 Ulnar Collateral Ligament 46 ruptured patellar tendon 46 trainer Jim McCrossin 46 adductor magnus muscle 46 INF Pokey Reese 46 severed tendons 46 inflamed facet 46 strained hip flexor 46 spraining ligaments 46 shoulder stinger 46 Bunkley elbow 46 partially torn medial 46 LB Travian Smith 46 ruptured bursa sac 46 partially torn MCL 46 periodic checkups 46 ankle ligaments 46 evaluated microscopically 46 spokesman Aaron Sickman 46 biceps strain 46 physiotherapist Errol Alcott 46 repair detached latissimus 46 nonthrowing hand 46 Lis Franc sprain 46 medial collateral ligament 46 INF Mark DeRosa 46 bruised rotator cuff 46 RHP Ryan Vogelsong 46 Kris Draper groin 46 rotator cuff 46 DT Ellis Wyms 46 right triceps irritation 46 doctor Stuart Hershon 46 inflamed tendons 46 thigh contusion 46 bruised sternum 46 triceps muscle 46 rupturing ligament 46 doctor Org Strauss 46 PUP list 46 re habbing 46 S Bhawoh Jue 46 TE Delanie Walker 46 tearing tendon 46 pins inserted 45 torn quadriceps 45 adductor muscle strain 45 torn medial ligament 45 right fielder Domonic 45 repair torn labrums 45 slight meniscus tear 45 Dr. Lonnie Paulos 45 reconstructive elbow surgery 45 ride stationary bike 45 TE Kris Mangum 45 boar gored Kremer 45 CB Daylon McCutcheon 45 Dr. Timothy Kremchek 45 ruptured ovarian cyst 45 re evaulated 45 severely pinched nerve 45 subdural hematoma bleeding 45 S Madieu Williams 45 swollen tendons 45 arthroscopic debridement 45 medial ligament tear 45 physician Enrico Castellacci 45 final roster cutdown 45 hander Pedro Feliciano 45 peroneal tendon 45 Brian Rafalski groin 45 inserted titanium rod 45 hamate bone 45 DT Cornelius 45 attorney Rosalyn Pugh 45 Todd Hutcheson 45 razor sharp tusk 45 tore meniscus 45 fractured tibia 45 surgically repaired knee 45 PROBABLE CB Champ Bailey 45 undergoing keyhole surgery 45 fractured sinus 45 reevaluated 45 CB Willie Middlebrooks 45 implant defibrillator 45 strained quadricep 45 quad contusion 45 strained quadriceps 45 remove cavernous malformation 45 MCL sprain 45 multiple facial fractures 45 subscapularis muscle 45 John Steubs 45 cancerous mole 45 RHP Jose Contreras 45 comminuted fracture 45 suffered hairline fracture 45 orthopedist Dr. Stephen Gryzlo 45 strained ribcage muscle 45 surgey 45 disclocated 45 sustains concussion 45 Reliever Brian Bruney 45 flexor tendon tear 45 strained quad 45 Steadman Clinic 45 limped noticeably 45 swollen tonsils 45 muscle strain 45 reconstructive surgery 45 partially tore ligaments 45 labrum cartilage 45 elbow tendonitis 45 Demaryius 45 CB Deltha O'Neal 45 knee 45 strained oblique muscle 45 athletic pubalgia 45 broken fibula 45 LHP Brian Tallet 45 ruptured quadriceps 45 laproscopic procedure 45 G Tom Nutten 45 Jabaar 45 repair torn Achilles 45 Goalkeeper Antti Niemi 45 oblique muscle strain 45 RHP Pat Neshek 45 Atari Bigby hamstring 45 QUESTIONABLE WR Drew 45 swollen Yallop 45 Postgame X rays 45 Kyle Lohse forearm 45 Poorly formated references 45 achillies 45 arthroscopically repaired 45 entrapped epiglottis 45 gallbladder removed 45 CB Chidi Iwuoma 45 heel contusion 45 LB Antwan Peek 45 WR Tai Streets 45 Hoof specialist Ian McKinlay 45 Urlacher dislocated 45 biceps tendonitis 45 microfracture knee 45 doctor Thierry Hermerel 45 physician Anthony Miniaci 45 underwent spinal fusion 45 contusion 45 shoulder sprain 45 wrist contusion 45 fractured hamate bone 45 tonsils removed 45 intercostal muscle 45 ruptured bicep 45 strained knee ligament 45 Marc Philippon 45 troublesome Achilles 45 protective boot 45 ElAttrache 45 ligament replacement 45 doctor Jerrald Goldman 45 fractured cervical vertebrae 45 inflamed nerve 45 Wide receiver Jerricho Cotchery 45 strained rotator cuff 45 ruptured ligament 45 surgically reattached 45 cornerback Nate Vasher 45 LW Vinny Prospal 45 torn biceps tendon 45 partially torn Achilles 45 Dr. Tim Kremchek 45 Cavs Varejao 45 Alex Kountouris 45 LB Clint Kriewaldt 45 Antonopulos 45 RB Domanick Davis 45 guard Terrence Metcalf 45 suffered fractured rib 45 David Altchek 45 partial meniscectomy 45 DE Orpheus Roye 45 Achilles rupture 45 G Edwin Mulitalo 45 torn knee ligaments 45 MCL sprains 45 displaced fracture 45 underwent microsurgery 45 Brewers Uecker 45 microfracture 45 ulnar collateral ligament 45 knee ligament damage 45 Defensive lineman Trevor Pryce 45 deep shin bruise 45 RT Jeff Otah 45 LB Shantee Orr 45 insert titanium rod 45 undergo kidney transplant 45 labrum rotator cuff 45 cruciate knee 45 Dr. Gryzlo 45 precautionary CAT scan 45 orthopedist Lewis Yocum 45 strained groin 45 fractured bone 45 fractured cheekbone 45 torn pectoral muscle 45 ruptured bladder 45 cervical collar 45 LB Reggie Torbor 44 LB Frank Zombo 44 Cornerback Jerry Azumah 44 partially torn pectoral 44 arthroscopic reconstructive surgery 44 suffered neck stinger 44 dislocated shoulder 44 abdominal hernia 44 less invasively 44 ulnar styloid 44 cracked cheekbone 44 nonshooting hand 44 ulna collateral ligament 44 repair severed tendons 44 journeyman Todd Bouman 44 INF Emmanuel Burriss 44 splinted bandage 44 fractured scaphoid 44 fractured orbital bone 44 suffered facial lacerations 44 knee sprain 44 RHP Clay Hensley 44 G Kynan Forney 44 roster cutdowns 44 flexor muscle 44 ingrown nail 44 benign cyst 44 irritated nerve 44 patellar tendonitis 44 debrided 44 woebegone Nationals 44 pregame workout 44 Kountouris 44 reinjured 44 practiced sparingly 44 LB Peter Sirmon 44 patella femoral arthritis 44 CB Artrell Hawkins 44 Striker Geoff Horsfield 44 strained intercostal 44 bursa sac infection 44 remove cancerous tumor 44 D Dmitry Kulikov 44 DE Ndukwe Kalu 44 C Jeff Hartings 44 flexor tendon 44 metatarsal fracture 44 skin graft 44 ruptured ankle ligaments 44 nonweight bearing 44 partially torn ligament 44 abductor strain 44 subscapularis 44 fractured pinkie 44 Akron Nate Linhart 44 tearing cruciate ligaments 44 torn Achilles 44 labral tears 44 hip flexor muscle 44 quadriceps strain 44 Dr. Robert Spetzler 44 sesamoiditis 44 sore oblique muscle 44 DL'd 44 ankle ligament 44 RHP Kiko Calero 44 orthopedist Dr. Lewis Yocum 44 remove cancerous lesion 44 DE DeQuincy Scott 44 head physio Mick 44 skin grafts 44 quadriceps tendinitis 44 LB Saleem Rasheed 44 partially torn flexor 44 Lutui smiling 44 LB Dedrick Roper 44 Sabres Vanek 44 RHP Justin Duchscherer 44 LB Carlos Emmons 44 spokesman Jay Horwitz 44 DT Cedric Killings 44 ruptured biceps tendon 44 Dr Muschaweck 44 undergoing skin grafts 44 Chris Kanarick 44 damaging ankle ligaments 44 UPMC Mercy hospital 44 pulley tendon 44 repair herniated disks 44 sprained elbow ligament 44 subacromial decompression 44 Systems Mammography Equipment 44 Rotator cuff 44 DH ing 44 Sean Skahan 44 tore ACLs 44 Dr. Richard Ferkel 44 Dr. Risal Djohan 44 medial ligament 44 LB Marques 44 Fred Tedeschi 44 DT Dana Stubblefield 44 degenerative disk 44 navicular stress fracture 44 under cardiological observation 44 medial ligament strain 44 clunker rebates expire 44 rotator cuff tendinitis 44 torn patellar tendon 44 Weakside linebacker Gerris Wilkinson 44 Weinberger waives extradition 44 removable splint 44 hairline rib 44 swollen lymph node 44 LB Paris Lenon 44 reattached 44 undergo cardiac catheterization 44 tweaked hamstring 44 spokeswoman Christa Hild 44 bursa sack 44 intercostal muscles 44 TE Michael Hoomanawanui 44 abscessed 44 Lewis Yokum 44 Groin hernias 44 Formal identification 44 spokesman Neal Gulkis 44 strained triceps 44 Cornerback Marlin Jackson 44 Coach Dick Jauron 44 torn anterior cruciate ligament 44 painful bone bruise 44 G Cosey Coleman 44 fractured cheek 44 hernia surgery 44 Coach Lindy Ruff 44 LHP JC Romero 44 elbow sprain 44 Kendrys

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