Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 47 THE PRESIDENT Yes 47 Don'tI 45 Snerdley 43 Puh leeze 43 askin 42 Ah ha 42 LUDDEN 42 dear reader 42 MADDOW 42 can'tI 41 youself 41 amongst yourselves 41 ya 41 plugin document.write 41 What're 41 sir 41 PopWatchers 41 heh heh 41 UNIDENTIFIED MALE 40 Gentle Reader 40 guess 40 OPERATOR Thank 40 sucka 40 wherefore 40 Shhhhh 40 wanna 40 Inquiring minds want 39 Why don'tI 39 Hmmmmmm 39 ALL CAPITALS 39 QUESTION Okay 39 Yes. 39 Okay 39 y'all 39 ask 39 thinkin 39 Alrighty 39 RUSH Well 39 Why 38 FRATTO 38 insert HTML code 38 question 38 fuck 38 SCHIEFFER 38 38 Ya gotta 38 Stop whining 38 YOu 38 Ryssdal 38 Oh c'mon 38 JOHNDROE 38 yourself 38 youse 38 HEMMER 38 yourselves 38 Well duh 37 Inquiring minds 37 ya gotta 37 somethin 37 don'tI 37 STANZEL 37 rephrase 37 Lordy 37 you 37 why don'tI 37 FLEISCHER 37 Why didn'tI 37 Hmmm 37 Gatonye 37 perchance 37 Uh 37 Excuse me 36 y'know 36 what're 36 ya'll 36 sirs 36 Just sayin 36 Why'd 36 dammit 36 yes 36 digress 36 neva 36 I'mma 36 Why shouldn'tI 36 kiddo 36 Gawd 36 gine 36 SNOW Well 36 RUSSERT 36 OLBERMANN 36 gotta 36 gonna 36 aren'tI 36 Emily Yoffe 36 suppose 36 Why can'tI 36 Be polite 36 resounding NO 36 Didn'tI 36 Uhh 36 blankety blank