undergoing gallstone

Related by string. * UNDERGOING . Undergoing . Undergo . UNDERGO : undergo psychiatric evaluation . undergoing psychiatric evaluation . undergo arthroscopic surgery . undergoing chemotherapy . undergo rigorous / gall stones . Gallstones . gall stone . Gallstone . gallstones : gallstone pancreatitis . awaited gallstone . gallstone disease . remove gallstones . gallstone formation * *

Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 62 underwent gall bladder 59 ruptured bladder 57 inflamed appendix 57 repair detached retina 57 stent inserted 57 underwent arthroscopic 57 underwent surgery 56 undergoing reconstructive surgery 56 remove cancerous 55 stent implanted 55 abscessed tooth 54 repair ruptured tendon 54 torn medial meniscus 54 cervical spinal 53 arthroscopic hip 53 ruptured appendix 53 arterial blockage 52 abscessed 52 partially amputated 52 dislocated tendon 52 undergoing surgery 52 lateral meniscus tear 52 underwent angioplasty 52 undergone surgery 52 fractured bones 52 femur fracture 52 frayed rotator cuff 52 ruptured disc 52 reduction tummy tuck 52 Gabor publicist 51 repair ruptured Achilles 51 endocarditis bacterial infection 51 fractured spine 51 repair herniated disk 51 gall bladder removed 51 surgery 51 benign tumor removed 51 undergone reconstructive surgery 51 reconstructive facial 51 contracted staph infection 51 underwent reconstructive surgery 51 gallbladder removed 51 fractured clavicle 51 undergone arthroscopic surgery 51 OF Felix Pie 51 inflamation 51 benign cyst 51 degenerative disk 51 latissimus dorsi muscle 50 bursa sac 50 remove cancerous tumor 50 Rocker Bret Michaels 50 laparotomy 50 remove malignant tumor 50 severed tendons 50 tubal pregnancy 50 abdominal incision 50 gall bladder 50 undergo hernia 50 crushed vertebrae 50 undergo arthroscopic knee 50 repair torn ligaments 50 aneurisms 50 cancerous kidney 50 prolapsed disc 50 inflamed elbow 50 undergo reconstructive surgery 50 facial abrasions 50 damaged cartilage 50 lacerated spleen 49 underwent intestinal 49 halo brace 49 quad tendon 49 hind ankle 49 sustained hairline fracture 49 perforated bowel 49 arthroscopically 49 multiple contusions 49 colostomy bag 49 depressed skull fracture 49 microdiscectomy 49 undergoing intestinal 49 cancerous tumor removed 49 bruised rib 49 underwent arthroscopic knee 49 arthroscopic shoulder 49 gall bladder surgery 49 severed artery 49 herniated disc 49 underwent gallbladder surgery 49 gallbladder surgery 49 lung contusion 49 precautionary X ray 49 intestinal obstruction 49 ruptured artery 49 undergo surgery 49 triceps tendinitis 49 cancerous prostate 49 shrapnel lodged 49 swelling subsided 48 appendix removed

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