Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 71 Intangibles net 69 Other noncurrent assets 66 OTHER ASSETS 65 Other Current Assets 65 Less accumulated depreciation 64 TOTAL ASSETS 64 Total Current Assets 63 -Tel +# 63 Intangible assets net 61 Intangible assets 61 #,# = LIABILITIES [005] 60 Accumulated depreciation 60 Deferred Income Taxes 58 Prepaids 58 -Minister Gary Lunn 58 Long Term Liabilities 57 Marketable securities 57 Current Assets 57 AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY Current 57 - Total [031] 57 Other noncurrent liabilities 57 #,#,# [001] 57 #,#,# LIABILITIES AND [002] 56 Restricted Cash 56 liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [002] 56 - Total [034] 56 Capitalized software 56 EQUITY Current liabilities Accounts 56 Intangible asset 55 - Total [015] 55 accumulated depreciation 55 - Total [028] 55 Restricted cash 55 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING 55 Stockholders Equity Current liabilities 55 - Total [006] 55 TOTAL LIABILITIES 54 - - Total [057] 54 - Total [026] 54 Trade accounts receivable 54 PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES 54 Investing Activities 54 - Total [033] 54 Marketable Securities 54 #,#,# [009] 54 - Total [036] 54 Receivables net 53 -manager Peter Chiarelli 53 - - Total [069] 53 - Total [025] 53 - Total [010] 53 Deposits #,#,# 53 #,# - Total 53 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY 53 - - Total [023] 53 Shareholders Equity Current liabilities 53 - Total [007] 52 Cash Used 52 Trade receivables 52 Accrued interest 52 #,#,# LIABILITIES AND [003] 52 - - Total [064] 52 #,#,# [012] 52 - Total [004] 52 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [003] 52 EQUITY Current liabilities 52 - Total [013] 52 - Total [001] 52 - Total [030] 52 - - [074] 52 - Total [016] 52 - Total [021] 52 accumulated amortization 52 - Total [009] 51 - Total [038] 51 -lofted sacrifice fly 51 -Cretin 51 Intangibles 51 Total Assets 51 GOODWILL 51 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 51 Cash Flows From 51 - - Total [005] 51 Intangible 51 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS EQUITY 50 - - Total [011] 50 LONG TERM LIABILITIES 50 - Total [011] 50 #,#,# #,#,# Deferred [002] 50 - Total [032] 50 - - [026] 50 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING 50 - Total [023] 50 -NPOESS 50 #.# #.# [016] 50 - -Corn Palace 50 - Total [014] 49 Discontinued operations Income 49 #,#.# #,#.# [002] 49 Additions 49 - - Total [036]