Related by context. Frequent words. (Click for all words.) 60 There 57 â € œThe 53 â € 52 â € œI 52 â € œWe 50 â € 49 There'sa 45 there 43 Itâ € ™ 43 THERE 42 theres 41 Â 41 € ™ 40 â € ~ 40 itâ € ™ 39 ™ s 39 sa 38 Stating 38 Ã ¢ â ¬ 37 â € € 36 Certainly 36 definite 36 donâ € ™ 36 ve 36 Amidst 36 Obviously 35 € ™ s 35 It'sa 35 That'sa 34 We 34 Recognising 34 â 34 Notwithstanding 34 perceptible 33 Observing 33 don t 33 whatsoever 33 there'sa 32 Asserting 32 Iâ € ™ 32 Hence 32 ` sa 32 Irrespective 32 discernable 32 Owing 31 Clearly 31 Ó 31 Fundamentally 31 Underlining 31 justifiable 31 here 31 t 31 Nowadays 31 Undoubtedly 30 Because 30 etc 30 ta 30 ā 30 Stressing 30 Therein lies 30 Line breaks 30 Thats 30 Practically 30 arisen 30 Of course 30 Acknowledging 29 hindrance 29 evident 29 Secondly 29 Barring 29 Apart 29 Š 29 Yes 29 Thirdly 29 ¨ 29 exists 29 fo 29 These 29 besides 28 Highlighting 28 Citing 28 So 28 Basically 28 Despite 28 that'sa 28 This 28 Considering 28 no 28 discernible 28 justification 28 Admitting 28 Firstly 28 Quite honestly 28 Pointing 28 Besides 28 Noting 27 î 27 With 27 Terming 27 occurring 27 Ours