Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 65 -BY LESLIE BIXLER • 65 Goodwill impairment - [002] 64 - - Total [058] 63 - - Total [020] 63 - - Net [031] 63 - -Ahnu 63 Segment Totals 63 -awol 63 Support #.# #.# 63 Total Nonperforming Assets 62 Intangibles amortization 62 SmartGrowth Deposits 62 = GAAP [002] 62 noncurrent assets 62 - - [020] 62 nonoperating expense 62 Pro forma adjusted EBITDA 62 Appreciation Depreciation 62 - - Total [037] 62 WEIGHTED AVG 61 % TOTAL AVAIL 61 - - Net [052] 61 - - 61 - INCOME LOSS [006] 61 - -profitabilty 61 Intangible amortization expense 61 Nonoperating expenses 61 Long Term Obligations 61 Residential Furnishings 61 - - Net [028] 61 - OperatKarnas 61 - TOTAL [015] 61 Domestic Liftboats 61 Expenses Interest expense 61 Depreciation Amortization Taxes 61 - #,#.# #,#.# [002] 61 - INCOME LOEducation HMIe 61 -Batho Pele 61 - -Commey 61 -Tilak Marg 61 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 61 - - Net [058] 61 - - Nesignandsight newsletter 60 Nonoperating income 60 AVAILABLE SEAT KM 60 nonoperating income 60 Asset Impairment Charges 60 - - [016] 60 - -freefall parachute 60 FDIC indemnification 60 - - Net [034] 60 - - TotRobert Gisevius Jr. 60 Debt extinguishments 60 Commitments Stockholders equity 60 Realized Loss 60 - - [084] 60 -#.# -#.# -#.# -#.# [006] 60 - - Total [072] 60 - - Nforecaddie 60 Recurring Adj 60 - - Total [002] 60 GROSS PROFIT LOSS 60 Total Liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [002] 60 Total Nonperforming Loans 60 - - [062] 60 - Loss [032] 60 #,# -Abdullah Hamoud 60 - - Net [043] 60 - Adjusted EBITDA [005] 60 - Non GAAP [027] 60 #,# -oxidative enzymes 60 - - [117] 60 - - Total [039] 60 SEVERANCE PAY FUND 60 SHAREHOLDE RS EQUITY 60 Floating Rate Loans 60 - -Guldeniz 60 - -winger Colby Armstrong 60 .1 .3 60 AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES 60 -SBA Disaster 60 % WEIGHTED AVG 59 FHLB borrowings decreased 59 - - [120] 59 REVENUE Revenue 59 Reconciling Items 59 - Total Current Liabilities [004] 59 - - Net [002] 59 - - [055] 59 Compensation Expenses 59 - - Net [019] 59 CASH USED FOR 59 TOTAL REVENUE TON MILES 59 Unfavourable Changes 59 - - Total [068] 59 -Miner Res 59 - Adjusted EBITDA [006] 59 - - Net [051] 59 - -watt amp 59 - Total Assets [006] 59 EARNINGS LOSS FROM CONTINUING 59 INCREASE DECREASE IN 59 Interest Expenses 59 - - [004] 59 - -Toshiba Portege 59 inflows outflows 59 #,# -Preachintothedevil 59 - - TotalYourLink 59 non amortizing intangible 59 - Adjusted [028] 59 Nonaccrual loans totaled 59 Corporate Overhead 59 OREO valuation 59 - - [061] 59 c Excludes 59 SmartGrowth Loans 59 - Operating [019] 59 -Chris Bocklet 59 - -seemingly unquenchable 59 - - Total [001] 59 - - [002] 59 Loss Gain 59 Stockholders equity #,#.# #,#.# 59 Invested assets 59 #,#.# [014] 59 - - Total [033] 59 - - Cash [003] 59 - - Net [026] 59 HOPFED BANCORP INC. 59 DILUTED CALCULATION #.# 59 2Q FY# representing 59 % RPK mm 59 lease inducements 59 - - NetGranara 59 - Total Assets [018] 59 -David# 59 Deferred Credits 59 Expense Income 59 Related Expenses 59 - - [094] 59 -offcourt 58 Normal Heating Degree 58 IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 58 Unitholder distributions 58 - - [005] 58 Debt extinguishment costs 58 Stock Compensation Expense 58 - Adjusted EBITDA [001] 58 - Adjusted EBITDA [002] 58 amorti zation 58 income teb 58 - - [130] 58 - -Manvinder Singh 58 noninterest expense totaled 58 - -Bredbury 58 - - Net [033] 58 Noninterest expense decreased 58 - -Dorothy Rothrock 58 #.# -Rineholt 58 liabilities# [001] 58 - Loss [021] 58 - - [087] 58 CURRENT ASSETS Inventories 58 - - Net [006] 58 - - Net [048] 58 Covered Loans 58 - - [128] 58 - Operating [009] 58 Current liabilities #,#.# #,#.# 58 SKS Saks Inc. 58 - - Net [035] 58 MBS AFS increased 58 -#.# % [001] 58 Repliform R revenues 58 OTHER EXPENSE 58 - -FLPMA 58 Acquisition Related 58 - - [015] 58 - - Total [065] 58 - - [073] 58 Accrued Expenses 58 - - Net [046] 58 - - [030] 58 - - NetMarigot Bay r 58 - - Total [032] 58 income# [002] 58 -#,# -#,# -#,# [001] 58 - - [081] 58 discontinued operations - 58 - -Steven Heydemann Middle East 58 #,# -PKF Accountants 58 -founder Al Neuharth 58 - Adjusted [007] 58 - -Belusko 58 - - Total [071] 58 - - [119] 58 Nonoperating expense 58 Goodwill Impairment 58 - - [105] 58 - - [121] 58 Intangible Assets Net 58 - - [126] 58 -Dassault Mystere 58 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOPinkNews 58 ASSET QUALITY RATIOS Nonperforming 58 NON INTEREST EXPENSE 58 current assets# [001] 58 - Adjusted [022] 58 Amortized cost 58 - - Total [021] 58 OTHER INCOME 58 TOTAL NONINTEREST EXPENSE 58 -# -1 58 - - Total [067] 58 - Expenses [006] 58 pts RESEARCH 58 #,#,# = LIABILIMahonrry Hidalgo head 58 - -Traymore 58 DAY AVG 58 -By Cliodhna McGowan 58 liabilities1 58 Foreclosed Assets 58 - - Total [003] 58 - Adjusted [002] 58 - - Net [037] 57 FEET WATER 57 Statutory Surplus 57 Interest Expense Net 57 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase 57 accrued liabilities #,#.# #,#.# 57 Discontinued operations - [002] 57 Normalized EPS 57 - Gross Profit [009] 57 Debt #,#.# #,#.# 57 Asset Impairment 57 - OperAyscough 57 - Total operating 57 - - Total [029] 57 Fully diluted EPS 57 Discretionary Cash Flow 57 -#,# -#,# -#,# [002] 57 - -Kondhwa 57 - - Total [047] 57 - - Totcheering lustily 57 - Total Assets [005] 57 Curtailment gain 57 - EBITHillary Benn 57 - - Total [060] 57 -Onufrak 57 nonperforming loans totaled 57 - - [085] 57 repossessed assets 57 Deprec iation 57 -Tommy Salo 57 INCOME TAX PROVISION BENEFIT 57 Pac Lf 57 CDFS joint ventures 57 Nonperforming assets totaled 57 - - Total [017] 57 - - Net [007] 57 recourse indebtedness 57 Noninterest Expense 57 Than Income Taxes 57 Gross Margin Percentage 57 SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP INC. 57 Billable headcount 57 8 Cyl 57 #,#.# = [003] 57 #.# - -Arbab Ghulam Rahim 57 # - -Huddinge 57 - Total noninterest [003] 57 - Unaudited [001] 57 #,# -#,# [004] 57 Y gm 57 - -skeleton sled 57 Second Quarter Highlights 57 c Consists 57 - Adjusted [016] 57 =Thomas van Schaik 57 - - Net [047] 57 Early Extinguishment 57 - Adjusted EBITDA [004] 57 Capitalized Interest 57 postretirement benefit 57 INCOME LOSS BEFORE INCOME 57 - - Net [040] 57 - - [058] 57 Wyckoff Intra Day 57 - -Labyer 57 INCOME LOSS FROM OPERATIONS 57 assets1 57 Rush . 57 DECREASE INCREASE IN 57 NONINTEREST EXPENSE 57 OTHER EXPENSE NET 57 Non Controlling Interests 57 - Adjusted EBcredible degrees Winneg 57 - - Total [041] 57 USED IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES 57 Interest Income Expense 57 - TOTAL ASSETS [001] 57 - - Income [012] 57 - - Net [041] 57 - Adjusted [005] 57 -Sibusisiwe 57 - - Net [021] 57 Reinvested distributions 57 - Net [007] 57 Common Size Ratios 57 Adjustments Inventory 57 - - Non GAAP [001] 57 - - Total [035] 57 - - Net [039] 57 - - [054] 57 - NET INCREASE 57 Tax Expense 57 Operating Expense Ratio 57 Other Noncurrent Liabilities 57 INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 57 -ASSAULT ON 57 - - Net [003] 57 Remeasurement 57 Prepaid churn 57 - SegmentPrincess Dina Mired 57 - TOTAL ASSETS [009] 57 CASH AT BEGINNING 57 - Total Assets [001] 57 Unconsolidated Affiliates 57 - Total noninterest [006] 57 #,#.# #,#.# - Total [006] 57 Inflows Outflows 57 - - [006] 57 INCOME BEFORE TAXES 57 Unallocated expenses 57 - - Net [049] 56 Normalized EBITDA 56 #.# #.#R #.# 56 Commercial Fixturing & 56 - - Total [056] 56 Subscriber Additions 56 - - [106] 56 INCOME LOSS BEFORE TAXES 56 - TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS [003] 56 Q1 #F 56 Bobbys Corner Open 56 EBITDA1 56 Identifiable intangible assets 56 -immature brats 56 - Net [033] 56 -FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS CONTAINED 56 AMEX aac 56 TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE 56 - Total [015] 56 - - [046] 56 Tangible Equity 56 Nonperforming loans totaled 56 expenses# [002] 56 AVAILABLE SEAT MILES 56 - - [065] 56 Discontinued operation 56 MDP Transaction 56 #,# -Jon Cisna 56 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net 56 - -AMARE 56 Impairment Losses 56 - TOTAL ASSETS [003] 56 -Wallagrass 56 #,# -SYLACAUGA Ala. 56 - NET INCOME [020] 56 -PLAYER 'S 56 - - [019] 56 Total noninterest expenses 56 #,# =@ elite 56 CASH USED IN 56 Sobey Leased Properties 56 - - [092] 56 Accumulated Deficit 56 Sequential Avg 56 - Operating [004] 56 - Operating [029] 56 Loan servicing 56 Capital Lease Obligations 56 - - Income [033] 56 - - Income [002] 56 Moz Au contained 56 income# [001] 56 Cumulative translation adjustment 56 NET EARNINGS 56 Tokyo Newsroom #-#-#-# 56 CONTINUING OPERATIONS NET 56 - - [067] 56 Core Deposits 56 - -osmium 56 INTEREST EXPENSE NET 56 Overhead recoveries 56 - INVESTING ACTIVITIES [004] 56 -Kaloki 56 -Josephine Marcotty 56 Million ozs 56 - - Total [012] 56 Subordinated convertible debentures 56 -Kibby Mountain 56 Team PASSING YARDS 56 Equity Investee Methanol 56 - - Income [035] 56 - Total Assets [014] 56 - Net [005] 56 Mortgage Servicing Rights 56 SunOpta Foods 56 Pro forma EBITDA 56 Total noninterest 56 -PROCTOR Water 56 - - [111] 56 OTHER INCOME EXPENSE NET 56 - - Total [040] 56 - TOTAL [027] 56 FHLB advances decreased 56 Notes Receivable 56 = LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS [006] 56 Amortization Expense 56 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [006] 56 - TOTAL ASSETS [011] 56 - Loss [022] 56 current liabilities# [001] 56 Retransmission consent revenue 56 -DD2 56 - - Total [061] 56 SEK -#.# [001] 56 Unrealized Appreciation Depreciation 56 Ribavirin royalties 56 - Gross Profit [004] 56 #,#.# = LIABILITIES [003] 56 - - Net [044] 56 - - [059] 56 ASK mm 56 OTHER INCOME NET 56 - - [093] 56 Noninterest Expense Noninterest expense 56 Debt Issuance Costs 56 Restructuring Charges 56 Discontinued Ops 56 - - [041] 56 - - Total [053] 56 TOTAL OPERATING 56 liabilities Receivables 56 Interest Expense Interest expense 56 - OpeDHQ 56 CHANGE IN CASH AND 56 - Total [007] 56 intangible assets impairment 56 NET DECREASE INCREASE IN 56 Deferred Income Tax 56 noncurrent liabilities 56 Nonperforming assets NPAs 56 - Non GAAP [011] 56 Bonds Payable 56 Paperboard Packaging segment 56 International Liftboats 56 Fully Diluted EPS 56 Other assets# [001] 56 - - Net [060] 56 nonconsolidated affiliate 56 Loans Receivable 56 -# -#,# 56 Acquired Intangible Assets 56 NET ASSETS 56 totaled MEUR 56 Contingencies Shareholders equity 56 - NET CASH [001] 56 - Adjusted [003] 56 NET PROPERTY PLANT 56 Based Compensation Expense 56 TOTAL EXPENSES 56 #,# -Radhika Menon Theodore 56 -Dokre 56 1Gig DDR kits 56 #,#,# #,#,# [006] 56 investor media relations@basAngellella 56 Goodwill impairment - [003] 56 Brokered Deposits 56 Acquisitions Dispositions 56 Restructuring asset impairments 56 - Non GAAP [003] 56 - CASH FLOWS [012] 55 - 55 -Civilian Nuclear 55 AND INCOME TAXES 55 CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY 55 Proved Developed Reserves 55 - - Net [004] 55 EARNINGS BEFORE INCOME TAXES 55 DiaMed acquisition 55 SHARES OUTSTANDING DILUTED 55 -cane cutters 55 Midstream MLP #,# 55 - Loss [024] 55 AND MINORITY INTEREST 55 - Adjusted EBITDA [010] 55 - - Total [051] 55 - -VVAF 55 - Net [011] 55 INCOME BEFORE PROVISION FOR 55 NET EARNINGS ATTRIBUTABLE TO 55 ASSETS NON CURRENT 55 -Brad Dorfman editing 55 - - Total [043] 55 OTHER EXPENSE Interest expense 55 accretion DD & 55 -READFIELD Maine 55 - Income [031] 55 amort 55 FLOWS FROM USED IN 55 - - Net Loss Attributable 55 - - [074] 55 current assets# [002] 55 #,#.# #,#.# Inventories 55 Accounts receivables 55 - -Greg Geoffroy 55 NET INTEREST INCOME AFTER 55 liabilities# [002] 55 ACQUISITIONS AND 55 Accounts payable #,#.# #,#.# 55 Before Cumulative Effect 55 - OperatingAlcoholics Anonymous nonsmoking 55 - Stave Lake 55 - - Randy Shearouse 55 Reimbursable costs 55 RESTRUCTURING CHARGES 55 Adjustments Amortization 55 undesignated hedges 55 Depreciation -#.# -#.# 55 = Earnings [018] 55 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Acquisition 55 Noninterest expense totaled 55 - - Net [027] 55 - Operating [030] 55 -ranolazine extended release 55 Impairment Charges 55 #,#.# #,#.# [001] 55 Ending Balance 55 - Operatinluddites 55 Realised gains 55 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 55 - - Quicks 55 = Average [004] 55 FFO Per Share 55 Unallocated Corporate 55 Cooling Degree Days 55 - - Net [024] 55 Underwriting Income Loss 55 Downstream CCS 55 = Adjusted [002] 55 -#.# -#.# -#.# [010] 55 - NET INTEREST [002] 55 - Cash flows [003] 55 - Adjusted [015] 55 NOW Accounts 55 NET CASH PROVIDED BY 55 - Loss [006] 55 -#,#.# [001] 55 Resilient Flooring 55 -Tioman 55 Earning Assets #,#,# 55 3Q FY# representing 55 #,#,#,# [014] 55 - - Income [032] 55 - Adjusted [017] 55 - -Nicolas Leoz 55 - - TotaCNK 55 nonaccruing loans 55 PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES 55 Acquired Intangibles 55 - INCOME LOSS [003] 55 - - Total [004] 55 -demystification 55 COS Restructuring 55 TOTAL EQUITY 55 EUR Mio 55 FAS CAS Pension 55 - TOTAL [019] 55 - Total Liabilities [025] 55 Noncash 55 - - Total [042] 55 - Loss [023] 55 -nees 55 TOTAL NET ASSETS 55 - -KITCHENER ONTARIO Marketwire 55 -LLDF 55 = Net [002] 55 -Sheikh Mohammed Godolphin 55 - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND [003] 55 - Adjusted [014] 55 hole# #.# #.# 55 - - [124] 55 debt extinguishments 55 DOT DOMESTIC #,#,# #,#,# 55 Taxable Equivalent #.# 55 Unizan merger 55 early extinguishments 55 Month Avg 55 INTEREST EXPENSE 55 - -Justice Lynn Ratushny 55 - Jim Clack 55 - - Net [055] 55 -#.# -#.# [005] 55 - - [090] 55 - - Net [016] 55 - CASH FLOWS FROM [004] 55 OPERATING EARNINGS 55 - Total Liabilities [011] 55 OPERATING LOSS INCOME 55 Per Mcfe 55 - - Earnings [004] 55 Than Temporary Impairments 55 DECREASE IN CASH AND 55 - - Non GAAP [005] 55 MFB Corp 55 - Income [004] 55 - Income [007] 55 Wireline adjusted EBITDA 55 Non accruing 55 SUMMARY INCOME STATEMENTS 55 - NeDEFENDERS 55 #,#-#,# CanMoney 55 #.# - -Beart 55 - Total noninterest [005] 55 - Loss [010] 55 = Adjusted [010] 55 -Cruz Echevarria 55 EQUITY CAPITAL 55 -Zimbabwean exiles 55 - OpBPMs 55 AND NON VOTING 55 - Net [013] 55 -Kowalchuk 55 - - Cash [002] 55 unrealized depreciation 55 Nonperforming loans decreased 55 FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 55 - NET INCOME [027] 55 #.#.# [038] 55 - - Total [034] 55 - Total Operating Expenses [002] 55 Reimbursable revenues 55 prgms 55 Unbilled revenue 55 FINANCIAL RATIOS 55 -Hyndman Pa. 55 -Robin Preiss Glasser 55 - Loss [026] 55 DECREASE IN CASH 55 Housing Starts Plunge 55 Impaired loans 55 CASH PROVIDED BY 55 - Cash [003] 55 Intersegment eliminations 55 - Operating [022] 55 SG &A; 55 Assets - [001] 55 equity investees 55 - - Net [008] 55 FINANCIAL EXPENSES 55 Restructuring Expenses 55 - - [082] 55 Nonoperating 55 EARNINGS PER SHARE DILUTED 55 - - [001] 55 - -TBBT 55 itures 55 - NET INCOME [010] 55 INCOME TAX BENEFIT EXPENSE 55 INCOME PER SHARE 55 Midstream Refining 55 Segment EBITDAR 55 Individual Annuities 55 Individual Annuities segment 55 DILUTED AVERAGE COMMON SHARES 55 = Basic earnings [010] 55 - Net [014] 55 continuingoperations 55 Scantron segment decreased 55 Capitalized software 55 Non Current Assets 55 55 -#,# -#,# -#,# -#,# [003] 55 Interest Capitalized 55 Earnings Applicable 55 - Total assets [005] 55 Pro forma EPS 55 -Pagtakhan 55 - #,#.# #,#.# [006] 55 hedging derivative instruments 55 Charge Offs 55 - Adjusted [034] 55 -Laemmle Music 55 - Loss [011] 55 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES 55 - Cash [012] 55 postretirement expense 54 -#,# -#,# [011] 54 -Boerne ISD 54 outflow inflow 54 - - [075] 54 #,# [022] 54 1Q FY# representing 54 Net Realized Gains 54 - Total Assets [010] 54 Total Noninterest Expense 54 - Earnings [001] 54 - #,#.# #,#.# [003] 54 amortization #,#,# 54 nm nm 54 - - [022] 54 f h 54 Floating Rate Debt 54 - TOTAL LIABILITIES AND [013] 54 -mock incredulity 54 Amortized 54 - - Total [025] 54 Intangible Amortization 54 - - [040] 54 - Total assets [002] 54 Crisa acquisition 54 UNITED COMMUNITY BANKS INC. 54 = Liabilities [020] 54 Shareholders Equity Liabilities Deposits 54 #,# -Marhoefer 54 Purchased intangible assets 54 LATIN AMERICA #,#,# #,#,# 54 OPERATING PROFIT LOSS 54 NON CONTROLLING INTEREST 54 #.# Other noncurrent 54 Segment EBIT 54 INCOME FROM OPERATIONS 54 - - [025] 54 Net Increase Decrease 54 - NET INCOME [019] 54 #.# #.#/#.# CL 54 - -stories contradicted Silsby 54 Impaired Loans 54 NMNM Net 54 - - Non arachnophobes 54 - - Net [023] 54 Per Share Diluted 54 Purchased intangibles amortization 54 - -Neko Entertainment 54 - Operating [016] 54 Pro Forma Operating 54 Increases Quarterly Distribution 54 FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 54 = Net [031] 54 - - Total [054] 54 Scantron segment 54 Non GAAP Diluted EPS 54 - - Total [009] 54 - Total Assets [020] 54 Doubtful Accounts 54 OUTSTANDING SHARE DATA 54 - CASH FLOWS [008] 54 - Total [005] 54 SHARES USED IN 54 #,#.# #,#.# [004] 54 - Total noninterest [004] 54 = Earnings [014] 54 USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES 54 TOTAL OTHER INCOME 54 Total nonaccrual loans 54 Deferred Debits 54 - Total noninterest [001] 54 Retail postpaid churn 54 - Cash Flows [015] 54 Comparable coffeehouse 54 nonoperating expenses 54 #,#,#,# [009] 54 Debt Balances 54 Real Estate Owned OREO 54 Total Capitalization 54 Stockholder equity 54 .2 .2 54 From Financing Activities 54 HealthStream Learning 54 Intangible assets Goodwill 54 TOTAL REV 54 Favourable Changes total 54 Taxable Equivalent 54 - Non GAhornbeams lining 54 Noninterest 54 - TOTAL [014] 54 -Ionna 54 LIFO inventory adjustments 54 #,# =Chavist 54 - #,#.# #,#.# [001] 54 efficiency ratio teb 54 Nonresidential structures 54 Selling Expenses 54 Intangible amortization 54 Inbound roaming 54 BEFORE TAXES 54 Adjusted EBIDTA 54 Assuming Dilution 54 - ADLs 54 6 Cyl 54 -Pell Frischmann 54 Diluted weighted 54 MINORITY INTERESTS 54 -Vasilakis 54 tooling outlays 54 -bobtailing 54 revenues teb 54 Add subtract 54 MINORITY INTEREST 54 Depreciations 54 Brokered certificates 54 - - Total [018] 54 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES MINORITY 54 Valuation allowance 54 - IncoAdministración Nacional 54 - Income [006] 54 - - Net [038] 54 -#.# [008] 54 Deprecia tion 54 Tomi Mine 54 Cold Remedy segment 54 Pigments segment 54 - Non GAAP [004] 54 #.#.# #:#:# = 54 CNH GLOBAL NV 54 AND FORECAST 54 - Income [005] 54 Partially offset 54 #,# -Outasight 54 - Net [006] 54 #.# Payout ratio [002] 54 - -plumbers pipefitters 54 - - Total [016] 54 - - Total [070] 54 Hedge ineffectiveness 54 - - [042] 54 =steepling bounce 54 Leasing Activity 54 Discontinued Lines 54 -WIZO 54 -Crohn disease rheumatoid arthritis 54 LOSS FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 54 - -Victor Ezeji 54 - Total Liabilities [009] 54 - CASH FLOWS [014] 54 nonperforming assets totaled 54 Drivetrain segment 54 Current Portion 54 Tangible Assets Ratio 54 Acquisitions Dispositions net 54 -Inc. NASDAQ CHTR 54 Intangibles Goodwill 54 - Adjusted [019] 54 -TUMS 54 #,#,# -Patrick Chamusso 54 OshKosh wholesale 54 date Wholesale Leathercraft 54 Team Passing Yards 54 -#,# -#,# [007] 54 - INCOME FROM [002] 54 54 - Adjusted [009] 54 -Brookfield Asset Management BAMa.TO 54 -megabases 54 -Elmers 54 Restructuring Charge 54 IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES 54 -verbatim transcripts 54 % EBITDARM margin 54 - - Net [032] 54 DAC offsets 54 INCOME TAX BENEFIT PROVISION 54 postretirement benefit expense 54 = Net [034] 54 - Income [017] 54 Excludes amortization 54 - - Total [019] 54 Nonaccrual Loans 54 noninterest expense decreased 54 Foreclosed assets 54 Goodwill #,#.# #,#.# 54 Interest Margin 54 categories womenswear menswear 54 - - [066] 54 YonY 54 #,#.# #,#.# #,#.# [004] 54 - Total Current Assets [012] 54 Currency fluctuation 54 - CASH FLOWS FROM [001] 54 Income Loss Before 54 - - Total [045] 54 - -Sergia 54 -exhaust tailpipe 54 Depreciation Depletion 54 Significant Items 54 FAS CAS pension 54 Team TOTAL YARDS 54 #.# -By ROSEMARY HORVATH 54 .4 .4 54 -Pincetich 54 Pro Forma EBITDA 54 CASH FLOWS USED IN 54 = Net [039] 54 Less Vincor 54 SEK -#.# -#.# [003] 54 FEET AND 54 OTHER INCOME Interest 54 Total Liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [001] 54 Goodwill Impairment Charge 54 - Adjusted [025] 54 Accounts receivable #,#,# #,#,# [002] 54 Ounces Produced 54 - Shareholders Equity [008] 54 - - [089] 54 - - Income [009] 54 liabilities #,#.# #,#.# [001] 54 NET INCREASE DECREASE IN 54 LIFO adjustment 54 -Petrzelka 54 - -secretary VK Duggal 54 Deferred Income Taxes 54 - Casforwards Bill Guerin 54 - Income [012] 54 -#,# -#,# -#,# [004] 54 unconsolidated investee 54 Adjusted Operating Expenses 54 - -Muthana airfield 54 Tangible Common Book 54 - TOTAL LIABILITIES [006] 54 - Cash [023] 54 EBITDAO 54 - Adjusted [001] 54 = Net [007] 54 Unlevered Free Cash Flow 54 Funds Sold 54 COMMON SHARE BASIC 54 CONTROLLING INTEREST 54 LOSS INCOME FROM DISCONTINUED 54 Noncash goodwill impairment 54 #,#,#,# [015] 54 - Adjusted [011] 54 -#.# -#.# [001] 54 - -Upper Quartile 54 - Total Assets [011] 54 #,#.# #,#.# Shareholders Equity 54 Adjusted EBITDA1 54 RESERVE FOR 54 Mortgage loan originations 54 -sky scrapers 53 Net Charge Offs 53 - - Loss [006] 53 = LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS [002] 53 - Operating [014] 53 - AdjusETON 53 #.# -FSHL 53 -FreeAgent Pro 53 NET ASSETS RESULTING 53 Administrative Expenses 53 AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS 53 - Operating [008] 53 CAPITAL ASSETS 53 OPERATING REVENUE 53 = Earnings [030] 53 - RevenuesChhobi 53 - Total Assets [007] 53 - - Income [006] 53 Normalized EBIT 53 -Warhammer Fantasy 53 Competitive Wireline 53 Orders Backlog 53 PMPS brand 53 Incr 53 #,# =Guatemala Honduras Panama 53 EUR -#.# -#.# [001] 53 INC. SUPPLEMENTAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION 53 Retained earnings #,#.# #,#.# 53 -#,# -#,# [010] 53 = Diluted earnings [008] 53 - Operating [028] 53 NPL Ratio 53 EARNINGS PER SHARE BASIC 53 - Total Assets [012] 53 Foreclosed real estate 53 #,#.# = [006] 53 #,#,# #,#,# - [013] 53 #.# #.# #.# #.# [003] 53 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 53 undepreciated assets 53 #,#,# #,#,# Accrued [001] 53 TOTAL NET 53 - LossSanta Margarita Ranch 53 - Non GAAP [028] 53 BY USED IN 53 -Maitreyan 53 - - [050] 53 GBP'# GBP'# GBP'# GBP'# 53 NET INCREASE IN