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Capretta 40 Baucus D-Mont. 40 Reduce Unnecessary Spending 40 Forrest Sherer 40 HOLTZ EAKIN 40 appraisal castigating 40 porkulus 40 Abri Health 40 CeltiCare Health 40 lease Alligator Alley 40 FACT CHECK Obama 40 Lifetime Savings Accounts 40 Wyden Gregg 40 & Christiane Pelz 40 Swipe Fee 40 doc fix 40 DOMA repealed 40 unnecessarily politicize 40 FACTBOX Reaction 40 MacGuineas 40 reauthorize NCLB 40 LIESMAN 40 nonbinding resolution opposing 40 Shafman homespun sales 40 DeGette Y 40 ORSZAG 40 demagogued 40 McHugh RN.Y. 40 statutory PAYGO 39 Individual Mandate 39 prized bluefin tuna 39 Rescissions 39 Carey Wellston 39 Obamaā 39 colossal miscalculation 39 Economist Arthur Laffer 39 Repukes 39 Plame cause celebre 39 Supports CLASS 39 INSURANCE MANDATE Like 39 M4 harshest 39 lampoon Goodman 39 Hms Holdings Corp 39 Aids Relief Pepfar 39 used shoddy lawyering 39 meds Greely 39 Pimco Gross 39 Deficit Reduction 39 eliminate CalWORKS 39 Indecency Fines 39 messianic mantle 39 Hack Bron 39 Turnaround Grants 39 redistributes wealth 39 Speech #/#/# 39 trickledown economics 39 GPU4 39 troop escalation 39 downbeat drumbeat 39 ICICI Prudential Interval 39 Banning earmarks 39 mumbling grungy attitudes 39 Lottery Modernization Act 39 BIDEN Said 39 Humana Walmart 39 Broun N 39 scrap AWAs 39 IAX SIP 39 advanceable 39 Toxic Assets 39 Trillion Deficit 39 Crisis Responsibility 39 James Pethokoukis 39 FBN Neil Cavuto 38 Tighter monetary 38 Death Panels 38 Appeared unsure 38 markup Tollin 38 Shanghai Intech Electric 38 Roger Pinate 38 overstuffed mailboxes 38 un Minnesotan 38 Piecemeal 38 legalize jueteng 38 life anew Kosaka 38 foreclosures Saccacio 38 Paygo 38 Raquelle Lewis Texas 38 Mursuli nonetheless called 38 reacted tepidly 38 Neera Tanden 38 Commonfund Strauss 38 DIRECTOR BOLTEN 38 Jeevan Varsha 38 fiscally ruinous 38 Obama disowns critique 38 prevents ovulation 38 privatizing Social Security 38 goldish hues 38 Kyl Cornyn 38 Arveschoug Bird 38 Comparative Effectiveness Research 38 Delegates booed heartily 38 Approves Minimum Wage 38 backfires 38 Close Loopholes 38 ban judicial filibusters 38 Medicaid DSH 38 Confederate flag flap 38 Dingy Harry 38 Pot legalization 38 Caterpillar 4Q Profit 38 redistributionist 38 nakedly partisan 38 porkfest 38 Meriden Conn. Michelle Bookey 38 Read Minyanville 38 Stop Arming Iran 38 Enzi Barrasso 38 Cut Deficits 38 Elective abortions 38 Clear Skies initiative 38 indoctrinate schoolchildren 38 Outnumbered Republicans 38 clunky soft soled 38 taxer 38 Affordability Agenda 38 McCain 38 Expanding SCHIP 38 defunds 38 OBAMA Said 38 incompetence miscommunication 38 losing Yemen Sharqieh 37 Zany comedies tend 37 silver buckshot 37 pleases tea partiers 37 regressive taxation 37 Doug Holtz Eakin 37 accomodative monetary policy 37 Councilwoman Merissa McKinstry 37 attaching strings 37 Greenlight Einhorn 37 Act FOCA 37 recriminalize abortion 37 Debt Ceiling 37 Raising Debt Ceiling 37 Lancz expects 37 WEEKEND ECONOMIST 37 Greenberg videotaped confession 37 Dirigo Health 37 seeing pluses minuses 37 Ease Crisis 37 Californians foretells skyrocketing 37 Dorgan Snowe 37 Lame duck sessions 37 unscramble scrambled eggs 37 taxing sugary beverages 37 Bilbray N 37 bailouts Hensarling 37 institutionalize bailouts 37 HOMESTAR program 37 EUR MOTIVATIONAL NOTE 37 RomneyCare 37 antiestablishment cred 37 Hometown Matters 37 incrementalism 37 sway wavering 37 Another YouTuber uploaded 37 HOW MANY COVERED 37 limiting itemized deductions 37 curve steepener 37 merely codifies 37 unfairly punishes patriots 37 obstruct petty larceny 37 QE lite 37 haphazard piecemeal 37 Pre Existing Condition 37 Doc Seuss 37 denounce Geffen 37 politically unfeasible 37 PAYGO 37 backdoor amnesty 37 Bilirakis Y 37 Tonight Togetherness 37 KYL Well 37 EnterPrize Business 37 National Palace pancaked 37 totally speculative Tesvich 37 slo mo seizure 37 me tooism 37 Tortured Logic 37 rigidly ideological 37 Paul Ryan R-Wis. 37 Pay Czar 37 Social Insecurity 37 fiscally unsound 37 Bilbray Y 37 nonsecurity spending 37 Prop. 1F 37 fiscal flabbiness Haig 37 derisive portrayal 37 MediGap 37 FORMER PRESIDENT CLINTON 37 Douglas Holz Eakin 37 loophole closers 37 BILL KRISTOL 37 McSame 37 convictions Endless 37 Moral hazard 37 BARTIROMO 37 AMT exemption 37 consultant Robert Laszewski 37 ingestion Soltoski 37 subpoena Magdzas military 37 Thannikary 36 Portfolio PCY 36 wealthiest Americans 36 fostering socialistic 36 false equivalencies 36 Jeffords defection gave 36 socialized medicine 36 imposing unfunded mandates 36 creeping socialism 36 Spending Restraint 36 applying meat cleaver 36 Save Flexible Spending 36 direst alarm yet 36 debris Rasnick 36 CASE HOSPICE SUPPLIES 36 Exxon Mobil 1Q Profit 36 reregulate 36 Obamacans 36 SPIN METER Competing 36 markedly antigun 36 Kyl Lieberman 36 legitimize King Gyanendra 36 kinda fishy 36 Opponents deride 36 Regular Monthly Distribution 36 Defunding 36 ducking debates 36 precipitate withdrawal 36 Altmire Y 36 allowable copays 36 Workaround = There 36 stimulus packageThe 36 By Ron Chimelis 36 Spiliotes argues 36 overturn DADT 36 Prescription Drug Benefit 36 Ward Connerly referenda 36 Boxer D Calif 36 thunderous acclamation 36 BadgerCare Basic 36 Scorched earth 36 own MOUNTAIN GETAWAY 36 Blumenauer Y 36 Collectinator 36 reauthorizing SCHIP 36 Rohack 36 Disinflation 36 Single payer 36 US3 trillion 36 properly costed 36 Debt Limit 36 pleasant Tangherlini 36 supervise unsuitability claims 36 Al Gore lockbox 36 worms weasels 36 defund ACORN 36 Proposing partial 36 GraniteCare 36 advocating politically expedient 36 cube Sweldens 36 group Familias Argentinas 36 FasTracks transit 36 Retirement Accounts 36 ubercop 36 Congestion pricing 36 troop withdrawal timelines 36 Bilirakis N 36 posturing Pervan 36 mindless partisanship 36 Unanimous consent 36 Overreaching 36 TANF Emergency 36 Medicare Advantage 36 Implied vols 36 stopped Manevitz 36 messenger Goldenberg Hart 36 Beggar thy neighbor 36 Wasteful spending 36 O'Gallerie reserves 36 Leak Deceit 36 Bob Wojnowski column 36 Bowles Simpson 36 abolish Work Choices 36 breeds complacency 36 paygo 36 MONEY MARKETS US 36 screeners collective bargaining 36 Curtis Dubay senior 36 privatizes Medicare 36 medigap 36 Roaring Nineties 36 Partial Birth 36 CHXDF 36 Rocky Ditcharo 36 Baucus 36 risk Hevezi 36 Roach Everyman 36 fiscally irresponsible 36 Greg Mankiw economics 36 depart Suffredini 36 drug reimportation 36 ill conceived 36 compro mise 36 Aderholt N 36 Legalize pot 36 reauthorize PEPFAR 36 Europeanize 36 Greenspan Warns 36 Congressional appropriators 36 frustrations Monegan 36 actuarially unsound 36 defund Obamacare 35 Grassley Baucus 35 Reagonomics 35 Prop. 1C 35 PELL grants 35 Tort reform 35 redeploying combat brigades 35 trigger reexaminations 35 Balanced Budget Amendment 35 spokeswoman Charla Neuman 35 backfire 35 Obamanomics 35 CNNfn folded 35 Medicare 35 Gen. 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Sanders I-Vt. 33 unjustly detaining 33 Flotilla organizers 33 unobligated stimulus 33 donut hole 33 Bayh disillusionment 33 S CHIP 33 PayGo 33 SCHIEFFER 33 Subtitle B 33 Show Loophole 33 Lawmaker pushes 33 Conscience Clause 33 partisan Congressional Budget 33 scare tactic 33 KUDLOW 33 unspent TARP 33 compassionate conservatism 33 banksâ 33 infecting executable files 33 rescind unspent 33 troop withdrawal timeline 33 Preven 33 Traders Pare Bets 33 filibuster proof majorities 33 pillorying insurers 33 Medicare recipients 32 stubbornly wedded 32 artificial contraceptives 32 commuted Libby sentence 32 unspent stimulus 32 seasoned debater 32 Maya MacGuineas 32 Medically Needy Program 32 fuelish 32 Rep Eric Cantor 32 spokeswoman Vivian Myrtetus 32 Obamacare 32 Eurozone sovereign 32 repealing ObamaCare 32 spendathon 32 Unemployment Compensation Extension 32 Unlike ella 32 ignite firestorm 32 Christianity supersedes Judaism 32 Equitable Life Payments 32 spatial multiplexing 32 fiscally unwise 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