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Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 54 Privatize Social Security 50 Alito Filibuster 50 ANOTHER VOICE 50 Morning Must Reads 49 BLOG BITS 48 Defund 48 Obstructionism 48 Morning Vid 48 Uphill Fight 48 Waffling 47 Wonkbook 47 Attack Ads 47 POLITICAL INSIDER 47 TRENTONIAN EDITORIAL 47 POLITICAL NOTEBOOK 46 DAVID BRODER 46 Scolding 46 Stonewalling 46 Base Closings 46 Flip flopping 46 Grandstanding 45 Pork Barrel Spending 45 Examiner Editorial 45 Instant Editorial 45 Troop Surge 45 Negative Ads 45 Ad Touts 45 Mediscare 45 Earmark Ban 45 McSame 44 Glynnis #:#:# PM 44 DiFi 44 Senators Urge 44 Poll Shows Support 44 Race Baiting 44 Privatizing Social Security 44 Superdelegate 44 Entitlement Reform 44 Bipartisan Support 44 Rightward 44 Veto Override 44 Steel Tariffs 44 OTHERS SAY 44 LITTWIN 44 Presidential Ambitions 44 Whines About 43 PRO CON 43 Voter Anger 43 Abortion Stance 43 Trade Jabs 43 Extending Unemployment Benefits 43 Lawmakers Vow 43 Urges Passage 43 Indefinite Detention 43 Flip Flopping 43 Aide Resigns 43 Gay Marriage Opponents 43 Unseat 43 Fess Up 43 McCain Myth Buster 43 GEORGE WILL 43 MICHELLE MALKIN 43 Renews Push 43 Newsview 43 Overreaching 43 Filibuster Reform 43 Immigration Overhaul 43 NEWSWEEK Cover 43 Ad Focuses 43 Mend Fences 43 Poll Suggests 43 Smacks Down 43 Double Digit Lead 43 Filibuster Showdown 43 Leftward 43 Lindsey Grahamnesty 43 Cleveland Browns receiver Braylon 43 NATIONAL VIEW 43 Misstep 43 Flip Flopped 43 Argues Against 43 Squabble Over 43 Faces Tough Task 43 Schoolchildren chanting Assassinate 42 Derailing 42 Schumer Gillibrand 42 Locals React 42 Misspoke 42 Gay Marriage Issue 42 RUSSERT Senator 42 Sidesteps 42 Presidential Hopefuls 42 THE CAUCUS 42 Cuba Embargo 42 Bipartisan Legislation 42 Presidential Bid 42 Blunting 42 Rebut 42 Fearmongering 42 Penalize 42 Grahamnesty 42 Appears Ready 42 Panel Votes 42 Gay Marriage Amendment 42 Terror Detainees 42 Survey Superdelegates Jump 42 Malpractice Reform 42 GUEST EDITORIAL 42 O'Biden 42 Touts Progress 42 Politicking 42 Would Weaken 42 Approval Ratings 42 Wants Probe 42 Flip flopper 42 Empty Rhetoric 42 Democrats Assail 42 Shortsighted 42 Stumping 42 Gubernatorial Hopefuls 42 Debate Focuses 42 McBush 42 TPaw 41 Patriot Act Renewal 41 Domestic Spying 41 Inquirer Editorial 41 Renews Call 41 Telecom Immunity 41 Weather Slows 41 Fight Global Warming 41 Contempt Citations 41 WHouse 41 Vote Nears 41 Ad Attacking 41 Posturing 41 Toward Socialism 41 Slow 41 Takes Step Toward 41 Bozell Column 41 Joementum 41 Could Derail 41 Ex Aide 41 ON DEADLINE 41 Sliming 41 Jonathan Gurwitz 41 Hold Hearings 41 Undecided Voters 41 backpedal 41 DN Editorial 41 Job Creators 41 Politicizing 41 Troop Escalation 40 Deficit Cutting 40 Draws Fire 40 Foot Dragging 40 Alito Nomination 40 thunderous acclamation 40 Straight Talker 40 Should Resign 40 Hypocritical 40 First Step Toward 40 Trade Barbs 40 Cuban Embargo 40 backpedaling 40 Makes Mockery 40 Mission Creep 40 Obambi 40 Visitor Logs 40 Filibustering 40 Taxpayer Funded Abortions 40 Stem Cell Veto 40 Continues Push 40 Gaffe 40 Brinksmanship 40 Activists Urge 40 Floundering 40 Dems Push 40 Capitulate 40 Clock Ticks 40 Repealing Obamacare 40 Lawmakers Urge 40 Stance Against 40 AMERICAblog Joe Sudbay 40 Has Slowed 40 Tough Stance 40 Lawsuit Challenges 40 Dems Seek 40 EDITORIALS 40 Misrepresents 40 Leans 40 Biggest Obstacle 40 Leans Toward 40 Tread Carefully 40 Officially Enters 40 McFeatters 40 VIEWPOINT 40 DeGette Y 40 Leaning Toward 40 Cilizza 40 Pressure Builds 40 Opposes abortion 40 Polls Suggest 40 Bittergate 40 Undercuts 40 Lawmaker Seeks 40 Gay Marriage Decision 40 Weigh Options 40 Rips Into 40 Lambastes 40 Troop Withdrawals 40 Seek Compromise 40 Lawmakers Propose 39 Regain Momentum 39 Whitewashes 39 Headed Toward 39 Reverses Position 39 Steroid Tests 39 Nail Biter 39 BOBBY HARRISON 39 Groups Criticize 39 Defends Decision 39 Appease 39 Deflating 39 Supports Gay Marriage 39 Nightmare Scenario 39 Girds 39 FINEMAN 39 Deflects 39 POLITICS US 39 LOCAL COMMENT 39 partisan obstructionism 39 Tin Ear 39 Abortion Foes 39 Happy Hour Vid 39 Newsweek Fineman 39 Unpopularity 39 Burdensome 39 Colin Powell endorses 39 racialize 39 Assails 39 Implores 39 Propaganda Machine 39 Deeply Divided 39 KONDRACKE 39 Blumenauer Y 39 Ruled Unconstitutional 39 Angering 39 Adviser Resigns 39 Hiring Illegal Immigrants 39 Nears Approval 39 Backpedals 39 Discredit 39 Global Warming Pollution 39 Debate Heats Up 39 Loom Large 39 Wealth Redistribution 39 Senator JOHN KERRY 39 Prove Himself 39 Rewrites History 39 Troop Buildup 39 Shocked Shocked 39 Lawmakers Seek 39 extols virtues 39 Obamabots 39 Fact Checking 39 KOLD News #Obama 39 Step Backward 39 Not Budging 39 Demagoguery 39 Flip Flopper 39 Wrestles With 39 Troop Cuts 39 CHYRON 39 Bashing 39 repugs 39 backpedals 39 FCC Net Neutrality 39 Bi partisan 39 Spends Millions 39 Negro dialect remark 39 demagoging 39 Could Worsen 39 YELLIN 39 Sestak Toomey 39 Sportview 38 Deflect 38 STAFF EDIT 38 Faces Hurdles 38 McLame 38 knuckle dragging Neanderthal 38 Sportsview 38 Imported Drugs 38 Speech #/#/# 38 Nancy Pfotenhauer adviser 38 Defends Stance 38 Draws Mixed Reaction 38 Leaders Vow 38 Homophobe 38 swiftboated 38 Pure Horserace 38 Panel Oks 38 Clock Ticking 38 Troop Reductions 38 Oooops 38 Overregulation 38 WIRE WATCH 38 Fuzzy Math 38 WashTimes 38 Too Costly 38 Anti Immigrant 38 Seeks Reversal 38 Shortchanging 38 Dustup 38 RUSH Okay 38 Nears Vote 38 Panel Considers 38 Derides 38 Against Gay Marriage 38 Fizzles 38 Violent Rhetoric 38 Dithering 38 Faces Scrutiny 38 Says CCRKBA 38 Diminish 38 Aderholt N 38 Deathers 38 Backfiring 38 W.House 38 Tossup 38 Leaders Urge 38 DENNIS KUCINICH 38 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION 38 Moderator George Stephanopoulos 38 Argue Against 38 Swiftboating 38 Finger Pointing 38 Drive Bys 38 Coattails 38 Stop whining 38 Remain Focused 38 Wont 38 Overreacted 38 Betrays 38 Gaining Strength 38 • IN THEORY 38 Poll NYers 38 SEAN HANNITY HOST 38 KEITH CRAIN 38 Obamaā 38 Smear Tactics 38 pardon Scooter Libby 38 Bashes 38 Rivals Agree 38 GUEST COMMENTARY 38 ALABAMA VOICES 38 Questioner 38 Last Ditch Effort 38 Gay Marriage Advocates 38 ducking debates 38 nominee Kendrick Meek 38 Edges Toward 38 Opposes constitutional amendment 38 Offshore Moratorium 37 McBama 37 Panel Weighs 37 He's 37 Withdrawing Troops 37 Advocates Urge 37 See s 37 Troop Drawdown 37 Amid Controversy 37 Hearings Begin 37 President Elect Barrack 37 Abortion Debate 37 Flip flop 37 IN OUR OPINION 37 Shift Toward 37 Halt Slide 37 Demorats 37 Firedoglake Jane Hamsher 37 Envoy Tells 37 Obama disowns critique 37 Tones Down 37 EJ Dionne Syndicated columnist 37 Ari Melber 37 Pushes Back 37 Opts Out Of 37 Tends 37 wishy washy mealy mouthed 37 Lawmaking 37 Unyielding 37 War Profiteering 37 Could Haunt 37 renegotiate Nafta 37 Takes Swipe 37 Swift Boated 37 Struggling Homeowners 37 Blacker Than 37 Widens Lead 37 Bilbray N 37 Distorting 37 GUEST OPINION 37 Bargaining Rights 37 Rankles 37 Mukasey Refuses 37 Lois Kazakoff 37 Looms Over 37 laying predicate 37 Avoid Letdown 37 Raises Questions About 37 Balking 37 Renews Debate 37 Mcain 37 Make Inroads 37 Disagrees With 37 Watered Down 37 W hy 37 Polls Indicate 37 Conflicted Over 37 IN OUR VIEW 37 Demagogue 37 Teepen 37 Chided 37 Skirmishing 37 WALLACE Senator 37 curt rejection 37 Here Authoritarian Peril 37 Panel Mulls 37 Gaffes 37 Abramoff Scandal 37 Shifts Focus 37 Biggest Threat 37 BRZEZINSKI 37 Panel Debates 37 Overestimated 37 Campaign Slogan 37 Troop Levels 37 Gets Boost From 37 Bicker Over 37 By pedro Hey 37 Unpatriotic 37 Coalition Applauds 37 THE PEOPLE SPEAK 37 Chipping Away 37 SUN EDITORIAL 37 Spend Billions 37 Put Brakes 37 KONDRACKE Well 37 Hopefuls Clash 37 Complicates 37 Relent 37 process Legresy 37 Veepstakes 37 GUEST COLUMN 37 Slams Door 37 Pressuring 37 Kuchinich 37 Lawmaker Urges 37 Deals Blow 37 Activists Vow 37 Reconsiders 37 Trim Deficit 37 Suit Seeks 37 Cowboy Diplomacy 37 Cross Hairs 37 intraparty squabble 37 Raises Doubts About 37 WASHINGTON 37 Obamacons 37 Flunking 37 Fist Bump 37 Remain Uncertain 37 Admits Mistakes 37 Readers React 37 Impeaching 37 Sputters 37 Better Cheaper 37 Approves Gay Marriage 37 Republican Presidential Nominee 37 Bows Out Of 37 pre-#/# mindset 37 Presidential Contenders 37 Playoff Chances 37 Bilirakis Y 37 LITKE 37 Sluggish Start 37 Unaffiliated voters outnumber 37 Eases Rules 37 Election Nears 37 Panel Hears 37 Inches Toward 36 brass knuckle tactics 36 Inexorable 36 flip flopping opportunist 36 Higher Interest Rates 36 Riled 36 Global Warming Skeptics 36 Menthol Cigarettes 36 Hard Fought 36 Obamans 36 Half Hearted 36 Must Adapt 36 GUEST VIEW 36 Longest Serving 36 messianic mantle 36 Embarassed 36 EDITORIAL 36 Undercutting 36 Jeopardizing 36 Smearing 36 Repealed 36 Anti Gay Marriage 36 Defends Handling 36 Senate Panel Approves 36 Must Resign 36 BEARS IN BRIEF 36 Apnewsbreak 36 Narrow Lead 36 Defends Role 36 Reintroduce 36 Could Threaten 36 Groups Urge 36 Criticize 36 Distract 36 Politicization 36 Unsustainable 36 Must Confront 36 Groups Oppose 36 Bilirakis N 36 Poses Threat 36 Snoozing 36 D on't 36 Holds Firm 36 Tenuous 36 Biggert N 36 ONLINE EXCLUSIVE 36 Inaction 36 Partial Birth Abortions 36 Embracing Depression 36 Coburn Omnibus 36 Deride 36 Dealt Setback 36 Messy Commute 36 Chucky Schumer 36 Blatantly 36 Pander Bear 36 Dinner Crashers 36 Dumbness 36 Poses Challenge 36 Biz Break 36 Fretting 36 Junking 36 YOUR VIEW 36 Deflates 36 Stunning Upset 36 Troop Reduction 36 Gay Marriage Case 36 Cut Deficits 36 RUSH ARCHIVE 36 Fatten Up 36 Interrogation Tactics 36 Lawmakers Reject 36 Softens Stance 36 Legalize pot 36 Undercut 36 Closing Gitmo 36 Rebuff 36 Withdrawal Timetable 36 Cronyism 36 Deeply Disappointed 36 Bi partisanship 36 Swiftboaters 36 Letdowns 36 Outweigh 36 Dinged 36 Sycophants 36 Vindicate 36 ROCHELLE RILEY 36 Doesn t 36 Budget Cuts Could 36 Nears Decision 36 Pulling Plug 36 Appears Headed 36 Obozo 36 Constrain 36 Debate Continues 36 Isn'ta 36 Specter Sestak 36 DC AHN 36 Assigning blame 36 Prosecutor Firings 36 McCainiac 36 Repuglican 36 Raises Concerns Over 36 Wrangle Over 36 EDITORIALS > 36 markos 36 Title Hopes 36 Obstruct 36 Signals Shift 36 Dale McFeatters SHNS 36 Repulicans 36 Joe mentum 36 bumpersticker 36 Faces Tough Challenge 36 Inexcusable 36 Reverses Course 36 Partisan wrangling 36 FROM OUR READERS 36 YOUR OPINION 36 Toughens 36 Puts Brakes 36 Brother Jeb 36 Weigh Heavily 35 pshaw 35 Borrowing phrase 35 Assassination Plot 35 Stiffing 35 Panel Urges 35 Saying 35 Squabble 35 recovery Follain 35 Clamoring 35 Redistributor 35 OTHER VIEWS 35 mealy mouth 35 Gives Tentative 35 Hits Snag 35 Scaling Back 35 pro choicer 35 Debit Card Fee 35 feign outrage 35 Analogy 35 Misfires 35 Swipes 35 Stalled 35 MINNESOTA POLITICS 35 Dubyah 35 bobbled groundball 35 Scoffs At 35 Marijuana Decriminalization 35 Flailing 35 PRO CON Is 35 adviser Tad Devine 35 Steamrolling 35 Leaders Agree 35 Move 35 Yuan Appreciation 35 WashPost 35 Feels Pressure 35 overpursue 35 Shrugging Off 35 Stalling 35 teapartiers 35 Viability Plan reflects 35 Miers Nomination 35 Pot Possession 35 Hits Roadblock 35 jackrabbit starts 35 Impatience 35 Indecisiveness 35 Cynicism 35 Bristles 35 Defeatism 35 Fiscally Responsible 35 Swift boated 35 Alltel Wireless Rolls 35 shamnesty 35 Snafus 35 CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER SYNDICATED COLUMNIST 35 Obamacan 35 risk Slurpee brainfreeze 35 MARIA BARTIROMO 35 Comeback Bid 35 Obama 35 Backsliding 35 Nudges 35 Jobless Aid 35 Bi Partisan 35 Scuttles 35 Shelve 35 Sharply Criticizes 35 Handgun Ban 35 Trashing 35 disinvitation 35 Easily Wins 35 Can't 35 Vexes 35 Pullout 35 Finds Itself 35 Gives Exclusive Interview 35 RINOS 35 Draw Attention 35 Off Shoring 35 Gaining Momentum 35 Expresses Regret Over 35 Loosens 35 Pushback 35 Misjudging 35 Troop Withdrawal Plan 35 Trickles Down 35 Raghead 35 CAVUTO Well 35 Sends Mixed 35 Faces Tough 35 Vowed 35 Shaddick repeats 35 Slouching 35 Jay Angoff director 35 Fear mongering 35 Chastised 35 Decision Nears 35 intraparty battle 35 Cloning Ban 35 Nudging 35 Shirking 35 BELTWAY BLOGROLL 35 ASU quarterback Armanti 35 Pushing 35 Bows Out 35 O'REILLY OK 35 Puh leeze 35 Mudslinging 35 Grows Into 35 READER OPINION 35 Pantsuit 35 Concedes Defeat 35 Fret Over 35 SCOTUS nominee 35 libtard 35 Inching Closer 35 fooling yourselves 35 Leads Effort 35 Lawmaker Wants 35 coddle criminals 35 Dave Lubach column 35 TN EDITORIAL 35 Why 35 Backs Away 35 Revive Stalled 35 Exec Pay 35 Hyping 35 incrementalism 35 Gains Ground 35 Approves Minimum Wage 35 Unwarranted 35 Political Discourse 35 Nearing Deal 35 Chugging Along 35 Backtracking 35 Groups Protest 35 Handoff 35 Supreme Court Hears Arguments 35 Stokes MOTHERS Act 35 DREW SHARP 35 Faces Crucial 35 Hang Onto 35 Ducking 35 Must Evolve 35 Must Cooperate 35 Deaniac 35 BURNING QUESTION 35 Smear Campaign 34 misspeaks 34 deploy Richer Thinner 34 Needs Fixing 34 BREITBART 34 Futile 34 overpursuit 34 Rethugs 34 Seeks Tougher 34 Distances Himself 34 Blackout Probe 34 Sets Timetable 34 Nearing Decision 34 Panel Rejects 34 Gay Affair Caused 34 Misinformation Campaign 34 Wasteful spending 34 ideological blinders 34 Abysmal 34 Gives Thumbs Down 34 Move Toward 34 Bias Suit 34 Jan 34 Gains Steam 34 SCHIEFFER Well 34 Gov'ts 34 Hypocrisy thy name 34 Suckered 34 underthrown pass 34 Ban Plastic Bags 34 Muddled 34 You're 34 Tapes Reveal 34 Rob Zaleski 34 HUFFINGTON 34 Partisanship 34 Counterproductive 34 Sideline Chatter 34 FACT CHECK Obama 34 inelegant campaigner found 34 Grapples With 34 Tells Graduates 34 Tough Task 34 Could Jeopardize 34 Recede 34 Negotiators Agree 34 Stands Behind 34 Overstates 34 Could Pave Way 34 Pap smears Massah 34 Missteps 34 OUR OPINION 34 HIllary Clinton 34 Leadoff Primary 34 ARMEY 34 swift boated 34 Fixating 34 Confederate flag flap 34 Puts Focus 34 Break Deadlock 34 STAFF EDITORIAL 34 Demonize 34 Expanded Role 34 VIEWPOINTS 34 Eke Out 34 Ruling Puts 34 Fails Miserably 34 Speaks Out Against 34 Panel Backs 34 THE BRAZEN CAREERIST 34 Disingenuous 34 Bill O'reilly 34 Shrug Off 34 Legislate 34 Talks Progressing 34 Stages Comeback 34 Mr. Snerdley 34 Prove Itself 34 Justices Reject 34 Excruciatingly 34 Frustrate 34 Gaining Steam 34 Move Quickly 34 Maintains Innocence 34 Negates 34 Swift Boating 34 Bayh disillusionment 34 FBN Gerri Willis 34 Litigate 34 Greenspan Warns 34 Overrules 34 Foleygate 34 Fight Looms 34 Reinstituting 34 Deer Baiting 34 Proposes Tougher 34 Sees Possible 34 VAN SUSTEREN Well 34 Invokes 34 Issues Remain 34 Righting 34 Appear Headed 34 Spineless 34 Faces Difficult 34 antitrade 34 Visits Troops 34 Face Daunting 34 Decisively 34 Gleeful 34 Criticizing 34 Strikes Blow 34 Plastic Bag Ban 34 CALLER Yeah 34 Assuage 34 Streak Alive 34 KILMEADE 34 Raises Doubts 34 Spells Doom 34 Comeback Attempt 34 NAFTA Goolsbee 34 Undermines 34 Hear Gay Marriage 34 Build Momentum 34 cotton pickin minute 34 Ignore 34 Make Amends 34 Kick Habit 34 Continue Climb 34 Fends 34 LIASSON 34 Leaf Tony Mandarich 34 Judge Tosses Out 34 Activists Criticize 34 Belies 34 Vote Looms 34 facts Ochsenschlager 34 Strategery 34 Flip Flop 34 Moderate Dems 34 Contrite 34 DEMINT 34 Unwinnable 34 Retooled 34 flipflopped 34 Sex Offender Laws 34 UNIDENTIFIED MALE 34 Vonn straddled gate 34 Is 34 Resuscitate 34 Cloward Piven 34 Could Endanger 34 Rhetorically 34 Winnable 34 Demonization 34 Softens 34 DAVID AXELROD 34 Feeble 34 McCainiacs 34 Palinism 34 Remains Unclear 34 Disorganized 34 Assailing 34 Slows 34 PhillyDeals 34 Exhorts 33 Must Defend 33 Haley Sheheen 33 Repudiates 33 Impeding 33 Reaffirm Commitment 33 Remain Relevant 33 Looks 33 Gun Lobby 33 CARVILLE 33 Could Hinder 33 Urges Compromise 33 pork barrell 33 DAVID CALLAWAY 33 Loose lips 33 Uphill battle 33 Demonizing 33 Opening Arguments 33 Leaves Door 33 Lays Groundwork 33 With Groin Injury 33 Signaled 33 hablo espanol 33 Pressured 33 Sarahcuda 33 Uphill Climb 33 Resisted 33 Technical Glitch 33 Contends 33 Reset Button 33 HANNITY Well 33 Politicized 33 OUR VIEW 33 Appeasing 33 Unionizing 33 Valiantly 33 Lead Shrinks 33 Leaked Memo 33 Wishful thinking 33 Bad Mouthing 33 cornerback Akeem Auguste 33 Running Smoothly 33 DC# Chili Cook 33 Tardiness 33 Could Complicate 33 mau mauing 33 enviro wackos 33 Bishops Urge 33 KASICH 33 Religious Intolerance 33 Sniping 33 Flori duh 33 Emboldens 33 Knee jerk reaction 33 Scare tactics 33 Jiminy Christmas 33 Pffft 33 FreedomWorks PAC Endorses 33 ACLU Applauds 33 Keep Rates Unchanged 33 Leads Delegation 33 Betray Us ad 33 Grueling 33 Banning Gay Marriage 33 Shifts Toward 33 Manipulates 33 Pansy Bedwetter 33 Limping 33 Opts Out 33 JOE BIDEN 33 Demands Apology 33 Heeds 33 Rainout

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