Related by context. All words. (Click for frequent words.) 66 Decision CRTC 61 Decision #-# 58 Wireline Broadband 58 CRTC 57 Decision CRTC #-# 56 FCC Triennial Review 56 Tariff Order 56 Télébec 55 COGECO 55 interconnected VoIP 55 Notice #-# [002] 54 AWS spectrum auction 54 Sasktel 54 CRTC #-# [001] 54 Remand Order 53 LPIF 53 FCC Rcd 53 Higher Bandwidth Incentive 53 Allarco 53 CRTC approves 53 Videotron Ltee 53 FNPRM 53 Authorisations 53 Retransmission 53 Recapitalization Plan 53 STELA 52 Creative Vistas 52 CRTC #-# [002] 52 PRIMUS Telecommunications 52 Cancable 52 SaskTel Mobility 52 Digital Terrestrial TV 52 Broadband Speeds 52 SaskTel Max 52 Triennial Review 51 Local Number Portability 51 Mobile Termination Rates 51 Cable Modems 51 ExpressVu 51 MVPDs 51 CCAA Proceedings 51 Digital Switchover 51 repeat infringer 51 Aliant Telecom 51 Interconnection Agreement 51 DFARS 51 Apparent Liability 51 Rescan 51 Numbering Plan 51 OEB 50 NorthernTel 50 Cabovisao 50 Declaratory Ruling 50 Superfast Broadband 50 Cogeco Cable 50 Board OEB 50 Royalty Rates 50 Termination Fees 50 Legal #.# 50 SHVERA 50 UCLL 50 Bell ExpressVu 50 chairman Charles Dalfen 50 Retransmission Consent 50 Bell Sympatico 50 Disclosure Document 50 Spectrum Allocation 50 Acquisition Proposal 50 French regulator ARCEP 50 National DNCL 50 UNEs 49 Continuous Disclosure 49 DTTV 49 Tolling Agreement 49 Number Porting 49 Transition Period 49 Interconnection Regulation 49 Amtelecom 49 FAR Clause #.#-# 49 Licence Fee 49 Inukshuk Wireless Partnership 49 Base Shelf Prospectus 49 YourLink 49 Revised Proposal 49 Performance Incentive Plan 49 Langes + 49 Spectrum Auction 49 Narrowband 49 Cable Telephony 49 PrideVision TV 49 FIPPA 49 TELUS Mobility 49 DOT OST 49 Multicasting 49 Creditor Protection 49 Videotron TSX QBR.B 49 CENVAT Credit 49 Consultation Paper 49 Local Loop Unbundling 48 Digital Terrestrial Television 48 FOIA Requests 48 Informal Agreements 48 Telehop Communications 48 illico Digital TV 48 Unbundled 48 Proposed Arrangement 48 Ark. R. Civ 48 Satellite Radio Merger 48 § #-#-# b [001] 48 Early Termination 48 Student Loan Trust 48 MTS Allstream 48 Net Neutrality Rules 48 DTH Satellite 48 FCC Rcd # 48 Filing Requirements 48 Liquidated Damages 48 Scheme HiBIS 48 CHUM Astral 48 illico web 48 Must Carry 48 Quebecor Videotron 48 EchoStar DirecTV 48 ARCEP 48 Mipps 48 Clause #.#.# 48 Digital Terrestrial 48 DIP Loan 48 FibreOP 48 Compl 48 Small Webcaster Settlement 48 Directors Shareholdings 48 Subscriber Growth 48 TalkTalk Essentials 48 Intercarrier Compensation 48 CHUM Limited 48 Wireless Telegraphy 48 Grandfathered Plans 48 Broadcasters CAB 47 Softwood Lumber 47 ANDA EtherReach 47 AOL TotalTalk 47 Termination Payments 47 Partial Redemption 47 Vidéotron 47 Regulatory Framework 47 Wireless Backhaul 47 Natural Gas Rebate Program 47 Separation Undertakings 47 Airtime Sales 47 Redetermination 47 Earnout 47 Continuous Disclosure Review 47 Cable Modem 47 Centre PIAC 47 CDMA 1X WIN 47 KMTS 47 Rate Adjustment 47 RAMTelecom 47 Wireless Number Portability 47 Substantial Issuer Bid 47 DTV Delay 47 Intercreditor 47 TSX SJR.B 47 Margin Improvement 47 Cellular Operator 47 CriticalControl 47 Service Obligations TSO 47 Private Copying 47 Westpac SFIs 47 Spectrum Licenses 47 NZX Listing Rules 47 Aliant Mobility 47 Bell Fibe TV 47 bitstream access 47 Access Deficit 47 Arbitration Proceedings 47 Hurdles Loom 47 Alberta SuperNet 47 Glocalnet 47 Stock Buyback Program 47 Telecos 47 subscribers '#s 47 TVN Bell ExpressVu 47 Xantic acquisition 47 Notice #-# [001] 47 Colo. Sess 47 TRAI recommendations 47 Tenn. R. Civ 47 Interpretative Communication 47 s#A [001] 47 Shelf Prospectus 47 Nasdaq Delisting Notification 47 Leased Lines 47 ILECs 47 Amalgamation Agreement dated 47 Satellite Broadband 47 Licence Fees 47 Fixed Broadband 47 2Wire HomePortal 47 Medicure Announces 47 SES ASTRA Signs 47 Drivers Licence 47 Sympatico 47 FCC Approves 47 Fuel Adjustment Clause 47 number portability LNP 47 Métis harvesting 47 Cease Trade 46 CANALSAT 46 Enacted Budget 46 Chairman Nripendra Misra 46 46 Number Portability 46 Vidéotron Ltée 46 Broadband Rollout 46 TBayTel 46 FCC Net Neutrality 46 Interexchange 46 USB Modems 46 UARB 46 Docket Entry No. 46 Regular Monthly Distributions 46 Barry Mire 46 Distributel 46 De Minimis 46 TDD Toll 46 Income Tax Refunds 46 Retrans 46 Balance Sheet Restructuring 46 Inc. TSX SJR.NV.B 46 Final Determination 46 Internet Subscribers/# Inhabitants 46 Multimedia Broadcast 46 Telebec 46 Teleconference Call 46 Backhaul Solution 46 Revenue Procedure 46 Régie de l' 46 COGECO Inc. 46 Schibsted ASA SCH 46 Headend 46 Cogeco 46 URCA 46 Intercarrier 46 END FOOTNOTE 46 Parental Leave 46 Switchover 46 Tariff 46 RLECs 46 OUTtv 46 CCAA proceedings 46 Allarco Entertainment 46 UASL 46 MPUC 46 Broadnet AG 46 Broadband Telephony 46 Contracts Regulations 46 Revenue Generating Units 46 WebTech Wireless Announces 46 AND WHEREAS 46 Usages 46 Resp't 46 WLAN #.#b 46 Dividend Payment 46 providers BSPs 46 Capacity Additions 46 TalkBroadband 46 Shareholder Meeting Date 46 Stockholder Approval 46 Real Dialup Win 46 Telecommunication Equipment 46 CP#/# 46 Local loop unbundling 46 winbacks 46 Bezeq Fixed Line 46 CKOI FM 46 Pre Arranged Plan 46 IPTV VoD 46 Subscriber Line 46 TVCOGECO 46 Radiocommunications 46 Deposit Guarantee Scheme 46 Redundancy Payments 46 OSC Policy 46 Billing Solution 46 Unserved 46 regulator OFCOM 46 PhonepayPlus 46 iPTV 46 Quadruple Play 46 Directory Enquiry 46 ILD NLD 46 Telizon 46 Radiocommunications Act 46 Revolving Loan Facility 46 Arbitrate 46 NYPSC 46 Franchise Agreements 46 Telecomunications 46 ITU G.#.# 46 Subscriber Numbers 46 Royalty Payments 46 please visit 46 FCAFC 46 Tabrio TM 46 Newcap Radio 46 number portability WNP 46 Competitive Bidding 46 Bidding Procedures 46 Navigata 46 VoDSL 46 Companies Creditors Arrangements 46 Total Telcom 45 Stmt 45 ComCom 45 CFR #.# [005] 45 DNOs 45 Expanded Coverage 45 RYTHME FM 45 TSX ACM.A 45 substitute LOCs 45 Cybersurf 45 Minimum Tax 45 Termination Fee 45 Scrip Dividend Programme 45 Ungava Minerals 45 CFR #.# c 45 Praebius 45 Framework Agreements 45 Naked DSL 45 WLL M 45 SATCOM II 45 Consent Fee 45 Switched Ethernet 45 BNetzA 45 Holdings Casema Com 45 subparagraph B 45 Telecomms 45 CPNI 45 Indemnities 45 Headends 45 Regulatory Regime 45 Roaming Regulation 45 CMRS providers 45 Videotron cable 45 Interest Drawdown Date 45 ExpressVu satellite 45 Long Distance NLD 45 Amended Judgment 45 HiBIS 45 MEMO/#/# [002] 45 OmniGlobe Networks 45 Funds Availability NOFA 45 winback 45 Advertising Insertion 45 CTVgm 45 Bell ExpressVU 45 Ownership Rules 45 Financing Agreements 45 Reasonable Accommodation 45 Proposed Private Placement 45 IRC § § 45 Videotron ltee 45 Strengthen Balance Sheet 45 Inappropriate Conduct 45 EuroTel 45 MEDIA LIMITED 45 QCII 45 Pöyry PLC 45 UASL license 45 Datacasting 45 Offerors Commercial 45 OMNI.2 45 Ontera 45 Offerors Commercial applies 45 Platform UNE P 45 Subsection b 45 MTNL BSNL 45 Digitenne 45 Broadband Access 45 ULLS 45 Rev. Proc 45 La.Code Crim.P. art 45 MNP Interconnection 45 Termination Notice 45 Tenancies 45 retrans consent 45 Selection Criteria 45 Consultation Document 45 Disclosure Requirements 45 Student Loan Scheme 45 GlobeCast WorldTV 45 Premerger Notification 45 Shaw Cablesystems 45 IUC regime 45 SuperNet 45 UNE P 45 ADSL/ADSL2 + 45 Inc. TSX CGO 45 Rogers TSX RCI.B 45 MR Civ 45 Sponsorship Agreement 45 CAD#m [002] 45 NLD ILD 45 #.#-# Offeror Representations 45 Microcell Solutions 45 BCE Telus 45 Board AEUB 45 Workforce Reduction 45 Partial Revocation 45 Selects Enablence 45 PoI 45 TOP Ships Announces 45 Pa.RAP 45 Canalsat 45 MSc Qualified Person 45 downlinking guidelines 45 hereby notifies 45 45 FINRA Rule 45 Unbundled Local Loop 45 OfCom 45 Teligent AB 45 Financing Costs 45 Regulatory Authority FICORA 45 Iusacell Celular 45 HSPA HSPA + 45 MTS Mobility 44 Operator Assisted 44 Senior Secured Debentures 44 CFEL FM 44 Fibre Optic Broadband 44 Enforceability 44 BellSouth FastAccess DSL 44 Cellular Operators 44 Indexation 44 Nagravision conditional access 44 Forfeiture Order 44 #c/minute 44 Applauds FCC 44 WiMAX Backhaul 44 ntl Incorporated 44 Chengdu Putian Telecommunications 44 WITHDRAWAL OF CAUTIONARY ANNOUNCEMENT 44 Multiservice Access 44 Antitrust Laws 44 Original Bidder Statement 44 ITEPA 44 illico 44 Illico 44 Material Fact 44 Appendix 4C 44 Line Rental WLR 44 Indicative Proposal 44 flatrates 44 § #-#-# [002] 44 interexchange carriers 44 First Supplementary Bidder 44 StratiPHY2 + 44 BT IPStream 44 Payphones 44 Radiocommunication Act 44 Intractable Hiccups 44 Selects VocalTec 44 Concession Arrangements 44 Unsolicited Offer 44 Next Generation Messaging 44 Resale Registration Statement 44 Microcell 44 PIPEDA 44 Tuition Fee 44 HE AAC audio 44 Antidumping Duties 44 Autorite des marches financiers 44 DTV Switch 44 multicast carriage 44 Code § #A [002] 44 Tax Deferral 44 Okla. Stat 44 Noncompete 44 Subscribers '# 44 Loop Carrier BLC 44 Bonded ADSL2 + 44 PMPRB 44 Rule #:#-# b 44 Regie de l' 44 Dialup 44 PBCJ 44 wholesale bitstream 44 DTT multiplex 44 Wirefree 44 NexgenRx Announces 44 cable modem DSL 44 Panyu Cable 44 CGS.A 44 Eurotel Praha 44 Buyback Program 44 seamless interworking 44 Motorola SURFboard 44 Order Approving 44 Evidentiary Hearing 44 PSPIB 44 regulator Oftel 44 Onlinetel 44 TekSavvy 44 Bankruptcy Code § 44 COMCAST Comcast 44 2Mb s 44 Cablers 44 Xplornet 44 Enhance Shareholder 44 ITFS 44 Broadband Stimulus Funding 44 Amended Agreement 44 TSX RCI.B 44 Packet Transport 44 Amended Option Agreement 44 CenturyTel Embarq 44 NASD Rule 44 PSTN ISDN 44 Leap RevChain 44 Tilgin AB Tilgin 44 § #-#-# [005] 44 UNCITRAL Model Law 44 NASDAQ Delisting 44 P2P File Sharing 44 Income Tax Regs 44 S VOX 44 4mbps 44 44 intercarrier 44 Stock Symbol MBT 44 Broadband 44 FY# Guidance 44 NALs 44 Jolina Proposal 44 Com munications 44 Employee Volunteerism 44 NYSE Arca Listing 44 substitute LOC 44 exchange carriers LECs 44 Ongoing Connected Transactions 44 Submittals 44 Private Leased Circuits 44 GST HST 44 Tranzeo Wireless 44 IRCP 44 Closing Dates 44 ClearWave 44 Drug Benefit 44 Comreg 44 Advantech Wireless 44 Patriot Act Provisions 44 Disclosure Requirement 44 Unitholder Meeting 44 Extenway Solutions 44 Fixed Telephone 44 Passive Optical Networks 44 Waiver Agreement 44 TCNZ 44 CNW MTS Allstream 44 Eligibility Verification 44 Terminal Adapters 44 Multiservice Switches 44 operator TataSky 44 Revolving Credit Agreement 44 securityholder approval 44 ILEC CLEC 44 CAIP 44 ViRexx Announces 44 Newly Merged 44 Transfer Agreements 44 Divesture 44 uCAN Connect 44 Laws Repeal 44 Opp'n 44 HRSDC 44 Canadian MedicAlert Foundation 44 Forum formal BroadbandSuite 44 PVR Anywhere 44 Inquiry NOI 44 interexchange 44 Memorandum Opinion 44 § #.#-#.# 44 Broadband Penetration 44 Telesystem International 44 BGSS 44 Download Speeds 44 Femtocell Solution 44 Deductibility 44 DFARS #.#-# 44 Compliance Statement 44 interconnection tariffs 43 Telecom munications 43 Unimin Offer 43 Reliability Standards 43 Combination Agreement 43 Deferral 43 Underreported Income 43 Patch Cords 43 Ofcom 43 Divorce Decree 43 Obtains Interim 43 § #.#.# [001] 43 Termination Rates 43 Charitable Fundraising 43 License Agreement SPLA 43 Newmont Declares Regular 43 CAD#m [001] 43 Driver Licence 43 Preferential Allotment 43 Expanded Basic 43 Novatel Wireless U# 43 Official Languages Act 43 Subscriber 43 Frequency Allocation 43 Contingent Commissions 43 #.#-#.# GHz spectrum 43 Ethernet Routing Switch 43 iHug 43 WINNIPEG Canwest 43 Mandatory Arbitration 43 Hr'g 43 Residential Tenancies Act 43 Wyo. Stat 43 MXK platform 43 Paid Parental Leave 43 ATCO Pipelines 43 airtel digital 43 DirectWest 43 First BanCorp Announces 43 s.# [001] 43 NextMail 43 Appraised Value 43 Crack Sentences 43 Voluntary Dismissal 43 #Mpbs 43 Entanet 43 Solicitation Number 43 Cable MSO 43 Vecima 43 Compulsory Acquisition 43 ANATEL 43 VCom 43 Debt Tender Offer 43 Selects Openwave 43 Japan Cablenet 43 La.Civ.Code art 43 Resetting Instalment 43 Industry Ombudsman TIO 43 OFCOM 43 WLR3 43 Repl. 43 ADSL Asymmetric Digital 43 SEBI ICDR Regulations 43 Money Laundering Regulations 43 landline WLL 43 Proxy Proposals 43 Videotron 43 Preliminary Approval 43 Part IIIA 43 Pension Reforms 43 OEB Issues 43 BSB sA 43 Quarterly Dividends 43 sub loop unbundling 43 Termination Payment 43 Cogeco Cable TSX 43 Mandatory Retirement 43 Remedies Directive 43 Tax Surcharge 43 Cell Phone Directory 43 Broadband Routers 43 Microcell Fido 43 Openet FusionWorks 43 Packet Telephony 43 Reorganization Proposal 43 Satellite Terrestrial 43 Substantial Shareholding 43 TNTSAT 43 ASX Announcements 43 BCE BCE.TO 43 TSX MBT 43 Section #AA [002] 43 consequential amendments 43 ECI Hi FOCuS 43 TDS Telecom ILEC 43 CFR #.# d 43 Raymond Chabot 43 Demerger Scheme 43 Tru2Way 43 #.#/#G 43 MASTERseries 43 BEE Transaction 43 IDS Holders 43 Organisational Structure 43 Centrex IP 43 CableLabs PacketCable 43 DVBT 43 Multimedia Handsets 43 Valerie Dugale CUPE 43 dkt 43 Teksavvy 43 BT Datastream 43 Mbps symmetric 43 Xantic 43 Damages Claim 43 Waiver Request 43 Financing Arrangement 43 Backhaul 43 CICA Accounting Guideline 43 § #.# c 43 Proposed Regulations 43 Service Obligation USO 43 Installment Payment 43 Verb Exchange Inc. 43 BIPT 43 Canexus Announces 43 without Frontiers Directive 43 UMTS GPRS 43 Debt Settlement Agreements 43 TSN2 HD 43 IPtv 43 YAK Communications 43 TRAI 43 Derivative Action 43 Ark. Sup 43 Gamecorp 43 TUPE transfer 43 journalist Connie Chung 43 Tenancy Agreements 43 Debt Repayment 43 Expense Reimbursement 43 Telanetix AccessLine 43 OneSolutions 43 TSX RCI 43 IPTV Middleware 43 Pub. 43 JEVCO Insurance Company 43 regulator PhonepayPlus 43 § #A.# 43 Subscriber Base 43 Scrip Dividend Scheme 43 Proposed Rulemaking NOPR 43 Mandatory Conversion 43 NRS #.# [003] 43 Astral Media Radio 43 Allstream 43 Affected Creditors 43 telecoms regulator Arcep 43 Optical Multiservice Edge 43 Newcap 43 Bell Fibe 43 Pending Merger 43 Salary Increases 43 Long Term Incentive 43 EITE assistance 43 Unsolicited Proposal 43 Alaska DigiTel 43 Def. s 43 Sweetened Offer 43 Interim Cease Trade 43 Unlimited Calling 43 StarOne 43 FSCO 43 Wireless Carriers 43 CFR § #.# [004] 43 Cease Trade Orders 43 Equal Remuneration 43 EV DO Rev.A 43 Von Finckenstein 43 Verb Exchange 43 ADSL VDSL 43 Chunghwa Telecom MOD 43 Defined Benefit Pension Plan 43 Temporary Waiver 43 43 Amending Agreement 43 TDMA networks 43 FIT Feed 43 Hereinafter 43 minister Ivy Matsepe 43 Procedural Rules 43 SkyReach 43 § #.#.# [002] 43 Revolving Credit Facilities 43 Positive Feasibility Study 43 DNCL 43 Simobil 43 Warrant Expiry Date 43 CCTS 43 Mr. Dépatie 43 Cenvat Credit 43 See AlcaLu 43 Asset Swap 43 F4W ~ 43 Service Licence UASL 43 TrueContext Mobile Solutions 43 Dependable HomeTech 43 CPCN 43 TVWorks 43 ARRIS Announces 43 Joint Venture Agreement JVA 43 Mln Share Buyback 43 Unmetered 43 International Datacasting 43 Espial MediaBase 43 InStorage REIT Announces 43 telco IPTV 43 Warrant Indenture 43 EastLink 43 AldeaVision 43 Exclusivity Period 43 AltaLink LP 43 AirPair 43 Fund website 43 Multimedia Telephony 43 Unsolicited Telecommunications 43 Hitachi AMN# 43 CCI Pellet Agreements 43 Mtge PT Ctfs Series 43 Practice Direction 43 Collective Agreements 43 fs cdn 43 Solomon Telekom 43 BSKyB 43 AIRAVE 43 NeoConnect 43 #Mbps #.#g 43 capital expenditure CAPEX 43 ATVOD 43 § #-#-# [001] 43 MPEG4 AAC 43 SCR #:#.# [001] 43 Telecoms Operators 43 Ephedra Ban 43 DO Rev 42 Platinum Multicast 42 FAR #.#-# [001] 42 CDMA 1X 42 Intelligent Content Delivery 42 Videotron Ltd. 42 CNIH 42 Nexaira router 42 6DegreesIP 42 § #-#.# [004] 42 ADSL2plus 42 Mezzanine Card 42 Participation Agreements 42 Atria Networks 42 Gratuity Act 42 TeleSystems 42 Arbitration Agreements 42 enclosed herewith 42 Vigorously Defend 42 fixedline 42 IXCs 42 Electricity Tariff 42 Non Binding 42 Telecoms Package 42 Provisioning Solution 42 QESBA 42 Motorola Canopy wireless 42 Long Term HSPA Evolution 42 setoffs 42 ORS #.# [001] 42 Scheduling Order 42 Interest Rates Remain 42 Bell ExpressVu satellite 42 OmniGlobe 42 Microcell Telecommunications Inc. 42 tariffing 42 FortisOntario 42 Isabelle Dessureault 42 Issues Clarification 42 SatBroadcasting ™ 42 Dividend Date 42 Selects XO Communications 42 ARPU churn 42 FICORA 42 Data Breach Notification 42 #Mbps #Mbps [003] 42 Selects Infinera 42 CrR #.# 42 MBT.TO 42 Instalment Reinvestment Plan 42 Formal Complaint 42 Regulatory Filing 42 Resolves Dispute 42 ASDL 42 IP Enabled 42 Prompt Payment 42 UASL licenses 42 Statutory Instruments 42 Ntl 42 Fixed Wireless 42 SaskTel 42 Interoperability Certification 42 Vecima Networks 42 Postpaid ARPU 42 Videomail 42 TDSAT judgment 42 BCUC 42 INpulse 42 Statutes Amendment 42 FttH 42 AES EBU audio 42 Serving GPRS 42 Tercon 42 Transfer Agreement 42 Regulatory Approvals 42 Grantee 42 ECNS licenses 42 #.#-# b [001] 42 incumbent LECs 42 42 RBC CCO 42 Intermedia Launches 42 Final Prospectus 42 Anacom 42 Selects TANDBERG Television 42 Telstras 42 Selects Alcatel Lucent 42 Recapitalization Agreement 42 Pseudo Wire 42 Joint Stipulation 42 IEEE #.#d 42 MyCaller 42 PSTN termination 42 Consent Agreement 42 Isacsoft 42 Performers List 42 #kbit s [002] 42 Long Distance ILD 42 Eligible Participant 42 sub scribers 42 Combination Transaction 42 OCGA § #-#-# [007] 42 sectoral regulator TRAI 42 Commences Subsequent 42 NASDAQ NTLI 42 visit 42 Selects Amdocs 42 Messaging Platform 42 Interexchange Carrier 42 Disclosure Documents 42 § #a [002] 42 Arbitration Clauses 42 HSD penetration 42 Transitional Provisions 42 Defeating Conditions 42 Swiftnet 42 Refinancing Transactions 42 HomeLine 42 VendTek Systems 42 Biometric Passports 42 ILEC 42 Instaphone 42 Markman Ruling 42 Pegasus Satellite 42 42 Monthly Recurring 42 Bell Nordiq 42 CFR § #.# [003] 42 Vonage DigitalVoice 42 rates MTRs 42 Interconnectivity 42 Primus Telecommunications Canada 42 Ignition Point 42 2G GSM 42 Location Enabled 42 Cogeco Inc 42 Flow Through SIFT 42 MegaModem Mach 42 OpenReach 42 Government Ordinance SLGO 42 CAPITOL BANCORP 42 Mobifon 42 Arcep 42 #.#B [003] 42 Redemption Notice 42 local loop ULL 42 NGN IMS 42 3G/EDGE 42 Fibe TV 42 Debt Issuance 42 Obligation 42 Fuel Subsidy 42 Termination 42 Cabletel 42 ECAF 42 Currency Swap 42 Packet8 VoIP 42 H3G 42 Sanction Order 42 Dial Tone 42 MyCall 42 HDTV High Definition